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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Even then it is a serious consideration. Cause not having an item can be a pretty serious disadvantage. Acro is powerful with no drawbacks ((other than not being able to have an item, or using one that activates somehow.)) yes... but I still hardly find it worth it sometimes. The only thing without a doubt I can say it is certianly worth it on is Archeops, because the mon isn't bulky enough to make use of Lefties, and doesn't want to be losing health from Life Orb due to its horrid ability. It also doesn't get access to Brave Bird ((not that it would use it since it causes recoil which would make the time over half health even shorter for the guy.)) so it doesn't really have any item to synergize with it, so it makes sense to run acro with no item. Other Mons are much harder to make that call on I feel. Also... I have seen a Special Attacking CM Mega-Cham before... it was weird... very weird...
  2. Yes, that was a suggestion I gave to Notus, that way the player's could stylize them in a way they felt comfortable with, and to at least have some control over the character they received. It was something I did with the original Reroll I set up that way players at least had some way to express themselves even when being given a pre-made character. ((Pre-mades are actually things I don't like in pen and paper RPGs, but in a forum setting the biggest essence of a character is who they are and what they are like, therefore if that part is left out that character more or less is still not a character until the player gives them that. Until then they are just a springboard for them to get started, clues into what that character might be like.))
  3. "No thanks, I'd rather shoot myself..." Vixen grumbled as she walked off. She didn't really want to be around the group anymore, she had enough of people for the day... and probably for the year if she could help it. She lifted up one of the mattresses under her arm and went in search of a quiet place all of her own. She wasn't particularly interested in eating anything in this place, she had her own rations in her pack. Best to not rely on another when you are already self-sufficient.
  4. "I will assume you found that answer in you thoughts, but it can be anything. The emotions attached to image of a person or object could be enough to fuel it, they need only set the spark." Vixen said to Krys. "While you might not be strong enough now... your power should grow and it should strengthen you in time. now that you have found the way to cause it, you need know no more. You must only refine that power, the raw emotion. It shall come with time, fret not." Vixen knew this well for herself, though she doubted she was the strongest one here. Her training was mostly on her own... and it was dreadfully slow as a result. However, she had been training so long she was probably much more powerful than she thought. Was it eight or nine years... that she was this way? She couldn't even remember, but the long time was enough to train to decently high power. She would probably be immensely powerful if she was picked up by a faction at this point. But, things didn't turn out that way and never would have. She wanted to be by herself... she wanted to be alone, there was less pain that way.
  5. Question. How rare are Shards? ((if you have said... oops.)). Like super bloody rare? They do form at the places of super dense emotion etc...if I remember correctly, but anymore details on that? ((Like... I imagine they don't pop up in cities all too often as then a lot more normal people would come into contact with them either making more Magic People... or more fried corpses on the side of the road which would result in mysterious unexplained deaths. So... I am guessing while they do tend to crop around these they tend to be more towards the fringes of civilization etc...))
  6. There is no feeling worse than that of feeling alone in this world. Like you are lost and have no place to go, no place to look for. But, there is no better feeling than that of Belonging, finding the place one is meant to be in that time. Sometimes the place one is meant to be shifts and changes, but there is always somewhere to go and some path to follow in this giant journey. Though we may lose our ways and become lost... there are those that will seek us out and try to find us. You need o...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      Dangit Huk, I just bot done crying... I'd stab you if I had the will >:c

    3. HakuTaku
    4. FallenSaint


      Ah, your words cry to the song of my soul. Such poetry. Brava!

  7. Hmmm... and I get the one type of character I like never play XD. ((P.S. do you mean literal demon? If so... damn you have given me powers you should not have XD.))
  8. Lightning, galvanized Spirit. It drives the blade, and the soul of this Knight.

  9. ((to be fair... people refer to it as a limb too Murdoc...You can never really escape it.))
  10. V ((that is a down arrow... not a v psssh...)) #He'sBackBoys.

    1. Shamitako


      Everything is secretly a V

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie
    3. Kyuuna


      . : But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace soubriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and vi...

  11. Seeing as I already know the gist I am game lol. Not sure how you will be picking who is who but I am not overly concerned with that now since i wouldn't mind playing really any of the characters lol. ((I am going to be brutally honest here Strat... maybe lol. This is actually probably going to be the big test for it. However, I will let Notus explain further if he wants lol.))
  12. I might as well pop y and say hello after helping you out with that little problem. I haven't actually done one of these in forever... but yea heyo I am Hukuna Sensei.~ I am the RP and CW sub-forums Mod around here, feel free to drop on by even if just to read along lol. Please enjoy your stay here at Reborn, I hope the place treats ya well. Anyhow, Hukuna Sensei...out! Toodles.~
  13. I mean... I personally don't use them often. However Vixen would look pretty much like my avvie right now... ((cause she is based on that character so yea...Lal Mirch from Hitman Reborn for those that do not know.)) p.s. good images of Lal are kinda hard to find, so... I will try I guess? But Hitman Reborn is pretty well known for weirdly... having very little Fan art... and I personally don't like screen capping stuff from actual episodes. And not saying that you can't... but I personally wouldn't pick the Dark Moor/Nightwish stuff for the theme... because those are what I used for Graterras XD. So, I personally associate it with Graterras, but that is... a me thing. ((in fact Silver Lake was one I actually used for a Chapter [because it actually had somewhat to do with the Chapter.] we just didn't get to it lol.))
  14. You could try some of the old Infinity Engine games, Balder's Gate and Planescape Torment etc... ((A.K.A the games that put Bioware on the map as a company in the first place.))They are still widely considered some of the best cRPGs created and among that some of the best RPGs out of all RPGs. Thing is... you expressed not liking Pillars of Eternity. Which does make me hesitate to recommend them. Pillars tried to emulate these games in both combat, and in the Roleplaying aspect of characters etc... so it takes a lot of notes from them. However, as the issues you expressed are with the World Lore etc of Pillars, I recommend these games because they are steeped in Lore from Established Franchises and Dungeons and Dragons. Balder's Gate for example is set within the Forgotten Realms setting a campaign setting for DnD that became so popular... it almost supersede DnD itself lol. WARNING: These games are old at this point... so they might be a bit rough to look at lol. However, they are very much worth it lol. THe combat etc from Pillars is largely similar. Also, while it might not be an Infinity Engine Game, alos check out NeverWinter Knights, it is much in the same vein as them. ((as a sidenote, there have been updated versions of the Balder's Gate games... I forgot about that... but if you are having trouble finding them they are pretty easy to find on GoG or Good Old Games. It is Steam-esque service in that it provides a place to find games and gives heavy discounts on them. However, unlike Steam there is nothing that you are required to download and there is no DRM. They also spend a lot of time reworking classic games. [like Planescape Torment etc...] to Properly work on newer machines and operating systems. So, it is a good site to look at now and again lol.)) I can note... the reason the Shadowrun game was weird at first... is cause Shadowrun is needlessly complicated in it's rule set. ((it is an adaption of a TRPG, like the Infinity engines games are adaption of Dungeons and Dragons. However Shadowrun... is pretty noob unfriendly, and always has been lol.)) Divinity: Original Sin would be a pretty good pick-up if you got someone to come along with you. It is an old style cRPG that you can play with another and there as systems that your characters can agree or disagree on etc, and it affects the interactions with the world. ((Like they can each comment on things NPCs say or in conversations. Your character can actually grow to dislike each other due to the choices both players make... or even fall in love eventually I believe lol.)) You probably know aobut a bunch of these lol, but Imma throw them out there anyway, hope you find something you like XD.
  15. Ah allergies... oh how you make me wish I could pry out my eyeballs and tear ducts etc... Cept, be a lot harder to do things ((especially reading and writing... which are sorta important to me XD.))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      friendly reminder that pollen is essentially tree semen

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh trust me... I know... ((and flowers, grass etc as well... which I am allergic to all of lol.))

    4. FraRPetO


      It's a tough life being allergic to something that is nearly everywhere.

  16. "You're not going to get transforming right away..." Vixen said to Krys, it wasn't nearly as cold this time. It was rather... emotionless still, but not cold. That was step up for Vixen at the very least. "I couldn't do it for at least 2 years after I got my powers. To be frank... I didn't want to believe I had them at first, and had no guidance so I am sure it too me longer than your average person." She looked down as she said this, not really making eye contact. It wasn't out of shame, or guilt. Vixen just rarely looked people in the eyes, or tried not to all the time. You could gauge a lot about people from their eyes, veritable windows into the soul. But, Vixen only dared look once. If you did it too much... the people became that much more real. It was hard to not treat them as people then, not get attached. "It helps to visualize something, to make the emotion you feel into a construct in your mind. Like, Ice." as she said this she transformed her entire left arm into Ice like she had before. It shimmered a pale blue. She then let go of the magic and her arm returned to normal. "Or perhaps Lightning." she did it again, this time her arm crackling with green electricity. "Or possibly Mist." Now it shone a bright Indigo. But then she released the magic once more. "Your powers will manifest as something different, but that is where to start looking. Concepts that describe and polarize the emotion within... to be harnessed and honed. Once you find that... Transforming will be easy to cause. You would still need to train to efficiently use that energy, but causing the transformation would be second nature."
  17. The only problem with this particular topic for me is... I don;t want to spoil any game ever lol. Spoiling a game fro someone, kinda ruins the experience or, possibly... can dampen it in a way that is not good. As a result, I don;t like to spoil anything, especially not Story Driven RPGs ((Half of playing is seeing the story... spoiling it is just not cool.)) I will use some games as specific points. Dark Souls, and other Souls games. Hard games... ((I say that with utter contempt by the way... the Souls games are not actually hard games, they are games with steep penalties for messing up yes, but that does not make them hard.)) to a point part of the fun is figuring out the challenges they lay before you, and learning what the game is trying to tell you. Learning to fight certain enemies, finding out enemy placement in the current section you are on, what those enemies aggro range is etc, is all part of the layers. Learning all of this and how to go with an area without a scratch is part of the game, and part of its draw. Telling someone exactly what to do, or how to do it really ruins the experience. You rob them of learning themselves, or that feeling of when they finally beat that area or boss they stuck on. Not much compares to that feeling, of finally figuring out to to beat that boss after 15 attempts and laughing as he lay a newly minted corpse on the ground as you steal his soul from his cold lifeless husk. ((huh... that got a bit dark...)). Now, I do understand some things could get frustrating to the point where somebody isn't having fun anymore. That would probably be the only time I personally would give them any hints. As Above, Plots. More specifically games that rely on their plots. If a game has a significant chuck of its content in its storyline I do not want to spoil annnnnny of it, even somewhat more minor details. While I do believe some moments hold up even if a player knows prior... it still makes them more flat when they do get to that point themselves. What good is the big bad reveal if they already knew it? ((Answer is... not nearly as effective.)). I personally don't like revealing side info either, as I believe people that would want to find already did, or that if they want to know one should find it them self. Looking for that is the reward in and of itself. I know people technically would say that isn;t true with how easy it is to get info on the internet these days etc, but I still believe it is very much not something that should be lol. If you want some specific examples I suppose I could list a few with some small examples. Dragon Age: Origins: A stellar RPG that some say was the Spiritual Successor to The old Balder's Gate games and to things like Neverwinter Knights. It is a game I feel starts off a bit slow, but once it gets rolling... man does it not stop. While there is a few spotty bits here and there... it matters little when you finally get to the end of your journey, where everything just comes together in one final crash. The Banner Saga: Probably not a game many people have played. But it is a interesting Viking Epic inspired Tactical RPG ((much like Fire Emblem)), mixed with a bit of an Oregon Trail like traveling system. The story however, is what drives the game as you watch the Journey of 2 different Parties. ((who at some point converge.)) There are some choices t be made along the way, that might not affect the overall outcome much, but they really do affect your journey to get there.It is a game about the Journey, and that Journey is good enough to relive a few times. Any Souls game ((Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne yadda yadda.)): I already explained up above, but I certainly would not spoil these games. I had a genuinely good time learning the game, and becoming wise to its tricks. That feeling of learning how to outsmart the game.. feels so good. And it feels equally as good when it swats you down yet again, and you need to reevaluate your approach, Not to mention how much things liek your gear change the play experience. It is certainly a game one should experience themselves blind once, jsut to get that satisfaction of learning it lol. Shadow of the Colossus: I won't even go into why I believe this one... I feel even that... spoils too much. This game needs to be played to be truly experienced, My Lips... are sealed. Final Fantasy 10: Hey, I am a weirdo that actually likes this Final Fantasy, and is crazy enough to say it is his favourite one. But yea, will I don;t think this game has aged well in some respects. ((My lord is the voice acting bad sometimes...that laughing scene...why... WHY?.... WHY!!?!?!!??!!?!?)), and while i am not too fond of the ending, I loved playing through it, the story to me... is great. Final Fantasy 6 ((or 3 for those Old School Guys.)): ANother FF game... weird huh? I guess I jsut like them... and yea... they are bloomin' old at this point... but whatever XD. This one is much for the same reasons as above. The Journey is just so enjoyable to go through. And each character ((there are 14 I believe.)) other than the 2 Seeeecret ones feel so fleshed out and great. This is a soft spoiler, but this is one of those games... that nearly tricks you, it makes you think you have come up to the final encounter... only to find you have another whole half of the game left. Even though I had an inkling of what was to come ((I didn't know the exact twist, but I knew something was going to happen.))... it still felt so impactful to me, because the pacing of the game... makes you feel that way, and to find what you do waiting for you at that point instead, dang that is a surprise I still can;t get out of my head becuase it was just like... "What the...? NO!!! WHAT THE HECK?". THe first time... it just is like... how... why? It feels like you were robbed almost, and then... then it is time for revenge XD.
  18. tfw you find a good song after you finalize your setlist for the week...

    1. Arkhi


      I know that feel, bro.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Probably sound like a whiney person for basically complaining about there being too much good music... XD

  19. Heyo everybody, it is new setlist time for the Old Sensei. This week I tired to get a bit of a mix, some relaxed stuff and some more high energy. Weirdly enough, this week ended up having more EDM style music then what I have usually had, but I don't mind it too much lol. I am just posting what I like now, and I happen to be listening to it alot so, it will probably end up in there. Anyways, have a stop by my profile and check it out. I hope you enjoy the music and have a good day lol. Fo...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *For the Week of April 14th 2015.

  20. Ah, I forgot how long it took to write up an OOC... man...oh man... XD

    1. Shamitako


      Not as long as I take to post

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na, they are probably about equal at this point lol.

  21. Same pretty much. Vixen just wouldn't really be the source of that information etc... ((She probably actually knows all of it, but she isn't the one to go on about it.))
  22. You people... are insufferable....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako


      Just a thing, Strat

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ^ that bullshit...that is what is going on.

    4. Rosesong


      Well gee Kuna, thanks. I love you too >>

  23. Written in the sands are the ideals we believe, who we are, the objects of our desire and much more. Though the sands can shift, that doesn't mean they always do. The Soul is that sand. It is the essence of who you are, and what you are. Within it, written the pieces of you. They can be erased in a moment, but they could also last forever. Everything is able to be gone within an instant... and everything is also... able to always be there. It is those that realize this, that truly know wh...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      o they are. That parts of them can be fleeting, gone within an instant. Tomorrow, gone forever. ANd yet, that also, they can stick around for an eternity as well.

  24. She shouldn't have to sit out because people don't beat her, that is kinda not in the spirit of the tour. Everyone should be allowed to play in it. It is for fun after all and bringing the community together, not about who wins.
  25. Yay, Unicorns lol. ((actually... i could care less who won that game... but then Fredy kept shitting the bed on my Dragonlady... so... UoL all the way.))

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