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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Remember it is slightly based on percentages, so none truly stick 100%. ((except for probably suuuuuuuuuuuper rare cases.)) Like for me, INFP, I have 89% Introversion over Extro, 38% iNtuition over Sensing, 38% Feeling over Thinking , and 56% Perceiving over Judging. While mine adds up to INFP, in some areas I am not like others that would be labeled as such. I while I am more likely to use intuition over sensing, it doesn't mean I only use my Intuition. As such, these are perfect bubble but they are a good idea. While a lot of things I have read about my personality type do apply, they all do not. ((as such as there are a lot of parts about INFP being very very bad at using real logic or looking at thinks in a plain objective manner. This is not the case with me, I can judge things without my feeling towards them etc etc. These are not meant to be 100% accurate. They are meant to be an approximation, and for what they are, they do a good job of saying what a person is like, without heavily labeling them as one thing. It is meant to be sort of flexible.)). ((I should note, there are a few things that are dead ringers for me in the descriptions of INFPs that like... make me just believe that this is at least pretty accurate to a degree. Firstly, the ability to express one's self more easily in words or text, then in speaking. Considering, I used Writing to battle my way out of my depression, as I could write whatever I felt about the world in words I couldn't express myself this really hits home. Like, it is chilling alomst how true that feels, even know, I highly doubt I would stand to you, face to face and talk about this. With this text, I can just open up and leave pieces of of me here in a text from. It feels librating and very strange. Since I am sure many doubt how sincere one can be via text, however, I really do leave pieces of me in the words I write, and that I say when I do speak them. Secondly, Idealism, while I bloody hate Idealism, I am an idealist. It is strange to say that, but it is true. I hold things and Ideals that I strive fro, even if I know I can never attain them. Thirdly, How they strive to make the things they care about better and the best they can be. This is the sole reason I am a mod for this forum. I wanted it to be the greatest place it could ever be. I never really asked to be here, it kinda fell into my lap, and I picked it up as the thing I would fight for. I have done this for other things in my life, but never quite to this level. The scariest part however, is the Ability to see the good in everything. While I may seem to be a cold-hearted individual sometimes, I have never hated a person once in my entire life. Because, even those that weren't all that great of people towards me, I realized, maybe they just have things they can't deal with, or problems of their own. I can never bring myself to hate people, because everyone has something that is good within in them, even if they no longer know how to use it. It is strange, I am idealist who hates the very notion, I won't fight for things unless I care about them and when I do, I will fight forever if I have to. And Strangest of all, I am a person who refuses the very notion of being an optimist, and yet, I want to try and see the good in people. I want that to be true, and yet I can't believe it is. Hmm, I just find this all very interesting, and I have in fact learned a lot about myself in the process.)) Now, while I love discussing philosophy about how the world works, and just how people and the things we do function, I feel like I kinda derailed the heeeeell out of this thread by asking, and then posting my revelations here. So, we should try to keep it a little on task and to the point. I don't want to be setting a bad example in the community I have been working on very hard fro you guys. This discussion is best left to the forums that are made for these types of talks such as the Trainer's Journal etc... So, I ask so that we do not further clutter Miss Alexus's Thread with it. I am not banning it mind you, but, These are meant to be the OOC of an RP, and as such that should be their direct and main purpose. I will be a tad lax as I know the RP hasn't started yet, and no rules are being broken, but lets try not and clutter the thread with more of this if it can be helped alright?
  2. The most horrifying part... INFP's are apparently.... good writers, and better at expressing themselves through text, than actual words... That rings home WAY to much.
  3. And when you search that up, you find it is crazy similar to you... Like almost scaaaaaaaaaaaaary levels of similar.
  4. I am apparently an INFP, I am not exactly sure what the letters stand for entirely.
  5. Huh, I am kinda curious though, since I have never really heard of it.
  6. Never even heard of it. Then again, I am one that believes a personality cannot be defined by a test. Just a personal thing I guess lol.
  7. I still don;t even know what those collection of letters even mean...
  8. Strat... you would totally make my probably.... Month or two if you do XD.
  9. Well... if a nice conversation is an old curmudgeon and a crazy orange haired amazonian woman yelling about paperwork. Cause that is probably what this is going to devolve into XD.
  10. The time to mourn was over. It had been much too long, the tarrying... it was not becoming. There were things that needed to be done, and Ashnard was still at large. Somewhere out there, he was waiting for them. Cookie and his runners made sure everyone was patched up before they sent them on their ways. Aeton's leg was patched up and worked properly. It was healed perfectly by Cookie's expert healing. It was still a bit stiff, but who's leg wouldn't be after being ripped to shreds by a Werewolf and being put back together? With all the wounds healed, the Runners took their leave, Cookie leaving them once more with the Traveler's Prayer he recited once before. He threw the dust as he did before, but he added a new verse this time. A verse about the passage into the land of the dead. It was clear he added it for Marcus. It went as such. "And for those that have passed from this world, may the Lady of the Winds guide thine feet with her gentle hands. May she steer your towards the end of the ebon road unto the heavens that await. She shall led you to the hands of Mortimo where your soul may rest in peace. May she on the way, remind you that the journey into the afterlife is only a new trek. It is not the end, and it is not evil. It is the passage that makes life have meaning, and one that all life shall pass through. You enter the final door, the place those who have fulfilled their destiny go. Until our purpose is done rest, but know one day that your brother's and sisters shall follow you." He added something new this time as well. He removed another pouch, one full of a silver powder. He placed some on the forehead of each member of the party that would allow him to do as such. And then he dotted each with a red ink. "This silver, is your life-force, and the red is the Life-force of the passed. Each of you was touched by the deceased in a different way, and each of your have the lessons and the memories. They still swim in the ether of your soul, body, mind, and knowledge. They have touched the lives you have lead and they forever have changed them. In each of you part of Marcus still lives, and every life you touch, he touches as well. One never truly dies, unless they are completely forgotten. And with each of you, you carry a piece of he, and therefore, he is not dead in full. Only his body lies at rest, but his memory and the essence of his character remains." Cookie then bowed, as he and the Runners went off about their business, the left the troupe of adventurers behind. *** It was off to the Town of Farridge now for our intrepid Heros. Luckily for them, not much more of note happened on the trek. They reached the Giant Walls of Farreach, the town that defied the wilds it was known as. And it very much lived up to that name. It was the last bastion of civilization, as the looming darkness of the Forest of Knives could be seen in the distance. But yet, Farreach stood in the overgrown fields in stark contrast. The Stone rose up out of the green landscape and defied it. It looked as every bit as rough and tumble as the the world around it. It wouldn't budge and yet neither would the wilderness it was defying. They stood there locked in an eternal stalemate, just staring each other down, neither ever making a move. A man stopped them at the gate, but who wouldn't? They were nearly a small raiding party. "You lot look a bit well armed to be refugees, state your business please. I don't mean to be a bother but I am certainly not letting any bandit troops into the walls with the amount of refugees we 'ave. We also can't be housing anymore so we can't have ya stayin' here either. The Town of Wounded Knee was razed to the ground ya know. They say a bunch of Goblins and other brutes did it. They also said the ground rose up and attacked everything around, but I hardly believe those fairy tales."
  11. Both the Grass/Darks are available in Shiftry and Cacturne through events it would seem. EDIT: ((I am not sure if you are allowing yourself to level up mons to breed or not, but that is the only way to get Seed Bomb to these 2... However, I am not sure of the moves the Events have, hopefully somebody else could help out here lol. Otherwise... Cac is stuck with Needle Arm... Not an ideal Grass Move XD. ANd DOn;t start me on Shiftry's level-up moves.)) And Krookidile would get decent coverage against flying if... well, if Stone Edge/Rock Slide TMs were in the game. However... I have a feeling they are not.
  12. "You aren't going anywhere just yet, Yuri-kun, I spent four years training you. I am going to see those results! So, wherever you go, I follow." Drake smiled her signature smile once more. "I guess I might as well be sociable while we wait for that old geezer to get his butt down here, however, I don't really got much to tell about myself. I am just a mercenary so unless you want to listen to war stories for awhile, there isn't much I can tell."
  13. Bro, I am already FABULOUS!!!!!!! I don't need to see anymore. However... I can read along as well ya know?
  14. "Then he better be here lickity split. It is his or somebody over him's fault, and I am not one for shoddy paperwork." Emberly said, with a small sigh. She planted her sword firmly in the ground and leaned on it, looking bored and impatient. Why working fro the Red Lance was decent. It was on her time.The Army had so many annoying hurdles to jump through. Red Tape to traipse around. She just wanted to smash some skulls already, was that too much to ask? "Yuri-kun, you sure you did everything right? You didn't want my help with the forms so maybe they didn't get to the right place? You would think after four years of my expert tutelage we wouldn't be defeated by mere Paperwork. CURSE YOU PAPERWORK!!! ALWAYS RUINING MY DAY!!!" Drake shouted yet again. It was hard to dispute Drake was a passionate person at the very least.
  15. Have fun you crazy kids. This is definitely not for me so no way in the world will I be joining. ((cause... na... really, REALLY not fro me.)) but, I wish you guys luck and hope this project gets somewhere.
  16. Yep... I hate my friends again. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!?!?

    1. Shamitako


      *Stabs Huk* Because we love you <3

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ow. Yea I mean my vent friends... They wanted me to play Tera with them... and I am... it is horrifying.

  17. "I'm going with you too Kelsey, Yuri-kun is with me, and I will make sure this is straightened out or I am not the Drake's Knuckle." She said with a grin. "Which it so happens, I am, and that means I will be going with you!!!" Drake said pointing to herself. "So, lead the way Kelsey!!! We are going to have to defeat this faulty paperwork! I don't have a pen so hope you don't mind if I use my sword." Drake said beaming another smile on her face.
  18. See, this is why Clarice is the ultimate bae~
  19. "What would I hurt you for? It isn't your fault your superiors can't write a damn list!" Drake said laughing. "Yuri is with me though, I am actually surprised it is me on the list and not him, he signed up first. I kinda just decided to tag along. I guess my reputation precedes me." She said nervously scratching the back of her head. She haunched down a bit to actually be eye-level with Kelsey instead of looming over her. Probably was a bit scary to have someone like Drake looming over you when you didn't know them very well. Or, at least Drake thought it would be, she never really had anyone all that taller than her, as tall as her? Yes. At least a foot taller than her? Not so much. "Just mark him down, he has more reason to be here than I do. I won't have you turning him away. He is a good kid, and he knows how to fight, I taught him. Besides, a Mercenary as well-known as me vouching for him has got to mean something right? Unless it doesn't, but that can't be the case." She said giving Kelsey a thumbs up. "So, mind helping me out?" She said beaming a mighty smile.
  20. Risk of Rain's world would be mad interseting to set an RP in... mostly because nothing is overly explained... Like we have no Idea why Providence is even there.
  21. I would wait for COmmander to get to you, but I would say you have a chance to jump in, and even if not, it shouldn't be overlly long til you get another chance.
  22. tfw I keep forgetting your RPs somehow out of the RPs I am in ,and keep neglecting them and feeling like a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrible human being afterwards.
  23. EDIT LOG: 2/10/2015 Feb. 10th, 2015 -Rework to the Speed section to make it more clear and concise. -Minor clarity reworks to the ?????? section and to the Utility/Flex slot. ((I felt I was over killing the don;t take risks parts, there are times when risks are the correct plays, and there is a big difference between Risk, and Unnecessary Risk. The Utility Section was badly worded in places and so I fixed the areas that were.))
  24. "Well, then they have to talk louder. BUT, I DON'T HEAR ANYBODY TALKING STILL!!! YOU ALL SHY?!?!" Drake said yelling a bit more. She shifted around her sword a lot, clearly getting a bit impatient. This was just say your name, get it over with. How could the others assembled be taking this long? Drake just wanted to get down to business, she hadn't fought in awhile, a few years actually, since she left Red Lance Company. There was her training sessions with Yuri, but those weren't much in the way of fighting. It was mostly her teaching the kid how to fight, and what she already knew. She was sure it helped him, but she wanted to fight some real battles again. This small talk, wasn't for her. She wanted to bash in some skulls already. "Let's get this going already." she thought aloud. Didn't mean for that to slip out but it did. However... she could care less. They were taking forever, they might as well know.
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