Graterras is just the name being used, nothing from my RP or that World bleed into this Game. ((otherwise the Gentleman would be riding around sucking out people's souls, and the Ground would be able to eat you sometimes.))
So don't worry about knowing about it. It won't really help anyway lol.
On some of the concepts, I am pretty sure it was noted, but we have something based on the Dingo in the works, otherwise can't say too much else.
Snow Leopard seems interesting... mostly since I am not sure we have that Cat Pokemon line that seems to be in every game so far lol.
The Emu is very very close to another Mon we have much further in development. It certainly isn't a bad idea lol, it would just overlap way to much with something we already have. ((if we didn't have that mon it might have probably been a very big consideration lol.)) Also while the gender diffs sound sweet... dang that would be a pain to get in there. ((like I know there were some issues with Meowstic in Reborn.... making a whole new mon liek that fro scratch? No thank you. Not to mention this idea would usually always be Defensive is one gender the other si the attacker. While it was a cool gimmick for Meowstic it is a gimmick I think that will wear out it's welcome if it is done too much. That is a personal thing... but mostly I don't want to mess with trying to implement it if I can help it. I prefer to not make extra work for myself. Hope you understand that sentiment lol.))
Not sure what to say on the Lizard, other than we got a lot of Dark Types already, It be super hard to squeeze him in. It is mostly to do with Dark Types just being Fast Util based mons quite often and it being easy concept to work with. Much Harder to think of decent Bulky Dark Types imo though this sounds like a psuedo one. ((since Intimidate is certainly a Defensive ability more than anything else.))
I think we have both the fossil mons, however both are those are pretty good ideas so if we don't yet might jsut pop them in. We also don't have a grazy amount of Rock Types yet so you never know.