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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Worst game-wise: Personally for me Dragon Age 2. It felt like a pretty big misstep in the franchise. It took a wide step from Origins, and kinda in the wrong direction. A lot of the combat felt pretty stilted, with Warriors ((my preferred class in RPGs.)) feeling pretty useless and not in any way enjoyable to play. The other classes weren't as bad, but overall the game didn;t feel great in combat... which leaves the dialog and the story stuff, which to me... wasn't very compelling. Company-wise? I kinda really don't like Capcom. They do so reeeeeeal shady stuff and they know they are too which makes it worse. And they do it because they can get away with it. They use the reputation and the clout they have from the old days to just brush stuff to the side... it is kinda messed up. The problem? They still make good games. I think they are getting better, since we haven't heard of them doing something insane in awhile... and I really hope we don't lol. But, I also am not fond of EA or Ubisoft of late. EA everybody is going to shit on... so I have no need to talk on it really. I don;t think they are as horrible as people say, but they keep doing really dumb stuff. Ubisoft with their main franchises are really messing up. However, outside of that... they are doing pretty well. So, eh... We can complain, but people keep buying their games a the end of the day. And if they keep doing that, these companies have no reason to change.
  2. Because really, I don;t win anything.... you have to try to lose playing against me XD.
  3. Psssssssssssssssssssh, bro Imma gimp myself so hard you won't even know you were playing Smash. #SelfRektanation. My ineptitude knows no bounds!!!
  4. Uh... Jeri you underestimate how bad I am at fighting games lol.
  5. %Hukuna Honchkrow((always Shiny.)) @ Life Orb Ability: Moxie -Brave Bird -Superpower -Roost -Find Inspiration ((Dark Type, 140 BP 90 Acc, If the Target faints, Boosts Defense, Special Defense, and Speed by 2 stages.)) Switch/Start of Turn using Reg move: Perhaps, I shall tell you a tale... lol? Using Find Inspiration: Man, Writer's Block has been killing me... lol. Upon Taking out an enemy with Find Inspiration: Hmmm, the fountain of your blood... speaks to me, I'VE GOT IT!!!... lol. On Switch Out: Uh... I got things to do. Let's call it a Writer's Retreat. Buhbye lol! On death: My Tales shall live on... live on.... live on... lol!!!
  6. ha...hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... No... ((Hiyas again doe... and welcome back~))
  7. I have relased Chapter 7 of Graterras: Dream on ANother Shore. It has bee quite a long hiatus so I apologize to those who were reading along before. And to those that don;t know, it is a short story I am writing in the WOrld of Graterras. I hope you will stop by and give her a read. It would mean the world to me.

    1. Arkhi


      Don't call it a hiatus, then.

      Call it a... writer's escapade.

    2. Yash


      I need to read Graterras from the beginning.. I'm totally free in life but have no motivation to read.. Help me..

  8. And after a much too long hiatus.... I bring you Chapter 7 of Dream on Another Shore. I hopefully will get back into the swing of things... and maybe actually get this story done lol. That might actually be a good idea. But fro now, enjoy the current chapter folks, hope you enjoy the read!
  9. Q 1: As always, You have a great eye for detail in your worlds. You put in small things and you organize them well and efficiently. I never feel like I am being bombarded by too much pointless stuff or exposition. They feel fleshed out, but not in a way that makes it feel like there was jsut too much time spent on doing it. Weakness certainly the time thing. It is not something that can be helped certainly, and everyone is parroting it. But I have to say it as well. Q 2: Kinda a throw away question going to be honest lol. You are a good host, you shouldn't need me to tell you that lol. Q 3: Get some more interaction between PCs or the groups they are a part of. I really want to see this groups of Awakened with different ideals butt heads. We got a small taste in Chapter 1, but not a lot. Q 4: The storytelling is alright, the main issue... since it is so one on one right now, a lot of us get lost in the areas where more than one PC are to interact. My character and certainly Arky's character get a bit robbed of screen-time because as we are by ourselves we don't get updates often. We have no one else to spring off of other than you as the host, so it gets long periods of time I am doing a whole lotta nothin'. Inversely, those that are in areas with more people, they are replying all the time and a lot. Our characters tend to get lost in those interactions jsut because they are s much busier. If this was like season 1 of a show, Viktor and Miss Archer would almost be more of... side characters. Just kinda fluff stuff going on in the background. ((same with Hades and Keaton really.)) As I said we certainly need the groups to clash more get in more interaction between pcs. Q 5: I am, though I would love to be able to see how Viktor reacts to the other groups more. He kinda came across low-ranking fanatical goons of Utopia. SO he didn't truly interact with them. SO far Chapter 1 very much felt like it was setting the stage, and getting ready for Season 2 to happen. The seeds have been set, and know we will see how they grow. Q 6: Ms. Archer, but probably because she seems the most like a real person. She seems like someone I could actually have a convo with or run into irl. Q 7: that ()'d part is a completely different question... so not sure how to answer this. But... I can;t remember his name but I don;t like the guy who is in charge of Utopia... he doesn't have a motive nor does he seem to even agree with what his underlings do that much. It is jarring and weird and I hate it. Q 8: Ms. Archer... not biased at all. Nope... nuh uh... negatory.... Hukuna Sesnei totally wouldn't be. Q 9: Ms. Archer. She is actually intersting, becuase she is kinda a normal person in the sea of annoying Super mutants who think they are better than everyone else. ((being over dramatic here for effect, but that is why I find her intersting she is very differnet to all the others and that is the bet thing. And totally not biased once again... NOOOOPE.)) Q 10: Utopia Leader guy... he is annoyingly ugh levels of make me cringe. I don't think he is all that well written and it bothers me. Q 11: Best: Certainly Ms, Archer or Keaton. Those 2 are the most level headed imo... Worst: Viktor ((yes... my own character.)). He is all kinds of stuff that i don;t agree with. He feels sorry for himself a lot and just abandons people because it hurts him to much. He is not a person I would get along with. Q 12: Viktor, not tooting my own horn... But I still have misgivings abut how kinda secret op his powers are. While he pretty much almost kills himself to do it... he can outright instantly kill any person. ((because he can cause all sorts of messed up stuff to happen to you.)) Now, that is not likely to ever occur, cause he is basically dead if he does, but his power is kinda stinking insane. SInce he can cause so much literal pain in people, cause Heart attacks by blocking the ateriers to the heart.... he can do suuuuper nasty shit to people and as long as he is carrying a load of iro... he will be fine for the most part. Not to mention... he doesn't need to see you to do it. He can feel Iron around him ((including that in others blood.)) so while he won;t be pinpoint accurate if he can't see you... he can still do it. If I could go back and redesign that power a bit I would... but he is definitely super powerful. ((this is without mentioning he is a trained soldier on top of this.)) Q 13: I kinda want every single faction to lose. Not even joking... XD Q 14: Nothing really. I don't really like predicting stuff. Cause you never know what could happen. Q 15: How O.p, do you think Viktor is? I still kinda feel like his powers are a bit... too good. Also, Pm me once you are ready to get the stuff on the way so we can finish up that little loose end from CHapter 1. ((hopefully you know what I mean XD>))
  10. I am the Kings of Leeks. Thou shall one day fear the anme Farfetch'd... Not now... but one day, one day we will get our revenge. ((probalby not cause Gamefreak sucks... but a Duck can dream.))

  11. He writes a new tale... a version of an old one. He rewrites it knowing that he now has more experience and more things to draw on. Nothing like the feeling of rewriting a tale, one from your olden days and reworking it, remolding it. The work of a Storyteller is never done. We only strive to out do ourselves at every chance we get.

    1. Sutoratosu


      ...Eh, nah... think I'll say the task of tackling that beast for another day. I have new worlds to craft for now... different worlds.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well I mean... sure XD. But I am just being super pretentious about the Graterras RP reboot XD>

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Cause I can. *Puts on sunglasses.*

  12. I hate when I oversleep... because I inevitability sleep on my neck stupidly and they I hurt all day... much ouch. Like I don;t want to move at all right now. Imma just chill.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zimvader42


      The arm is a metaphor.

      Lol I know that feel tho. I sleep in positions so weird that when I become self-aware during my sleep it seems as if I had all my body parts dislocated :I

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well due to my alleriges and asthma I have to prop myself up when I sleep, so I am more prone to sleeping in super bad positions. It isn't fun but I like being able to breathe when I sleep.

    4. Commander


      For some reason, I can't help from falling asleep on my arm cutting off the circulation. The fist time I did it I was like "WHO FELL ASLEEP ON MY FLOOR!"

  13. I am a weaver of tales, one who creates, sows with words. I paint the picture within the mind's eye with the words I write upon the paper. An art, to paint with words. To instill a pure image into the mind's of others. Whether it be pleasant, a fun tale, one to entertain. Or a dark one, meant to warn and show the ugliness that is this world. Each tale has it's place. And I weave them the same. I care not how many see them, how many read my scripts, my tales... so long as one does...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and draws soemthing from it, to better themsleves, or the world around them. No matter how small that change is... it is a change. One that has impact and meaning even if it not noticed by any other than the reader them self.

  14. I'm and probably going to incorporate the spells into the Sub-classes that way you have more clarity on your spells and an idea of when you get them etc... So, hopefully... that will be a bit more clear. I am reworking a lot of the systems hopefully it I can make the magic users a nice class with some direction and play better.
  15. So, posted an Interest Check for Graterras: Rebirth! I will be reworking Graterras. However, I need some insight and I would love to see it from you guys. So please drop on by and help out old Hukuna Sensei. ((and the Poll is public... just so you know.)) http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13234

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Already thrown there my two cents :P

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and I am the richer for it.

  16. Introduction: So, I am sure many of you know of my RP here that I ran for awhile by the name of Graterras: A World in Peril. While I enjoyed running that RP I did have some misgivings with how it was set-up. It was my first forum RP that I ran and I am still fond of the world it is set in. So, why leave things where they were? I am rebooting the RP and fixing up some features I wasn't too fond of. We are going to start by removing bloat or things I didn't feel fit anymore. So, what is this thread? I wish to reboot Graterras and restart fresh. However, there is a few things I need eyes on other than my own. I know what I would like to do, but I wish to know what my players would want as well. I will outline them below quickly so that you get a bit of my point of view on them. So without further ado, let's get this party started. Playable Class and Race Changes: I originally based Graterras off of 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons. This lead me to make the choices I did when I created the classes and races their restrictions etc... However, It felt a little muddled. I wanted to include some more monsterous races to show off a important dynamic in Graterras, that the Fantasy creatures that were typically portrayed as mindless monsters were not in Graterras. This is what lead me to include Orcs and Kobolds etc... However, I am not really sure I wish to keep them. They added a bunch of extra stuff that kinda felt like it wouldn't be used often. While I like to allow a lot of choice, sometimes too much choice is an issue. With classes, while I felt I did pretty well with the Templars, a lot of the others suffered quite a bit in my humble opinion. A lot of the Warrior ones were very similar and didn't feel very different from each other. Templars managed to stand out as they were fresh and new, sorta like special Paladins that existed only in Graterras. Graterras as a world focuses on Elementalism or that the elements themsleves live and burn themselves. The Templars are the embodiment of this Elementalism and I would like to keep them, but I feel I will fold them into the Paladin class. Like 5th Edition D and D, I would like to do a Sub-class system, one where classes can go in different directions from each other even while being the same class. It allows me to be less restrictive on the classes people play, and allows them to feel their character is different from another player's character that is of the same class. It also allows me to add a bit more flavour of my own. This system was already in place as well with the Templars, with there being 4 different types. It would not be much of a stretch to add it Magic: Magic in Graterras has kinda been something I am not overly proud of. I wanted to try and emulate what D and D had for a magic system, but not have the player's have to know all the spells from it. However... It felt like I was cheating the players who choose magical classes. I didn't give them much direction with their characters, and I certainly didn't give them good guidelines towards what they could do and what they couldn't. However... There are a lot of spells in Dungeon and Dragons and with them they have a lot of numbers and are explained in game terms so players might be overwhelmed with a lot of info they don't need. It is something I am no sure what I want to do with because I don't feel the system I was using was fair, but I don't want to scare off players by providing the Spells used in D and D when while it gives them a good idea of what can and can't be done, it makes it tough to understand since those spells are explained with rolls and other mechanics that don't exist within a Forum RP. Conclusion: However, I would like your guys input on the above to an extent. I want to know what you guys think. So, I ask that you please answer in the poll above. However, I want to know why you think such so please comment below. I don't know how many people it would scare off etc... if I did it so I want to know what the people who will probably be playing think rather than go ahead with it... and make a poor choice on my own. I like to know what potential players think because it is important. If they don't want to play that shows me that I need to see what they wish to see, what they want to change. ((please... no voting unless you comment at least something. I need the feedback more than the votes.)) Here is the link to the Original Graterras for those of you who aren't as knowledgeable or weren't around when it was going on for the most part. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7827 I appreciate all the feedback that comes in and will be trying to ship this out as soon as I can. I don't like revealing my projects this early most times, however Graterras already has the bulk of what it was complete, therefore I don't really think it is that bad an idea to put it out there and see what the people think I should do. So, thank you for your time of reading, and I hope you have nice whatever time it is. And until next time, PLAY MORE ROLES!!! Hukuna Sensei out~
  17. Now, I am not exactly sure how to answer the first... mostly cause I think a halfway approach between the first and second options might be a good idea to take. I guess it is more like Higher Level unevo'd so I will take that option in my vote but hear me out. why not make the Event mon at the time Half the level ((or possibly 3/4)) of the current Badge restriction? It still will need a tad bit of grinding, but not as huge an amount. ((though I guess later levels it does become longer and longer to level, but I digress.)). Later ones will probably start near their evolution levels so they will be more useful quicker, but will still require a bit of a grind to be useful. The investment one needs to put into them at this point is much lower than previous where at the lower levels these mons would be stuck in their base or middle evos for awhile which are legendarily the things that are a pain to train because their base stats are just mad low and the need to heal them etc if they can even take a blow. So, this might ease the requirement of time that need be put into them and make them marginally easier to train. I don't even think it is that much of stretch that some lesser evolved mons are running around at levels higher than their evo's. Reborn is a pretty shitty place in some areas and it would be mad tough for mons to survive or even thrive. As such we see there are very few Pokemon just running around. They are rare and far and few between. Weaker Mons are all very close within the city or within some sort of sanctuary to protect them ((like the fish in the fresh water reservoir in the Fisherman's House.)). But even in the main series games we have seen Mons that are much higher than their normal evo levels that haven't yet. I feel like while some mons probably could figure out how to evolve that Pokemon might not always be able to evolve without a trainer. Maybe they just can't figure it out on their own. While some of the ones with the level requirements do others couldn't figure out how to harness the ability. However they attained high levels because they had to survive in a pretty harsh climate. I don't think it is too far out of the realm of reason that these would collide and cause them to be of this somewhat higher lever. D for the second option I very much enjoy. It promotes research and knowing what you are getting into and proper planning. Things I believe are very much a presence in the other aspects of Reborn. Like you need to prepare for the Gym Leaders to a degree to defeat them. So, if you properly plan ahead ((and take a disadvantage of having empty slots.)) you are rewarded for doing so. If you don't... tough luck kid. I think that because these elements are present elsewhere in the game, that it would be a very good idea to include them here as well. It further promotes those tenets and rewards players for thinking ahead or planning for events etc... ((and hello again you annoying emote making me look like a buffoon when I am talking... gosh golly darn I hate that thing... Anyway, I closing I believe, that what I have said is a rather intersting way to make it a little more convenient but not too convenient. It allows the Base mons to get up pretty quick, but not fully match your teams levels right out the gate. You still get to raise them, but it cuts out some of the "Oh boy... lets switch this guy into the lead and then switch out my big hitter to take all the attacks and defeat that mon and get half exp for the guy I am training so this will take 10 years stage.)) Also, holy butts... a Wild Hukuna Sensei appeared outside of the RP Forums. This probably means the world is going to end.
  18. So long as it isn't mine Hilda, I don't care.
  19. Totaaaaaaaaly won't. But you are the one that put the idea in people's heads. Just saying guuuuuurl.
  20. I mean... I said rarely lol. And I dunno...
  21. Workplace relationships rarely go well.
  22. Hmmmmmmmmm, SO FANCY. Wot wot, monocle, tophat, monocle top hat, monocle tophat.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Will probably go back to my other avvie soon but... this... this is beautiful.

    2. Tacos


      Amumu's splash art made me want to cry.

  23. Strength doesn't just come in a few shapes and sizes. It is a word that really is too vague to mean anything. Qualities that people consider strong commonly are not the only oens that make a person strong. Everything can even a flaw can be made into a bulwark. It is this that drives me. That truly knowing yourself and how you can make what are considered weaknesses, flaws, your greatest weapons and the most powerful armour. Our strengths are important, but so are our weaknesses. But weakn...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I dunno... I can;t do all the work guys. I jsut say fancy bullshit and your supposed to be enlightened and find peace or something.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      It also allows you to push big rocks out of the way.

    4. NickCrash


      Weakness can be the lure... Then we strike.

  24. tfw when your ADC mechinics are better than you remember... escpically cause you always thought you were shit at it but then you go like 16/6/16 without even really trying. Tis strange.... tis strange indeed.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shamitako


      But... But... I need to learn, Sensei ;n;

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I wish I could teach you Miss Alexus, but you should know by now that I am the biggest blundering idiot to ever idiot. Like I rarely know what the hell I am doing XD. I jsut kinda... do...

    4. Shamitako


      ...Fine. Maybe sometime I can support you, I'm a good support

  25. I'm the warrior, I am. In the rising sun I stand. My true colors shine as bright inside the odium flames!~

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