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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. and all will shudder before the Beautiful. For there is beauty in everything in this world. Each and every person has theirs. If they can find it, they cannot be stopped, and cannot falter. Woe be to those that cannot understand that, and stand in the way of one who has found their inner beauty, the thing they strive for, for they will do anything to within their power to realize it and grasp it within their own hands.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      And if there was no one to disagree with that point of view, it would have no purpose to exist. My views are mine, and mine alone. One need not believe the things I believe, for those answers are mine own, and may not be the ones that are right for that person. Each of our lives journey is our answer, this is mine... it may not be yours. ((or that of the character you like lol.))

    3. Felicity


      I dunno, i'm getting drawn into the series, one of the first few I ever watched and it had a helluva impact on me.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I don;t even know what it is, lol, nor does this really have anything to do with. I jsut liked the song up there so I posted it lol.

  2. I shall be the blade that stands for thsoe that cannot speak. Everyone deserves that friend, the person who would stand by them no matter what, even through the worst of trials and the most damned of times. I would be that person, now that I can stand up for myself and who I am. Perhaps, I can help others find their way out of the darkness that I once was swallowed in, that I myself had drowned in. No one should be alone... not as long as I can help it.

  3. Krys's reaction had proved Vixen's hunch that she was completely new to this... but it didn't make her feel good for calling it. Krys was in the stage Vixen was when her own powers manifested. It was confusing, frightening, and certainly not something that Vixen would ever want to go through again. However, she went through it alone, with no one. Krys was at least, in the company of people who understood what was happening. She wouldn't have to muddle through it herself... or be afraid of... Vixen pushed those thoughts from her mind again. She didn't want to think on them, dwell on them. It was the past, she needed to look forward and not miles behind. She tossed a canteen over onto the couch, one of a few she had on her. "It's fresh, has been filtered and boiled so there is no need to worry about drinking it." she said to Krys. She didn't make much more of an effort to move, or really to explain anything to Krys, she figured Takeshi would handle it. It probably seemed rather cold on the surface, that she had no want to do anything and was only doing it to get the girl to be quiet. But, if people looked past that, they would know people never go out of their way if they don't care. Of course, Vixen didn't believe that she did. To her, one didn't ignore a simple request or just let someone die... what kind of person could have left this girl out there on that battlefield to die? Not one that Vixen would understand to any extent.
  4. Vixen caught Bark looking at her, and looked directly into his eyes for a split second. He seemed to be an overly open person. He didn't really hide who he was, highly extroverted and liked being around people. He seemed like a bit of a goof outside of combat, but he certainly had his head screwed on tight. He didn't lose his cool, and clearly was experienced. How experienced, Vixen wasn't sure, but clearly more than some of the kids here. This Ozmoronodandy or whatever the hell he called himself... ugh... moving on. No one else particularly struck her interest... But, she had no want to get attached to these people. Better to be alone, like she was used to. No one to care about... no one to worry about... other than herself. It was easier to focus, no need to worry... about that pain. She shook her head... not something she wanted to think about. She stood in the corner for now. She kept all of her arms on her, and the many... many knives.
  5. Substance isn't really a thing. Characters always have it, it is how deep the rabbit hole goes that is the question. Not every character needs a giant fleshed out epic, nor does every character need justifications for every thing about them. But, this can certainly add to a chance to connect to a character, or to understand why they are the way they are. Some characters are better with that shroud of darkness. But, player characters typically should have this. It makes them more human. And a comic relief character can still be pretty dark, or have a somewhat still serious backstory and still be that. Perhaps it could even help them resonate that much more with people. There are a lot of things that people use to explain things in writing that truly... do not exist. And it is the adherence of these things that make them more dangerous than actual tools. One shouldn't set out to write a character with "substance". It is a non-goal... you can't really do that. It isn't something you can just know about a character and achieve it. In fact, heading out after it will cause it to become muddled... and lost if you set your sights for it. A lot of substance isn't a good thing. Focus on things that truly matter, and the amount appropriate for that character... those will make a better character every time. There is a place for all characters, and even ones who seem to be one way on the surface, can be all that much more underneath and not lose who they are.
  6. I am surprised people don't say my characters are super serious XD. But, the dynamic between Vixen and Bobby/Osmosis is probably going to be a source of a lot of silliness XD.
  7. ((I know, that was what I was saying lol. You in turn figured that out while playing the character. Therefore, what I said holds true. Would you have known that if you had just written the character, but never played him?))
  8. Yea, my preferred method of doing Backstory. Have the destination, and figure out the journey later. Basically, take into account how your character is in the now, and develop them as play goes on. It just feels the most organic to me. ((Like using clues from how you had them act in certain situations etc... I personally don;t believe a character is a finished entity when play begins. It is only the beginning, their creation, their first draft. And through the play of that character, they become closer and closer to the final one.))
  9. Vinny... that rule is so bad because most of the common builds don't even use rolls.... if you want a real one for Dark Souls it would be that you can't use a shield. ((because Great Shields and Heavy Armour builds period don't use dodge roll at all and nearly everything relies partially on blocking with a shield. Shield > Dodgeroll in Dark Souls almost everytime.))
  10. You would hate me then Vinny... I do that like by reflex XD>
  11. Sheep... no guts. Don't say that which you aren't willing to do. Besides... another faction would make this battle all that much bloody... and the Elder One... much more entertained Mwahahaha....HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHHA!!! I will be waiting...the forums shall run red... and I will be the victor.
  12. I just want to watch you all slaughter each other... I could care less who wins. Heck... can everyone lose? That be great.
  13. Just get a mod, I am sure they will help ya out if you explain it to them lol. It clearly wasn't your intent and even if you do get a warning point, 1 point is a minor slap on the wrist. ((trust me, it is. It will only ever become a problem if you keep racking up more so don't and it will go away pretty quickly.)) Now, something relevant... I have an issue with those really touchy people. You know the ones. The people that you barely know and yet they insist on hanging all over you or hugging you even though you recently met them etc... Basically... they invade your personal space a bit too much for someone you aren't all that comfortable with.
  14. Just an idea for you. You may want to place the link to the story here in the Original Post, and the link to this Feedback thread in the OP at the top of your story thread. This way it is easier to navigate between the 2, or if they finish reading the story, they need only scroll up and click the link to go comment elsewhere and don't have to go seek out the thread of their own accord.
  15. "I can be showed that gratitude by her not doing something that reckless again. And the name is Vixen." ((said her name in response to Krys by the way.)) she said staring straight into the eyes of Nagi. Definitely one who knew what she was doing, but one shouldn't make a threat they couldn't follow up on. This girl, was strong, but certainly not stronger than herself. And Most definitely near the end of her possible transformation time. It would be unwise fro her to pick a fight with Vixen now, one that she couldn't win. And yet she did all the same. "It would make it no more genuine if it came to such measures. Besides... you and me both know you aren't in a position to take me on... assuming no one here sides with anyone. But, you need not worry about that... I have no issue with it, her gratitude. But, I would rather not force you lot to depend on me, and I would rather not depend on you. Too many complications in the long run, You will understand, I am better off alone." a coldness still permeated her voice. It showed how much she wasn't fond of this...that she was only going along with it, because she felt she had no way out. "I stay for now... but this isn't permanent."
  16. Why? ((cause now another 8000 of these thing are going to crop up... ugh.))
  17. You puny mortals entertain me immensely...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Fumble
    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Papa is having bacon tomorrow...

    4. Fumble


      May I have some, too? I could use something else after so much slop.

  18. The great elder one cares not... I will be here forever... you are merely gleams in the eyes of the universe. Here today... gone tomorrow.

  19. I have a character named Vixen.... Pretty sure I am safe from this already. But man... all the kiss ups around here... dang XD.

    1. Felicity


      Foxy Vixens gonna get grabbed up by Ozzy

  20. Glad to be of service. *bows*. See not entirely shit at character themes guys!!! XD. ((and that song was actually only uploaded today, not joking lol.))
  21. is it weird that when this showed up in my inbox this morning... and I listened through it... it reminded me of Bobby/Osmosis?
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