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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Honoured to be annoyed by the very eccentric character that will be Drake. ((I know it will be fun for me at least, I will try to make it fun for you too XD. This is going to be a very silly dynamic between these two, I can tell.))
  2. "See, that wasn't too hard!" Drake said ruffling Yuri's hair a bit. She then said to him in more more hushed tone "You could hit that if you played your cards right." she said with a wink and the finger gun motion accompanying it. She shifted her giant great sword onto her shoulder. Then she started yelling a bit. "Now the rest of you lot spit it out!!! We got things to do! Let's go, I want to hit things already!"
  3. Drake initiate bubbly big sister ((well, adoptive sister kinda? It best describes the relationship between the two.)) program.... Program initiated... Goal... annoy Exlink as much as possible.
  4. or Virizion, both are newly NU. Other GOod NUs would be Seismatoad since he was mentioned this week, or maybe Sawk or a fighting type. A Psychic type may be a good idea as well.
  5. I don;t blame you it is worded badly in the main series game cause it actually says "At 50% health, attack is decreased." and it doesn't mention SpAtk anywhere. so I can understand not knowing that lol. Also Jeri, the reason Band is kinda Bad on Arche is the fact that the Acrobatics is it's best FLying type STAB, and it can't use it if it wields a Band/Scarf. The rest of it's move pool is a bit...eh((at least offensively it is a bit meh...)) and as a Choice user the switching really starts wearing him down.
  6. By the way Jelly, Defeatist drops both Attacking stats by half, including Special Attack. Virizion is also now NU so that needs to be watched out for as well in the Grass Type department. ((Archeops still checks it easily though so not much to worry about. Like if you don't switch into an attack you should pretty much always win since Acrobatics slays that thing))
  7. Proooooooooooooooooooobably should, would be helpful. And acquie you should be alright, as well, Roose will be in the Town group. The scouting party is more important to be here at the time. ((and no I won't forget you town group folks, you just will be doing more talking etc or stuff ike that.))
  8. "Call me Drake." said a tall woman closer to the back. She was taller than most of the other people there by far, and her blazing orange hair didn't make her stick out any less. "Unless you want to be calling me The Drake's Knuckle all the time, Drake is shorter. A did a few stints as a mercenary awhile back, part of the Red Lance company if you ever heard of them. So, I know my way around a weapon and a battlefield. Especially, since I was mostly hired as a freelancer for fighting forces then the more mundane Civilian Sector jobs." She said a bright smile beaming on her face. She then started to look around as if she was looking for somebody. "YURI-KUN !!! Introduce yourself to the Nice Lady!" Drake yelled, swinging her arm around above her head to gets Yuri's attention. Drake could see him in the crowd now, and kept gesturing fro him to come up and introduce himself. He was a good kid, and she wanted the best for him.
  9. tfw finding a new set fo a Pokemon that you haven't seen before and in your mind going "I MUST MAKE A TEAM AROUND THAT!!!" me with the REflect Type Starmie set... cause it looks interesting as hell.

    1. AuthorReborn


      ^^^Me with Focus Sash Hawlucha^^^

    2. finkeltinklewinkle


      hukuna, might i suggest whirlpool reflect type recover filler mega latias

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nope, if I would use Mega Lati I would rather the CM Stored Power Set.

  10. They don't when it comes to one's psyche splitting in 'twain. This just seems like a way to get out of a situation you don't want your character to be in. All I have to say to that is too bad. He got stuck there due to his actions or the ones that have been done up to this point, pulling this kind of a thing to get him unstuck is not the way to do so. I am sorry, but using physics to explain something that doesn't even relate to said thing will not fly, especially when it is in relation to creating more power for said character when it need not be there.. I am not going to go any further on this issue, drop it.
  11. Not that I don't mind talking philosophy, but an RP is hardly the place where the logistics of said things matter. Just undo it, because it is nothing but a powerplay in my opinion and you aren't going to change that anytime soon.
  12. And none of that matters. Because either way, you don't magically rip apart and become two different people.
  13. Yea no sorry, this kinda seems like a play for power for the way I see it. They are the same process. Using a wormhole, is teleportation, as teleportation is simply the moving from one point to another instantaneously. It doesn't matter HOW one does it, it is the matter of fact that one simply ceases to exist in one place, and begin to do so in another. ENtering a wormhole causes one to be spit out the other side. This is a gate between two points, but is still teleportation. You stop existing at the point of origin and appear at the end point. Basically, I'm not buying it and this is built on pretty faulty logic, so I don;t think this is something that you should continue with. ((as you can see, others probably agree with me.))
  14. "Scout's honor!" Frazzle said, putting his hand up giving the boy scout sign. "This is an honest to rights floorplan of the bank. How did I get it? Well, I got slippery fingers and know jsut where to find nice things to steal." "Also sorry for shooting at you, no one was paying attention, Had to make sure you didn't pass up this well, Opportunity."
  15. "Ivar, enough of your prattling." Ivo said striking the ground with a staff he was now holding. "I will not have you harassing those that have arrived here to do good work of our people. Besides, you should know Bards are greatly respected here in Aurora as they tell the tales of our ancestors and those of theirs. They are the ones that make us truly immortal. I wish to hear your tales sometimes Gradun, they are probably great ones of many other nations." "Anyway, those of you should get on your way. I will have my man meet the scouting team, and the rest shall look around town to see if anyone has any more information. You might want to start on the edge of town with the man who spotted that horrible creature. His name is Karne, he is a hunter for the village. His lodge is on the outskirts of town, and should be easy to find. It is the one with the smoke always coming out of the chimney, and looks like an old mead hall.
  16. Hmm going to have to activate Operation "Get things MOVING!!!" I will try and get this stuff rolling again.
  17. ((The was the point pssssh, I am not completely stupid XD>))
  18. Hope people don't mind the DP, however this is worth rebumping the thread for. EDIT LOG 1: 2/8/2015 -readability and QoL changes. Mostly fixing my terrible grammar, spelling, and rambling. Most of the role explanations were rewritten to flow better along with other general parts of the guide. Hopefully, future readers and those that have read through it already, have an easier time traversing the guide and it is easier to understand. -Sample Team Changes: Teams 1 and 2 were replaced with two entirely new teams in Skits Team section. They were replaced with things more traditionally seen as Balanced Teams. -Added a section for my own Teams, uploaded two currently. Hopefully, will be updating more in the future as I work on them and punch them out in my own time. ((currently working on a few teams and blocking them out)) I will continue work on this thread to make sure it is up to snuff. I will hopefully get to roll out some more teams of my own as well, but most are am in the middle of testing, it will be a bit before I get any new ones up. Thank you fro the feedback so far everyone. It has been very helpful. Hukuna Sensei out~
  19. They are more geared towards Offense, however, they are in fact still Balanced teams. They are most certainly not Bulky Offense and are not Hyper Offense either, this makes them Balanced Teams tailored to be more aggressive. They forgo more walls/Utility in bringing more offensive tools. AS you see, they run more aggressive defoggers in the Lati Twins and use Defensive Lando-T fro Hazard Setting. As I said in the teambuilding section Balanced Temas are very much able to be Tailored. THe mons you pick influence the over all playstyle. While these certainly look veeeeery offensive, they can buckle down and be defensive if they must. I will be including some of my teams at some point, however I am still testing them and ironing out the burps. Mine will probably be more traditional Balance, running more conservative teams that are more tailored to be a middle ground. Also Jelly... eveeeeeeeeeeeeeery mon and its brother can be a stallbreaker to a degree. I just feel Glisour fills other roles a bit better than that. ((mostly I personally feel it is better suited in stall teams, but that is me XD.))
  20. I have released a Guide on Balanaced Teambuilding, and I would appreciate those who read it. It can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12300 Please, enjoy the read, and feel free to drop any feedback you think will help it out in the comments or via PM to me. THank you ahead of time. ^^

  21. Balance in All Things~: A Guide to the Balanced Playstyle. Written by Hukuna, with the help and input of Destructive Skitty. So, you have come to learn that which is balance? You have certainly come to the right place. Here! Sit by the roaring Fire of Destiny with me! I have brewed a lovely tea. Oh sorry, I seem to have lost myself for a moment, where were we? Ah yes... perhaps we shall see if you are a worthy pupil in the Art of Battle simply known as The Balance in All Things. Can you master the fist that strikes with the might of Seven Thousand Mountains and yet, is more gentle than a mid-summer breeze? We shall see, we shall see. Either way, I, The Humble Hukuna-Sensei, shall be your guide on this journey. Shall we begin~? What is Balance and Why Play it? Balance is a play style that incorporates a mixture of defense and offense. Its goal is to be a jack of all trades and be able to switch gears when needed. Against Hyper offense it can switch into defense mode to try and whittle our opponent's team down to get to the point where we can sweep them back, whereas we can take just enough offense to also slam through Stall teams. Pros: - We are the Swiss Army knife of teams having a bit of everything for every situation. ​- We have the ability to switch up our strategy on the fly in the middle of battle. - The Prediction Game is invigorating and part of the skill and learning curve that make this style fun. - Games have middling length, being shorter than styles that use only a wearing down approach to battle. Cons: - No devote focus. We are trying to be a jack of all trades, therefore, we can master none. - Games are longer than something more Offensively orientated. - While we have a margin for error, it is -NOT- infinite. After a while mistakes can pile up and bury you. **************************************** Assembling the Squad: Teambuilding With teambuilding our goal is to cover all the bases we can. We want a little of everything so that we can deal with as many threats as possible. We want as much coverage as possible, things that can pivot or bring our Pokemon in safely, stallbreak etc... everything is important to have a little bit of and this is what makes Balanced able to handle every type of team at least a little. Composition: Typical compositions of Balanced Teams: -1 Hazard Setter/Lead -1 Hazard Controller -1 Stallbreaker -1 Sweeper -1 Speed -1 Utility/Flex. ((Keep in mind this is a guideline and will not be adhered to every single time. Think of Pokemon as modules for jobs. When you slot one into the team, you add it as a whole to your team. Its moveset and everything about it fills out its module and what it can do. Some can take up multiple positions freeing up slots for more things like extra sweepers etc, like Skarmory being both Hazard Control and a Hazard Setter. One must be careful when doing this though, as the more roles consolidated onto one 'mon, the more you lose if it goes down.)) **************************************************** Looking at roles in depth: What do they do for the team, why are they important? Hazard Setter/Lead: Hazard Setters and Leads set up our entry hazards and punish our opponents for their switches and whittle down their Pokemon to make it easier to take them out. Stealth Rocks are the most common as they only need one layer to be effective at chipping away at the opponent. Spikes and Toxic Spikes can be used, but have the serious drawbacks of taking much longer to set-up and doing absolutely nothing to Flying/Levitating Pokemon, with Toxic Spikes also doing nothing to Steel types and Poison types. ((Toxic Spikes are also removed from the field by Poison types switching in, which makes using them hard to justify.)) Leads are more rare as they are muuuuuuch more at home on Hyper Offensive teams as they only want to set-up hazards once before going to work; however, they are still an option on Balanced teams. I don't feel they are exactly fit for balance but they can give a more Offense oriented type of team if that is what you are looking for. Example Hazard Setter: Common Hazard Setters: Hazard Controller: Hazard Controllers let us keep enemy hazards off our side of the field and not let them punish our switches. This is done typically with the moves Rapid Spin and Defog, as they are the two main forms of hazard control. Both have their drawbacks and strong points, which I shall discuss below. There are also other types of hazard controlling that I make note of. Defoggers: Defoggers remove hazards by using Defog. Defog is a Flying type move that removes hazards from -BOTH- sides of the field. This includes our own hazards on the enemy side of the field. It also drops the Evasion of the opponent by 1 stage. This is relevant because of the abilities Defiant and Competitive. Both can grab a boost off of Defog, as stat drops make the user's Attack or Special Attack rise 2 stages respectively. If you see them on your opponent's team, keep track of them and be careful about when you use your Defog. Giving out free boosts is very dangerous and we should avoid it. It is easy enough to play around them by just not using Defog; however, we can eek it in there if we are clever. As it is not an attack, Taunt keeps it from working so be wary of enemy Taunt Users. Defog tends to slot better on teams that use just Stealth Rock and don't mind losing their own rocks, or can easily set them back up without losing a lot of momentum. Rapid Spinners: Rapid Spin is the second main form of hazard control. Rapid Spin is 20 BP physical Normal type move that removes hazards from only our side of the field. As such, this move can't be stopped by Taunt; however, it can be stopped by a Ghost Type switching in. ((most relevant Rapid Spinners have a way around this in Knock Off or something similar, but it is still worth mentioning. This is something to be veeery wary about when using a Rapid Spinner with a Choice Item, as your momentum would be entirely ruined - the job would remain unfinished and you would be forced out.)). Rapid Spin is muuuuuch preferred on a team that uses either of the Spikes as it doesn't remove our hard earned layers of hazards; however, it fits just fine on teams that only use Stealth Rock. Other Forms of Hazard Control: These are much less reliable but are forms of it nonetheless. They might lose some reliability but they gain muuuuuuch more benefits in having straight up more utility than Rapid Spin and Defog. Taunt: Taunt prevents the use of status moves. This move can also be used for Stallbreaking as it stops those 'mons from being able to heal themselves or remove status, forcing them to switch out. Magic Bounce/Magic Coat Users: These work as a sort of pseudo Hazard Setter and Hazard Controller. It will bounce back any enemy status moves and inflict their effects on your foe. However, as you yourself can't use the move it isn't reliable and the user has to be active on the field. The enemy can play it safe by not using these moves until they remove the user of Magic Bounce/Magic Coat. This however has the upside of your opponent having to more heavily predict what you will do. It adds more load to the mind game in that they need not only worry if you will attack, but if you will switch in a Magic Bounce user to pop their hazards or status afflictions back at them. The pressure of having one of these users can add much more to a team than Defog or Rapid Spin. Example Hazard Controller: Common Hazard Control: Stallbreaker: The Stallbreaker is the 'mon on our team that does what it says on the tin: Stopping Stall. How it does this can vary, as it can either be something that just forces its way through walls by dealing significant damage or something that uses Taunt ((and moves like it)) to keep the Wall from healing itself and forcing it to switch out. Going into depth on how each does it isn't as important as above, as stallbreaking is very straight forward. Just keep in mind the different ways of doing it, whether they be brute force, Taunt, things like Encore that restrict move usage etc. Example Stallbreaker: Common Stallbreakers: Sweeper: The Sweeper ((or Janitor as I call it sometimes.)) is our 'mon who will sweep away the enemy team once it is weakened. It can either do this by brute force, or by using set-up moves. We send these fellows out after their counters have been killed or whittled down enough they can take them out on their own. Brute Force/Choice: Choice Sweepers use things like the Choice Specs or Choice Band ((or even the Choice Scarf at times.)) to forgo set-up, and be strong right out of the gate. These have some overlap with Stallbreakers. The downfall of Choice Items is that they lock you into a single move unless you switch, making it so your opponent can get free turns if you are not careful. This is why these Choice items tend to be better served in one of the other roles, though they can be just as valid on a dedicated sweeper. Some sets will opt for Life Orb instead. This Item allows the switching of moves at the cost of recoil one will take in return for the damage. ((Of note is the interaction between Sheer Force and Life Orb. Sheer Force removes the recoil from any move it boosts. Therefore, Sheer Force users are more likely to use Life Orb, as they get not only a raw boost to power from Sheer Force, but they get even more of one for free from the Life Orb. This increases the Base Power hugely, and that is without STAB.)) As this is very similar to the brute force variant of the stallbreaker role ((some tend to be stallbreakers early on, and later shift into Sweepers)), I won't provide any examples below. Setup Sweeper: Setup Sweepers are usually weaker at the outset, but gain massive power if they can get some boosts under their belts. Using moves such as Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Tail Glow, Swords Dance etc.... they improve their stats to crush anything that comes in. Example Sweeper: Common Sweepers OU: Speed: This role is very straight forward. This 'mon goes fast... Super fast. There are 3 main ways to achieve this; raw base stats, itemization ((Choice Scarf)), or powerful priority. The main goals of these members consists of a few different things and it can change considering on the flow of a match. Our first goal is to clean up after either one of two conditions are filled: our Speed user's main checks/counters are gone or after our sweeper has significantly weakened the enemy team. The second goal is to revenge kill 'mons that have be weakened by another teammate. Lastly an option that these Speed 'mons can go for is momentum grabbing with use of the moves Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass. ((VS and U-Turn also deal chip damage to our foe.)) This role can also be used as a Sweeper/Breaker early on, however, we must be careful to preserve it for later. If we don't, we may have nothing to properly deal with faster threats of our opponents later in the battle. Example Priority User: Example Choice Scarfer: Common Examples in OU: Utility/Flex Slot: The name of this slot is horribly vague, however what it is for is easy to explain. This is pretty much our free slot and many, many things can be done with it. Typical things like Clerics/Wish Support can go here, but any amount and kind of utility can be placed in this slot. Is there a move that would be really nice to have? It can go here. Need just that last mon to shore up your defenses? It goes here. This is the thing we tack on, the glue to hold together the 'mons we have already have. Therefore, there is nothing to mention about this slot as it changes with the team's needs. If you have a 'mon that fulfills two or more roles above, any slot that is that is left turn into one of these slots. Keep in mind, the more you consolidate roles onto a single Pokemon, the more your team loses when that singular Pokemon is removed from play, so be very careful when doing this and when deciding if the benefits outweigh the risks. ************************************************** Battling, and The Balance in all Things: The Mindset in Action Now that we have built our team... Well, NOW WE FIGHT!!! But, what does one do in the heat of battle? Who do we send out first? What are our goals for the match? Overview: Step 1: Set your hazards and control enemy hazards. Step 2: Start the Prediction Game Step 3: ?????? Step 4: Profit/Win all the games In-depth Analysis: Setting Your Hazards and Controlling Your Foes: This is the most important step and our biggest goal. With hazards up we punish every time the opponent is forced to switch. Some hazards even check some Pokemon making them fear switching in as they will lose a giant chunk of their health. Hazards help us deal damage to the checks and counters for our sweepers on the enemy team, and they can secure kills that otherwise we wouldn't get. This is similar to what Hyper Offense is trying to do with their hazards; however, we have more time and room to reset our hazards unlike them due to being a bit more defensively minded. Less pressure is put on us if we use Defog as our Hazard Setter can reset as many times as long as it remains up and at 'em. We also want to keep enemy hazards off our side of the field. We don't want them to punish us for our switches so we need to keep our side of the field clean. This is where our Hazard Controller comes into play. No matter which flavour we have they should keep things off our side of the field and make our switches less detrimental than our opponents. The Prediction Game: Once we have control of the hazards we can begin trying to predict our opponents moves. With good plays we can wrest momentum from our foe and clobber them with it. We either want to try and predict what move our foe will attack with and switch in our Pokemon to resist it, or if we have the momentum we want to try and use the move to hit what we plan on the enemy sending in to resist it. Be careful not to overpredict though, it is as proportionally detrimental to us as getting a good prediction is beneficial. Against Hyper Offense we are looking more to predict what moves they will be using and taking resisted hits. Hopefully, we can then hit back hard and knock over their team members. Against other Balance we are trying to wrest the momentum from their control and put them on the back foot. We want them to have to predict to get back in the game and put them in the place to mess up and make mistakes. Against Stall, we need to make sure our Stallbreakers get out safely and punch out holes in our foe's team. That said, the above is just the general mentality between team archetypes. We will have to use a little of each philosophy against every type of team. Sometimes we must be the aggressor against Hyper Offense. Sometimes we need to outstall the Stall. A lot of the prediction game is very contextual and many games will not have the same game plan. This is what makes Balance challenging and rewarding to play. It is a very active style that takes a lot of careful prediction and smart play. ??????: You probably didn't think this was an actual step... you would be wrong.. CAUSE IT IS!!! Why isn't this section named however? Well simple, this is miscellaneous stuff that doesn't fit under the other 2 steps and is not just battling related but also ties into teambuilding philosophy. These are good things to keep in mind while initially building the team, however these things come much more apparent when actually using the team. Seeing how the team performs in battle can really help make those last few adjustments. Remember, a good player evolves their team and continues working on it even after it is "complete". Always be tweaking and fine-tuning for the days ahead and shoring up any leaks and holes you find. Here is a few things to look for while doing these practices. - Alternate ways to preserve your Hazard Controller. Do your defensive 'mons cover the weaknesses your Hazard Controller has? Does your Hazard Controller have it's own recovery in Roost/Recover/a similar move? Do you need to have a Cleric/Wish Passer to keep it healthy? ((in health and in status.)) - Try and have as many tools as possible. We need to try and have an answer for annnnnything prominent that is in the meta. Like it would be smart to have a Stallbreaker or something to deal with walls ((such as a Taunt user etc...)). Without a Stallbreaker, we may have trouble with common walls such as Clefable and Chansey. - There will be times when we don't have a perfect answer, but a half-assed answer is better than no answers at all. Keep this in mind while teambuilding and when testing your team. There will inevitably be something you don't exactly have a counter for. These things we have to take a more careful approach to removing, but through good play we should be able to defeat them. - Have as many resistances and immunities as possible. This way we have something to switch into as many type of attacks as possible. Most important against Hyper Offense to keep them from running through our team, but important in all match-ups. NEVER have more than two weaknesses to the same type on a team unless it is absolutely necessary. ((and 9.9 times out of 10 it won't be, so I don't suggest ever breaking this rule of thumb unless you have a game-plan in mind for it.)). - Small teambuilding note: specially based Sweepers/Stallbreakers that only use special moves should have 0-1 Atk IVs. This minimizes the damage of hitting yourself in confusion if it does indeed happen, and minimizes the amount of damage Foul Play will deal to you. Confusion is a rather rare status to see, but it could save you one day. Foul Play is a bigger concern as there are a few relevant users of the move ((such as Mandibuzz.)), and it can deal some nasty damage as the enemy steals your attack stat to harm you. As such, if we have no need to use any physical moves, Atk IVs should be set to 0 on Special sweepers ((a 1 Atk IV can be used in the case of certain Hidden Powers)). - The Golden Rule of Balanced Teams. DON'T TAKE ANY UNNECESSARY RISK!!! I cannot stress this enough. Unless you must take a risk to come back DON'T EVER DO IT. We must play as safely as possible. Early game you should always take the safest play. This way, we can learn what kind of player our opponent is. Use the move that pressures the opponent. ((If Keldeo is on the field against a Landorus-T early we click either Hydro Pump or Icy Wind, the moves that are pressuring it out. IF our opponent leaves it in, it dies, but we see what they will switch to take the move IF they do in fact switch out. This tips us off to the kind of player our opponent is. If they left in Lando they are a risk taker and more likely to do silly things a.k.a not following the golden rule of balance or they are a HO player and don't mind sacrificing a 'mon to bring out another Sweeper. If they switch out we know they most likely are playing balance like us. This lets us not only feel safer in trying to predict what they will send out to absorb blows, it lets us know what they will send out to absorb this one in particular. This allows us to pull a double switch or know which coverage move to throw out at them the next time we get this pressure back on them.)). However, this does not mean make 0 risky plays at all. There is a difference between unnecessary risk and risk. If we can afford the risk, go for it. If you are far ahead of your opponent in the match, don't make risky moves. If those risks don't pay off, you allow them to catch up. There is no reason to allow them the chance to catch up cause it just gets them back in the game, and makes it harder for us to keep our lead over them. If the game is more even/you are behind, risks are more appropriate. If we make a good play, we can catch up to our opponent and close the gap with them or if we are even, get ahead of them. So in closing, make good plays but never take a risk that you don't need to. -Try to start making a gameplan at the early game. Take some time to figure what your opponents plan is and how you will have to react to it. Now, from just a team-preview it can be tough to 100% decide on the plan for the game. But, no need to worry. Balance has the luxury to change our plan on the fly. Once we have gathered more information on our opponents team we can make more informed decisions on our gameplan. But, why start getting a plan at the beginning of the match? It is best to realize that we need a team member before we lose them. If we waited to start the planning until mid or late game, we might lose a member we didn't even know was vital. So, we need to stay on top of our plans and evolve them as we learn what our opponent wants to do. *********************************************** Example Teams to Crush Our Foes: Provided by Destructive Skitty Team 1: Team 2: Team 3 (Credit to moony): *********************************************** Hukuna Sensei's Teams: These are a few of my personal teams so... they might be a little weird as I typically name teams that I use a bit. Feel free to use them, but I ask you tell me how you like them. I would really like to know XD. Team 1: I AM NOT A KROOK!!! Team 2: Full Fulcrum ((this was originally made by Skitty with a few tweaks by me.)) More in the future hopefully. Conclusion Balance is a style that tries to be an answer to everything it can all at once. The higher reliance on prediction makes Balance a hard playstyle to get the hang of for newer players; however it makes it very rewarding for those that have the skill to pull it off. It is good for those that like to think on the fly or just shift gears and switch your strategy on the fly to deal with problems. Each battle is like a puzzle, trying to figure out your opponent before they figure you out. Thank you for reading along, if you have any feedback for the guide feel free to include it below or PM me. This has been Hukuna Sensei, I wish you luck in your upcoming battles and hope you see the victories everyone wants. May the RNG ever be in your favor, may your battles be swift and decisive, may your plays be those of the gods, may Stall not annoy you so much that you lose, and FIGHT MORE BATTLES!!! Hukuna Sensei out~
  22. It is a simple "To many Cooks spoil the Stew" situation. Well it may seem like "Oh, 5 is much better than 1!!!" it isn't the case at all. However, as Kuro has already in-depth explained it much better than I did, I shall leave it there.
  23. I would ask this be listed under the tag [WIP/Draft/CW: Fanfic] or something to that effect, or I could possibly create a new tag for it, but I don't feel the need. ((the breakdowns of tags are listed here. )) So, please tag your thread accordingly. It should be easy to do, by clicking the small gear that appears in the sub-forum ((where you see each thread.)) and highlighting your own. Once you have done this, click the Edit Thread Title option and add the tag to the title. Please do read the rules threads etc posted here so you know a grasp of what is and what isn't allowed here in the CW Forums. Have a good whenever you read this. Hukuna Sensei out~
  24. Keep in mind that I believe building a world around characters is a stupidly hard task. Not to mention characters that could end up being vastly different and range from all sorts of archetypes etc... While it is a nice Idea, it is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper unrealistic and will probably die super quickly due to the fact that the world needs to be built -AFTER- People make their characters. Players would want to jump right into the world, not make their character than wait a long time while the world is built up. While you say they will build the world with you... most players aren't here to build worlds, otherwise, they probably would be hosting their own of some sort. World Building is a hard practice as it is without strange curveballs thrown at you, and without having people waiting on you to do it/ or doing it with you. I don't see this ever surviving as it is much to ambitious of a project. Every single person involved would have to be devoted to it and I simply think it asks too much of you, the people playing, and any other host if they take over the project. It is like getting people to make characters for a world that deosn't exist, then throwing all of them together, trying to figure out how all those things exist in the same world, etc etc before even getting to the actual World Building. I just don't see it working ever.
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