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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Kaede Kaede felt a twinge of disappoint that it seemed awhile before she'd get to see Arturia on this trip. She wasn't much acquainted with any of the girls here though that was often the case. She gave off an aura of offness that tended to turn people away from her. Kaede felt like she should care about this, that she should think it was some sort of injustice. But she couldn't muster anything with which to do so. ln fact, it meant she had an easy time not having to deal with people she didn't want to. lt kept away false people,the ones who wore plastic masks. Not, literally... but the ones that clearly showed their good sides to the world but hid who they really were. Kaede was quite good at reading people. lt was a hobby of hers, and one she derived a small pleasure from much like reading a book. So she decided to do so while on this hike. She slowed down to the back some, hoping to do some people watching. She wasn't really aware of the two lagging behind even behind her.
  2. That's the part that refers to Magnus in the original. l figured l'd add more to that section to give it more context from Breath, or Zephyros sort of unraveling what was happening to his brother in his mind. Zephyros was only a passive observer to all the others births, he has nothing to do with them. He only finally gains control once Bahamut and Tiamat come forth but the two of them are absorbed in their rivalry they don't notice him either. Magnus, or more accurately, whoever Magnus was before he became what he is now, was the only one to speak or even acknowledge that Zephyros was there. So, he had a choice there. That was sorta the idea of doing the part at the end despite this account being one of historical importance. Was the feeling he had from that event was... quite a strong one and one he knew he'd come to deeply regret. ((and he will, Magnus is more or less a mindless monster that does 1 thing, devour worlds.))it's important to the account to note because at that time, Zephyros wasn't passively observing. He had to participate ((or make the choice to do nothing l suppose XD.)) and history was set into motion by him making that call, one he immedately regrets and knows isn't going to be good in the future. As for the dragons... hmmm. l'll have to see how much more of their story l tell. There's certainly some to be done for sure. ((as l'm sure you've noticed one of the 9 dragons wasn't even mentioned here lol.)) and the actual world of Graterras has yet to be established and the dragons (or at the least, some of them) do assist in it's creation so probably safe to say it's not the last of them we'll see.
  3. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30280-cw-short-story-feedback-graterras-proof-of-origin/&tab=comments#comment-705916

    Okay, l've finally wrote a thing. For those waiting for more stuff from Graterras enjoy~ And for those new to my little universe, l hope you enjoy your stay~ Please leave any feedback you have, even if it's just a little "l liked X" type comment. Even those are helpful~

    Thanks in advance, Hukuna Sensei.~

  4. ((Birth of a Universe, For Clarity. This is a first hand account of this story: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21087-graterras-birth-of-a-universe-cw-short-story/&tab=comments#comment-522692)) [What one is about to lay eyes upon is the oldest historical document known to exist in all of Graterras, or at the least, a translation of the document in question. As is, it is probably the most important document ever written. lt's contents, the firsthand account of "The Dispersal" as written by The Breath of the Universe or as we now have come to know him, Zephyros. However, it is worth noting He never himself refers to himself by this name. He will tend to call himself "Breath". Apologies for the tangent back on track. lt was originally written in an old tongue of draconic, one that was even difficult to decipher amoungst dragonkind due to it's age. What you witness is the culmination of the toil of numerous sage, scholar and those that wish to understand this world we call our home. This was only made possible however by the contributions of one Argentum Deus, The Alabaster Dragon. He has generously donated not only his time, but his knowledge of Archaic Draconic, something that was thought lost. This document is tantamount to none other, as it's significance cannot be understated. This is the proof of the origin of our universe. An account that confirms the existence of the primordial being Heartbeat. As such, within all scholarly circles it is known simply as, The "Proof of Origin". -Duncan Adicas, Headmaster of the Raven's Spire.] "This is a record for posterity. l... feel a compulsion to do this, and an instinct. l do not know these words l write other than that they are a gift from my father. They naturally come to me. l am told in my mind that this is because l am the Breath of the Universe. l cannot do naught but observe at the moment. Observe the dispersal of my Father. l will commit my thoughts to memory so that when l find myself less than petrified l may write them down so that my thoughts may live on. l'm told it ls my purpose by Father. So, l shall imprint it within my mind." [A note is scrawled into the margin here. lt reads "lt is understood that this imprinting is a method of perfect memory recall employed by Zephyros. He often found himself in charge of chronicling as a result of this ability. lt seemed in part Heartbeat somehow knew this as Zephyros mentions it was his father that told him this was his purpose in the memories he left to him."] "The Emergence of Flame and Hope." A considerable amount of time has passed. l'm... not sure if anything is truly happening but l do not think my Father would fill me with falsehoods. He'd have to be an exceedingly cruel being to do so. l do not think such a thing describes him. After all the fact l exist is a testament to such. He sacrificed himself to create beings that would not feel the gripping talons of loneliness that he himself endured. He couldn't possi... What was that? *** A thunderous crack echoes through the expanses. My father's body, crumbles open around where his heart resided in his chest. Pure starfire drips from the postmortem wound, hotter than any star he ever created while he yet lived. The pure light pools beneath his body, as if his lifeblood had leaked from him. l can feel the heat on my skin of air, if l had a physical body l'm sure my skin would crack and peel at this magnificent sight. l know it is my privilege as the Breath of the Universe to witness this. My father had planned it so, that l wouldn't lose my life witnessing this event. l wonder if l truly cannot move or it is my curiosity that truly keeps me here... However, l do not get to reflect on this thought for much more than a moment, as l feel the starfire awake. l hear a cry of brilliance, a keening that pierces the sky with power, with an emotion l cannot describe. But, that is not all. A second cry comes to match that it's sister cry, perhaps even surpassing it. This one... this cry l can understand it's intent. lt is a cry of hope. Of optimism. One that cannot wait to meet the world that it's father left to it. The starfire takes a form much like my own. lt looks... as if it is one of the many sisters and brothers my father meant to give me so that l'd not be lonely like him. The being was comprised solely of a brilliant auburn flame. lt lost some of it's initial intensity as a single pocket of it's former visage appeared in it chest, where the heart of a being of flesh and blood, such as my father, would reside. This, "heart" retained it's brilliance, like a star was born in this dragon's chest. However, l'd soon find something else was to be born instead. A twin, another dragon came from the one comprised of pure flame. Another dragon made purely of starlight. She reflected her sister's aspects, but burned with an intensity twice hers. l felt...an overwhelming sense that l'd never be alone looking upon the second sister. Her light touched my heart and l felt... like everything would be okay so long as she existed in this universe. [another note in the margin reads, "The birth of one set of twins, The Soul of the Universe together. The first, Pyrea, The Emotion of the Universe. The second, Mydis, The Hope of the Universe." ] The two screamed into the distance, hand in hand. l watched the two sisters fly off giggling and laughing to each other. l don't think they saw me. l hoped, that they had enough emotion left to spare for me. l couldn't help but...hope that they would love me. That they would think me worthy of that. l'm... not sure why l felt this so heavily in my chest. But, once more l'd not find myself with much time to wonder. l heard another crack in the body of my father. "The Emergence of Water, and a Demon That Lurked it's Depths." A deafening crescendo. All that is the sound from crashing waves as they bash into the now rocky skull of my father's body. l do not know how long l listened to those mad waves pund agaist the rock, but eventually, they broke through. For my father's forehead a dark murky substance poured. This being was far from the Sisters that had been unleashed earlier. The being was anything but brilliant. The murky substance looked repugnant. l'm not sure if it smelled to high heaven though as l wasn't close enough, but l was glad for this fact. The flow only grew in intensity, lt began to pour out of anything available orifice in my father's head. However, l soon began to notice that the dark sludge was separating from what appeared to be water. The two began to form into molds independent of the other. l suppose, another set of twins. The water formed faster, as the liquid flowed with ease as compared to the sludge. lt formed a body in the shape of another dragon. However, this dragon in some way looked more at home being called a catfish, but l digress. lt seemed to flow forth from where my father's mind once resided... but that couldn't possibly be correct could it? l was born forth from his mind. The sisters born forth of emotion, a flaming display of it's intensity. Was this being one of knowledge? lt would be understandable, My father oft in his thoughts refers to it as if knowledge were an ocean. Perhaps he was being more literal than l had first thought. l did see the folly in this given my body of air and my sister's of fire, my father was... a strange individual. l did lose myself in my musings for a moment. So, l will admit, l missed some of what had transpired. l had the sound of gnashing teeth in a moment. The dark sludge had formed another creature, that lashed out at everything in reach. This mostly was the dragon of water. They clashed, though it wasn't much a battle. The inky blob flailed, mostly out of instinct. l saw the panic and fear writhe through it's body. This being was not meant to be. Perhaps, a lingering of the feeling that drove out Father to this. Doubt, fear... loneliness. This being was made from the darkness that hid deep within the mind. With the fiery emotions of light now gone, it was no longer kept at bay. l almost pitied this creature... but the sight of him filled my very being with dread. l knew that one day... he'd bring the universe much grief in his fear. But, l couldn't bring myself to hate him. He was my brother. Fear, doubt... grief, it poisoned him. He was not of sound mind. l feared for him, and what he may do. The water dragon for now defeated his brother, and panted heavily at the horror of it all. l'm sure he did not expect such a welcome into the world. The Ocean of the Universe. There was so much pain in his face... l knew what he thought as l had thought it too. He wondered why such a being was born from the body of our Father, what the meaning of it was. But, unlike l he couldn't dare look at it. lt sickened him that such a thing could come from him. That a being made up of nothing but phantom emotions now dwell in our world. He did not see a brother in the twisted inky being, he saw only a monster. He gave chase to it, fearing what the being would go unchecked in the universe our father created. He feared the destruction of what our Father gave us more than the being itself. The Despair of the Universe... there was naught a more woeful existence in the stars. ["The birth of the Ocean of the Universe, Deluge. And, the birth of the Despair of the Universe, The Faceless Dragon."] "Platinum Justice, and Obsidian ldeals." So much time had passed... so much. l began to grow weary as l drifted, l'm sure l nearly fell into a deep slumber. As such, l decided to see if l could finally move my body if l had recovered enough to do so. Perhaps l'd find an answer within that. l found that my body was finally under my control, my muscles responded to my call. l called to clasp my hand. lt closed it's grip tight. l called to kick my legs, it sent me soaring. lt was hard to control at first... l should practice. But, clearly this control meant l was meant to leave. l spent the time, learning to control my form so that'd l'd not get lost unable to control my flow. But, l found a strange feeling swelling in my chest. One of conflict. l wasn't sure what it truly was, but l could only feel it well up more and more within my chest. l looked to the only thing l knew to be active here... though l thought to myself surely there couldn't be more. To my chagrin l discovered my task yet finished as yet again my Father's body stirred. l was enjoying learning how to use my body too. l suppose it'd have to wait as l had more observing to do. At the least... they didn't take long to emerge. A relief. Two more dragons burst forth. They... were opposites of one another. Reflections. l could understand the feeling in my heart now as l looked upon them. From the bottom came a flash of silvery light, dull at first but soon brilliant beyond belief. lt sparkled as if caught in the light of a newly formed sun. A dragon with glittering platinum scales emerged. He was... l still do not know the words to bet put it. There was a power within him great beyond compare. A mere glance upon him filled my heart with something l couldn't understand. A feeling... equally mystifying as it was grand. lt however didn't stop there. From above at a mirrored angle emerged yet another. Scales blacker than the night sky, a dark obsidian. A power that mirrored the other in all ways. A dark force as great as his light. His light caught in her form, showing me her edges, her being. She was unlike the mass of ink that had been born with the Ocean. She was of sound mind, a deliberate being. One l shuttered before. Their beauty was unmatched by anything l had seen yet. l felt a sorrow for them however. This brother and sister, they were doomed to fight for eternity. l could see it in their souls, and their eyes. The two exchanged glances for but a moment. A spark of tension mounted between them. As if silent lightning shot between their eyes. The two of them would forever be entwined in a battle of ideals. Together they represented the ideals of the universe. l knew not which was to win... or if either ever truly could. One without the other would have no purpose to exist. They were two sides of the same coin. Without the other, they'd cease to be and yet... they were forced to do battle. l wondered for a moment about who my Father was. What did he suffer through that he'd leave this to his children? Perhaps... he was cruel to leave some of us to these fates. l do not however accept he meant for this. l suppose however, this is the cost of creating beings from the pieces of oneself. We are left incomplete. lmperfect shards of a once great being. The ldeals of the Universe, they taught me an important lesson. One that l'm sure will often surface in the future. ["The Birth of the ldeals of the Universe. The Platinum Dragon, Bahamut and his sister Tiamat."] But that wasn't the end of this stirring. Suddenly, this space was filled with a horrible scream. One of pain, suffering. lt pierced my own soul with it's intensity. l quickly understood. The last remaining piece of our Father had awoken. The Body... lt was so full of gaping wounds, ones that did not bleed but were wounds all the same. He screamed as he suddenly had life. But, his existence was only pain. He did nothing but bellow his agony into the universe. l tried to plug my ears to waylay this sonic assault, but it did only so much to quell the being cries. lt was the only being to notice my presence as it turned and tossed in it's fits of convulsions. His dead eyes spotted me, shooting fully open. He was the only to speak to me. "K...k...." he sputtered in-between his mad cries. He mustered all his power to speak to me... "Kill me, release me from this torment!" l couldn't. lt was greatest mistake made, and always will be for as long as this universe exists. l should have shown him mercy. l should have ended his suffering. He'd not have become what he was... he'd not have become the World Eater. his mind slipped from the one moment of clarity he could muster. The one he used to beg of me mercy. l was the monster... l doomed him. lt... was my fault he became what he did. l should've listened to him, when he was still the brother l could've loved. Whoever he was meant to be, was swallowed by the immense pain he felt. He couldn't feel anything but pain. All he could desire was to end it. He had to destroy all that his Father had created... it was the only way. Our Father... he didn't want this. He could've never wanted this. l will never believe that. l believe this is why he put me here... to oversee the birth of my siblings to correct anything he could not foresee. But... l failed him. He failed me too. He should've never put a child in the place he'd have to kill his own brother. But, l do not think he'd be able to understand that pain. He knew no siblings of his own. ["The Birth of Magnus, Eater of Worlds"] What... what have l done? This, my greatest sin. But, yet, l feel if l had shown him mercy l'd still be damned. His blood would stain my hands. Father... what cruel existence you've doomed us to. Heh... lt's... such a tragedy. HEHHEHHEH! lf only... you knew what you've done. But, you don't have to live with your choice. We do.
  5. Kaede Speaking of paying attention Kaede wondered if the others had even noticed the time for them to get their schedules had arrived. They should set out soon. She wasn't sure how quickly this issue would resolve itself however. Their leader didn't seem to be the complying type, having basically blown off Alva entirely with her tone. Kaede would be surprised if she'd ever managed any progress. The smaller girl, certainly would be of no help either shaking like a leaf as she was. So, rather than go down with the sinking ship or get pulled down in the undertow, she'd get free beforehand. The other girls had seemed to ignore her presence or even notice she existed at all. lt'd not be all that hard to just get up and walk out while the rest of them were all clearly occupied with... whatever this was. Kaede just got up, and without a single word, left their cabin. lt was not her responiblity that the rest of them get their schedule, it was their leader's. The only person she need worry about was herself in this situation. Kaede didn't see a reason to be late on the account of others. She headed directly to where she was supposed to be aiming to get her schedule so she new the general locations she was meant to be for the day. lf she had to do so independently of her group... so be it.
  6. Kaede "Hmmm, went about as well as expected. l wonder how long she will persist? l'd probably stop bashing my head into a brick wall as soon as it started bleeding but... l wonder if this girl knows it is a brick wall she has come up against." Kaede was correct, she'd hear the failure. She wasn't expecting much of a positive result of this,but she'd not truly be surprised whatever happened. Kaede was used to human nature at this point. They'd tend to stand their ground unless something would cause them to break down on that position. A good, a service, just what they wanted to hear, etc. One needed some sort of social leverage to move forward in such an exchange. She was sure this girl wasn't about to figure out what she'd need to to get their leader to change her tune. lt was pointless exercise in futility. As a result Kaede absentmindedly continued flipping through books in her memory library. She noticed the other girl at this point as well but didn't really pay her much mind. Her body language showed she wasn't comfortable with the situation taking place. Perhaps she did not like dealing with types such as their leader? lt was the only real inciting force that Kaede could think of in this instance. Well unless she was afraid of conflict itself, either way there was nothing to be done. Kaede lay back in her bed to cut off some of the points of stimulus in the room, and just doubled down her efforts looking through her books.
  7. Kaede "hmmm, so she's going to speak up huh? A fruitless endeavor. Honestly should just leave the girl get in trouble on her own, the problem deals with itself, little lamb." Kaede thought to herself seeing the other girl begin to confront their so called "leader". lt wasn't worth expending the energy on. Kaede would keep to her schedule and tasks perfectly, she always did. She wasn't one to be late, not out of any feeling of obligation however. More due to the lack of involvement usually given to the subject at hand. She never felt attachment to anything she was doing so she could easily set it down and move on to the next task if she so needed. Her broken soul in some ways was a boon that worked for her. She wondered what would unfold due to this development but did not pay too much heed. lt was interesting but she was sure she'd be able to hear the results of it regardless if she wanted to or not, so she didn't need to pay close attention to the event. She just continued dreaming in her head. She decided to leaf through some of the books she'd memorized from her avid readings sessions with a friend. She searched through her mental library, looking for any stories she'd not "read" in a long while. She never really owned her books, she mostly borrowed them from Arturia... so she had to memorize them to keep them. lt was a skill she was rather apt at due to doing it several times. She was a bit disappointed to not be with her at camp, however it was liable to be such as they were in different lines. A pity. Kaede wondered if Arturia had finished anything that she could then read. lt was one thing she was capable of looking forward to with at least some excitement.
  8. Tfw you find that game that goes to the top of your favourite game list just... immediately. lt's such a wonderful feeling.~

    1. Wolfox


      haven;t had that in a while

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nor have l. But... Nier:Automata was just that game for me.

  9. Kaede Kaede didn't pay any mind to the ongoing rowdiness in the cabin. Her leader being a terrible one would only cause issues for her, so Kaede couldn't really muster up a care in the world about it. The noise didn't really annoy her either, it was loud yes but she could still focus on her task at hand so it was no bother. Let children be children she thought to herself. Unpacking was rather quick for Kaede, as she had no true personal effects with her. She brought nothing with which to entertain herself with. lnstead she just sat on her bed, pondering things to herself. ln a way one could think of it as if she was daydreaming to some extent. Perhaps, she'd write it down later and record her thoughts, but for now she just thought silently to herself as the madness unfolded around her.
  10. Chance smiled faintly at the man's remark. However the worry of hiding her ability still weighed on her. A few more of those fighting were injured, they were going to find out eventually. She took a deep breath and centered herself. She wasn't going to hide it anymore. lf they found out, so be it. She had to help them, she had to... help herself get out of this place. Her desire to be free... lt was greater than the pain she felt using it. She ran up after one of the others she wasn't sure of his name. She'd only really caught Doran's in their previous encounter in the old dusty armoury. She brushed at the man with her featherduster, feigning as if cleaning him off as well. "You should be more careful. You all covered in dust and blood. l've cleaned some of it up for you... but remember, your life is important." Move to G13, Heal Mercadier.
  11. The shards glint, the sterile white light shining off their jagged edges. They lie on the floor, stained red by deeds far past. They glitter in the false light, beautiful even in their brokenness.


    Perhaps they could be once more together once more. Their beauty would change however. lt would never be the same as it was before they shattered. However, that'd be okay.

  12. "l will dance in shadowed places; Where the flitting light cast from the tongue of flame does not find. Where naught, even the sun, can find me.

    l will reveal where secrets lie; Damnable locale that not even the brave dare to go. Lest they fall to their lust for knowledge. 


    l will delight in the darkness; For it is a part of me,a piece of my soul. And, l think in time, you will find it is true of you as well.~" - Unknown.

  13. Hmmm, tough crowd. Guess l'll go all on my lonesome then. l'll have a party of my own. No l won't. l hate parties. The warrior thought to herself. She was certainly not feeling up to a party. She wanted some time to herself or at least, herself and a few folks she was more familiar with. However she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She jolted, almost crying out however she managed to keep quiet. She quickly figured out who it was by the voice. She felt a shiver down her spine as the fiery mage whispered in her ear. She... wasn't sure why. The experience made her heart race ever so slightly, her pulse quicken. lt was exciting. "Well good ta know l'll have myself some company, thought l was gonna be on my own there for a bit." Meredith tried to keep as quiet as she could. She wasn't really much good at this kinda thing though. Or, perhaps she was. ln battle loud and proud was the name of the game. But, outside of it, she never was quite sure how to conduct herself. She felt like she did not oft speak for leisure. She honestly wasn't really that familiar with the folks of her unit, she never made time to talk to them. She only really had talked at any length to Serene, the newest member of this ragtag band of misfits. She confided in her things the others had no idea about. ln part she was relieved she'd not have to explain her scars and burns to any one on this trip of hers. That'd make the relaxing a lot harder. "Well, then, let's not wait around here then~ Relaxation awaits." *** ((just gonna skip dere)) *** Meredith didn't wait around, quickly diving into the warm water. She'd been waiting for this ever since that bloody sandstorm. All her aches were about to melt away. She sank in, letting all of the water envelope her, a warm like no other. She felt at home in the water. "Ahhhh, that hits the spot.~ Come on in Firecracker, the water's fine~"
  14. Well, l guess you can be my avvie 2B.


    ((Nier's good by the way. Very good... should've gotten it earlier.))

  15. "l'll pass on that one." Meredith said without any hesitation. She wasn't really going to beat around the bush on this one. She didn't boil alive in her armour to go to a political meeting. She could lead troops no problem, but this was not a battlefield and Meredith wasn't much use away from one. She'd only ever been a soldier. Not exactly one fit for such an affair. Besides she had... much more pressing matters. "Ya got Thunder Blunder, he's probably good at this whole talky talky thing and he's from this accursed desert. At least it's not, that heat was... Never again, Hopefully..." She passed a look around the room. She'd not really a good idea for who else could attend the meeting with Saffron from the more... feminine side of things. None of them were as obvious a pick as the man from the country itself. lt'd be hard to come close to such. "Anyway... after sweatin' a ocean in this damned cookpot... l need a real bath. So, l'm going to find me a nice, wonderful, little bathhouse and soak the stress away. So, if any of you ladies would like to tag along, speak now or forever hold your piece. Be a lovely bit of conversation and a good way ta catch up and relax.~ But l'm not going to wait forever."
  16. And once more l begin my dark endeavor. Opening the vast dark oceans that is that of my mind. l'll shall dredge forth yet another world from it depths. lt won't be perfect... lt won't be complete. But it will do for the purpose.

    Once more l stray into madness. Once more the floodgates open. Blood pours on paper, the sanguine delight of writing. lt has been awhile, but oh... it shall be worth it.

  17. "Look... you just find me a nice cool bath, that's all l'm asking for. An Oasis, something! l can't take this damned heat any more. l feel like l'm cooking in this tin can. So, less yappin' more gettin' on our way somewhere safe. Cause by the goddess l don't want to have to wear this armour any longer then necessary." The warrior huffed loudly at all the conversation. She was going stir crazy at this point. Mostly... the sandstorm and this... gentleman showing up out of thin air piling on top of all the other little frustrations. Unfortunately for him he was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Goddess damn these stupid hot sands, why did you make these unbearable lands? And what did l do to have to suffer through them? Well... that's probably the whole "Rebelled against my stupid tyrant of a king" Coming to bite me in the ass but if l didn't l'd have to be fighting here ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOSE LOSE FOR ME!" and still came the deluge of melodrama. She paused for a moment to just expel a giant sigh that was so deep one wondered if she had any air left in her lungs by the time she was done. She shot the man a murderous look, all the more scary due to the fact she was covered in the smattering of still relatively fresh blood, before continuing. "Seriously... let's get moving. We stand here gabbin' any longer, l'm just going to strip naked, l can't TAKE lT ANYMORE!!!"
  18. Chance laughed before realizing her hand was still hovering on Doran's chest. She tried to not snap it back out of the revelation. "No no. l don't think such a look would fit you. You do the rugged handsome type much better. Besides, there's much more romantic things than knights sometimes, you know?~" She felt the energy from something wash over her, warm and energizing. That's when she heard their new ally address her. A nervous laugh escaped her she didn't like this notice. lt would make hiding her abilities harder if people were looking at her. She slightly tilted her head as to indicate confusion. lt had worked before when trying to throw people off. "l'm not sure what you mean. l'm just any old maid. l don't have any special talents of abilites like the rest of you l'm afraid." She moved her hands back inward,feeling a damp warmth. Blood. She'd forgetton she took a hit earlier. lt seemed to be minor luckily, just a surface wound, superficial damage. "Oh, l'm still hurt. l should take care of that." Use Vuln.
  19. "Easy for you to say Firecracker~ But l need assistance ta remove mine which l'm certain you're aware of. lt'd take too long to remove and certainly, that'd be an issue if we run into any more trouble like that one." she said lazily pointing her spear towards the body of The Cloudbreaker. She stretched her arm back and let out a sigh,a release of the weariness in her body and some frustration at the current circumstances. "l should've had them make it another colour though. l never thought l'd be fighting in these damned deserts. And now l get to boil alive. Remind me the next time ta order... a much lighter colour..." she followed after Serene, just trusting her judgement more or less.
  20. The past 4 Worlds in LoL in a nutshell.

    "SKT looks like they finally at their weakest. Maybe someone will finally take them down. Oh weird they are in the Finals again."

  21. Meredith took a moment to revel in the warm sanguine bath that was her reward. She rejoiced in the gift that battle lavished in her. The feel of the scarlet liquid on her skin was one she enjoyed. Especially after dealing with such a nuisance as that. However, she'd not have an eternity to bask in it. "AHHHHHHHHHHH! Can we catch a break any time today?" Meredith huffed. She was getting really sick of this damn desert. The sooner they were out of this blistering hot, sand-filled hell...the better.
  22. "Heh... HEHEHEHEHEH! That's all ya got? Seriously? You really are all bark no bite." The warrior laughed at the laughable attempt to fell her. Meredith took a deep breath to center herself. The heat was getting to her and she was losing it somewhat. But... this was too funny. The Great Cloudbreaker, naught but a baying hound. lt was almost sad. She had no sympathy for Dragaons that still fought under that demon of a king however. "l'll commend ya for surviving that last one. But, Missy, lt's really past your bedtime, and l have a bath ta enjoy." Move to A9 and put her to sleep for good, lron Lance style.
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