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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Also, who says you have to kill the big bad? You just assume. I mean yes it is a giant leviathan of death and doom... but... must it die? Is death the only solution? Is it not at all possible it has it's own motivations? The same with our werewolf friend and the Vampire queen. At the end of the day, the parties will fall into place, and while it is nice to have them be balanced etc, who's to say what could happen? Anything could in theory. There are more ways to solve a problem than sticking the pointy end of a sword in it. Though, players like to assume that is the only one. Keep an open mind, and smell the roses a little, it isn't fun if you don;t try something crazy. Rationale only gets you so far. What are you going to do in a situation that makes no rational sense otherwise? Consider those words.
  2. But sometimes you got to live a little Strat!!! Makes things nice and spicy.
  3. "Hmmm, you have a point, but I prefer to convey, rather than speak. More....fun that way." Zix said, in a rather curios tone of voice. "Also, I choose it of my own free will. I never said I don't want to say anything, you inferred from my actions as such. However, maybe I wouldn't mind telling you everything. However, I already have told you everything. Therefore, there is nothing to tell. I can't tell you about myself, because there is nothing worth knowing that you do not already know. Now, you on the other hand, you look like someone that has a lot of things worth knowing about." he said gesturing his hand towards Dorian. "You say you have traveled and you know many things. Surely you wish to share some of those? Or maybe not. After all, it is your own free will that allows you to do such as you please."
  4. "There is nothing to tell. Words are as fleeting and meaningless as sunlight. There once, gone soon after. You know all that I can say with words. I would show you all you need to know, but I don't think the keeper of this establishment would be happy with the company I call friends. They tend to be......... flashier than I to say the least." Zix said, clanking his metal talons together. It had to be strange talking to one who's face couldn't be seen, it was lost somewhere in the thick black hood. They would have to figure he could see out of it, but others really couldn't see in. Zix probably did this for a reason. His appearance would have told as many stories as he could of with words. He didn't add anything else, only standing there in relative silence. It was hard to be entirely quiet when your cloak was covered in chains.
  5. "Hmmm, a leader first we must entreat, for we are duty bound to know he who we follow, before where we tread our feet." Zix, said, following the gentleman. Zix however was hardly impressed at the fact Ayak knew of his abilities. One only needed to pay attention to him, and they would know. For Zix didn't hide anything, it others that hid from him. "I agree." 2 words, simple, short and sweet. His black cloak whirled behind him as he walked, the giant iron chains clanking against one another. "Also, you have a simple understanding of pacts if you believe they are at the beck and call of all you summon. A Summoner forces beings against their will to act. I am not a summoner. I am a Caller. I only call them to do that which they shall do. I can be a summoner, but I am a Caller. A Caller is a summoner, where as a summoner isn't a Caller. A lot like squares and rectangles." He sat next to Ayak, not even bothering to get his name. He would learn this one's name in time. "So the call of Ailos is answered by a Caller, and a batty old man. Shall we add a Golden Maiden with the spirit of a lion? And who perchance would be the fourth?"
  6. "I am sorry if you took it that way. I didn't know until today that the Earth was...alive." Dia said. Dru could see fleeting images once more, though this time, he couldn't really get a clear picture of anything. I made it very hard to identify what Dia was feeling. It was...strange having this much of a connection to a person. The Earth spirits he dealt with every day of his life, they weren't so multi-faceted. They were very logical beings and they tended to b lethargic and slow. They weren't the most energetic around that was for sure. But, Dia was like talking to Blue, but even more so involved. Where Blue projected his thoughts into the mind, that person couldn't see his. For Blue, it was like reading a book. He could see the mind layed out before him and read into it. For Dia, her soul, mind and knowledge, and was all swimming within Dru. She couldn't really hide anything from him, and he couldn't hide it from her very well either. Most of their lives flashed in incomprehensible pictures, and the other didn't gain much from it. But, every emotion they felt it was like the other felt the same along with them. "So, the other elements must be alive too. To think, only those who used magic would ever know the world around us lives almost like us. I never knew myself until today." ((you guys may just precede to camp if you wish, I don't have an update for that yet myself.))
  7. "This one, your honor doth carry no weight if you lie dead." Zix said not moving a single inch. He sat still in his chair, not making an effort to look at Silef at all. He merely pointed at her with one of his cobalt blue talons. It glistened in the light of the tavern, a sleek and shiny glow. It was clearly some sort of metal. The giant black wrought iron chains on his cloak clanked slightly with his hand movement. How one didn't notice Zix was beyond anybody, his outfit made it seem like he didn't even try to hide from people. And yet those without magic, or that he didn't directly address, just seemed to ignore his presence. The bar patrons surely would have noticed one like him sitting there, and yet they didn't they carried on as if there wasn't a black cloaked being covered in chains. "But, your spirit that is another matter. Your resolve is strong.... it echos in the room. I can feel it even though it doesn't beckon to me. It is a shame that honor holds that spirit hostage, keeps it from being truly powerful. I will fight beside you, but only because I want to see your spirit."
  8. Hmm, I witness the birth of yet another year. Back when I was younger, I got so excited. Now? I could care less. The future is always lain in front of my, I have no need to count it by years. In the grand scheme of things, a year is short. I will live thorugh many many more of these days. It is the days in-between those years that make live worth living. They are the days I remember. They are the days I look back too when I reminisce. The year turning? Na. So, a new year comes. I look forward...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      to the memories I will make in it, and not it's end. And I hope others do too. I never say happy new year, I say to the Future. So, To the Future my friends, I hope you find great things in yours.

    2. Knight_Teutonic


      To the future! \ö/ (That sounds cool, I like it)

  9. As I always say 1: Don't make any resolutions. Writing down a goal for the new year doesn't mean anything. You must have the follow-trough and the drive to attain that. You have no idea what the future holds for you, and the things you would put on that list could change everyday. Everyday different things will be more relevant or important, and that list you wrote awhile back just gets pushed to the way side. Know the goals you wish to attain, but don't be restricted by them. We can't change everything about ourselves overnight, so the lofty things people pick for these lists, they frankly never get done. We give ourselves the goal of a year to complete them and say we failed if we don't. Life goals take more than a year most times, so it is silly to pick ones for a single year. Just live your life, and the things you truly wish to attain, you will do them. And don't give yourself a deadline. I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions because people pick things that can't be attained in a single year, or things they have little to no control over. I can't stress this enough. Live your life, and don't stress over completing some goal you wrote down for yourself. Many of you are already saying, Well I will never get all these things done. That is because you give yourself a deadline that doesn't need to be there. SO what if you can't do it all in a year? That doesn't matter, those should be your goals to jsut work towards. Stop limiting yourselves by the year, and just look forward to the future instead. In the grand scheme of things, a year is no time at all. So, I ask you, is a goal that can be attained in one really life changing?
  10. And people get on me for my spelling....at least half the time I do it, it is just a typo....
  11. I'm am back now for those of you who didn;t notice. NOW LET'S DO THIS THING!!! ((also the group that went to go get the herbs, all I can say is....d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww))
  12. He found something rather special when he looked. It hid amongst the white flowers almost in plain sight. It was strange, for it looked like a rose, but it was a brilliant emerald green. At most angles it completely disappeared almost invisible in the foliage and underbrush. But, Marcus could see it now, plain as day. It sparkled like a gem when the sun hit it at certain angles. It was an Emerald Rose, a very popular flower in the Sands to give to a special friend. They had to be shipped special from the SHattered Hills, or from the Kingdom of Solarium. From what Marcus heard, he knew they were strange flowers that tended to grow amongst other flowers. Their green hue was to protect them from herbivores that grazed on common plant live as they blended in with their surroundings, and just looked like part of the stalks and grasses nearby. However, up close it glistened like the gem it was named after. It was given to a special person that one could see their inner beauty, a gesture that was most noble and pure in the Sands. It seemed to beckon to him to pick it, it wanted to be seen by him. Would he?
  13. "Sometimes we make mistakes." Curfew said as he continued to stir the pot. His face got a rather somber look, as he pondered what next to say. He looked in on himself trying to determine why he did what he did. The puzzled look on his face revealed he didn't really know himself, but he thought he had a start. "I am not the bravest of souls, I mean I am just a cook after all." he said with a nervous chuckle. "One day, we were going to have to start running though. What we aim to do, it was all but inevitable. So, while I might have caused this to happen earlier than it should have....it would have happened anyway." he huffed a little, having relieved the pressure he was feeling. "We won't let them kill all of the Free Races. It isn't the right thing to do. For so long our races, the Forsaken......" he said fumbling to find the words at first. "Well, we have been oppressed so long, we forget that the Free Races have good people too. We have become the monsters we are selves fight, the Free Races who wish to eradicate us. All this hatred needs to end. All this hatred over a silly war that took place thousands of years ago. And what's worse is it is founded on the bones of a dead people. The Umbranari didn't deserve their fate just because the one who created them went mad. They clearly hadn't. It was the rest of us that had, burning the countryside, calling for war. So maybe, that is why I ran. I didn't want to fight under a false banner. A Banner so vile, and so misguided." *** "Yes, you look very pretty Oarloff!" Jupiter smiled seeing the ogre put the flowers in what hair he had. "Perhaps we should take the rest of these back to camp so the others can be pretty too!" *** "He seems intelligent." Dia said after awhile of being quiet. " I hope he knows something for both our sake. I don't want to burden you like this with my presence." After while she also asked one more question. "Dru, do you know Earth Magic? I can feel the spirits. They aren't as wrathful as the others I have met."
  14. Jupiter blushed. "Oh no Oarloff, it is nothing like that. We are picking them to use for the medicine for the injured at camp." she said with a smile. Her face was pretty red though. ((Oarloff would totally be able to see the flower in her hair by the way. Anyways, once we are done with this little interaction we will move back to the camp etc... get that stuff squared away.)) *** "But why me? How can I do anything thing? I was just a poor lonely girl that had no skills in life. And now I don't even have a body anymore. Why did I get saved from there, when anyone else could have?" the spirit seemed distraught, Dru could see glimpses of her past and feel some of her thoughts as if they were his again. The most common image...was a noose hanging from a low ceiling. But, it turned quickly away, as the vision of the one he saw it through ran from it. Other things flashed before his mind, but they were incoherent. They flashed by in an instant before fizzling into the abyss of spiraling emotion. Only very strong images could he pick out of the maelstrom. Ones that defined her life more or less. And things were not pretty. This girl....whoever she was in life was pretty broken. She lived a horrid life, and tried to take it from herself on multiple occasions. Needless to say, she was in a rather distraught state again. Dru could feel that she could have probably taken over his body, but he knew she wasn't going to do that. She didn't want to harm him in anyway, he could feel that as if he himself was. "Do, you think there is a way for me to get out? I don't want to impose this on you." she said after a bit of time.
  15. That and Cow has plenty of airplanes to throw at us.
  16. He is totally lying to you guys. He is most definitely a Cow that lies in the middle of an Airport.
  17. this is where Hukuna just realized he totally forgot Shed Shell for Skarm. But yea, that is definitely required in the current meta as Magnezone is pretty heavily run for trapping and killing Steel Types. ((I have actually seen one with HP Ground for killing Heatran before....not saying that is good, just...I have seen it XD.)) Basically, I don't play stall really. But, I can tell you a lot of the thing Skits suggested are very good, and will move you are more or less to stall. ((your team was kinda sitting in this weird place between Stall and like Bulky Offense. It was rather strange. Anyways, good luck with the battles man.
  18. and tomorrow I shall return to my home on the RP forum. The hiatus kinda helped, and was a nice refresher.

    1. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      Welcome back, 'Kuna-sensei! Hope all is well with you and your family now.

    2. Commander


      Welcome back...you didn't actually miss that much.

    3. DarkLight


      Welcome back! The RP forum has missed you during your time away.

  19. I kinda feel like Forretress needs to be popped out..... I dunno I just feel like he doesn't really add anything to your team. And also....I am never really a fan of spikes....they take too long to set up imo...
  20. and Clarice sweeps again. OUR LOVE CAN'T BE STOPPED.

    1. Jelly


      tech bullet seed too stronku

  21. Clarice is best bae....is only bae for me. ((really though....should have used a Breloom before, it is so good in OU XD.))

    1. Sparky


      It can run an effective SubPunch set XD

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I am running a different set since I borrowed a team from Skits. It isn't a subber.

  22. It would be nice to have a run down of their movesets, or the final ones you are aiming for, it may help people come to a better conclusion.
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