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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Huh, that doesn't look a lick of good. Might as well stick around make sure the general is a distracted." Emberly thought to herself. She didn't move much. She planted the tip of her twohander into the ground and leaned on it. "Hopefully old Knighty here has bad eyes... or something... and Nemir gets back quickly. If People are in trouble, I don't want to waste any more time then we have to."
  2. Oh allergies... You think you have won haven't you? Well, you haven't!!! Imma get the stuff I am working on done dang it. Don't care how tired your making me feel, or if I must swim through another river of snot. IMMA GET THIS DONE!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HakuTaku


      i'm guessing you're another fellow college student

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nope, probably will be one day. I am currently writing something and I have been spending a bit of time on it, want to knock it out already lol.

    4. HakuTaku
  3. The amount of talk of Fire Emblem Awakening is making me even more sad I don;t have a 3ds... damn I need a job...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well you are all torturing me so I hate all of you.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ((which is how I show affection apparently... so that is a good thing I think...))

    4. Flux


      I always found it weird that this is becoming a big topic now. I picked it up two summers ago and nobody was saying a thing then. Now, almost three years after its release, it's hitting Reborn.

  4. Allergies... bloomin'... suck...

    1. Arkhi


      Kickin' allergies...

    2. diana


      fuck allergies

    3. Maelstrom



      bloomin' onions are delicious.

  5. THink we are hung up on Alexus right now. I have nothing else to do in this segment of time with EMberly, so I have no reason to post.
  6. Scout Team Even without the question being asked, they would quickly gotten their answer. A gruff man with a bushy brown Beard stood outside. He was covered in trapper's furs and looked like a giant puffy Bear. He waved his arm towards the group signaling them over for a chat. It was clear he was the man they were sent to come see. Ivar knew him. As this was a small town he knew most of the locals. This man was know as Grizzly Tim. Tim was a rather simple man, not much for fancy things or niceties. His cabin, while it looked cozy and nice, was definitely simple and it felt like an inviting home. The light of the hearth from inside seemingly beckoned the group inside, as if it wanted to wrap the warm embrace of the fireside all around them. But, it wasn't a time for that. Town Team Ivo was now not attending to those in the Temple still he was busy preparing. Then a woman suddenly burst through the doors. "IVO!!! HAVE YOU GOTTEN OFF YOUR LAZY ASS YET!!!" "Ah, yes Milady Snow. We are working on the preparations for the Ritual of your ancestor hush now Milady." Ivo said, a nervous look on his face. "AND WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!!!?" The woman shouted again. Now she came into view... the yelling from before, she was still outside of the temple. She wore silvery armour and had snow white hair. The name seemed familiar, snow was the name of the person this Pilgrimage was about in the first place, or at least this leg of the journey. Named after a great heroine? WHo was this woman? "Stop shouting milady. They are the ones I sent out to make sure it is safe for those that walk the path this Winter. They will be eliminating the threat. You knwo what!!! How about I send them with you!!! They need to gather information from the townsfolk and I am sure they would be more open if their Lady Snow as with them. Who could say no to the Ancestor of the great Snow Ashfield?"
  7. Entering the Sci-fi Research Tank, in which I am jsut going to absorb media in that genre in prep to write about it. It is a pretty helpful tool in that it really programs you to work in and just think in a Mindset of the genre you are in fact writing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      hmmm... is it gonna be a CW?

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nope, setting fro an RP.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Recursive Stars is the name of setting/Universe.

  8. It's cool. Take your time. I would rather you get a quality post and take awhile doing it, then rush and post something that is pretty blergh.
  9. Drake dropped off her giant Twohander. It was in pretty bad shape, but it still probably had a few swings left in her. She took a new sword, which she swung around a bit. ((not being too particularly careful to avoid hitting those around.)). "Seems fine, hopefully doesn't break to fast, I don't typically have swords too long."
  10. Naming stuff... it is the bloody worst...

    1. Commander


      ikr? Sometimes it takes forever. Sometimes you randomly think of a name in two seconds and for some reason it sticks to you. Old Man Jenkins didn't even exist until yesterday.

  11. Is it weird if I say Waterbending... for the Bloodbending part of it? Cause that... that was cool. ((I don't think that ever came up really more than once, but I am a bit behind on the series XD.)) However, most likely Firebending... Just cause my Fav Character is Iroh, and breathing fire is pretty awesome.
  12. So there was a bit of light Bunnying in my most recent post in that I made it automatically hit. If Anybody has trouble with it Please just let me know. I did it more or less for the story not as a powerplay so my intentions are pure. I thought one, Karl probably wasn't expecting the blow, and two, it would make for a powerful moment in the story. If anybody has an issue I will change it. And I figure, though Emberly hasn't intentionally done so to Karl, She just really really isn't happy with Virgil, if anybody made that move she would have intervened.
  13. ((Dobbs, I am going to hope you are okay with this if not, just tell me.)) Emberly sword Came crashing down towards the Dwarf's blade. She did everything she could to not harm the dwarf and just knock the blade from his hand. "The hell is this farce? Who calls you an officer? Cause you are a shit officer if that is the case. I don't care if you don't want to train us, I get that. You see plenty of troops rolling through here to their deaths everyday." Emberly said, clearly not to happy with the man now. "You sow discord in the ranks by making us fight each other over a stupid competition to get out of training. Who would give you the authority over troops, when this is how you train them? By pitting them against yourself or each other? I am a mercenary and I know how to handle troops better than you. I HAVE LEAD THEM IN BATTLE!!! AND YOU WOULD PULL THIS FARCE?!?!?! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR COUNTRY AND EVERYTHING THIS ARMY STANDS FOR!!!" Her anger reached a boiling point. She stared at him, fire in her eyes. "NO WONDER THESE TROOPS JUST RUN TO THEIR DEATHS, YOU CUT FUCKING CORNERS AND YOU EXPECT THEM TO HAVE A FIGHTING CHANCE!?!?! WHY KNOT PUT A SWORD IN THE HAND OF EVERY CHILD AND THROW THEM OUT THE DOOR TOO!?!?!?!? I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE TRAINED BY THE ONISHIAN EMPIRE!!!!" ((that bloody why... with the word not after it emote...that is why it is spelled knot up above.))
  14. Pssssssssst, waiting on the Scout team to wander their bums down to the Cabin I described. ((keep in mind... If I describe something... Probably should go there lol.))
  15. I just haven't had the time to do it with being sick on and off so It kinda fell to the way side since I was running it and just didn't have the energy to do so.
  16. There is one thing I would like to point out. With the sheer size of worlds etc... and stories, don't forgot that Tropes and the like are not bad unless they are used poorly. ((even character related ones.)). If you use a typical trope to make up a character evolve this practice. Like say in a Fantasy setting you are writing Joe-shmoe warrior man. We take all the tropes this applies of course, but that is kinda boring. But don;t ask what is the same about him and other character that use these tropes. Ask what is different. The differences, even small ones can add a great breadth of character to something that would otherwise be cliche or full of common tropes. With Graterras I did adapt most of Dungeons and Dragons main over look on fantasy races, however I shifted them in ways to amke them my own. Like Elves in Graterras aren't just your standard live a long time and then retreat to their spirit world type folks. They die just like everyone else. Or my Gnolls, they believe in gods of travel etc and are a nomadic culture and a lot they do revolves around this. In Dungeons and Dragons they are just a race of more or less mindless monsters for the PCs to just slaughter. Tropes and somewhat 1 dimensional characters are the building blocks of the universe. They are what we build upon and then build outward from. It is hard to avoid some of these period, and hard to avoid them cropping up at all. Not every character is going to be a fresh ray of sunshine or be entirely unique. That is expecting waaaaaaaaay too much work from a writer. Trust me, I know there are probably some very trope latent characters in Graterras. ((I should mention inconsistencies happen in Graterras a buttload, but due to the opposite reason of Stratos's works lol. Stratos has a lot of info he has to check back on. A breadth of info that holds him to his points etc... Where as I have a different problem. I have the problem where I don't hash out fine details. This allows me to be more flexible on the fly, but tends to me changing my mind on stuff sometimes even changing the names of things lol. My style is more fit for RPs where the overarching story is jsut a by-product of the play. So it is hella going to happen. I have probably changed the spelling of Bartimis at least 3 or 4 times because I couldn't remember it, and then my players couldn't remember it XD. That was actually kinda of funny to look back on though.))
  17. Well, now that I slept a good say...16 hours? I feel a bit better than yesterday. My muscles are still very sore as welll as my neck and back, but at least I can move without it urting like crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That was like almost 3 years ago now lol. and I haven't really done anything since. ((and I mean American Football jsut so you know Dobbs.)) But yea, Don;t worry about me too much guys I am sure I will be okay.

    3. Felicity


      You better be >:C else imma smack that disc >:C

    4. Kurotsune




  18. I love how my thought process was... First person to ask. Done. XD, seems to have worked pretty decently.
  19. Yea like... that felt like a game of musical chairs with the amount of people that showed up all of a sudden, said a bunch of stuff and then like just disappeared.
  20. Don;t worry Dobbs, not like people are kinda straight up ignoring kinda feels like that for me lol.
  21. "You know, it is kinda interesting how people keep forgetting I am sitting here and that I have said all of this before." Emberly said aloud. It was one of her thoughts that just slipped out. She did that from time to time, where she jsut couldn't help but blurt out what was on her mind. "It was nice meeting you though Karrin, hopefully the next time you try to get a partner... well... that doesn't happen." She said clearly referring to what happened this morning.
  22. I would post mine... but I got a PDF to a TRPG adjacent thing right now and pretty sure people won't give a damn lol. Eh, I guess I will. Since it would be like Hukuna Sensei to have such a thing on his Keyboard. Enjoy: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3441990/archipelago_third_edition.pdf
  23. "Well, just be 6 Feet Tall, then they will be pissing their pants anytime you get near them. Works for me." Emberly said giggling. "But, sure I know what you mean. That girl... she doesn't think much before she does things. I mean, I am to be no judge, I don't exactly think through stuff all that much either. However, I do at least a little bit."
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