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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. NO ONE MAY PLAY A FARFETCH'D BUT ME!!!! HUKUNA LORD OF FARFETCH'D THE MIGHTY LEEK DUCK SENSEI!!!!!! FOR NO OTHER IS WORTHY OF THE HONOR!!! *Coughs* hmmm... sorry about that had a itch in my throat. Anyhow... glad to see things are getting back in gear here soon. Hope it all goes with with the new systems in place etc. As I said before Tyrannt and Yash, just pm me or something when you want it unlocked if you can;t figure out how to do it on your own. I really don't mind doing it lol.
  2. I think I am going to do a double week for my next setlist on Tuesday since I missed a week... now only to find 10 songs... I am pretty sure I can do it. Pretty sure.

    1. Chevaleresse


      lemme think, i can help out here:

      Lonesome Rider - Volbeat

      The Wayfarer - Nightwish

      The Fear - Within Temptation

      Orion - Metallica

  3. Honestly I highly suggest wating a bit on CHap 2 there Tyrannt. You ans Yash ((from waht I read.)) are having quite a bit of issues with battle systems etc and if you rush in right away again you are going to not have a good time. There is already a lot of shaky territory and you should take time to pause, take a breathe and redouble your efforts. There is no sense in going on if youa ren't sure what you want to do with the battle system and experimenting in the middle of a Chapter at that level is going to get really really bad. I am telling you it will never end well. So, try to at least have a somewhat stable idea of what you want out of the battle system before preceding. A hsot that doesn't know what they want from their RP is pretty dangerous to it. As if you get frsuitrating with something in the middle of a Chapter and just get hung up on it... your players aren't going to want to stick around and wait for it to work itself out. Take this Natural Lull in the action of ending a Chapter to work out the kinks in the systems rather than inevitably create one in the middle of the action. That will lose you players rapidly, cause no one likes to have something get rolling to just have a big cut in the action and everything come to a crashing halt. I can say one thing though. Don't worry about making mistakes etc... as you said you are a newer host and you ahve to learn. That is one way people learn, making mistakes. It happens and is only natural. Hosting isn't the most easy thing to grasp within seconds, and it can be tough to Master ((and you really can't master anything fully lol. But besdies my annoying tendency for being pragmatic.)) It takes a lot of practice and know how, and sadly it isn't soemthing you can read up on etc... it needs to be experienced and learned through doing, rather than reading/Seeing. On a side note... While I don't have many guidelines on Post length... from this point forward in this RP... I will probably be cracking down on One-liners etc... if I see it. Posts should at least try to be a paragraph. I know sometimes a quick response is needed... but One Line of text is not acceptable in any means. It is a pretty throw away post and it doesn't do much for character development or the story and jsut simply hand waves etc and really detracts from characters etc... I don't want to ahve to do soemthing like that... but I noticed a heck of a lot of it in this RP thread. I understand that you are the Host Tyrannt and I am not over-stepping my bounds... but it really isn't something I want to see become a habit here in the forums. I want to keep it a good exeprince for all. So... If I see it I will bring it up in here. I won't do anything drastic right away. ((cause I don't like to enforce things in other's RPs.)) and will merely suggest it change, but I really really do want to see some improvement on that regard.
  4. Good, I just thought I would check in to be 1000% sure. I would rather not unresolved things blow up ya know?
  5. Just checking in real quick since I see there has been a bit of... a heated discussion? ((sorry, I have been busy and it is hard to keep up with all these RPs etc...since life stuff, Pokemon Se7en etc lol.)). Is everything good around here or what's up? Just gimme a lay of the land.
  6. Sadly for you... I write the story... in which uses the NPCs... and they are my puppets...cause I will be the one writing your dialogue...and I can make you say lewd/dirty things, or make fun of yourself if I want to, so #I'MSTILLINCONTROL get rekt...
  7. Yea, I'll let you know when things calm the hell down for me and I can get back into this thing.
  8. Cooooooould I get an answer there are you going to leave me hanging forever lol?
  9. Graterras is just the name being used, nothing from my RP or that World bleed into this Game. ((otherwise the Gentleman would be riding around sucking out people's souls, and the Ground would be able to eat you sometimes.)) So don't worry about knowing about it. It won't really help anyway lol. On some of the concepts, I am pretty sure it was noted, but we have something based on the Dingo in the works, otherwise can't say too much else. Snow Leopard seems interesting... mostly since I am not sure we have that Cat Pokemon line that seems to be in every game so far lol. The Emu is very very close to another Mon we have much further in development. It certainly isn't a bad idea lol, it would just overlap way to much with something we already have. ((if we didn't have that mon it might have probably been a very big consideration lol.)) Also while the gender diffs sound sweet... dang that would be a pain to get in there. ((like I know there were some issues with Meowstic in Reborn.... making a whole new mon liek that fro scratch? No thank you. Not to mention this idea would usually always be Defensive is one gender the other si the attacker. While it was a cool gimmick for Meowstic it is a gimmick I think that will wear out it's welcome if it is done too much. That is a personal thing... but mostly I don't want to mess with trying to implement it if I can help it. I prefer to not make extra work for myself. Hope you understand that sentiment lol.)) Not sure what to say on the Lizard, other than we got a lot of Dark Types already, It be super hard to squeeze him in. It is mostly to do with Dark Types just being Fast Util based mons quite often and it being easy concept to work with. Much Harder to think of decent Bulky Dark Types imo though this sounds like a psuedo one. ((since Intimidate is certainly a Defensive ability more than anything else.)) I think we have both the fossil mons, however both are those are pretty good ideas so if we don't yet might jsut pop them in. We also don't have a grazy amount of Rock Types yet so you never know.
  10. We are probably going to aim for a more Reborn like experience. Especially with Gym Leaders. I mean... I don't know why the main series games have them use Teams with less than 6 mons anyway... it makes no sense lol. It won't be an 18 gym affair, so it probably won't be nearly as long though. But the difficulty will certainly be ramped up from the main series games. ((also... is Roober missing his nose in that sprite or are my eyes playing tricks on me?))
  11. Yea... super glad I bowed out of this... way to much work involved I would go f'ing insane lol. Back to doing Pokemon Se7en stuff I guess. Have fun though folks lol.
  12. Oh and sorry guys lol. There will be no new setlist this week. I am a bit busy with Pokemon Se7en so I jsut don't have the time to get to it lol.

    1. Arkhi



      I guess I liked Open Window anyway.

  13. Just on all the why doesn't water hurt Fire/Ground/Rock pokemon all the time thing. They are creatures you know? If they couldn't drink normal water they would die XD. Anywho... If you analyze any game too much they easily become this. Especially around things meant to keep you out of later areas of the game. ((like Strength Puzzle Rocks, Rock Smash rocks etc...)) But something I find annoying personally... Why the hell is Dodrio Flying Type? I get it is a Bird... but how the hell does it fly? Does it just run so fast it can take off? Why does it need to be Flying type? It could have been like... Normal/Ground representing that it is a Flightless Bird or something... But I guess this:
  14. There won't be new types.... no thanks I don't feel like coding that. ((not to mention the types that are already canon cover pretty much everything that needs to be... anymore it would just begin to feel super crowded.)). I kinda don't believe in getting that crazy different from the Main Series games. Like some new abilities, a few new moves maybe... but a whole new type? Na, that is a bit too crazy imo. ((not to mention what would it even be? What would it resist? Would it throw off the entire semi-balance that already exists? What moves would change to this type? What new moves for this type would exist?)) like all the questions have to be answered before putting it in even begins... and I don't know about you... but that isn't something I would feel like having to work through before getting into just making the game. As to how the episodes will go... not sure how exactly they will be planned yet, since we haven't gotten quite that far in the working process as of now lol.
  15. Nope... Megas really aren't a priority. Besides it would feel weird to introduce a bunch of new mons... and give them Mega's on top of them being new. SO it is probably jsut going to be avoided.
  16. I'm sorry Strat but I kinda got Pokemon Se7en sprung on me without knowing it would quite evolve in the way it has so sorry lol. To be fair you said you were interested in this project before me so I am not technically bailing on you. ((Master of finding loopholes I am.))
  17. Eh possibly, I just don't want to have to receive special treatment. Perhaps I will jsut have her start out on her own and jsut end up colliding into one of the other groups. It was probalby what was going to happen anyway but eh I dunno lol. Do you mind if I jsut come back in next chapter? I dunno... I just got a lot of stuff going on right now so not suer I can keep this up at the moment I dunno.
  18. If I start getting messaged about hugs so help me....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria
    3. Felicity


      Best way to get summit, get a post discussing it, whether you want it or no

    4. Shing


      Lol, but kosher want to just stabs you tho.

  19. Not as catchy though. I can;t yell at people to #FOP7D their laundry now can I?
  20. Lifoam... MASTER OF #FOLD!!! Clean your room America...((and the rest of the world.)), or he'll clean it for you... with waaaay to much water.
  21. ((Disclaimer, Hukuna never consented to giving out any free hugs. This is some weird ploy by Tomas to get more people to be on board for the project for some reason but Hukuna no likey being touched. If you draw back any bloody stumps etc... from trying to touch the Mighty Hukuna without his permission... you have been warned.... please carry on with your business.))
  22. Is it possible to murder a program? Cause I am about to try....freaking Skype...

    1. Sutoratosu


      No. I already tried killing Norton.

    2. Pocky


      It's not that I'm trapped in here with you, but you're trapped in here with me! -Skype

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