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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Trust me, I know lol. It also doesn't help I am "that guy" when it comes to my favourite characters. They are almost never in the main group and more or less Side characters I dunno... I have always been that way. Not that I don't like the main characters etc... I just never really resonate with them all that much. ((also main protags I don;t like... they are suuuuper boring to me. Don't hate them I just rarely find them all that interesting.)). And, I already had a feeling Hans was based from those origins. Just from all of the stuff adding up etc...With the theme you picked, to the name etc... Being honest here, I am actually not the much of a fan of FF7 really... but It certainly seems like an interesting place to go with it etc... ((I just love how rather than me be the guy who uses Lightning powers all the time... other people are this time around XD. I mean I do call myself Lupo di Fulmine, it is only fitting lol.)) ((also I will mention Strat... funnily enough... The first time I put up Vixen in Exodus... I also had an Avvie of Lal Mirch also [different than this one. But I didn't want to use it again lol.] though her look in Exodus was slightly different and not as close to the original.))
  2. You don't know how long it took to find this avatar... at least a few hours XD. People seem to forget Lal exists for some reason lol.
  3. ((somebody who actually knows the character other than me... what is this SORCERY!?!!?!? Na, But really... Lal Mirch is actually one of my favourite characters of all time so to a degree there is some Lal in there. Certainly not a carbon copy lol, but definitely inspirations from there no doubt lol.))
  4. This more the speed you looking for lol? ((same sthick as before lol, this album is all this type of music... I actually haven't listened through it yet, so... actually listening to this right now myself XD. If not though, next time Imma just go Youtube diving and post a bunch at the same time rather than just 1 at a time.))
  5. How's this one sound for Kindle? It is a bit softer and has bit of an orchestral feel to it, but it has that grandeur and power to it as well. ((and there are some elements of modern music that give it sorta blend of old... and new at least... imo XD. Which makes sense since things related to space we think high tech or strange and new even though they are old and been around forever, so the blending of the styles makes it that much more interesting imo.)) I dunno if it would work for you, but this was the first song that just popped into my mind so bear with me on it lol XD.
  6. Yea it is, hence why I posted that line this morning right after I changed it to this one lol.
  7. I just like doing character themes fro my characters lol. It is a fun challenge for me to find a song for them that says something about them as a person, or just encompasses a part of them. ((some crazy character clues in mine, but there is no real way fro you guys to guess where I am overall going with her yet XD.)) ((I can look and see if I can find anything for ya lol. Probably something high energy/spacey sounding would be good for Kindle lol, I'll see what I can find.))
  8. Yea... I am sure she wouldn't have originally... but things have changed. So one of those mixed signals kinda things... so I am not overly sure what she would think. ((Also... new hint at what character VIxen is partially based on is about as subtle as a tiger doing a backflip into a cannon and being shot into the the sky while juggling scimitars and shooting a shotgun with it's tail.))
  9. #FindingDecentAvviesOfMyFavCharactersIsHard...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hope ya get 'er fixed soon if ya can lol. I am sure they all miss you too. ((probably not as much as the old sappy Sensei though lol.))

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      d'aaaw. I hope that the net gets its shite straight too. :c

    4. Arkhi



      Overcoats are as cool as Atok, I guess.

  10. Me being gentle isn't the issue. I just going hope that Vixen is in a good enough mood to be. ((Hukuna-Sensei is not liable for being gentle in any RP, no matter the subject matter. It is only in his nature not to be. Those that think otherwise have been sorely mislead and certainly don't know what is in store for their poor poor souls.... woe to be them for not reading the fine print. All character death is a statue of that player's play and therefore Hukuna-Sensei is also not liable. Just play better scrub... der... ))
  11. "As useless as I thought... she really... really... shouldn't be here." Vixen thought to herself. The girl had fallen, nearly sapped of energy. Vixen put Krys weight on her shoulder to move her into more relative safety. She moved Krys quickly as she could and sat her down against a nearby wall behind herself. "If you can still hear me, stay put." She said, not entirely sure if Krys was still in the land of the awake. "If you see anything trying to sneak up on us... holler. Otherwise, I will be keeping my eyes on the beast we already can see. Hopefully, those numbskulls out there didn't get slaughtered in the time I took to get you back here." Vixen quickly moved back up to try and get a good vantage point on the fight at large once more. She looked down her scope, seeing how the battle transformed. She certainly didn't see anybody she hadn't before. But, she had to remain vigilant. They already attracted one beast... with how loud they were being and how many powers were being used in this place, it was bound to attract more of them if they were in the area. While she tried to keep an eye on the Beoar and how that fight was progressing, she also kept an eye out for anything else trying to creep up and join the fight.
  12. tfw when I wouldn't have looked fro any clues to anything if you didn't mention it... the fact that you mentioned that... is going to make it so that I can't not look for them now XD>
  13. Yet another loud mouthed brat about to get them self killed. It was baffling to Vixen that half the people that showed up here were over the top and loud. It was great for keeping the beast's attention, but damn they weren't long for this world if they kept it up. Especially these ones that seemed to know naught of their powers. They would be gone quickly if they weren't careful. One was actually close enough for her to do something about. ((I am not actually sure if Krys said some of that stuff... so Imma hunch it.. if I f it up... just let me know lol.)) "Yet another moron... do they want to die?" Vixen thought to herself as she saw yet another seemingly helpless person got way to close to a combat zone. She managed to sneak up on the girl ((Krys)) and grabbed her mouth with her hand, she whispered quietly into her ear. "Be quiet, I am not here to hurt you. You are not ready to fight something like this, and if you aren't careful... you might attract the thing. Fall back, and let them handle it. I'll make sure they are safe, and more importantly... that you don't get yourself killed. Follow and stick with me."
  14. It probably is, just from the lyrics I understood. I took 4 years of German... so I understand some of it... not much but some lol. ((then sees the lyrics are in the other video...*facepalms*))
  15. ((The sign-ups... still open Typh XD. You have to start as a relatively fresh character though, as in human that probably hasn't received their powers yet. Also... even if you do get your character approved... might want to wait til things calm down a tad until you pop in lol. If you want to wait for Murdoc's answer still be my guest)) In fights against single enemies most definitely... funnily enough... in fights with a bunch of enemies I find they flow muuuuuuuch better since everyone has things to be doing and the host has more time to update since everybody is fighting their own foes etc... ((also Strat.... Vogel im Kaefig [i can't put the umlaut over the a so have to use the ae spelling of that word.] means Bird in a Cage in German doesn't it?))
  16. the thing is, most of this could be happening within the span of seconds ((which is what makes the beast being alone sorta problem since it is mad easy for us to just way to easily gang up on it, especially if the host isn't updating the encounter for whatever reason they are not.)), so yea... the time-line is a bit hard to follow((and some seemingly weird anomalies can happen)), but we are trying to explain what is happening through words... can be tough ya know lol.
  17. Just get your rest man lol. I am sure the people can calm it down a bit for tonight. ((*gives everyone the LAAAAAAaAAzy eye*)) On another note... probably the two songs I would go with for Vixen's Character theme.
  18. That is kinda what I meant... but then poorly worded it XD.((cause I am a huge dope and idiot.)) What you do under any stress ((fear being a good example.)) could be much different if you weren't.
  19. I mean... she is faced with a beast and clearly doesn't quite understand what is happening. It is completely logical she might have a strange out of character kind of reaction. She literally has no idea what to do, and is just verbalizing it. She doesn't come off as being dumb in this situation at all lol. ((to Vixen... that is a different story... but... yea we will wait for that lol.))
  20. I will say the problem here is it is entirely up to interpretation. While some connections are easy to draw... other ones are not ((and it can be seen in each person's reasoning.)) Some people are citing Pokedex entries for their source of info, while others are taking into account the most common strategies used competitively. You could probably spin a decent case for any mon being any of of them, or even multiple. Imma try and do some from mechanics standpoint lol. SO won't name certain mons, but certain things that could be seen as pointing towards it etc... in the way the game works. A lot of mons encompass Wrath or anger, as anything with Anger Point etc... could count, not to mention anything that learns the move Rage. Gluttony is an ability IN THE GAME XD. ((Funnily enough, a lot of the mons that people have named for Gluttony so far... actually have the ability too. Swalot and Snorlax both do lol. Draining Moves fall under here too, as they devour lifeforce to use as their own. ((not always literally. Giga Drain and Leech Life certainly do, with Draining Punch etc being a bit more of stretches but I will take those stretches.)) Sloth has it's obvious representative in Slaking, but most Pokemon get access to Rest, and others to Slack Off. Truant isn't just given to Slaking, it is also the Hidden Ability of Durant. Think about that. It is an Ant in the colony that is lazy and doesn't pull it's own weight. ((not to mention... dat pun...)) Envy, could be anything that has a move that takes items, knocks them off, steals stat changes, copies something ((Ditto being the biggest example along with to a degree Zoroark. Both steal identities, Ditto completely coping another's Identity.)) Lust is most certainly the hardest one to compare mons too since well... it's a kids game and the things it is most broadly associated to... yea... ((and I honestly kinda think it is a bit silly to say the mons that are female in shape period are lustouis. That kinda means you are saying the female form period is the embodiment of lust... which isn't really true, but I digress.)) but certainly some could be made. ((bit to vague imo though...)) however, Cute Charm, Attract and Gender based moves certainly play into the more playful side of it. Pride is one that isn't in the mechanics so much... like lust. It is more in Pokemon's dexs or their flavour than in abilities moves etc... Greed... another one that is kinda vague honestly. I can't think of many examples outside of dex reasons... or flavour stuff. Pay day maybe? But I don't see a greedy person chucking the thing they covet at people XD. EDIT: On Greed, I realize the stealing moves etc... could stem from this as well. Envy and Greed are both motivators for that action lol. ((the abilities of Zoroark and Ditto/transform certainly align more with Envy))
  21. I am keeping it vague on purpose... mostly so it be harder to do that lol. I am just glad nobody has tried yet is all I am saying XD.
  22. Of course lol. And Comic relief characters can have serious moments. ((as well as serious characters having more light-hearted ones lol.)) We do have a pretty good mix I would say though, at least from what I have seen so far. So, definitely looking forward to this unraveling more. ((mostly cause I am not quite sure how Vixen is going to fit in yet. I do like that people actually haven't said anyone has noticed her yet. Which is nice for me XD.))
  23. I mean stealth fro Bobby sounds about as natural as finding a Leopard in the wild wearing a dress. Not going to happen, and if it does... it would be the one of the weirdest experiences of one's life XD> ((also Osmosis [imma just call him that since easier than remembering that entire name honestly.] sounds about just as subtle so I am certain he would be just as weird to see him trying it also XD.))
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