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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. You know just how much quality your sleep has been for the week when you slept for at least 18 hours in row... Welp... at least I feel better even though a day disappeared on me there XD>

  2. We aren't going to move forward past a point where a partner is needed without everyone having one. SO, don't fret too much. THings have a way of working themselves out.
  3. Why: My heart grows heavy in my chest... What do I even fight for? Do I fight for the people that can't fight for themselves? Do I fight for something noble even? Do I fight because I have to? Do I fight because now I know nothing else? Why must everything be embroiled in eternal conflict? There never a day goes by without fighting, without the spread of pain Not just physical pain, but that which affects the soul, the spirit and the mind I don't want there to be pain by there is no way for it to all just stop. No matter what I do, someone, somewhere will feel some form of it No matter how noble I am, how many I try to protect There will be someone I cannot help, someone I can do nothing for It makes me feel small. Like all the difference I make is naught beside the size of the universe. But, is it still worth it? Yes. If I can make even one person's day, one small smile. That is all I need to feel like I have at least done something That I have at least done something in this world I only hope that some other soul realizes me sometime That someone sees me and tries to make me smile. Because if that happens, I know there are others Those whatever they could to ease the pain of others and that I am not alone in this world That I am not the only one who struggles with this everyday. Sometimes I want to just give up It would be easier than battling with all the hurt and pain in my own life. It would be so much easier to just give up But, I can't give up. Even the small differences, they do something. As long as I have time, I will do what I can to bring smiles to faces or enlighten them, make them think Something to help them get their mind off the things they don't want to think of for awhile. Cause it is all I can do But something is better than nothing It may not solve those issues But at least not every moment will have be filled with pain. There will be something to look back at something they can enjoy remembering It is those memories that I wish to spread however I can. So, I don't want to give up. Even if it would be easy. Easy isn't the only thing that matters Sometimes, the difficult things are the ones we must do. So, I will just pick up this pen and I will keep writing I will do what I can The thing I know how to do. No longer am I a Forlorn Shadow, for I see what I must do I am not afraid anymore One day, I will find my home. Hopefully, everyone else in this world Hopefully, they find their's too.
  4. Main Group Drake's sword crunched into the Mercenary's shoulder. A sickening sound it was, as it partially broke under Drake's sword. He grimaced in pain, and tried to step back away from the Tall Woman looming over him. Chaust didn't have quite as much luck, the other Mercenary looked back and saw the blow coming. It nicked his stomach, a small scarlet plume flying from his gut. But it was only a scratch. It was no deadly wound. He skirted back a step using the superior length on his great sword to out distance Chaust's sword. He swung mightily trying to get in a blow. The Solider tried to dodge out of the way of Holland's blow, but the big man was too fast for him, bloodying his side. But, the enemy Fighter now saw the opportunity to engage. He bull-rushed Holland, getting between the burly man and the solider. He swung with fervor at Holland's axe arm. The Archer fired an arrow at Drake, trying to cover for the Mercenary she had bloodied. His shot went wide however. Not having a lot of experince, he wasn't used to battle and the pressure got to him. He calmed his nerves quietly "Now isn't the time to get nervous, I got to help my allies. I can't be the useless no good I always have been." he said quietly under his breathe. A Halbardier watched from afar. He could be seen, but for now made no moves. He made no effort to join the men fighting and certainly didn't seem overly concerned with what was going on. He just watched in the distance, an overwhelming presence.
  5. Alone and Forgotten: No! Anything! Anything but this! The Shadow screamed in despair He was there nothing around him Nothing but silence and air. It was maddening, the silence thick like mist It became a thick and oppressive stare a black visage with eyes orange and grim a living fear, the embodiment of a nightmare. "It is to be your fate Shadow." the face proclaimed The glare still writhing on it face of black smoke It laughed heartily as the Shadow cowered in fear "Heh, you are pathetic. I don't feel sorry at all for you bloke." It words stung, they were what the Shadow thought of itself The shadow feared this more than anything else. He didn't want to think these thoughts, but he did it everyday How no one could care about a shade. Who in their right mind would want to stand by he? "No one could care about a Shade, not even me." The face, it knew even the Shadow's thoughts? Was nothing sacred anymore? But then slowly the pieces fell together. The Shadow realized that visage, wasn't even there It was the disquiet of his own heart It came from the very depths of his despair That from the world he would be forever apart. He feared that most That while he retreated from the world That he would become a ghost and everyone would forget him as time slowly swirled. The visage, it was him a beast made entirely of his anger with those eyes orange and grim It didn't want to be forgotten no matter the danger. It would fight forever even if it meant scorning ever friend Because it couldn't take being forgotten again.
  6. Iron Walls: Iron walls line the corridor They are unbending, but broken. They have yet to be seen by any as the location it is unspoken. Only those guided by the Shadow May walk these halls of this heart. The walls have been seen now by few, it isn't much but it is a start. The Shadow has shown some his heart, and so the Iron walls, they crumble even more. For the walls weren't needed, a farce Now that he can let go to the walls of iron, his heart now soars.
  7. So I decided imma share some of the music I listen to as well like some of the others around do lol. I will probably be focusing on a blend of Rock, Power and Symphonic Metal, some Neo-classical and just other stuff I enjoy. I don't know hoe frequent it will be, but I will try to get a set-list every week if I can. THis first week's is up already. Stop on by to check it out. I tried getting a interesting mix so it will be a strange group lol.

    1. Arkhi



      Maybe I'll listen in sometime.

    2. NickCrash
  8. I kinda like it to a degree. It kinda forces me to search through my lexicon and really express my lexicon of vocabulary. I can see you point as well though XD. Hopefully one day when I am in a bit better of a mood I can write up some limericks for fun or something in the thread. It is kinda just my thread for banging around my thoughts and just plopping them out into the world in some sort of fashion. Poetry is one form, and it is a short one so I would reckon a lot of the works will be in that form but I may do some other stuff every now and then. It just really depends what I wish to do.
  9. It would be much harder... will kinda... if I was sticking to Iambic Pentameter.((at least for what is considered the classic or Elizabethan Sonnet.)) However, as I was trying to convey my emotion at the time, I wanted it to not have that kind of restriction. I would rather stress the syllables the way I wanted to and not have to adhere entirely to a code. A lot of these works won't be traditionally structured because I feel they restrict my ability to free form write like I want to. Most common forms of poetry or at least the more structured ones require too much planning and I feel like I lose some of the organicness to just running with it.
  10. Just keep in mind Komodo that I am saying that because I am kinda the Head Mod of this Sub-forum, and I don't want to interfere with a Host's control over their own RP. That is not my place here and it is why I let Hosts for the msot part run and police their own RP. ((I will pop in if the problem gets out of hand and a Mod is in fact needed however.))So, I am just not comfortable, even when asked, to do so unless I am in a position that says otherwise.((like the example above.)). So, my circumstance maybe a tad different and I want that to be clear lol.
  11. While I prefer to wait, I will not be saying anything on this matter. As a part of my policy I don't want to influence any decisions within another host's RP in any way, shape, or form if I am not like an honorary host or something within that RP. ((like with Under the Hill.)) I hope you can respect my decision here. I want host's RPs to be a space they can control and their own bubble. While I don't mind advising or suggesting things, I will not be directly part of a decision as I don't want to scorn the trust I have built up around here. Your RP is your place and it is your creation. I as a mod don't want to mess with that, it is not my place. So, I hope you understand why I will be abstaining from this.
  12. So I guess I released a thing? It is sorta just a kinda destressing tool so not sure people would want to read it, but if you do stop by the Forlorn Shadow's Den. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12717

  13. This will be the place to discuss the works within my thread the Forlorn's Shadow's Den. Feel free to offer criticism and feedback as well, but be forewarned that I will not be using it fro the works within the thread. These observations will be useful to me in the future however, so please put them below if you see anything I can improve on. Link to Thread:
  14. Heyo, Hukuna Sensei here. Welcome to the Forlorn Shadow's Den! This is a place for me to write things on my mind in more more expressive fashion. It is sort of a online stress ball for me. I figure some of you may wish to see this work and I might as well share it with people if I am going to do it. While I will be providing a Feedback/Discussion Thread for you guys to discuss the works written here, I will not be utilizing any of that feedback within these exercises. That is not the point of this thread and it never will be. This is not for my improvement and it is certainly not going to be up to par all the time. It is just a place for me to express things in the way I want to. This won't be regularly updated as it is kinda a place for me to destress and unwind and not something I plan to update on a schedule. The discussion thread can be found here. Forlorn Shadow: ((Sonnet structure and rhyme but no particular meter.)) Naught, but for one Shadow sits on yonder peak He is I, and I he Into the valley underneath, his heart leaks Below, the scene his very soul wishes to see. They run about in the valley below Other spirits, full of great cheer They are ones that make the Shade's soul glow But yet, The Shadow sits as the peak's lonely amir. For ties bind his heart, keep it enticed Connected to the others by invisible bond One that is many times made of gentle ice but oft, thorns of black from the beyond. Is it worth the teen for this bond of friend? Aye, until the dark and often bloody end.
  15. Drake rushed in behind to take on the other mercenary. Finally... she thought to herself. She hadn't had a real battle in awhile and certainly not one where she could slaughter someone. She enjoyed killing, so long as the bastard deserved it. However, as a Mercenary you don't always have the luxury of fighting those that are always in the wrong. Things were much more grey. Hell, even now it was hard to tell. She always found it strange that she wanted to protect life... but end it all the same. But now wasn't the time for pensive thinking, it was time for action. She rushed in, her greatsword still slung over her shoulder. Her face went from the calm level-headed expression she had when she was leading them, to something different. It became more primal. It was the very reason they called her the Drake's Knuckle. She moved with feral strength, but it was contained by just enough precision to not be wild and uncontrolled. She went for one of the mercenaries, hoping to strike before he was ready to receive a blow.
  16. The problem is, a lot of it is up to interpretation. While a lot of Pokemon draw from certain influences, that doesn't necessarily mean they exactly fit that description or that they stay true to that influence. As like above, some people believe the Eevees are foxes, other think they are closer to rabbits, some think they are raccoons, or other small mammals like cats... and well, they aren't exactly wrong. We Don;t truly know what Eevee/it evos are, because they aren't any of those creatures. Heck... some of the evos are more like other animals in this example. ((Like Espeon and Sylveon are more cat-like while Jolteon is much more fox like to a degree.)), Nothing is really set in stone... because well... we really don't know lol. I would say it is up to the person of the Locke to decide them self what is what lol.
  17. "So long as the frontline is occupied it should be easier for you to take out that archer Ko. Holland, on the Solider when he arrives be careful though don;t get tied up with those mercenaries. But, you break that damn spear, you hear me?! We will crush that fighter when he arrives. Everyone engage these Mercenaries! Hopefully we can outmaneuver them and get them out of the way before their back-up gets here." Drake said confidently to her troops. These foes would be short work. By the way they passed up the main bulk she knew that they had an advantage from the get-go. They were most definitely in-experienced to a degree. Surely, they would know numbers would be good even if they were only distracting the main forces of their enemy, even if they weren't making an impact themselves. Drake had lead troops, she knew what to do. And Drake's force also had a healer to replenish the health of those under her. Any wounds could be done away with. This was a key advantage they had over the approaching foes.
  18. Apparently... I am a Tropius according to those on the server... huh...

  19. Maybe, but it is at a place I am sure people would just assume to follow, but alrighty lol.
  20. Sooooooooooooooooooooo... what do? Kinda left us hanging at bit here lol.
  21. Breaking News Bulletin: "There has been a rash of Mega Rayquaza sightings around Reborn. Please stay indoors until they leave the area unless you have a burning desire to be well, burninated. This has been Hukuna Sensei on 96.8 The Dojo. *end transmission* ((it'll be fixed soon, jsut keeps your eyes peeled people lol.)).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      There was a problem with 14.5 where there was Mega Rayqauzas somewhere lol.((and Typholsion having Energy Ball.)) But Dan fixed it already. XD

    4. Qaaz
  22. Now that the new banner is working.... not baaaad.

  23. Hopefully, you understand what I am saying lol. I sometimes get a bit abstract and stuff XD.
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