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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Kaede "l don't know why you bother with the illusion of a choice. You know we have none. Strange, caring that we'd be involved in whatever... this is against our will and then force us yourself." Kaede said a strange feeling in her voice to the others. lt was some twinge of a half formed emotion but one couldn't tell what it was even Kaede herself. Her words did drip in sarcasm, but there was something lurking in those dark blue eyes. Darkness in those abyssal lakes. "l don't mind helping you though. You don't have to threaten me with death to help you destroy the very thing that's decided l'm not good enough. l've little love for society... as it has little love for me. l do not know that of any powers though. So, that must be one of the others here. Apologies."
  2. "Pssssh, the cold l can handle. Besides flyboy, you don't actually have ta trudge through the sand, so ya get ta cut out half the struggle." Meredith teased the wyvern rider, playfully elbowing him in the side in addition. However, she was much better in cold then she was in heat. Besides, sand was a hassle to walk through bleeeeeh. Meredith never liked fighting in these sands, armour just wasn't suited to it. "And thanks for the offer, but no thanks~ l'm having enough trouble staying on balance l don't need to add food into that mix yet. So, Clara..." a sly smile started to creep across her face. She nearly snickered to herself in disbelief of what she was about to ask. "Got any embarrassing stories about our dear wyvern loving friend here? l heard you traveled with him for a long while so, YA'VE got ta have something good in all that time. Good way ta pass the time too~"
  3. Feeling invigorated, Chance looked about to see if there was anyone else worth healing. She settled on Dorn, the one person who's name she actually knew. She ran over as fast she could and focused magic through her featherduster once more and acted as if she was just dusting him off. "lt's really quite dusty here huh? Here! l'll clean you up~" Move to G18, Dust off Doran with a Heal.
  4. "Ah, so she's the one we've heard so... little about then." Meredith said nodding in Anna Clara's direction. She have reached out to shake her hand but she was too busy focusing on not losing her balance in these lady stilts. "Ya know Ecquis... ya haven't really told us much of that story. Ya seem to have a lot of tales but you rarely tell them." Ecquis was always a rather reserved one. He wasn't even that talkative when she interviewed him way back. She wasn't sure it was due to any nerves or shyness however. He just seemed to not divulge unless asked. She could respect that. "Sooooooooo... tell us! Just dying ta know about your time in this... beautiful... wonderful... wonderful desert." she had to seemingly force out the last part.
  5. Chance shook her featherduster in a somewhat comical manner at the gentleman's remark. "l dunno about you but l don't think this is gonna do much to all those armoured goons. Unless they are ticklish... you think they are ticklish?" she dusted off the dust still clinging to his clothes quickly and efficiently as she could. "So... unless they are l'm just a poor defenseless maiden. You have to protect me! So no sleeping until we're out of here sleepyhead!"
  6. "Heh, that was fun though you have to admit. Enjoyable fight that was!" Meredith said flexing her arm. How she approached quietly was anyone's guess. THough she was not in her typical black plate. lnstead she wore a long flowing black dress in it's stead. She tumbled foward awkwardly throwing herself off balance with her movements however. She nearly crashed into Ecquis but managed to stop herself. "How do people walk in these stupid things? l want my armour back... it's so much more comfortable..." she lamented. "ln her defense... hard ta not kill people when and entire countries army wants you dead and ta deliver your head on a pike ta some tyrant."
  7. Chance let out a sigh of relief as her allies had taken care of the stragglers. She couldn't heal their comrade without putting too much risk to herself and she wasn't sure if the others would care so much about her plight. As far as most of them knew, she wasn't really of much worth to them. Regardless she now had a clear avenue. Chance once more sent her magic through her featherduster, as she placed it to man's chest. She wasn't sure the fellow's name but he was looking a bad way. She had to help him if she could. "Hey, wake up! Come on friend we've more fighting to do. You have pure innocent maidens to protect the honour of and you're laying down on the job!" Move to... wherever that mage was and boop Tekeshi with one Heal.
  8. Kaede lt seemed the girl wasn't really paying attention when the other spoke to her. This seemed a common occurrence with these girls. Stuck with a disrespectful group it seemed. Perhaps such was an unfair judgement but the lot didn't exactly inspire confidence. Kaede certainly would've rather been doing whatever Arturia was right now. Mostly cause she could just stick to her friend. She didn't know any of these people, and she certainly didn't want to try and get to know any of them on her own accord. She wasn't going to rush into any social interactions herself. That tended to end badly. But, knowing this group... eventually one of these girls would decide to bug her. They were an unruly bunch it seemed. Why were they all lagging behind anyway? Kaede was deliberately slowing pace... and somehow most of the group was behind her. Kaede just wanted this over with and they were making this process longer. She supposed she should be mad at this... but she couldn't really muster the feeling and was just indifferent towards it. They were wasting their own time as well... so it balanced out.
  9. For whoever gave me Rep 70... thank you. my rep's been sitting on 69 for like... a week now and it was buggin' me.

    ~~probably was @seki108~~

    1. seki108


      It was probably the music recommendation earlier.  No problem (and thanks again--can never find enough remixes)

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      You, are a saint and legend.

    3. Zarc









  10. tfw you spend and afternoon researching the Greater Arcana for a rather simple choice for character creation in an RP you're working on that player's will probably put only 2 seconds of effort into picking.

    Perhaps it thus that l burn myself out so much XD. l put too much into things that don't need nearly the attention to detail l give them. *shrugs* 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chickens


      Dont mind me I'm just stalking people.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lolol, be careful who stalk.~ ~~you may not like what you find. *smiles faintly.*~~

    4. Chickens


      I was a adventurer person until I saw you, then I became a bean.

  11. *puts Fjorm in his pocket.* My cute Snow Princess. MlNE!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l don't really play anymore... or might. Fjorm is seriously making me want to again though. l love heeeer design so much ;~; ~~lf that's not somehow obvious as feck given the avvie.~~

    3. Commander


      They added A LOT of new content to dig around in and speculate. Fjorm is an introductory to a new series of units called Legendary heroes which I'm wondering whether or not we'll get at least one for free. Staff units got an insane buff though as did dragons. My only gripe is that they aren't giving enough of refining stones to work with. It's 50 for a simple upgrade and I don't even have that even after doing a ton of quests. Small gripe though but hopefully they'll double the amount given sooner or later.


      Heroes is a lot better now than when it first started out as it's very friendly for F2P players since we now have Skill Inheritance, Summoner Support, Ally Support, Weapon Refining, and Affinity support.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l've played since day 1 mostly. l jsut quit after Halloween banner cause l'm a little over how the do limited units... XD

  12. Anemone "Well, you could've told me that and it'd have saved time ya know? lnstead of acting like you had no idea what it was and how it got here. l thought l was unraveling something important but you already knew the whole time..." Anemone pouted and nearly instantly deflated. Her features losing a lot of the excitement she previously had. She sat looking quite forlorn for a moment, until she realized she still had something to address. She took a breath before continuing. "Anyway, l mention it as it could easily be the cause of how you could summon a much more powerful version of your normal capabilities. Our sub-consciousness is capable of breaking typical limiters that our active mind puts in our way. A nightmare is about the best trigger for an ability like yours due to it's protective nature. Either one with you protecting yourself from something or another from sort of attack perhaps. ln any case, one's magic can often be more powerful when they aren't in direct control of it at the time. The human body quite often can do quite unhuman feats when under the influence of instinct or the id." Anemone put her index finger to her chin while she began to ponder at it. She supposed this meant... Wendy was capable of this level of summoning, her spark had latent potential she had yet to reach. "lt does prove that your spark is full of a lot of unrealized potential, power that you're not capable of replicating while awake. So, we've a goal to work towards but how do we move forward is the question? l suppose we could find answers through your dreams. Hmmm... but observing dreams isn't exactly easy. l'm not entirely sure if that's something magic is capable of. Perhaps through telepathy magic of some kind? lf l could observe them however, perhaps we'd find the root of how your Spark works. lf that's not really feasible, We can always default to the good ol' fashioned 'practice until you find results' method. l dunno it's up to you Wendy. lt's your mind l'd be digging in, and if it works correctly, l dunno if you'll be able to hide things you don't want me to see. Magic like that's quite intrusive so it's not something l'd do without your express permission."
  13. Happy Turkey Day folks~

    also TFW somebodies been in the Red Beet Eggs before dinner. That Butt. Better be some left for me...

  14. And... l'mma go back to Albedo. She one of my faaavourites. (and like basically my aesthetic so... here we go!)

  15. Meredith placed her head on her friend's shoulder gently, trying to not spook her as much as possible. She didn't say another word either. She shared in the silence that was created in the meantime. lt was no longer time for words.
  16. "l see. That's what you meant then... what you meant when you said you were a monster." Meredith thought to herself. She shifted over towards the woman... careful not to touch her. She, wasn't sure how she'd react if she did right now. She just sat along side her. "You're not a monster... at least. Not to me. Maybe l'm wrong but... l don't believe you wanted that to happen even if it had. You were just a child. None of us know better in those forming years. l can't imagine what it's like with spirits that invade your thoughts or influence you as well." She looked at the ceiling, clutching where the burn was on her stomach. lt weirdly began to ache ever so slightly. Maybe it was, just her imagination though. She looked at Serene, her eyes misty... "Regardless of any of that... whether it was in your power or not, you have a home here. l'm not sure if you've noticed, but l don't think there's a person in this outfit that's anything but an outcast in some form or another. lt was... something l looked for l'll admit. People that didn't have anything to lose, or nothing to go back to. After all, they'd fight the hardest to save those that couldn't fight for themselves. We know best what it's like to lose, so we know one of the greatest pains there is. l... tried to not get attached this time. l remembered what it was like losing all those faces l used to know that day... during that ambush. l remember all their faces... l remember my friends and comrades being slaughtered 1 by 1 as l was powerless to do anything but survive. Surviving was the hardest part. l no longer had somewhere to go. l saw the horrors of Roswell's so called "Holy War" nothing but a disgusting farce by a man who greeds for nothing but more power. l couldn't go back to that... l couldn't go back to my home, that country... it's not the place l knew when l was younger." She leaned back, placing her head on the stone... it was cold as ice compared to the heat in the water but, she didn't really care. She just looked up at the ceiling. "The Misguided Children... a family. But, not one l could belong to. l was a soldier of Dragao and they knew it. Samuel wasn't ever that way that l know, he was happy to have anyone to fight for the cause... but the rest of them. They always looked at me like l was a monster. They judged me with those eyes of theirs trying to force me out by burning me with their scorn. lnstead of let that happen... l asked Samuel to give me a command. l told him l was an officer and it wasn't a lie. l was promoted to quite the rank for my service in that fateful battle. After all... a story about a Legend was all the better if she was promoted after. Gave troops something to aspire too. Anyway, l digress, l've never told him l've never led a unit in my life. Never led one that wasn't under the stress of combat... under the stress of losing our commanding officer. That l'd only led i the heat of the moment. He still doesn't know that but it doesn't matter. This wasn't about being in a position of power." She tilted her head in the direction of her friend. "lt was about creating a place for people that had no place. l wasn't wanted there... l'm sure there were others that'd be treated that way. Ecquis? They were afraid of his wvyerns and therefore... also afraid of him. Hoshiko? Everyone thought she was a loon. l don't knw if l believe that Goddess has spoke to her and sent her to us either but... l do know that she could fight and that her belief in her cause would be a boon. l looked past the surface for a moment, something others weren't willing to do. Klaren? Thinks that one explains itself. Maya... she wasn't originally my pick. Samuel placed her here. l don't 100% know why, but l'm sure he has his reasons as she was the last to join that had anything to do with the Children. Thunder Blunder... the others refused to fight with a noble, even one from another country, at their side. Apparently, to them what was the point of fighting noble class alongside it? lt was shortsighted. Now, lf he'd get his aim together maybe he'd prove himself, he honestly probably be better off picking up the lance again." She said with a bit of a smile. "You, Me, Radburn, and Renee? All Deserters. No one here's perfect. But... that's the point. There's no people l'd rather fight alongside. Even if you don't feel at home... you can stay here. There's always a place for you in my band of criminals, vagabonds, runaway royalty, crooks, misfits, and outcasts."
  17. Rayne caught... wind of the stream of... whatever those were as she settled in. She thought to herself a moment before realizing she had no idea who that blue haired guy was. Another prisoner they were escaping with? "Cade, l don't know who you're new friend there is, but his jokes are terrible. He's more of a danger to us than the enemies are!" However she zoomed off before either of them could respond. She and Beau were already dashing towards one of the enemies to give them a whole heaping helping of pain. And a lot of vitamin spear. lt's apparently great for digestion. Move to C16, attack Merc 11 with Short Spear and Canto to C18.
  18. Meredith was enjoying hearing of these things. She would've enjoyed the look on the brass's faces... she was never a fan of those stuck-up no good men who were certainly too big in their britches. But, the last words out of Serene's mouth... haunted her. "Cause if your a monster, what does that make me?" Words probably not for her to have heard in their last encounter... but, now. They had much more meaning all of a sudden. A revelation that made the room uncomfortably silent for a time. Meredith wasn't sure... how to... respond to such a thing. She swallowed, the feeling threatening to catch in her throat. "Again?"
  19. "l should've guessed there'd be a lot of fire." Of course it was fire. Meredith wondered how Serene was in charge of a unit so long given that penchant...command all had their heads up their ass she didn't know how'd they take it in good humour. She was about to say as much. "How did the higher ups not get their panties in bunch after all that? They always got so furious over the tiniest infractions. You definitely have ta tell me more about those incidents for sure."
  20. "l suppose you're right... the only time l've lead troops before was a rather dire situation. Maybe l've been letting that colour how l am when l lead. But, it's not like that anymore. l'm no longer a soldier that found themselves in command of a group after her commander fell in an ambush. l choose to lead this band. Besides... being serious all the time is tiring." Meredith laughed, perhaps she did need to just be herself more. She'd been told the same lesson by two people now... it couldn't have been that far off base if that was the case. Meredith played with the water with feet as well, as she thought. She playfully splashed some at Serene before speaking again. "l feel like... l do too much talkin' when we do. l don't know much about ya Firecracker. Any good stories from the soldierin' days? Anything you can tell me about yourself? Or, you prefer to be the mysterious type?" Meredith smiled waiting to see how Serene would react. She was rather curious about the mysterious fire mage they had picked up some time ago. "l just figure l've told ya things that weren't easy, l'd hope you open up to me some too. Ya don't have ta though not goin' force ya too."
  21. @sosobean note, there's no such thing as a dumb question. The only dumb question is one unasked. Ripper roo, the quote actually works for me, like l can see it and open the spoiler so that's.... interesting.)) First ye, l'm not the biggest fan just cause of the implications in anime etc... not a fan of the quote. There's other reasons as well but eh, l'll spare you on that. ((nut sure where you've heard that though XD. Unless you've just been around for a long time in Reborn cause people laregly stopped referring to me as such cause l dislike it lol.)) Funnily, it's fitting you didn't. The last dragon is the Dragon of Nothingness after all XD. She goes unnoticed for a rather long time in universe. (l've save how she's found for another story though l suppose.)) l'm assuming your referring to the original RP, or Word in Peril. Though... Clash of Fates is still in the same universe so the relation would actually be the same regardless. lt's it the origin of the Universe of, the being that put it into place at the least. Heartbeat, or the Father oft mentioned in this piece created the framework but as l'm sure you know from the first story falls into a depression and unravels himself in his loneliness. Thus creating his children to carry on. Though of course in ways this backfires as he breaks down each aspect of himself so his darker ones also are given form.)) but it's the true creation myth of the whole universe. The dragons are oft forgot entities at large in the world. They didn't create Graterras itself. the world on which it takes place. That was the work of the Divines the Dragons create to watch over Graterras, Or their father's magnus opus, the finest world he ever crafted. l'll probably tell those origins at some point. lt's where the story will naturally continue to.
  22. Meredith smiled as Serene stepped in, it was nice to have some company. She was glad it was Serene. She'd not had much of a candid talk with any of the other woman in their crew... maybe Maya, but she didn't seem the type for such an outing. She sank back into the water placing her arms behind her head. She didn't hide any of her body this time, she didn't feel the need to hide any of her scars anymore. lt was... a relieving feeling. Almost as good as the heat melting away her stress and worries. Though she quickly found Serene's words making her think more than she had in awhile. She paused for a moment considering the fiery woman's point despite her quick dismissal of the subject. Perhaps, she was a bit inconsistent... "l don't think you're wrong. But, both are who l am." she said, as if just to fill the silence before it became awkward. But, even having blurted it out, not really thinking it over for long she would stand by it. Meredith crossed her leg over the other with a resounding splash of water. She twirled her scarlet red hair on her index finger, pondered what she'd say next, how to continue moving forward. lt was always so strange talking to this woman. Meredith always felt so... vulnerable around her. lt probably didn't help that she was naked quite a few times that she did, she felt like she had nothing to hide behind, that she just saw through her. Even if she had been in her armour... she'd probably feel just as naked around her. She closed her eyes, and started to think aloud. lt'd be sloppy, but Meredith figured the raw truth of it would be the best way to go. "lt's... hard to exactly... say. Or, maybe it isn't and l'm just not so good at words. l was just a soldier once, that was easy. l just hit things, problem solved. l'm in charge of people now. They have ta depend on me. l'm their leader ya know? This just reminds me what the man that taught me how ta fight always told me. He always told me ta never lose my smile... the wild exuberance l had. Maybe that's why l still try ta hang onta it. l always dreamed of being a hero. lt's hard ta be who l was before l had all this responsibility on my shoulders. But, l think he was trying ta tell me that responsibility doesn't have to keep me from being who l am. l'm just.... l don't know. l hold people's lives in my hands now. l'm the one they look to in times of need. l'm the one who leads them. l feel like... l need to be perfect. l... suppose you've seen more of me than anyone else. You've seen me... when l'm vulnerable. When l'm just a woman, a person, a human. Not a legend or a leader held above others as some kind of... exemplar. A role l never chose. l never truly intended ta be a leader. But, l feel as l must do my best now that l am. For everyone's sake, for my own. Serene... lt's like... you just see through me."
  23. Nadia "One of us has to be, unless all our foes are just hiding. l'd be surprised if a Berserker had that capacity. Regardless, we should've found someone by now, this is a war it can't just be us being proactive." Nadia was starting to get that old feeling. Like something wasn't right. She knew mages weren't exactly the most forward at times but she figured most servants would constitute a lot of false confidence in most mages. She'd not be surprised if Caster and their master were hiding, lt was the only chance they stood. But... the others? Who would even be able to control a berserker that well? She felt an unease in her stomach that threatened... quite unpleasant results. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. "l don't like this Masaru. l'm coming to you. Something feels...wrong about all of this." [Rider and Erica] "Ol!!! CAP'N!!!" a much more piratey yell came from a new skeleton crew member. lgnacio just put his head in him palm with a great sigh as the skeletal man stood saluting at him. "Would you just spit it out already? What ye 'ere for?" "We've caught wind of another lass we believin' is one of them fancy servants ye told us about Cap'n. Some big knockered lass with barely a scarp of clothes on 'er. Oh, and she got a big ol' hat too. We'd have told yesooner but the lad that saw her took his sweet time he did." lgnacio heaved his arm straight forward, poppin' the skeleton's head right off his shoulders. "You boys need to learn some manners. Don'cha be gawkin' at a lass without her permission ye goons! Besides, we got a war to be fightin' or ye forget ye maggot ridden idjit? Wasting valuable time staring at a lady.You ain't got no organs brother... don't know what you think's gonna happen. So... why haven't we fired everything we got at 'em yet? WELL?!"
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