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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I can imagine, he probably sees so many bloody recruits that if they are trained he just boots them out the door. ((and Drake has fought in actual battles before since it was very much what she was hired for.)) So, I would imagine he wouldn't want to waste time on somebody who is already well trained.
  2. Ah, so the gist of what Virgil was saying was that Drake already looks ready to him. ((with the 3 days thing, I was kinda shaky on what you meant with that since it was worded in a way where it was like a little sketchy. [Though I was pretty sure that was his drift from the beginning, it is just like confirmed now.].))
  3. "Well Hopefully this has been solved. Now, I need the temple for tonight's service. I would ask you folks to get a move on, unless you want to stick around. I would highly prefer you get on with the task at hand." Father Ivo said. He paced up to the alter as he put out some of the candles around the alter, setting up for the service. He called out another servant, a low ranking Cleric ((even lower than Ivar for reference.)) "Malinda, if you would please clear the table and get it packed up. We ahve an important service tonight, I can;t have this place looking like a mead hall. Though, Lady Aelia might like that, she does enjoy treating her warriors well. No, no. I must not pretend I know the gods, especially not our Lady Aelia."
  4. tfw you suddenly have a strange connection to your character because she is acting very similar to the way you would in the same situation... which is weird... because... well... not sure I really need to explain further than that giving the circumstances... ((especially since she most definitely is not a self-insert character since I don't ever write those if I can help it.))
  5. Emberly was taken aback ever so slightly. She wasn't all that used to people just walking up to her... mostly because well... She was ungodly amounts of tall. Most people were a bit intimidated by just how large she was and tended to stay away a bit. She didn't mind it, in fact she actually kind of enjoyed the stares she got without having to do anything for them. She was interesting to people, just be being there. However, she had some one talking to her. It would probably be polite to answer the girl's question at the very least. "Nope. I assume you are asking because you don't have one either?" Emberly said. ((I am not actually sure if I want her to go by Emberly, or her nickname Drake in this. I am mostly going with Emberly right now to keep it clear in my mind space since this version of her is a bit different. But, if I randomly shift gears and just start using Drake, I am sorry ahead of time lol.))
  6. Uh it is modern to my knowledge, pretty sure Alexus said that some where above. ((the year is based on their own calender not our own.))
  7. Just has to stoop a little lol, I mean it isn't like she is 7 feet tall or something super crazy lol.
  8. Also... question... normally,, or at least in the other RP I used her in, Emberly/Drake is 6'2"... I hope that isn't a problem lol.
  9. Emberly was actually a slight bit nervous. She was a little overwhelmed from all the goings on in the room. As such she stood in the back of the classroom for awhile. She was sure they would make her choose a partner at some point, which she was thrilled and not thrilled about. While she had worked with people before, and preferred to do so... she really didn't know any of these girls. And Emberly hated getting to know new people. She decided to wait for awhile to calm the slight nerves she had, and more or less access the room. She hoped she would see someone that possessed the dedication and resolve she did, because otherwise, her partner would be eating her dust all year.
  10. Yes, Stratos is a butthead. That was off the record though... don't write that down. Anyhow, Imma figure out what on earth Imma do. ((also Drake's Birthday was 25th of April 1022, just in case people wanted to know XD.)) ANd that is actually mad accurate... espically with Gardevoir... maybe that is why Garde became Fairy type?
  11. "That don't even answer what I asked at all, Was another town attacked? Kinda bloody important to know. I gotta know which direction the Scum are going to come floodin' ya know? Can't have another City getting scrubbed from the map ya hear? What's to say they aren't headed here? And if you came from another town that was attacked, what's to say they aren't headed here from there as well? You want all these lives on your heads because we were ill-equipped to deal with a problem you didn't tell us about?" The Guardsman was clearly not impressed. He was more focused on protecting his city than letting them trough, it would be best to give him the answer to what he wanted to know, rather than skirt around it. It would probably carry more favour with him just letting them trough.
  12. Don't worry, I am probably as lost as you. However, I can;t explain it well, one of others will I am sure. And uh, alrighty then lol. Makes it a bit easier on me I guess lol.
  13. Like...I would, be I am pretty any date I choose, my character is just that much older than the others... it probably doesn't matter... Why I am a bit like... "The hell do I mode?" ((basically... how strict is this like time gap thing... because that is really what is paralyzing me into not knowing what on earth is going on right now.))
  14. I guess I will just wait for stuff to get rolling... I have 0 clue what to do right now lol.
  15. Why just be Romantic 1 day out of the year? Shouldn't you want to do it every day? I know I would want to. Then again... I am a hopeless romantic... so... Maybe I jsut have a different opinion lol.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      also *Another Thing, I didn;t mean to write The Other thing up above, that sentence be mad confusing now lol.

    3. Shamitako


      "it is mostly the day single people whine about not having a relationship or well... other things. " - I find this fact really, really, really annoying. I think it's really dumb for people to put so much focus on having a romantic relationship. It will come when it comes, it's not something you need to survive

    4. Shamitako


      However, I do think that Valentines day is a really neat event, especially since it gives you an excuse to let someone know you care even if you aren't quite ready to come out about your feelings quite yet

  16. I don;t think anyone is within a Year's range of my Character.... XD.
  17. ... You didn't know? Even I knew that. Not to mention there was a small blurb in the OP.
  18. I guess lol. Sorry if it is a bother, I just describe things in very... strange off-kilter ways. But, I guess that is accurate. and Commander, I personally believe personalities like that are better suited to side characters, or one's who aren't around enough for it to get either annoying, or stale and repetitive. ((so NPCs more often than not, that might not have a huge amount of plot relevance but might have gotten a name just because the group has seen them a bunch etc...)). That way, since they don;t see them all the time, they strange over the top quirk doesn't get like suuuuper old. ((and those can get old suuuuper quick.)). Not to mention, on a PC, they feel very confining. It is like setting a boundary for yourself that you can't cross or you lose a big piece of your character. Basically it makes more work for you as the player to play that character and rarely is the payoff ((if there even is one)), worth it. It can sometimes work, but even veterans have trouble pulling off that sort of a character.
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