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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Your not getting away that easily" Vixen thought to herself. She still was perched atop one of the far buildings, and still had line of sight to the creature. She transformed her arm, as a flash of green lightning enveloped her arm. She was holding a bullet in the palm of her hand. It charged taking the elemental lighting into itself and glowing a faint and soft green for a moment. As it stopped she she was left with a Bullet with a crackling green tip at the top. "Hopefully, this is powerful enough to cage that beast, and bring it down. But... this creature is powerful I don't know how effective this will be. The power of my lightning... to create hard-light structures never was the best. However, I must try to cage it anyway otherwise it might bring harm to other people." She loaded the bullet... and fired it over the beast. Hitting it wasn't important. The bullet would explode when she released the energy releasing a net of electrical had light. It just needed to fall onto the beast and it would automatically retract pulling it together so it couldn't move. Before it was unsafe to fire into the crowd, it might have snagged one of the other people and dragged them into the lock with the beast, which would most likely spell their doom. But now that it was in the air she had to try it. A beast of this Size and Power... it was likely to break the net. Vixen waited for the pale green light to be over the beast... that was when she would release the net and drop it... what would happen after she didn't know. ((I mean Bullets do travel fast... and not sure how well I made sure that it was known Vixen probably can't be seen by the others right now. She is that far away. Hence whatever that thing did probably didn't effect her on top of a building that far away, but I dunno it might be mad powerful lol.))
  2. Ever watch a Series and afterwards have pretty much 0 idea how to feel about it afterwards? THis is me with PMMM right now... I am just so lost on it XD ((and I don't even mean that in a bad way... I kinda find it intersting... I ahd zero clue how to interpret that really lol.))

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Felicity


      Well then next time I'll praise the shit out of the topic. Unless it really is bad.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      XD Na, you don't have to do that. DO say what is on your mind lol. I don't want you to censor yourself for anybodies sake lol. ((as I said vlaid opinion is valid I don't mind XD. I jsut get that vibe from you for whatever reason lol.))

    4. Shamitako


      PMMM is teh best animu eva. And I still don't get how people can't find it absolutely hilarious...

  3. You can actually turn off emotes as well in the more reply options so both options work if you don't want a second space in there. ((cause that bothers the heck out of me cause I can tell when there is an extra space that shouldn't be there, but that is a me thing I suppose lol.))
  4. Bom wasn't sure... it certainly wasn't magical in nature. "It is possible, though I doubt that it was used by demons specifically. many powerful ones that have affairs in the land of Mortals could probably use this technique them self or create near the same result that this gas would create." "Remember, the Demons that are smart enough to use human created devices, logic or ideas... refuse to use it. They believe it inferior to their magic and the demon ways of doing things. But... that doesn't mean they don't work with humans to get what they desire." Bom took the papers from lia and eyed the ink... wondering if there was anything to it and what exactly it was made of. Perhaps if he knew what it's components were, he could figure out if any of them had connections to the demon world. With that he jammed one of them down his hatch. Why not use the stomach he had to try and identify the substances and their breakdowns? He could ask this...Engineer, but he didn't entirely trust her machines read outs.
  5. She heard the peel of thunder... "Somebody is fighting the Beast already? I must be slower than I used to be." Vixen thought to herself. Most of her time was devoted to solo tracking and hunting of beasts. She Didn't personally believe in any of the factions however thinking them to mostly be fanatics from what she saw from the outside. Instead she hunted the beasts that now did harm to those that couldn't protect themselves are got to close to society....and that included other Magic people like her. They could just as easily be the monsters. She knew that all too well. Now was not the time to reminisce though it was time for action. She quickly started to close in on the location of the beast using the booming crack of the thunder that she had heard. She stood on the edge of her rifle's range for the battle getting to as high ground as she could to view the battle from above. She peered through the scope of her rifle, keeping her finger far away from the trigger. She first saw a large draconian beast... large... and terrifying. It let out a horrible roar one that probably would have nearly deafened her had she been as close as the others fighting it. And that was when she noticed who they were. 3 of the ones she had seen before, the ones that forced her to stay with them fro a bit. The assassin, the Wandering man... and the strange one with the lightning. They were probably the most sensical of the ones she had met. She sighed out of relief. At least she knew them... she hating having to contest a beast with a bunch of strangers in the area. Perhaps they could use some help though? This certainly didn't seem like an easy beast to tackle even with their numbers. "Perhaps, he needs to chill out a little." Vixen thought to herself as she popped her Ice bullet from before into the chamber of her rifle. "Luckily... I still have you little snowflake... perhaps you will hinder the movement of the Beast... It be a lot easier to shoot it full of lead that way." she thought as she pulled the trigger... she aimed directly for one of the beasts flanks. It was nice chunk of flesh that no creature wanted to suddenly flash freeze on them. It made walking a painful nightmare for awhile. Beasts were tough to kill... and it rarely was as easy as one shot to the head and down. The Ice made it harder for them to retaliate, and much harder to move making Vixen's job... all the easier.
  6. I mean Vixen would be doing a similar thing from long distance... be tough to do that XD>
  7. Yea, I didn't know if that was still on etc since all the stuff where I jsut got maaaaad busy and stuffs lol. Anyways, Imma probably post unless one of you folks needs to do something in that encounter before I show up. ((Imma jsut have retcon how she sound out about it later etc... so yea lol... that'll be fun...))
  8. THis is just for whenever, you guys mind if I pop into the fight with the beast? ((I was planning on doing something like that to get into a group anyhow cause it was like the one way Vixen would kinda be forced to join up with people.)) anyhow I am jsut makin sure you folks don't mind if I do before I post something and people are like "Woah, WIld Hukuna outta Nowhere."
  9. perhaps it's hiding with the S you keep misplacing in Graterras.
  10. Of course... let's leave Hukuna out of the group cause we global mods are so much better than he is. I mean he only runs two forums he is so lazy.
  11. I have no idea who you are. But I am Hukuna Sensei... probably know for being the RP forum Mod but eh... I am not that important.
  12. I don't like being called cute... I am too evil to be "cute".
  13. They wanted to use it DObbs lol. I didn't even suggest it lol.
  14. Alrighty... So, good news... I have time now lol. Bad news... I need to catch up... and then... find a Place I can pop in and not disturb what is going on toooo much lol.
  15. Nothing like your internet jsut deciding it doesn't want to work. ((bascially... if people need me for stuff... it probably isn't going to happen for a bit since my internet jsut keeps exploding on me.))

    1. Sutoratosu


      I could just disable the move "Explode" on it if needed...

      That's a lie. sorry, couldn't help it. If only it were that easy though...

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm about to use Explosion... XD

  16. It should be lol, Probably a bit buried under stuff now though lol.
  17. No, I don't. I would know if I signed anything. Also 13 is never a number I would have agreed on... it's bad luck man. Be glad it isn't the real Graterras... where the earth could just swallow you whole if it felt like it at the time lol. Bugs are the least of ones worries in the real Graterras.
  18. Maybe I have been Morgan Freeman this WHOLE TIME!!! Also... can't people hug somebody else for awhile? I don't like hugs...
  19. Ah... so skipping a week of my setlist sucked. But, I think I made up for it. Welcome to SUUUUUUPER WEEK!!! GOt 10 Songs for you guys this week. ((and they are all over the place Musically... oops?)) So, come on down to my Profile and enjoy yourself some music ((it is also my sort of celebration for my dad speedily recovering from his QUintuple Bypass Surgery as well.)) For the Week of 5/12/15

  20. Uh, only thing here... hasn't Glare had 100% Acc since like... the beginning of Gen 6?
  21. You mean the Genies or the Forces of Nature Trio? THat is what Thunderus, Tornadus and Landorus are referred to if that helps sort things out and keeps it from being Confusing. Forces of Nature Trio is their canonical name.
  22. Considering I have confused characters with the same name ((though they were in separate RPs.)) before, yea it would get suuuuper confusing. It is best to avoid multiple Characters with the same name... cause it just gets messy.
  23. Hey man, if Dux... the Mighty Slayer of Trees decides to fell you for your blasphemy... don't come crying to me.
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