Nothing like looking at the conversation of two idiots through a scope. Vixen could read the lips of the one, the flashy one that decided it might be a great idea to entirely blow his cover. Either way, Vixen read his lips, learning the source she was tracking was a beast. She had heard of the creatures, but didn't have much experience in the ways of fighting them. Creatures made of pure emotion... possibly dangerous to the world of mortals, those without the magical power she or the magical world had. If such was the case, she would probably have to help somehow, this was awfully close to town and it would be easy fro the creature to wreak havoc if left unchecked. However, she didn't want to be seen by these two. She decided to tail after them fro now, making certain to be extra careful to hide her footsteps, and the flare from the lens of her Sniper Rifle.