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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. The amount of magical Archers is too damn HIGH!!! This is about to be a catastrophic meltdown. Don't you guys know if too many Archers are in the same party they all explode ending the world?
  2. Huklarice intensifies it would seem.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Pretty sure she is a Sub-Focus Punch set. She would probably like a toxic orb to activate poison heal or something XD.

    3. GotWala


      Oh, I see! Well, you would know her best, haha.

    4. Sparky
  3. DOn;t you have another challenge to be working on Acquie?
  4. I have releases Chapter 5 of Graterras: Dream on Another Shore. ENjoy the read guys. FOr those of you who haven't seen it I reccomend at least giving it a gander, I am enjoying writing, and I would love for people to at least give it a chance.

  5. Wait....what? Well I am lost as heck right now....XD anyway back to trying to find themes for Other people!!!
  6. That may be a fun thing to do if I get a sci-fi ish itch. I personally want to only work on G:DoAS for now though, since it is something I am enjoying immensely at the moment. But that sounds like something to try out sometime.
  7. Name: Zix, "The Caller of the Silent Winter." Gender: Unknown ((will be using Male Pronouns for Zix, as he will respond to them, but Zix actually has no determinable gender. Most assume he is a male and he doesn't correct them.)) Age: Unknown Appearance: Almost sickly, his hands end in nasty cobalt blue talons. Whether they are natural claws, or just protrusions fashioned onto his skin is completely unknown. He seems other worldly, and almost unhuman, in fact he barely resembles any race ever known to exist. Zix always wears a Dark Cloak that covers most of his features and most assuredly makes him stick out like a sore thumb. And yet his frame is unassuming. He is ignored by most passersby some won;t even recall him after dealing with him. All sources point to it not being a magical machination, but that he simply just has a quality that makes him overlooked and forgotten. Backstory: Zix is an anomaly unlike the world has seen. He recalls nothing of a past as we would know it. He only knows that he has a purpose, but that purpose he will not divulge no matter the length's taken to get him to. He is known to be dismissive and sometimes hard to deal with. More is known about the being's abilities than himself. While not an active ability, Zix has an uncanny knack for going unnoticed unless he acts in some way. Most normal people won't even remember talking to him or even seeing him despite the crazy get-up. He tends to go unnoticed in a fight until he makes an action of some importance. Most beings of a demonic nature or of a more magical incline however notice him as if drawn to him, whether for ill or in helping him. He seems to silently call most being towards him. Demons and Fae are affected above all others, with Elementals next in the list, followed by trapped spirits ((ghosts/undead including vampires.)) and lastly other beings of magical origin. As such Zix has the ability to summon demons, fae and elemental beings into the world from other planes of existence or from what theorize, is hell itself. The beings he summons have their own free will and Zix can only implore them to act a certain way. Demons will only complete the task they are given before immediately disappearing. Fae tend to be more easily influenced, but are unpredictable in the ways they choose to complete the tasks. Elementals function much like machines, responding only to logic and directly to the letter. It is said by focusing he can fully control what he summons, but he cannot move an inch of his body. Zix also won;t use this ability freely, and only in dire situations. It is well known he despises controlling beings with free will in any way. Some spirits he summons enough that they are known. These ones are easier for him to control and some are even his friends. Name: Caprion ((Cap-ree-on-)) Species((genus)): Satyr ((Fae)) Caprion is known to be a free spirit. He is wily and a bit crazy. However, he plays a mean Pan-flute. He isn't usually summoned for fighting tasks, but can fight with the magical music of the Satyrs. It is unknown why Caprion is so fond of Zix, but the 2 have not been observed enough to know just how deep their connection is. Caprion is better at entertaining or affecting the emotions of others, rather than directly fighting, but a sleep spell can be handy in combat. Name: Fuego, Species: Imp ((demon)) Fuego is fiesty, and known for his love of fire magic. He is well known for screaming BURNINATE!!! at the top of his lungs while melting the flesh off foes. Name: Tremble Species: Rock Elemental A giant brute of raw Earth energy. Tremble is not known to be overly smart, but he is good at smashing things. Name: Matilda Species: Pixie ((fae)) a trickster and a thief. Her sticky fingers are known to be some of the best in the land. She combines a bit of magic and her small size to accomplish most tasks. Though she is fond of Zix she rarely ever listens to him and prefers to do whatever she wants. ((which is usually dictated by the last shiny thing she saw.)) Belongings: ZIx carries an orb, it's purpose is unknown. Inside of it swirls a miniature blizzard. It changes colours randomly and dynamically, or so it would seem. They tend to react to his emotions becoming hot colours when angry, or cold colours when in a more subdued frame of mind. Or.....is he using it to talk to the creatures he summons? It is unknown and only Zix would truly know, but it could be inferred that is what it is for. Nothing else of note. Reason for joining: He says some mumbo jumbo about it being part of his purpose....not knwoing what this purpose is...makes it hard to discern why he truly is.
  8. The one currently OOC labeled one, I will fix the tags in a second. EDIT: They should be properly labelled now.
  9. I reckon is fine here. But Origins is what I consider one of the best Tradtional RPGs in recent years. If you love RPGs it is a great game. To date it has the best start to a story in any RPG I have ever played. The Origin Story was the best way I have ever seen to get players into the the story. It was made personal right off the bat. You got invested in your character because they were given a backstory. All 6 had their highs and were interesting.
  10. Sign-Ups, and sure just make this a Sign-ups thread then. ((sign-ups is the tag we use here. means the same thing.))
  11. Kuro I can just re-purpose this for the OOC it would be better since there are sign-ups here already. I would suggest that lol.
  12. oh he would go where ever Miki would end up going cause he is watching over as if she was his little sister that he failed protect ((in his mind)) long ago. Not sure where Dark's character is headed.
  13. I may join up, we will see. I would have to do something over the top and quite.......different. Not in an OP way, but in a very strange something that hasn't been seen before way.
  14. Also, I will be giving up on Lupus as a character, I just have 0 passion to write him. If I am allowed to make a new character I would still RP in this with you guys, but not as Lupus, I don't like him. XD
  15. Hmmm, the year is coming to a close soon. I wonder what the future holds for me....I look froward to it. Many are afraid of the unknown. But I want to embrace it. There is nothing like the feeling of not knwoing what is in store, it makes every new day something to look forward too. Sometimes there is sad days, and some happy, but each moment helps me to grow as a person, and I welcome them all with open arms. To the FUTURE!!!

    1. GotWala


      To the future indeed! I've got 6 years in The Navy ahead, and I couldn't be any more excited, haha!

    2. Notus


      ^ 4 on the Merchant Navy for me, it will be new and interesting... Let's go then mates, make our futures bright ones!

  16. I get the best themes XD. Seriously though, I have added every single one to my favs so far.
  17. Good Luck. I mean if you don;t do a good job your life is forfeit so..... ((Notus would know, he was my student. And my students must teach theirs as rigorously as I teach mine.))
  18. Actually guys this is supposed to be an OOC, I have been talking to Kuro about this for a while now XD>, at least it was last time I checked.
  19. They would be a trouble cause people really know nothing about them ((basically, they don't have enough info to know if Gunslingers are a threat to everyone or not.)) The Cinder Knights know they exist, but not much else. They would still be trying to assess the situation with Gunslingers. Like whether or not they are a group or individuals. They would know enough to know they are highly dangerous and rather unpredictable as no Gunslinger they have found has had the same proprieties in their bullet. They may have recovered a Steam Caster or 3, but not really a hell of a lot. So, basically it is more of a "Hey these guys are dangerous and some have attacked people. We need to find out what we can and whether or not they are wokring as a unit. However, be vigilant." They would know of them and have maybe have basic training against them, but nothing concrete. They could identify a Steam Caster, but really wouldn't know how ti works.
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