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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. *sighs* compiling lists of the most common Pokemon for certain roles in OU is a pain in my bottom.

  2. Guide Writing is haaaard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That guide is beyond meta... But yea I got it jelly, just it is one of those Hukuna gets all flustered by something stupid things.

    3. Felicity


      just like my D- ha

    4. Kurotsune


      I'm thinking of writing one... Specifically about creating interesting mechanics and plot.

      But meh.

  3. P.s. I don't play Reborn as I said and figured it wasn't yet lol. ((cause me info is ouuuuut of date.))
  4. I actually don't know what Pokes are available in Reborn, but with Sheer Force, the ideal ability these are the moves to consider. Ice Punch, can be gotten from Abomnasnow. Dragon Dance is gotten from the Horsea line. Aqua Jet can be learned from the Golduck Line as you said. any other move is preeeeety terrible and not worth getting. The biggest problem with Feral in Reborn is that there is 0 way to obtain Waterfall as of now. It is really the move that patches up Feralgatr's Movepool.
  5. "Hmm, good sword arm. I would be careful though, Throwing you only weapon is a very veeeeeeeeeeeeeery sssstupid idea." Frazzle said to Phantom. "Why a good man keeps sssspares." he said as he opened on side of his purple overcoat. The entire inside was lined with small knives of varied assortment. However, Phantom ((and only Phantom would be close enough.)) could see a special one. It had a small amethyst at the tip of the pommel. Other than that it was different than all the others, nothing else special could be ascertained currently. He closed his coat as he placed a finger on the small knife in the center of the map, this place right here is where you want to open your portal too, it is out of sight of all the security, from there we would move to the vault easily, and efficiently. The rounds should be easy to track as they pass through here." he said pointing to the hallway in the plan. "However, they don't enter this room. It is not on their rounds. Why you might ask? Because it is a wassssshroom. So, it miiiiight get a bit cramped.~" he said twirling Phantom's sword in his hand. He removed it from the map, and now handed the man his sword back. "Don't lose that blade kiddo, that is a gooooood sssword. Well balanced, and light as a feather and yet, deadly." He added.
  6. "Alright." Said the snakeman. He took out a piece of old looking parchment paper, and threw it in the air. As it gently floated to the ground, in the blink of an eye he pulled a small knife hidden in his clothes and threw it into the paper, pinning it to the backwall. He quickly threw 4 more knives into each corner as quickly as the first. He had blinding speed, and perfect accuracy, it was a bit scary considering the other weapon he had already showcased. "So, I have yet to introduccccccccccce mysssself." he said with a bow. "I am Ssssssimon. But, you can call me Frazzle."
  7. Inb4 Fern wins the whole thing just to spite all of you.
  8. TIL You should probably check if the heating unit is on before you sit on it.

  9. "I didn't ignore it friend, I just so happen to have floor plan to the bank perhaps we can choose the best place to get in." The snake fellow said.
  10. "No, I don't, but fiiiiiiiiiine." he said. A giant snake man thing slithered around the corner. He was holding a bazooka in his right hand which was unloaded for now. He was dressed rather exorbitantly. It matched his attitude loud and explosive. He wore a purple hat out of which stuck a huge pink feather. He looked quite ridiculous. He flipped the bazooka back over his shoulder, and preceded to put both hands on his hips. "So, we getting to business here or what?"
  11. The link has a distance for casting, but not for maintaining it. ((it will also snap auto-magically after about 6 hours since this is a lesser mindlink and not a more powerful version of the spell [and no matter how powerful it isn't really permanent, unless a Permanency spell is used on it.])) So, yes he will be able to communicate with you via telepathy if you are out on the scout mission. For those on the scout mission, to indicate you wish to start, just go looking for the Scout Ivo was sending with you. ((basically that just tells me you are ready, I will run the encounter with him once I know we are ready to move forward. By the way, all of the party will be going out at the same time, just the scouts will go forward a bit while the secondary group waits in the wings, probably get some nice Character interaction going on while they wait.))
  12. Uh, Commander, My Character's name is Emberly, not Emily. Should note, her hair probably looks something similar to my current ((and probably permanent, but who knows.)), that kind of a thing, just very wavy and all over the place. She would be much taller/imposing looking though lol.
  13. Makes sense to an extent. Probably could have started off in the same merc group and just became friends. That or she somehow ended up in his village since she tends to wander about. Given his age, it is probably like a little brother, big sister type deal, where she is looking out for him all the time making sure he doesn't get into trouble. Warning... if he doesn't have a nickname of some sort.... Drake will probably make one up for him at some point just a heads up lol. ((can be hashed out via pm if you are onboard.)) I should say though Link... be careful with the amounts of Sue in your background... this dude has lost a lot of people... and it verges on a bit ridiculous. ((Like kinda close... not going to be all like CHANGE IT NOWSSSS. It isn't super bad, just be mindful that a 16 year old losing his biological family, and basically a second family doesn't happen often.))
  14. Indeed, that is the main reason I asked. ((also, some hosts aren't overly fond of characters knowing each other prior.)) I would be up for it if anybody wants to do that by the way. ((probably be best to punch it all out in a pm though lol.)).
  15. The Hero class in FE: Sacred Stones has the most over the top Attacking and just Animations in general. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I love it.~

    1. krim


      Just wait until you see its critical.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Already have... on the first attack Gerik ever did as a Hero. It was beautiful.

  16. Oh lord... possibly. Though our friend would probably know people can't actually die. ((as he has probably gotten killed on MULTIPLE occasions.)) so he might not resort to violence and more just being an ass we will see, we will see. *smiles wickedly.*
  17. Question tho... It cool if some characters know each other from before the opening of the story? I am just asking because I feel while I wouldn't want it to get overboard, It would be nice to have someone Drake is friends with already as a way to bounce off a particular character lol.
  18. Reserving for later. ((Much sadness... I can't play my favourite class XD> Pegasus Knights be the beeest. Will go with my other one though.)) Name: Emberly "The Drake's Knuckle" Tagurd. Age: 32 Class: Mercenary Appearance: 6'2" Emberly is almost Amazonian in her looks. She is rather tall for a woman and cuts an imposing figure. Her hair is a Fiery Orange and is a wild mane of a hairdo, mostly because she doesn't really care how it looks. Backstory: Emberly has traveled a lot in her day. She has always been a free spirit not liking to be tied down anywhere or to anyone. She traveled with a group of Mercenaries fro awhile where she learned the trade and gained the skills to fight well with a sword. And as we all know, every good Mercenary has a Calling Card. She was named "The Drake's Knuckle" ((or Drake for short)) for her fiery no holds barred fighting style and attitude. It constantly got her into trouble with clients as she would give them a piece of her mind all too willingly. She mostly was recruited for fighting or guard duty after a certain incident where she stormed out of a Small Lord's Manor((a.k.a no one that was really important, but somebody that thought they were important.)), having been angered at his treatment of his workers. As such, she was never really hired to be a Bodyguard ever again. At some point she met a young Lad by the name of Yuri Lenn. He was a young teen at the time and he had heard of her thorough the grapevine. While she wasn't a huge legend or anything, word of mouth did still pass around in her old trade. She was known locally at least enough that this boy knew of her talents. He wished to be trained. Not having anything better to do, and wondering what kind of a challenge it would be Emberly accepted and took the boy under her tutelage. While he was certainly not the same type of fighter she was, Emberly tried her best to teach the lad how to fight and anything she could. She taught him for nearly 4 years until he decided to join up with the army. As once more, Emberly found herself with nothing better to do, she decided to tag along with the kid ((who was now a young man.)). Additional Info: Emberly typically goes by "Drake" rather than her actual name ((as her actual name is a tie to her family... who she isn't fond of... but for reasons that are kinda normal etc...Nothing to discuss in a background anyway.)) Favourite Fire Emblem Game: This is a question is one I cannot properly answer. I have only just started playing the series and have such... only have played part of one game. Until I play at least 3 or 4 I wouldn't even deem one a favourite lol. I am currently working on Sacred Stones and am pretty sure I am nearly done with the first run-trough. I hope to get a hold of the others and play them though. ((seriously though... Pegasus Knights... best units ever...*fanboys mad hard.*))
  19. In the Slums. The banging quickly stopped. And then came shouting as whoever it was around the corner realized his plan wasn't working. "HEY!!! BANGING ON A POT OVER HERE TO SEE IF ANYBODY IS LISTENING!!! I GOT THINGS YA WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE BANK INCLUDING A FLOOR PLAN!!!" came a rather Boston accent. "MAYBE THISSSSSS WILL GET YOUR ATTENTION!!!" and with that a rocket came whizzing around the corner. It hit the wall in the alleyway causing a loud explosion and mostly likely knocking down anybody at the meeting with the aftershock of the blast. Whoever shot it ((cause one would get the feeling that the shouting guy and the guy that shot the rocket launcher are probably the same overly volatile person.)) still hadn't come around the corner, but he was clearly still there. As he said in a more normal not yelling tone "Now, How about we do business."
  20. Feel like I am being Ignored... that only means I need to turn it up to 7000 instead of 10. *smiles wickedily.*
  21. Yea, unless they are running like super weird coverage. Mega Gross, like ew man. Check/Counter: Mister Maytag, Kenmore, and many other stupid Washing Machine brand jokes, Rotom-Wash. ((like, you reaaaaaaaaally have to mess up for Rotom-W to not win this match-up. But, I will put check here just in case...)) @ Leftovers Ability: Levitate EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe Bold Nature - Volt Switch - Hydro Pump - Will-O-Wisp - Pain Split Analysis: Calcs: Mega Steelix, Diamond Train to Hell. Check: Heatmor, That weird Anteater thing from 5th Gen no one gave a damn about. @ Life Orb/Expert Belt ((all calcs will be done with life Orb as the active item, though it doesn't really matter too much.)) Ability: Flash Fire EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Mild Nature - Fire Blast - Focus Blast - Giga Drain - Knock Off Analysis: Calcs: My noms are ((sorry, the Mega one isn't able to be gotten as it is an ORAS one, but feel free to put up both as possible noms.)) and for UU, probably my 4th Favourite mon:
  22. Good complements to the CM set are anything that can take out Pink Blobs and Unaware users. Gengar is pretty adept at it as he decimates both Chansey and Clefable. Having something for Mega Venusaur is also a must as it pretty much laughs at the pittance of damage that comes from HP Ice after Thick Fat. Strong Psychic type attacks or Flying type moves are what you are looking for here. ((alternatively, Raikou can run Extrasensory over Substitute for Mega Venu, but you will sorely miss having Subs. Subs really ease Raikou's set-up so losing them can be a pretty big deal. Strongly consider this choice before doing it. I really just recommend having something else that can deal with Mega Venu as Raikou really only runs Extrasensory exclusively for it.)) With T-bolt and HP Ice, Raikou has psuedo BoltBeam coverage which is nearly perfect coverage on all but 5 pokemon that resist it ((6 if counting Shedninja, but I personally don't cause you never see that thing.)). 3 of these mons are in the Same Evo line being the Magneton Family, however Magnezone won't really have anything of it's own to hit back. The other 2 are Rotom-Frost and Rotom-Heat. You won't really see either of them either though Heat is more likely. Heat also can't really do anything as the only move it really has to hit you with will drop it's SpAtk Just letting you get off a bunch more boosts etc. So your coverage is basically Perfect and you can at least hit everything in the game. CM Raikou is pretty scary if it sets up and can demolish teams that are unprepared. It is a force to be recoked with and don't take it lightly. Thunder-cat HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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