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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I do have the feeling I am the only person trying to have their character actually, not use their transformation though lol. So, that will at least be interesting lol.
  2. Even if I knew the ref... I personally wouldn't say anything lol. I like people to find it for themselves. ((Hence why if no one gets the character that Vixen is partially inspired by, I am not going to say anything lol.))
  3. So... pretty sure it is like this. Takeshi, Bobby and Kindle are fighting the beast head on. Stratos's character ((forget his name at the moment... oops.)) is on one building. Nagi and Dexter are pretty close ((clsoer than Strat's character is to them at least.)) on 2 different buildings. Not sure where Yash's character is... but I think she is going towards Takeshi? ((I don;t remember who the "person with the cape" is...)) and Vixen is somewhere she can see all this shit happening.
  4. And it now arrived. A giant mix between Bear... and Boar. It was pleasantly distracted by the others fighting it. Knowing this added to her advantage, Vixen stayed back. As to attack she would have to partially reveal herself, she wasn't willing to do it yet. She didn't know how the battle would turn out for those fighting it yet. All she knew was theri antics and idiotic thromping around is what drew it to them so, she wouldn't help unless there was the utmost risk of somebody dying. She had spent to much time hiding and staying hidden to blow it on a bunch of kids that didn't know how to handle themselves. But, she still didn't want any of them to die, so she would intervene if needed. She focused. A Soft pale blue enveloped her left hand. Her skin shimmered nearly like ice. A Partial Transformation. In it she held a lone bullet. She focused the light into the casing and the shell. It took to the bullet, giving it what seemed to be a thin layer of frost... but it was much more than that. It would flash freeze any object it touched after fired from her weapon, stick it into place. But the ice would also cause more damage than a regular bullet as it tore into the flesh forcing it to become frozen. Painful... and deadly. It certainly wouldn't kill a Beast of this size outright, but it would severely hamper it's ability to function depending on what she hit. She slotted it into her rifle, and kept an eye on the battlefield through her scope.
  5. I have a general direction fro mine but kinda don;t know which overall way they will go yet. GOing to be honest didn;t quite expect combat this quickly.
  6. < not this Sniper. The power of the FOrest man. *does Jazz hands for some reason.*
  7. He is my favourite character just saying. I can sing the Excalibur song irl XD. ((and actually do to piss my friend off.)). ANd they are similar and have a lot of parallels, but they are certainly different. You'll see as stuff evolves hoepfully, but they are certainly different.
  8. If she wasn't as concerned with killing the thing... Vixen would be saying and thinking the exact same thing XD.
  9. I have a feeling it is just on people's minds now or something. I personally haven't been with my character. ((Vixen is a partial reference to an anime character though, not saying who though. Just not from Soul Eater. Cookie for anyone who gets it but I doubt anybody will lol.))
  10. I was still on the forums so... I started seeing stuff crop up first. ((left my laptop on last night... oops?)) So... Yea didn't have that little thing happen to me lol.
  11. If you want to give me Profile views I don;t mind. At least listen to the music while you are there.
  12. I probably would have had Vixen see him if I hadn;t typed the whole thing out by the time I even knew you posted lol. ((since it didn;t show up until I hit enter lol.))
  13. Vixen is about Stealth, if she was going nuts would kinda defeat the purpose XD. If she has to go loud.... you guys will know. She probably isn't quite as well trained as Nagi at killing... but she certainly knows what she is doing. ((She managed to remain hidden for years while learning about the magical world and survive out in the wilderness, I would imagine she is pretty good at keeping a low profile.))
  14. ((and p.s. Dobbs... if I can get through Black Star... Bobby ain't going to phaze me one iota XD.))
  15. tfw you were logged in so you didn;t see the April's Fools joke til like now so you knew it was bubkis XD.

  16. Really? I kinda just skipped most of the part he was talking... was kinda boring.
  17. Nothing like looking at the conversation of two idiots through a scope. Vixen could read the lips of the one, the flashy one that decided it might be a great idea to entirely blow his cover. Either way, Vixen read his lips, learning the source she was tracking was a beast. She had heard of the creatures, but didn't have much experience in the ways of fighting them. Creatures made of pure emotion... possibly dangerous to the world of mortals, those without the magical power she or the magical world had. If such was the case, she would probably have to help somehow, this was awfully close to town and it would be easy fro the creature to wreak havoc if left unchecked. However, she didn't want to be seen by these two. She decided to tail after them fro now, making certain to be extra careful to hide her footsteps, and the flare from the lens of her Sniper Rifle.
  18. TFW a Man with the title Scrublord is trying to say he is the real Fern.... pssssshaw.... I got waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much Swag to be a Scrublord.
  19. Psssh, your all a bunch of scrubs.... I am so much the real Fern I turned into a the plant.
  20. AM I doing it right guys?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea... reading all of that dribble.... definitely is tedious glad you agree your characters are a bore.

    3. Azeria




    4. Felicity


      I only agree on one thing with you, and that is how much of a scrub you are :]

      Oh, you told me that in confidence, i'm sorry, but now you don't have to hide your inner scrub

  21. Drake watched as the beginning of the battle unfolded. A few misses so far but the Halberdier barely struck back. That man was suicidal taking on a group this large himself. There was no way he could keep his eye on every one of her unit. It was a very rash decision on his part, but he must have choose what he deemed the better option. Death, or a painful death... pretty poor choice to have to make, but Drake would make him feel like this was the worse option... for damn sure. He was already busy tangling with Holland and Chaust. A flailing of blades. Soon their mage would strike adding Lightning into the mix. "I might as well BRING THE THUNDER!!!" Drake thought to herself. She almost spewed it out her mouth, but she managed to keep the thought inside and her voice down. She skirted around to the back of the Halbardier, a place where his armour would be weaker. She would strike once she got the chance, but she had to get in position first.
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