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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Bom only had one thing on his mind after that exchange. One thing and one thing alone, and he spoke that aloud. "What is a prank...? Is this some human concept? If so, what is its purpose... and why does it annoy you so?" he asked rather politely. He actually really wanted an answer. Human ideas and concepts rarely made sense to him. So, in an effort to understand the weird hairless, scaleless, and otherwise mundane beasts, he always asked about something he didn't understand. He probably had asked the group countless times already about things he didn't know. His curiosity always got the better of him. Lia would note the genuine confusion in his voice, as if she said something in a foreign language, or at least Bom would hope she did. That was when Bom noticed the blue stains on the papers Lia was collecting. He didn't want to grab at them yet, cause he wanted his question answered, but he figured he could possibly have a inkling of what it was. Sadly, due to the overwhelming stench of lesser demon... he would need to put it to close to his nose to smell anything. And even then it was a crapshoot. He might end up having to eat it... Bom's least favourite way of identifying objects. However, it was a useful method of information gathering, available to him as a demon. Unless he ingested something dangerous to demons he had no risk of dying for good. A lot of things would certainly be unpleasant to have to pass later. He had a wonderful memory of tastes though and could tell substances by their flavour. He once ate an entire vat of mercury in an attempt to retrieve something of importance... let's say his bowels weren't happy with him for the next two weeks. ((I am retconning it that Demons can ingest other things even though they subsist on Souls. Greater Demons have this so that they can blend into society better. Though it doesn't actually do much in the long run.))
  2. I am going to say right now, you guys do know he is one. He would have said it cause he doesn't hide that information. Whether you believe him or not....that is up to you.
  3. I think I missed that first time around... cuase tired etc... so sorry lol. I guess I just thought better to check then let it lside and there be confusion later if it was a thing then. But eh.... had nothing to worry about anyway lol.
  4. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Things don't go well for those that attack me. Not that I would try to do something in retaliation... it would automatically happen." Bom said to Lia rather coldly. What Lia didn't know... was demons weren't like humans. Especially not Higher demons. They rarely could be killed by ordinary conventional means. Bullets weren't effective nor was much else. Though they could certainly kill lesser demons eventually, Higher demons would be able to shrug it off. And the defense he mentioned? He was being truthful, it wasn't something he could control. While in the shadows... harming Bom would cause those around Lia... to attack her. She didn't know she was standing with a semi-sentient being at the moment. The shadows melded to Bom still were like normal ones in every other way... but one. They could solidify at will, their own will. They automatically did it as well, slashing and cutting at those tried to harm the one they were melded to. They did it by instinct as well so Bom wouldn't be able to stop it from causing horrible damage if not outright killing the woman. "Not sure what you would shoot me for either. Not like I would have a reason to attack you at a crime scene... or anywhere really." he said musing to himself more. Clearly... he didn't understand what he did wrong. He was pretty oblivious to fear seeing as a higher demon as himself rarely had to feel it. He had followed her to a degree ((close enough that she would still be in earshot.)) as he walked around just seeing if he missed anything he needed to give a once-over with his now much more powerful demonwolf schnoz.
  5. okay... i recall you saying something about an outline which is why I asked lol. It was just for clarity purpose lol.
  6. question Yash... did Lia see Bom? Cause unless she shone a light directly on him he melds with shadows and when in them can't be seen unless he makes himself visible in them.
  7. Maybe I just want to watch the world burn. Shhh, don't question Hukuna Targaryen, Father of Dragons.
  8. Bom noticed Lia coming towards him while in the shadows, luckily she couldn't see him... at least so Bom hoped, he wasn't sure. Lia was a strange one to Bom. She was fiesty all the time, bombastic and rude... basically the situation that unfolded before him where she blew ask in the owner's face etc... was enitrely on point for her. Bom found it interesting...He wondered why she was this way. Sadly... being an intelligent demon Bom had no desire to force his way into her mind... too brutish. Well that and people typically weren't fond of the pain and forced entry. Besides, it was more fun to play "human" and try to figure them out from that level. It was something he learned and picked up on pretty quickly. He could act a wide-range of emotions and actually feel others. That was rare for even intelligent demons. They didn't usually have emotions quite like humans. They mostly had broken warped ones or those that were pure unbridled hate or rage towards mortals. Bom was slightly different, as he understood empathy... even if it was hard for him to act on it. Either way... he wandered what Lia would find that he had not at this point. While he was looking for magic and soul residue, his wolf senses most likely would have pointed out other notable things, or he might have seen them. "Keep and eye out for any paper records or documentation. It might help get names and help us get the identities of some of the workers. Anything at all will do." Bom said under his breathe basically sneaking up on Lia as she moved away from the Owner. One emotion Bom didn't understand was fear, so to him... he wasn't aware what he was doing could scare the the ever living hell out of Lia. ((He knows about it if he shows his true form from past experience.)). He tried to make sure not to get near her to much though, because she would feel fur if she brushed up against him even while he was shadow-dwelling. Shadow-dwelling only masked his form, it did not make him incorporeal.
  9. Ame, Dan, Ikaru, Jericho... They are all just spokes on a wheel. This one is on top. Then that one's on top. And on and on it spins; Crushing those on the ground. I am not going to stop the wheel.... I am going to break the wheel. *whistles.*
  10. Lightning, crack the sky. For I need your power, your strength. Tonight I grapple with the darkness, so hine your brilliant light. The flash even for second weakens it resolve. A few surges of power, a few bolts of pure emotion at the right time... it is all it takes to break the darkness around you.

  11. Might want to send one to me too or just include me in that PM, Since I imagine Vixen would be drawn to it too. Though she wouldn't immediately be involved. Since she would probably leave on her own and then run into you guys again.
  12. "Hmmm, no trace... moved to be killed elsewhere? No... too much work, no demon would go to such lengths if their goal was to feed." Bom thought to himself. He kept sniffing around to see if there was any clues among the lower demon scent... as always it was pungent... and gross... lesser demons... a lot like what humans called rats. Just pathetic vermin really. They sustained off the souls of small animals and other things they hunted. They were base, animalistic and disgusting. Not to mention they were stupid and driven almost entirely by instinct or some pre-programmed desire. They were jokes compared to the Bom... and yet they were still pretty dangerous to unprepared humans. However that was the reason they rarely attacked, in groups humans had a great advantage as they could work together to defeat the beasts. The only thing the good for nothings were doing now was hiding the scents of magic and genuinely being a hassle. Whatever mystical source did this... the Lesser Demons were unwittingly covering it up. It was beyond frustrating for Bom. Next time he saw one of thsoe stupid things he needed to remember to kill it slowly and painfully... "Back to what I do have..." he begin to regain his train of thought. "The souls... are not here and there is no trace residue or leftover essence of them. therefore the were not killed here at the very least. Knowing what I know of my ilk... when hungry enough to prey on intelligent life for food... they typically aren't going to wait around and kidnap them first. So... they must need them for something. Clearly a group of coordinated ones or one very powerful demon to move all of these people in this manner." Bom waited to reveal his findings. It would not be wise to pop out now as he was stuck in this form for a little while longer, and there were humans present. Once again... horrifying hellbeasts weren't really all the rage at parties, well... except for one time at a convention... were people were convinced he was a cosplayer, but that wasn't the current situation. ((and a story... for a later time XD.))
  13. ah... so good lol. The reason I love DnB so much... it can just be so pretty and melancholic and yet... so uplifting at the same time. This is, such a pretty song I am just loving it lol.
    1. Notus


      *whistles* Nice pick.

    2. Etesian


      Wow, good stuff. Thanks for posting a link!

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It is probably going in my playlist next week. I can probably 100% guarantee that.

  14. "Just because I am... "special" doesn't mean I am friends will all "special people" you know?" Bom said jokingly. Lia and the others couldn't see him, but he would have made the most sarcastic movements ever known to man. ((and "Special People")). "Besides, it wouldn't be as fun if I had to do all the work... nice to see you folks squirm a bit first." he hissed in a strangely delighted way. "I suppose I shoooould help though, I will be back, I have... things to investigate." Bom stayed within the shadows... if he left now the owner would probably die of fright. Hell, the rest of the UNbOUND probably would too. Though they knew he wasn't exactly human he never let on to the fact he didn't truly hold a human form. Actually no demon truly did. They were merely disguises to hide in the world of men and observe... or to find food. Bom was here for the prior. However, most people upon seeing a demonic hellbeast didn't really care what it was there for. This forced him into taking a human shape most of the time. He loathed it a little, in fact because of that every time he took that appearance he always changed it in some weird way, typically doing things that were unsettling, but not so much that it blew his cover. It was his weird way to rebel against something he was forced to do. But now... now he was in a different form, not a human one. Something more true to his character. The others could not yet see it, but they would see a pretty strange figure if he did step from the shadows. A giant black creature with the skull of a wolf overtop it's own muzzle. He stood on two legs still like a human but was much bigger. This form, would be useful for smelling foul magics, traces of other demons, and scents humans couldn't detect normally. He begin to search the shadowed areas for clues, making sure to not reveal himself to any of the others... lest him scare them half to death.
  15. It is pretty much most of us waiting to move onward at this point lol.
  16. I would say it is damn accurate for sure lol. I am not one of those that really likes faceclaiming personally ((just cause my head canon is always a bit different lol.)) but anyways I would say that one is certainly spot on for the character. ((I am not going to bother looking for one for Bom... because... to me Bom doesn't have just one look... what that means... I am not saying now, you shall see. You shall see in time.))
  17. "Hehehehe..." Bom laughed at the sight in front of him. He was currently hiding within the shadows, staying unseen. He preferred to not be seen by humans if he didn't have to be. Silly creatures humans were. Silly and driven by emotion, or driven by a lack of them. He liked watching them...studying them... it was interesting to see what drove each one and how each one reacted to situations. It was like a kind of game to him, seeing how different people were, and yet how the same they were too. Infinitely entertaining for one such as he. "You folks should probably consider... less than conventional means. I don't know why you think every crime is so... how should I say? Mundane." Bom said, mostly to himself in musing, but he didn't make an effort not to be heard.
  18. I hate ideals and everything to do with Idealism. And yet, I find that I am an Idealist. It is a strange thing to realize, that you loathe the very being you are in part. But, it is hard to help that in such a case. I hate the very notion of it, the very thought of what an ideal is. A standard held so far above someone's head, that it can never be realistically obtained. They are what society holds us to; The blunt instruments they use to beat us into submission and curb the ways we act. They corral us, and force us to be the way society wishes us to be. They are broken goals, dreams, fantasies, the things we wish we could be, but cannot. They restrict, break and ruin people. But, I cannot hate them entirely. For they do bring good with them as well. For every side there is another. If we flip the coin, on the other side lies hope and beauty. Ideals... they give us something to strive for, to live for. They are something we can chase in an effort to better our self. And, no matter how endless that chase we must do it any way. Because how can one know something is hopeless if they never dare to try? If they never dare to strive towards the horizon, they can never know that it cannot be reached. If you don't try you will never truly know, and that is why you must try anyway. When you realize, you become one of the damned like me I suppose. How clearly I can see the beauty in it, and yet the evil that preys on the blind and the daft. Those that allow themselves to be lead without looking at their path without understanding it. And yet those that do understand, are damned to realize just how horrible the path that lies before them is. How black and twisted it is. How to move forward, we must drive ourselves towards a goal we can never reach, a Horizon we will always see, but never touch. It will forever be out of our grasps. But we cannot go back, nor can we sit still and not move. If we did that, how would we know if we didn't just give up to early, that because we gave up... that it was our lack of will and fortitude that caused us to lose the grasp of the horizon? Would it have been our fault that it slipped through our fingers? And that is why we must press on towards the hopeless horizon, for if we stop we never know we couldn't reach it. Besides, there is another silver lining in all of this. What if we prove our self wrong? What if we do touch the horizon? Well, I wouldn't mind losing then if I could achieve that. And if we are right about it? Right that we cannot touch the horizon? Well, then we were correct all along. We were right in the end and we called that it couldn't done. And that means whether we are wrong or right, we win. We win both ways. Why play the game when you can lose? If you have the option to always win... why not seize the moment, and take that opportunity? That is how one forges their own destiny. Seizing those opportunities in the palm of their hand. It is a pain to be that which you hate... the thing you loathe most. It could very easily tear you apart at the seams. But, it is a necessary evil to rig the game, to put all the chips on your side, and in your favour. It is a path not everyone can walk, but I choose to because it is the only path I know, the only path that makes sense. I contradict myself, so that I can forge forward. Every action, to prove myself wrong to see just how right I am. And If I am right, I win. And if I am wrong, I find something so beautiful truly does exist. And guess what... that means I still win. I will win... because I cannot lose. You can only lose if you see everything as win or lose. There is never two states of opposition. There are infinite possibilities. One only need open their eyes, and look for them. I live on the razor's edge, the path that lies within the middle. I could fall off either side into despair; I could lose who I am. And yet, I still walk. I put one foot in front of the other and I tread onward. Because, I am not afraid to chase the horizon and I am not afraid to be who I am. I am not afraid to go against the very fiber of my being. I dare to dare, and I chase that which I cannot catch... because if it wasn't a struggle, it wouldn't be worth chasing.
  19. Apparently you stabbing me all the time is enough grounds for a ship... Don't ask me lol.
  20. Huh... I wonder how Yanmega would be with Quiver Dance. ((cause you could easily run Tinted Lens over Speed Boost then...))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, not that it would be a thing. ((as Quiver Dance is known as Butterfly Dance in Japanese, so something based on a Dragonfly would ever get it, but still food for thought I guess lol.))

    3. BreezyPonie


      Well, Scraggy, Lapras, Totodile and Tropius(?!) get Dragon Dance through breeding, so it's not impossible...

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Keep in mind, due to Dragons being mythilogcial beings what is a dragon is more or less open to interpretation lol. Hell... Mega Amp is a Dragon type and it is based on a bloody sheep XD. ((not to mention just how much dragons varied in myth. Some were basically jsut Dinosuars like Trop and Feralagatr[to an extent]))

  21. Fan Writings are exactly that lol, fan writings. Most people understand they aren't canon etc... and are just an exercise of rather liking something and wanting to write something about it etc. Permission isn't really needed in most circumstances. But as the others are saying Reborn is muuuuch further along at this point. It has a lot more content etc to draw from than Rejuvenation. Fan writing should usually stay more or less true to the main material,and not really... make stuff up on the spot or outright change things too much. ((like if something works a specific way in that universe, changing how it works is kinda a big no-no unless you have a very very good reason for it.)) In short, Reborn just has more to write about for now. You would burn out on Rejuvenation so quickly and just wouldn't have much to do. Therefore, for now Reborn is the better option. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the CW forums and I look forward to seeing your topic if you do put it up. ((even if I don't get around to reading it. Sorry, but I can be a busy man sometimes as I got this forum and Roleplaying to be running and my own life stuffs.)). Hukuna Sensei... out~
  22. I don't blame you Kuro... not even in a million years would I want anything to do with Dobby.
  23. I have put up my setlist for 4/21/15 ((or 21/4/15 for folks outside of the States.)). ANd this is a pretty special week I guess XD. I decided to put my most favourite songs, the ones that just kinda click with me as a person. And as such... it is a strange and weird mix for sure but still I hope it isn't too all over the palce for you guys. I hope that you all drop by my profile and give it a listen as these are some of the songs.... that I just love XD. It be nice to share them with some...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      of you guys lol. ((by the way, I tried to put them in some cohesive order... so it wasn't to weird listing to them all in a row. But, as I like a wide range of genres and music... it is going to jump around a lot and feel very hodge podgey lol. Hope that doesn't put too many off lol.))

    2. Arkhi



      Listening now!

    3. Vinny


      You got "Feint - Signs" in your playlist...

      I like you.

  24. I am just going to wait until you have all this blocked out etc... cause I don't really follow at the moment lol.
  25. Not sure how that one only came about now...
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