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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Nothing is as invourgating as filling out a bunch of forms and apps... oh wait... anything else is better than this. *grumbles...*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      Hey, at least you're not doing the questionaire ones. Those ones are a pain.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I bet. Probably going have to whip together a resume at some point too... this shit... is so annoying... Should have gotten a job before so I knew what the hell I was doing, that is making it worse...

    4. Commander


      That's exactly what I said 3 years ago.

  2. And the job search begins tomorrow... hopefully I find something and get an app in and get her right away. Been needing one for awhile now.

    1. HakuTaku


      good luck with the job search

    2. Commander


      My first job took forever to find. After that, it's pretty easy.

  3. An idealist who hates the very notion of Ideals... is such a thing possible?

    1. Ikaru
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Clever lol. But eh, I was just thinking because a friend of mine said That is how I was. Because I was talking about how I hated the ideals imposed upon people by society etc... after which... they said I was an Idealist. I confused me at first... but I guess one has to beleive in something... if they are to hate it.

    3. Chevaleresse


      One can hate ideals for any number of reasons and still be an idealist.

  4. Drake being the closest kicked the Steel Lance from the General's grasp. It would be surely some time until he could get up again and know he wouldn't have the Spear for leverage.. "Now is our chance! Let's get out of here, into town! We must meet with the other forces. Let's go!!!" Drake shouted to the group.
  5. @Telos, Psssssssssh you didn't know my friends huh? They threw me under the bus right away with Intermediates lol. I actually did fine though. A few tips. -most times getting creep kills is more important than Champion Kills. I don't know the exact math, but it is definitely more lucrative to aim for good CS than it is for a lot of kills. - Keep moving and don't sit about in lane. It makes it easy fro enemies to line up their skill shots on you for harass and to possibly kill you. -DON'T AA THE CREEP WAVE!!! I can't stress this enough, and that isn't yelling, I am emphasizing it so you know it is important. Anyway, we don't want to because it will make you miss Last-Hitting the minions, or worse push the lane. So, only Auto-Attack to kill a creep to get the Money you get from last hitting it. - Read the Patch Notes, Now don't go back and read old ones, but every time new patch notes release for an upcoming patch, read them!!! Even if early on it makes little sense. it is a good habit to get into, and you stay on top of news. Few more useful Terms. These are a tad more advanced than the ones Tacos put, but are important. You don;t need these right away, but be sure to learn them in due time. That is all for now.
  6. Pyrr, we all learn sometimes. As long as you are willing to change it up when it is asked for, and you make an effort to try and not do it we are solid. ((pretty sure there is a time where we all were learning something and ya always feel like you are messing up. Like in Fire Emblem games themselves, and am sure many a person felt that way lol. It can be a bit more intimidating in an RP because other people are relying on it and I get that XD. But we all got to learn sometimes. Just keep your chin up and keep trying, you will get the hang of it.))
  7. Drake took advantage of The General's charge striking at his back as he passed with a wicked lunge he couldn't stop. She bore down hard on him, hoping the armour at the back was weaker and she could get a good hit on him before going back on the defensive. It was probably hopeless, but this strike would determine how she would handle the situation.
  8. I sent him a pm talking about it. ((I tend to do my stuff via PM rather than clog OOCs with it, but if you are willing to let it slide I am okay with it. You are the host here and I am certainly going to let you run it the way you wish lol.))
  9. Yea, they are much more appropriate in a chase, or to get people off your tail. Mostly because you know fro sure who is going to step on them... and well if they are charging at you it can be hard to stop from barreling into them.
  10. Caltrops are usually not used as a like a trap, more used as a defense mechanism, like to get away from something that is currently chasing you. They aren't so useful as a trap unless you know where they are and that no else on your side is moving through the area.
  11. I will leave that up to the others in the group. I have done enough potential damage as is lol.
  12. Wow... I see how it is. GUess you don;t want me here. *storms out.* ((but really... I wouldn't be here if it stayed that way the entire time trust me... XD.))
  13. Yea, I think we should hold it here until people start turning up a bit to be like "I am fine with that." cause I don't want to be that guy that got the entire Party wiped XD.
  14. I think we should kinda have let the others have a bit of say in that before we want blazing ahead lol. ((cause I dunno... I may be over estimating us. I am pretty sure we can win but... eh, they might not want to live so dangerously.)) < cause this guy... he lives on the edge. The others may not be as fond of the razer's edge as I.
  15. "Oh yea, you are a lot of talk bub." Drake remarked. She clearly was egging the man on, hopefully getting him to charge and do something stupid. She wasn't going to attack unless she got a big opening against the General. For now she was focused on dodging and keeping his attention so that the others could get prepared. Holland and Komorrin would be crucial in this fight, as they could more easily take on the foe. Komorrin's bolts would be the most effective as the General's armour not only didn't protect well from magic, but it was a pretty decent conductor as well. Drake would need to take advantage of being faster than the General, it was the only thing she had against him, and she was damn well going to use it. But for now, she focused everything she could into dodging any attacks coming after her rather than trying to attack.
  16. I am pretty sure we are relatively fine Commander. Most of these characters aren't entirely fresh off the press Drake fro a fact has battle experience and even has some experience leading troops into battle. Most of the others have some as well. They aren't complete greenhorns, so I am pretty sure it will not be as bad as you say. We might not have the best unit disposition, but I am sure the town has some Lance/Axe wielders defending it lol.
  17. Eh, sorry, but there is no way in hell Emberly is going to just let Kelsey go in there by herself. She is never going to let a medic just go off by their lonesome as it is pretty dangerous and not a very good plan. So, Emberly isn't letting her out of her sight fro now.
  18. "Your not going anywhere without me and the others. If you are going to town, we are also going. We are a unit and we need to stick together. Because if you go by yourself, you are dead, and you aren't saving anybody." Emberly said as she grabbed the girl's arm. Emberly was probably of the strength that Kelsey couldn't fight her off, but she wasn't grabbing her in such a way that she couldn't get away if she wanted to. Emberly was more concerned about her safety now. Kelsey, by the look on her face now and the previous interactions with her. was one of those people. She didn't want people to die. And while that was all fine and noble... it lead to problems in cohesive units. But, Emberly knew she wouldn't be swayed. "We all go if you go. I am not letting a medic wander into a warzone on their own. Everyone form up on me, we have a change of plans. Mage!" she yelled trying to remember his name. "Komorrin I believe your name was, keep your eyes peeled, you see anything let the group know." Emberly shouted to him. "Lucia, you stay with Kelsey, make sure nothing gets to her, your her Guardian angel and you better make sure no harm comes to her." she barked to the girl with the rapier. "Holland, you bring up the rear big boy! You see Lances you crush them, got it?" "Everyone else on me! LET'S MOVE PEOPLE!!!" Emberly shouted, she was ready to lead the charge.
  19. I don't mind lol, just get stuff done. I don;t want to rush people cause that is when stuff gets a bit... meh writing wise. Also, with the amount my eyes/allergies are bothering me, at least today not sure I am up to writing too much lol. It is kinda kicking my bum.
  20. It is going to be awhile until I get to do something again isn't it lol?
  21. "Just keep you eyes peeled, and everyone, on me." Emberly said, she picked her blade out the ground and placed it over her shoulder. "There is most certainly troops about, If you see anything holler. We got a serious disadvantage if any spearman come after us. so Mage, we need your aim to be on point. Kelsey, stay with me and make sure anybody that gets hit stays up if it comes to that." Emberly had been in this kind of a situation before, and has lead troops. she had to make sure everyone kept a levelhead and didn't panic. She wanted to be in the middle of the action where she could help most, but with this crew of recruits... she wasn't sure how capable they were. She was extremely worried about Yuri as well, but she had to push it from her mind. If the others saw she was full of worry, they wouldn't exactly be filled with hope. How could one be ready to fight if the one leading them was showing doubt and worry? The answer is it was impossible. So she had to hope Yuri would do fine on his own with the others that went with him.
  22. Ah.... another morning of being barely able to breathe because you are stuffed to the brim with snot and other gross junk because of your allergies. Just another morning in the day of the life of Hukuna Sensei.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Maybe not allerigc... but it really, really doesn't help me in any fashion.

    3. BreezyPonie


      I'm allergic to my own Shampoo.

      I know that feel bro ;-;

    4. Felicity
  23. I'll be dropping out, I just got other things I need to be doing and can't really being waiting around.
  24. The secret to describing things. Bullshit what ya don't know. If you don't know, make it up. I bet the people reading it know about as little as you do, so just run with it lol. The art of writing is describing something eloquently and in certain places, pulling the wool over people's eyes. If you say something all fancy like, who are they to argue? Writers are spinners of webs, but mostly flingers of bullshit. We just hide behind fancy words hoping people don't realize we what we are doing behind all the fancy words and well written prose.
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