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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Caprion always knows want he wants!!!" the Satyr rather triumphantly. He touched his right hand to his bare chest, as he flourished with his left. "Caprion, these are my allies on a journey, I expect you to treat them well." Zix said. It was hard for the others to discern what Zix was feeling, as his tone was rather flat and you couldn't see his face. "Hmm, other folk of the fae, or are they demons? I want to know." Caprion said. He took out a small pouch and dipped 2 of his fingers into it. He then chucked a grey powder of some sort around the cabin. ((quite a bit aimed at Ailios's chest.)). Welp, not typical fae at least, that would have killed them. So, lesser fae, or demons? Those would be the honkers of a demon on that lady." "Nope, they are mortals Caprion." Zix replied simply. "Really? Well that's boring." Caprion said. His features deflated a little as he was clearly disappointed. However he quickly leaned over to Zix though, and whispered into his ear "She's still hooootttt though."
  2. So, it has been a bit, you guys mind if I just push the story a long a bit, it is starting a drag on a bit. So, since a bunch of stuff happened before Farreach I am probably going to plop you guys there and we can get into the Forest of Knives where the real meat of this chapter will start.
  3. Might knock back the cut off a day since well... I was expecting to get 7 in a day. Hopefully we get one more and then I can spin up the random num generator and get you guys your characters so you can figure them out a bit.
  4. "It would entirely hinge on the being I summon, for you see, I only can call. To me they are compelled, but they are of their own power. In fact, if I control them they are weaker unless their abilities are totally powered by rage and and brute power. It is hard to understand a spirit better than it understands itself, therefore their free will is important. But, It would be better to show you." Zix held his Orb in front of him with both hands. The snow inside the orb suddenly reacted. every snowflake other one than single lone one moved to the outside, they all went dark, no longer shining with the brilliant lights they once did. Save for one that stayed focused in the center. It didn't move and was suspended in the center. It light grew and grew soon filling the entire orb with a verdant green glow. Zix started to speak in a strange old tongue one that was either old, or forgotten. "Denuntiamus autem vobis, ut impios, ut sanctum virum in adjutorium meum eris." he then switched back to the common tongue. "Caprion, Lord of the Forest, I COMPEL THEE, DO YOU HEED THE CALL?" A green portal much the same colour as the orb, and the flake creating the glow, appeared next to Zix. "Sure, I was bored anyway." a deep baritone voice replied from the other side. Then into the seat fell a Satyr, a half man, half goat. They were wild spirits, Fae that were well known for being tricksters and loving music. He had wild unruly hair and a beard to match. They were a lovely auburn in colour just like the hair that adorned his legs. He was ruggedly handsome though he gave off a bit of an air of arrogance. "Ooooo, Now that's a pretty lady. This why you brought me here Zix?" he said pointed Ailios. "Cause she's hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttt." "No Caprion, I needed to show them what I could do, and you were the friendliest spirit that I could get at the moment. " Zix said, not seeming to notice the earlier comment, he just deflected it like always. Zix was rather pointed and didn't seem to have many emotions... or he didn't let on to them at the very least. "Well, A pleasure to met you folks. Especially, you Miss." Caprion said leaning in towards Ailios. He raised his eyebrow a few times and winked.
  5. That isn't true at all. Priority brackets are completely unaffected by trick room. It can be said it is a tad overkill on a set with 2 Priority moves, however the TR could be set up for other pokes. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trick_Room_(move) ((and so you know for sure. Trick doesn't affect Priority brackets in any way.))
  6. 1 slot left in the first Reroll I am hosting, if ya want in get there quick!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      There are no rolls other than from me, you don't got to worry that is all behind the hood stuff only I need to worry aobut lol.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Oh. nevermind then.

      oh... damn it. I forgot I've got a crap ton of work to do between PSS EBE and SS coupled with PMD and this reroll RP for PSS I'm working on involving the story and legend of Leonidas (Or at least, a small portion of it) Sorry, really wish I could hop in there... :/

    4. Sutoratosu


      Ah the joys of creative pursuits... could keep a guy busy forever.

  7. I want to find a place to use this song as a theme in Graterras so bad... ((as it is probably one of my favourite songs of all time lol.)) but it is hard man lol.
  8. There is a dual Priority one. -Sucker Punch -Shadow Sneak -Return/Filler ((don't know if Return is available in Reborn.)) -Recover/Filler ((recover must be bred.))
  9. Te first Reroll is live folks, come on down and let gets this show on the road lol. Here is the link for yas. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11964

  10. The Sitch. In the lands of Aurora, in the small town of Winter's Bite... A foul wind stirs. Rumors of a group of bandits circle the town. It is believed they mean to bring a great misfortune upon this quaint little village. 8 Heros have answered the call to adventure. They come from all walks of life and are ready for adventure. Are you ready to Answer the call and pick up the mantle of one of these great heros? Hello and welcome friends to Sensei Hukuna's first Project Reroll RP. This RP is to take place in the Universe of Graterras and will be a one-shot adventure. Players will take control of one of 8 pre-made heros and go on a small scope adventure, one full of action and peril in a bite-sized chuck!!! I will provide a link here for a bit of context of the world of Graterras to the OOC of the main RP: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7827 The Reroll's Bios. ((Rerolls will be what I refer to Host created Player Characters. I will personally be randomly assigning one of these characters to people who sign up. All will be explained in the section below this one.)) personalities won't be fully described, just flashes of them. I want players to be able to have somewhere they can tailor the character and personality is a good place that doesn't have a huge variance in how they work, just how they play or come to life. Lord Gradun. ((Grah-dune.)). The Self Proclaimed Lord of Dance and Song. Slairk ((Slay-ark)) the Nose. The Knife within Shadows. Roose Brightborn the Illuminator, The Lady with much to Prove. Forlorn, The spear that travels with purpose. Oohagan ((Oo- Hah-gan)) the Starry Eyed, the Wizard who dreams of the Future. Evys ((Viz)) the Stormcaller, The Mistress of the elements. Mentheim, The Servant of Mortimo, God of Death and Time. Ivar Whistlewind, The Servant of Lady Aelia, Goddess of Wind and Mind. Every character has 1 Adventurer's Kit. ((this item has 4 charges. A player can use one charge to pull out one mundane item whenever they wish. Rope, simple tools, empty vials etc are good examples.)) Combat In this RP we will use a light combat system. How damage works. Warriors deal 3 with their melee attacks. ((Forlorn deals 4 as long as he is using his spears.)) Rogues and Priests deal 2 ((Slairk deals 3 if he can get off a backstab.)) and Wizards deal 1. Defense blocks that many points of damage dealt. These are the severity of damage the attacks deal, and these numbers are more for me as the Host then really for you guys. I will be using them silently to judge how much damage an attack deals to an enemy or a party member. Most of these numbers will be under the hood stuff done by me because in real life you don;t have a health bar. Damage to the PCs will be indicated via me describing the damage and not by me giving a number ((Like say Forlorn takes 5 points of damage, I won;t say he took 5 points of damage, I will describe what the attack does to him. The palyer's than have to judge how much damage that did. For Roose you can tell me in an OOC quote the highest amount you are willing to take with Lay on Hands though.)) Sign-up Procedure: Please Fill out this form, that way I know for sure you want in. Forum Name: Experience with RPing: ((guesstimate. Doesn't need to be entirely time accurate.)) Preferred Reroll: ((which character would you want the most.)) Least preferred Reroll: Cool Thing about you: Your favourite Fantasy setting: I will be accepting up to 8 players, but I will cut off the sign-ups on Monday, January 19 2015. At this point the PCs will be randomly assigned to their players. Feel free to ask any questions you may have below.
  11. Yea, would be best before we start going even more in detail lol. Getting very close to completion on ther first Reroll RP I am doing. Others can do these as well, if you are intersed in hosting one jsut talk to em about it I will help you set it up lol.
  12. Writing the characters for the Reroll I am running as lead me to find something about Graterras as a world. I don't know shit about how my clerics work...so having to figure that out is interesting. YAY WORLD BUILDING!!!

  13. I can ask Rose for ya when I see her again((if I see her on skype I'll ask her, currently she is asleep so I need to get back to you if she doesn't.)) as for Snap, no bloody clue.
  14. Writing 8 uniqueish Player Characters is much harder than I thought lol. # HostingAOne-OffProblems

    1. Shamitako


      I have... 22 characters floating around in my head, of course they overlap with each other quite a bit, but even the Creepypasta Twins are fairly different from each other. Thus why I probably need to do one of those >_>

  15. We have actually served a game of Mafia before, but it was more or less the actual game. One where people had to play to their character would be kinda interesting though lol.
  16. This is very much one of the ideas behind Project Reroll as well. They aren't as much of a time commitment so they should be easier to pop into then other RPs. This is the whole idea behind having the host write up the character etc... because it allows the players to just kinda slot in and enjoy the ride.
  17. Yea, I mostly used the Term as you kinda Reroll characters every session as they are more or less not permanent, but, to also leave the option of Characters who didn't die to come back in another RP in another scenario if the host so wishes lol. So in a sense yea you are right Acquie, but it is more because I wanted a catchy RP related name for it lol. ((GUILTY. *puts finger to his mouth and giggles.*)) You might get a better idea of what I mean when I get the Graterras one I plan on doing out. ((keep in mind characters are created by the Host in this, so there is very little player based prep.))
  18. And, I will probably be posting up an example of mine in a few days. Will be in the setting of Graterras. However, I need to write up the PCs. Already got a little scenario in mind. So keep an eye out for that.
  19. I wouldn;t suggest Interest Checks for these. The OOC should be one enough, or just seeing the Reroll tag should let People know that it is more or less a One-off.
  20. Launched a new idea for the RP Forums to get some short term RPs rolling around and to get a little more activity. And Also to give new players an easy way to learn RPing without worrying about making good character. Please, if you got the time, check out Project Reroll.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      10 out of 10.

      This is great right here, the thing will give me the opportunity to play out a few stories that I've been kicking around; Like the Prelude for Exodus:Beyond Eden (The one I told you about so long, Hukuna, you know what I'm talkin bout)

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Pretty much yea lol.

    4. Sutoratosu


      And PSS world would be great for it too, considering I've got a crap ton of Anecdotes planned for it.

  21. Hello everybody, this is your friendly neighborhood RP Sensei; Hukuna. I have an idea that was brewing in my head not for a specific RP, but, for a new kind of RP to be played here on the forum. We have n shortage of Long term RPs, but what about some short hand ones? It would be good to have some small time RPs that promote more activity in this Sub-Forum and they would also be a useful teaching tool for newbies and just a way to have fun without a lot of player prep. So what am I purposing? Well, how about you read along below and Find out? What is a One-off? Well it would be important to know don't you think? A One-off is a one time scenario made to be played by players in a single session. Like for example if playing Dungeons and Dragons, or another Tabletop Pen and Paper RPG that would be completed in a 4-5 hour play session. They are missions or goal that are limited in scope so that they can reasonably be completed in a single session or maybe up to 3. They are designed to be able to enjoy a spot of Roleplaying, but not having to commit to a large grandiose Campaign. They are perfect for newer players as well, allowing them to get their feet wet without a huge commit of time or effort and that is one of the overall goals of Reroll. What is Project Reroll? Reroll will be a certain kind of RP that hosts should be able to prep for rather quickly and get players straight into the action of the RP. They should be a short amount of time maybe about 3-4 months in scope. Hosts will create a generic world, or use one that they have created prior to house the Reroll in. Then they will make the Rerolls. The host will create Player Characters for the RP and post them along with the scenario for players to see. I will explain more about this lower down, but bare with me, it is one of the big points of this project and makes it light and easy to pick up. How the host goes about assigning the PCs to their players is more or less up to them, whether by first come, first serve Basis, or by random assignment or whatever else they decide to do. Once PCs are assigned, the scenario should be able to begin and get people getting into the action really quickly. Why have the host create the PCs and not the players themselves? Here are some bullet points explaining why I think this will be the best system. - No emotional strings attached. One Shots are meant to be quick fast paced games, and the least attachment to the character the better. These characters won't be around long, so the more time a Player would spend creating them the more attached they would get to something that will not be long term. This will make them less willing to do just crazy stuff and try to keep their character alive until the end etc... So, the less they care about the time that went into creating the character, the more likely they are to be spontaneous and more willing to try crazy stunts. - Ease of starting. For new players getting into RPing for the first time, making their own character can be frightening and a steep slope to climb. If being assigned a character, they have a little less to worry about and can get their feet wet without worrying if they made a good character, or trying to keep that character alive. They can play without worry of making mistakes because the character is more or less disposable. One Shots just end when the party wipes or loses way too many members to continue and that just shows how invaluable these characters are. They are the perfect way to feel your way around Roleplaying because it doesn't matter if they bite the dust. It gives room to experiment and learn. - Easy Experimentation. This was partially explained above. But even veteran players will get to mess around with things and not feel like they wasted a bunch of time if they character bites the dust. Maybe they just try and scratch the itch of playing something new, or playing a new personality type for the first time. Ever wanted to play a crazy and rash barbarian that charged into all the fights without thinking? Maybe this is the time to try it when Character Death isn't very bad. - On the Fly Character Playing. As the Great Philosopher Jagger once said, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well, you just might find, you get what you need. So, if forced to have a character, one has to be more creative, figure out the character they are given rather than tailor it to what they want. This promotes interesting problem solving skills and having to work with tools you might have never otherwise picked. It makes the dynamic different for every player and makes you have to react to a character who already have prescribed backstories and personalities. How much is true? Was the mysterious man who killed your character's family his UNCLE in disguise? Many interesting things can be made. - A Balanced or Unbalanced Touch. The Host can tailor the party to suit the mission and give all the necessary tools. Or, he can not give all the necessary tools and force the players to improvise. ((I would highly advise you tell your players it is a game stacked against them at the ge tgo though. Nothing is more heartbreaking then realizing you had basically slim to none chances the whole time, but only just found out.)). The Host can balance the party in a way that is interesting for the players and have a more video game-esque feel like, like that everyone has their place on the team. -Puzzles!!! When working with a fixed group of characters a Host can more easily create puzzle solving scenarios balanced ((or rigged against.)) the party. Some people like this type of thing in RPing, and it can really get those problem solving skills rolling and add an interesting dynamic that is a bit harder to pull off in other RPs. Conclusion. In short, Project Reroll is to get some Short term RPs kicking around the forums to get a bit more activity rolling around. They are meant for New Players and hell even new Hosts to be able to get their feet wet and try out new things or get started. It takes burden off players and gives new hosts an idea of what creating interesting characters is like ((as creating PCs for the players is like creating NPCs, but handing them over to the players to control.)) These need not be set in any specific campaign world, etc... To denote a Reroll campaign, just place a [Reroll] tag in the description of your RP thread. ((Example [OOC/Reroll] for the Out of Character or [iC/Reroll] for the In Character. Sign-ups are up to the Hosts, but will most likely just be in the OOCs like normal. Hell less sign up is needed due to the Host Creation of the PCs.)). So, what do ya'll think about this Idea? Do you think it will be good for the RP forums? Would anyone be interested in Hosting them or playing in them? Any ideas you think would improve the concept? Please comment below. If you have any questions either ask them below or PM me them personally. ((don't bother Murdoc though, I kinda made this up without talking to him about it, so only I really know what is up with it lol.)) I have been Hukuna Sensei, and until we next me meet, Play more Roles` *puts finger at camera*. Yes I just Wil Wheaton'd you... what of it? *cuts a jig and runs out stage right.*
  22. "I'll show you around then, all the big sights, the ones most know, and then perhaps some of the holes in the wall." Viktor said a smile on his face. "My personal favourite places. Ya know, small places, nothing to fancy, but not ratholes either. a family owned restaurant or 2, and some places I just like to go to think. I am glad you know how to live a little Miss Archer, I look forward to the night ahead of us."
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