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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Considering like pretty much half the OU metagame gets U-Turn... Yea, good luck getting up that many Superpower boosts lol. It should also be noted that it is easy to feign a non-choice set with Malamar as most tend to just spam Superpower, and even if the opponent has a Ghost Type, they won't switch it in versus Malamar like... ever unless they are crazy. ((or know your locked into SUperpower.)) as Ghosts can't even touch the guy in most cases. Also Jelly, Mega Audino has only really been run in VGC as like a bulky Trick Roomer ((which Cresslia does much better.)), and even then very little, the thing is just kinda bleh as a poke and it Struggles to find any place where it actually is viable or even matters... It is just... a bad poke and not ever worth your Mega slot, like really, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnything else is better, might as well just grab a 6th mon if you don't want to use the other Megas of the tier. I will suggest Seismatoad or Feralgatr might be nice to see a Water type for one of these lol.
  2. It actually is Slant, just it needs serious Defog/Rapid Spin Support. It is sorta something that doesn't thrive too well on it's own imo. The Agi set is really good too, running STAB Hurricane and Fire Blast/Flamethrower for damaging moves rounding off with Roost and Agility ((cause uh... it is an Agi set... kinda has to have agi no?)). It can also take HP Grass, but I prefer to let teammates do the Ground/Rock/Water type removal. It pretty much outspeeds everything alive and can put a serious dent in a lot of the RU tier. ((Scarf variants of Pokes with base 105 or higher speed are faster, be aware of this.)) It is not something to take lightly. I personally think Hitmonlee is a waaaaaaaaaay better Rapid Spinner with Moltres than Top ((sorry Jeri, but bleh...)) and Shiftry is a very good Offensive Defogger that backs it up nicely. Hitmonlee destroys things things that don't resist it's HJK, being able to OHKO most Druddigons and Escavalier. ((and therefore it surely offs anything it hits super effectively. and it even demolishes some things that resist it.)). Lee can't spam it if there are enemy Ghost types though, so make sure to click Knock Off when there are some of those. Shiftry scares off pretty much all Water/Ground/Rocks. I feel those 2 complement Moltres waaaaaaaaaay better than Hitmontop as top really doesn't add anything to a team. It doesn't threaten anything nearly as much as Lee, and kinda doesn't do enough imo. RU is a dangerous tier all about serious damage and sweeping, Hitmontop can't really take many hits in the tier and doesn't really have damage of it's own to boost and ends up being super mediocre at best.But, hey at least it is 7000x better than Hitmonchan....who is weak and can't even hit ghosts...so it terrible... yea let's forget Chan exists....
  3. Day 4 of FE: Sacred Stones, Hukuna has a serious case of "USE ALL DA FLYIN' UNITS" syndrome. This is bad considering his previous place them in range of all the arrows ever problem. Eh, none of them have died yet so no biggy...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sheep


      Oh yeah, Tana's a force of nature. She was easily my strongest unit in Sacred Stones.

    3. Etesian


      Ewan, Amelia and Cormag tho

    4. Helios2


      I love Ewan espacially as sage, my by far favourite mage in the series. (I dont count Lyon since you get him after the story)

  4. Day 3 of FE: The Sacred Stones, Hukuna managed yet again to almost get a Flying unit killed by an archer. Lucky for him they dodge everything even attacks with a 90% hit chance... Either I am the luckiest oblivious idiot to live... or no that is pretty much the gist.

    1. Ikaru


      It's a bit harder to keep track of enemy ranges in the GBA games, so I can't say I blame you.

    2. Maelstrom


      The only ones that ever gave me trouble were the archers manning ballistas.

    3. Sheep


      We've all been there. Still, once you get leveled a bit Sacred Stones has got to be the easiest FE game I've ever played, meaning a somewhat oblivious approach should work just fine.

  5. ((A Wild Hukuna appeared, it used Force Oneself into the Story!!!)) In the Slums At the meeting site, they suddenly heard an intense amount of clanking from nearby. Something metal was striking something else suuuuuuper loudly. It sounded as if someone was banging a spoon on an old pot and it was getting closer. *clank* *clank* *clankity* *clank* It got closer and closer, soon it would be around the corner. Clearly, whatever it was wanted to be heard and found by those in the alleyway... otherwise it wouldn't be making this much of a bloody racket.
  6. I should really try keeping Vanessa away from archers that will most certainly one-shot her... I need to check the enemy movement more often. ((also, at the very least, she keeps dodging all their attacks, so... hasn't died yet despite it being close about 50 times already.))

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      FE: Sacred Stones by the way.

    2. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      Ross and Colm are best characters, zzzzz

    3. Ikaru


      ^ what he meant to say was Lute and Marisa

  7. That would be the strangest.... a Poke that can Curse spam, and then Mega, and inflict the curse status.... that is like crazy XD>
  8. Fire Emblem is already trolling me mad hard... ((cause pretty sure I should not have had at least 10 cirts already by the 3rd mission lol.)).

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. krim


      And that kids, is why you never make luck your flaw in Awakening past Lunatic mode.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      If only I had a 3ds... much sad lol.

    4. Commander


      It's not as bad as letting the Black Knight sweep half of the Part 1 endgame map. I paid dearly for that one. (RIP Zihark).

  9. TFW you remember Umbreon gets Wish... man the sets on this thing could be mad scary. Foul Play stealing your enemies attack stat to use back at them... Wish/Protect or Wish Passing... Taunt against other walls. That thing would be a defensive juggernaut. And it isn't all that hard to cover its weaknesses as a single Ghost type will do it. It would be so scurry to face that thing like trying to bust down a concrete wall with your foot, basically, it ain;t going to happen.
  10. Can we not just dump speed onto every Mega? It is honestly why it is so boring a concept.... It is like.... what do we boost? Speed? It is like always Speed...and it quite frankly is boring lol. ((I realize I did give it to Feralgatr earlier, so probably sound a bit hypocritical, however... Feral isn't really meant to be defensive... I am just tried of the only way people knowing how to make old mons "viable" is to make them crazy damage output machines, it kinda ruins the whole reason Megas are a thing. They are too be the ultimate versions of that poke... There has to be some ultimate defensive mons or supporters, but literally everything is made into a sweeper or a wallbreaker... It is just kinda of boring cause there is zero variation and things that are defensive or supports are changed into sweepers or something else. Sableeye is the BIGGEST example. He goes from being a unique support mon to the most booooooooooooooooooring and bland as hell cookie cutter CM user...Like I am kinda sick of it at this point.)) I also really don't care for Rattled as an ability, as the idea is they get scared of those types ((Bug, Dark, Ghost.)) and thus their speed goes up due to being frightened or a state of panic. Claydol probably doesn't have emotions, so it can't really fear anything, it is pretty much an ancient machine similar to Golurk, it prevo, and possibly Sigilylph. An ability to show this more logic based mind would be interesting, such as Forewarn, Anticipation, Analytic, or something else. Heck, it could even be given something to help it be more defensive, I would like that too. #HukunaRantOver ((and not like mad or anything, I don't mind seeing people's ideas, but damn do I get tried of seeing "Lets figure out how to make it's Mega a Sweeper" theatre all the time.))
  11. I don;t do internet ones either, I would have to at least have met the person irl once... and usuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuually more than that lol.
  12. Keep in mind the other word that ends in ship, a.k.a Friendship. Shipping is typical innocent and only has a biiiit of a subtext of being a relationship~ It doesn't need to be that serious... and with people is rarely the case. ((it is more oh they are friends I could see it being a possibility, rather though oh they should soooo totally date.)), it tends to get a bit blown out of proportion when it comes to characters in anime/other media, because they are not real people.thus making it is impossible to hurt their feelings or upset them lol. I won't consider any of mine "relationships" they are just people I am good friends with.
  13. I will probably update and get us back on track somewhat soonish... jsut need to find the motavation, has bben awhile for this one lol.
  14. Tbc, welcome bro... Lando-T probably has the best artwork period.... dat Stink Eye is beyond real. I just imagine him popping into battle and being like "Settle the hell down ya filthy animal." and the other Pokemon quaking in its boots. Anyways, hope you enjoy your stay here lol.
  15. TFW, laughing so hard at the typical "WHo should be in the Scout party?" convo in your RP that your sides hurt. ((and the conversation going on in the skype chat you are in isn't helping.))

  16. Both the FIre Typing and Dark as easy to justify. ((as Weezing is in constant pain due to the gasses re-inflating and deflating the two twins. The gas makes sense being Fire type, as it is clearly flammable and it uses it's gas in this way. Dark would more represent the aspect between it and it's parasitic twin. Weezing is constantly in pain, hence it getting Pain Split, Memento, and Destiny Bond. The Explosion moves are in these veins as well, but are also explained by the flammable nature of the gas, and show that weezing can control the amount of gas it ignites at once [further evidence of it being a possible Fire Type.] so it is if we want to repersnet it body functions, or show a manifestation of it's actual pain.))
  17. Dark would work with it as well, I jsut don't think it fits as thematically. Explosion and Self-Destruct just make Weezing feel more like it should become a Fire type to me. ((then again... you could say the opposite using Destiny Bond and Memento to support yourself.)) basically I just feel like Fire is the better one, and you feel Dark is. Interesting to say the least.
  18. Just an idea I had for Mega Feraligatr Typing: Water/Dragon | Water/Dark ((not a fan of this one...too much like Mega Dos.)) | Water/Ice ((gets a hell of a lot of Ice Type moves, I realize this is cause... Water type, but it is a possibilty. These are listed in order of how I would do them.)) Ability: Sheer Force ((or we could give the reg one his Hidden Ability already...))/ Strong Jaw. There are too many Mega Mons that have Tough Claws so I won't even consider that one. ((there are BLOODY FIVE!!!)) Increases: Base Statline : 85HP/ 105 Atk/ 100 Def/ 79 SpAtk/ 83 SpDef/ 78 Spd New Baseline: 85HP/ 145 Atk/ 110 Def/ 79 SpAtk/ 103 SpDef/ 98 Spd ((keep in mind, the guy has Dragon Dance.)) Dragon/Water has two Weaknesses in Dragon and Fairy, but has a lot of rather neutral hits otherwise. This makes ti bulky, but not necessarily unkillable. It might be too similar to Mega Dos. I feel that it is different enough however. I would actually prefer a Poison/Fire one for it, it makes sense since it is full of flammable gases noted by the fact that it can use both Flamethrower and Fire Blast. It would have a Rock and Water weaknesses added on, but dang would its Fire moves that it runs get a nice boost to base power with STAB behind them. New Weaknesses: Water, Rock, Ground((negated by Levi.)). New resists with Fire: Grass, Bug, Fairy, Steel, Ice, Fire. So resists Fire, 4x Grass, Ice, Poison, Fighting, Immune Ground, 4x resists Bug, resists Steel and 4x Fairy. It is weak only to Rock, Water, and Psychic. Damn good defensively and on Offensive imo. Poison/Fire may not be the best coverage attack-wise, but it can deal some decent damage.
  19. Creating a CAP is a pain in the bum... I have a bit more respect for Gamefreak after this. ((then again the first one you ever do being a Mon that defies the logic of it's type and has 3 forms... isn't the smartest plan.))

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. zimvader42


      The forms have cool potential design-wise. Have your friend and you come up with some graphic design yet?

    3. Shamitako


      @Tomas, I was about to mention Power Gem... Seriously people, it's a thing

    4. zimvader42


      I just don't know all the rock type moves, specially the special ones XD

  20. I should note K_H, since I can, what you originally described would be projecting your mind into theirs, or it is what Blue does in Graterras: World in Peril. He has this power because he is an Illithid and well, an avatar of a god. He can project his mind onto others much more completely than magic could ever replicate becasue it is a natural power of his. ((and it is part of why Illithids are mad dangerous, or used to be. Blue is really the only one that can Mind Meld anymore, and he doesn't want to use it to harm people.)). Telepathy is nowhere near as powerful a link. SInce Blue melds his mind with those he targets, he can read it as if it were his own, however, a telepathic link is only like a little anchor. While it is attached to another's mind it can only pick up surface thoughts, or what lies on the top. And furthermore, it is very limited in that the people using the link choose what is transmitted. It is much faster than actual communication, but it can only accomplish what a verbal conversation could. ESP ((which is another form of mind reading magic.)) is the forced reading of another's surface thought. One would have to sue Probing magic to go any deeper into the mind, and it is rare, dangerous and highly inhumane. A priest of the Order of Aelia, would never use such magic, not even Priests of Evil Deities really like using it except when needed. ((mostly because it is unnerving to read the thoughts of a being that is in so much pain it is the only thing it's mind can fixate on, and it also messes with reading the thoughts to begin with.)) Anyways, after the lecture on Magic of the mind It is up to you guys to decide who deos the scouting, I am not choosing for ya lol.
  21. ((K_H, it doesn't work that way at all lol. Telepathic links can only send information, like thoughts but in the form of words. So it can't show an image or what something looks like. You could tell them what you see through it, but not show them, if you catch my drift.)) Ivo walked over to his chair and sat down in it. "Well whenever you lot are ready, I will send you to Gremen He is the man that knows the area." Ivo didn't say much more from that point, he quieted down as the group quarreled over who to send on the scout party.
  22. One reason this ability will never be implemented, Focus Punch... It just breaks the way it would work, and it will always count as a Punch Move. Also, there is no way in heck something is getting something that allows it to hit more times than Mega-Kenga at FULL damage. Mega Keng's second hit only does half damage. Basically, when creating a mega for a pokemon one should keep to things that actually exist in the game already instead of giving it new things. It is kinda poor form to do otherwise. ((because making up stuff means I could make up whatever I want, like bam, this pokemon now has a Rock-Type Giga Drain cause I say so... it is just... it shouldn't be done. It is quite a clear, I want to cheat the system and make my own rules kinda play. Besides, working within the lines gives actual context and a way to judge a Mon's strength since you can;t have any idea how something that doesn't exist will effect things. making new Mega's doesn't count in this category though.))
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