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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. And with the latest development in the IC we have been ported back to 5th Gen. Glare missed!!!
  2. Eh... I kinda just went with the first person that asked lol. Didn't really care how compatible it was.
  3. "The ditzy one with the possible rage issue? Nooooot too sure. Think it was Vivienne or... something like that. Not good with names, I am better at recognizing attitudes and faces. They stick with me more." Emberly said while shoving some food in her mouth. "Any particular reason you wanted to know? You two.... didn't really get off on a good foot."
  4. Or for Nina to get a Partner... Perfectly good one was sitting riiiiiiiiiiight next to her ya know?
  5. "Alright Half-Orc, ya 'ave been most 'elpful. Probably moreso than any of those refugees louts in there. MEN OPEN THE GATES WE GOT PASSERSBY!!! AND REDOUBLE THE GUARDS!!! WE NEED EVERY ABLE-BODIED MAN READY TO FIGHT!!! GET MOVING!!!" The man shouted up over the walls. The gates slowly swung open, making way for the group. The town was packed with refugees most everywhere, it was clear the town was not built for this many people. At the very least, the fortications looked sound and well made. The stone defied the wilderness. They remembered how Passtrough survived the battle even with walls made from makeshift boards, this place had to be well protected.
  6. Yea, she is one of those characters where the motifs are a tad heavy-handed lol.
  7. Is it clear I kinda did that already? ((to be fair... this was a character written for something else and I didn't feel like changing her entirely)), it makes sense with her personality for sure though. Hell, her being that tall is part of her whole theme.
  8. I wasn't actually sure how the transformation stuff worked. And I get it lol. Imma still wait until that stuff gets fully decided on until I worry about it any further though.
  9. "Well of course you can't get over it, your shorter than me." Emberly said giving the other girl a thumbs up and a silly grin. two other students decided to sit here. Well, Emberly wasn't actually there when they arrived but still, she couldn't help but feel more people than usual were just showing up around her. It was an interesting change of pace even though Karrin ((doesn't know her name... just... easier to point out who I mean, it is the same with Nina.)) was fixated on her height like most. She looked over to the other girl she had asked the questions to, but didn't get an answer for. She was... staring at Emberly kinda blankly. "Is she.... staring at my hair?" Emberly thought to herself ruffling her hair a bit as she scratched her head.. "Uh, you alright there? I guess you really are shy since you didn't answer me." she said still nervouisly messing with the hair on the back of her head. "That is okay though, not everyone can be as loud as I am." Emberly said giggling at Nina's behavior. It was strangely amusing to her. "What brings you two over here? Not many people like hanging around me, they get all put off by my height for some reason. I am guessing you two are partners? Arturia and I are glad to met you. I am Emberly" she said pointing to herself.
  10. Well, I am actually used to Lightning being Green, but that is due to Hitman Reborn. ((probably the only thing that has ever made Lightning Green. Oh and Green Lightning is actually a real thing lol.)) Also um Sev... wouldn't Vivi have noticed Emberly... who was last seen with Arturia((and she assumed was partners with with Arturia.))... or is she enough of an airhead she forgot?
  11. Wow, light being Orange is strange. ((not like... a bad thing just interesting lol.)) I can see why you associated Fire with Red now though. ((even though I almost always associate it with Orange/yellow))
  12. *facepalm* Well... I figured since mention of Magical Girl... and... gosh darn it Japan... ((I mean... I would know if I had seen/read/whatever Fate/Apocrypha, but I haven't so.))
  13. Well, you didn't technically call me Senpai... so I guess it is fine. And I would have no idea if Rider of Black is fabulous or not... Haven't really digested the media ((I would normally never use that terminology... I just have no idea what form of media it is... I just know the character exists in something within the Fate stuff.)) in which she appears.
  14. Karrin does, Emberly didn't notice her at all. (( and that is canon, too lazy to change it.))
  15. I will add my own thoughts. I very much believe in the expansion through play rather than hashing out everything beforehand. ((says the guy who spent 4 years working on Graterras, though that was long form rough idea forming.)) Hell, a lot of my ideas came from it alone. ((Such as the dream sequences in Chapter 3 of World in Peril, the RP I am running for my players..)) While, I did build some of the world and lay out the structure of the way it would be. I knew there would be 9 islands and basic stuff about the homelands of the races etc... However, I never ever drew a map. I didn't plot in the fine details. Those are what I would use the game to pencil in. I would visit those places along with my players and see them with them. I would get a feel fro my world as they did and be just as surprised as them in the wanderlust. In Story, I strictly believe in what Adam and Steven will expand upon in later episodes. ((cause I watched all of them back to back they are lumping together for me XD>)) But the story/plot of the RP simply doesn't exist yet. It only exists after the players have gone through etc... While I have a direction I would like to go, I am flexible. I am willing to change that plan on the fly and in reaction to my players and what they as characters do. The Death Knight fight in Chapter 2? I Actually was pretty sure I would kill at least a character. However, the brilliant combo that Akuma and Sigurd set up along with Odin impressed me enough that I decided That the Death Knight would fall much, much sooner than I planned. ((Though Brass's sacrifice definitely weakened him a lot too.)). And on your point of that a Host should listen, in a later episode they will talk about the Rule of "Yes, and." It is too take such a suggestion of a player etc, and expand upon that suggestion in some way. This rule is taken directly from Improv Theatrics. ((and a lot from Theatre is actually helpful in RP.)), other variations of this rule Include "Yes, but" in that it is slightly different than normally suggested and "No, but". This is a technique to force yourself to think of things or to adapt Player suggestions to something that would work in your world. Now, don't do it all the time. SOmetimes you just shouldn't include a suggestion because it is asked. Use your discretion. If you think it wouldn't be good fro the world or the RP explain this to that player. In short, I like the more only finely prep what your player's will be touching in the near future approach. It prevents you from overloading yourself and leaves you room for variation and to change up the story as you go along. It also allows you the Host to be surprised by your own world sometimes, which is just as fun and excited fro you as it is the players.
  16. If I don;t reply a lot today it is cause I am in quite a bit of pain today guys. Like even slight movements causes it to flare all through my back and even in my neck. As such, I haven't been sleeping well and am rather tired to boot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      P much the same here, though not physically. Be well Sensei ^^

    3. Maelstrom


      ... What the hell happened to you?

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      No idea... I think I am just having a bad pain day. I have a narrowing of my spine in my lower back and have a Slightly compressed disc in my lower back as a result... I have never had it shoot up my back like it is right now.

  17. Uh and Emberly if that is the case... you guys need to somehow stop not seeing the 6'2" girl... XD EDIT: Oops... didn't even notice that post... you must have posted it at like.. the same time as me last night... and then when I posted this I missed it cause in a stupor of horrid pain... ((also, anybody who does that in this sub-forum is pretty dead period... so you need not worry.))
  18. "A Silver Sword? This guy is good or at least is well armed... that dwarf is toast." Emberly thought to herself. Emberly was pretty familiar with most weapons having fought in many battles. Anything form factor she could more or less tell what it is was at a glance. She had heard rumors of even more rare weapons, but she had never seen them in her travels and battles. Emberly would now watch this match between Virgil and the Dwarf. She didn't have much faith in the Dancer... as well, he was a dancer. But, she would for now give him the benefit of the doubt.
  19. Emberly didn't really pick up much from the buffet, she wasn't all that hungry, she only ate a mountain this morning for breakfast. The tall girl easily picked Arturia out of the crowd, and advantage of being mad tall, you could see pretty much anybody since you were above all the riff-raff. That made it easier to see you in the crowd as well, but Emberly barely minded that at all. She did notice another girl talking to Arturia though. Small number with glasses. "Huh, I didn't see her before in the class, which is weird since... I usually see everyone. She must have been hiding pretty well." Emberly thought to herself. Emberly quickly strode over. "Heyo Arturia!" she said rather loudly. "Who's this? I didn't even see her back in class." She asked trying to be polite as possible. She beamed a big smile at her with a little giggle. "A shy one, or did you only just arrive?" she said directed at the newer girl she didn't know yet.
  20. I didn't say they would be successful attempts lol. But really, there are those players that try to just mess everything up they know about in any way they can... ((I would stamp on them immediately, that isn't an attitude to promote around here.)) Anyway, it is more of a me saying "Be careful" kind of thing. Somethings you might not think are big are in fact... big, and well it is better to keep cards to your chest unless you are certain it doesn't matter revealing them. It is just a different philosophy,I just run things different no biggie. Not like telling you to change it XD.
  21. I mean the both. They also do not need to know shit is going down in 3 days either. Imagine how much more genuine the surprise would be if not even the Players of the characters knew that would happen. It would make the RP more genuine since they have to react to it on the fly, which is when RPing is at it's best imo. I dunno, my philosophy on RP is probably veeeery different from yours.
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