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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie
l am the darkest most vile evil to ever fall out of the depths of hell. An evil so great, even demons recoil in fear at the slightest mention. The shadows whisper of my dark power.
l am The Cuddle Demon and l've come to steal all of this world's cuddles!~ Tremble in fear mortals~ -
Angel catch me, l'm a falling sparrow. After all, don't let my soul wings diiiiiiiiiiie!~
The dual class HS arena thing going on at the moment really highlights kinda why l'm not a big fan of factions/classes in CCGs.
Having a bunch of cards that are only ever allowed to interact with a certain subset of cards really limits the game especially when it comes to deckbuilding.
lf you go with one faction your just entirely lock out of some playstyles arbitrarily by the whim of what's printed in those factions or classes in the name of "class identity."
Yet... Magic has no problem with the colours each having their own distinct identities and their own feel. But As there is nothing in the game that says "you must play blue and only blue" you can just find some many new combos and ways to contrust a deck cause there isn't that kind of a limiter.
Dunno, l guess l understand why people like having things like but but lt honestly feels rather limiting to me from a gameplay standpoint and l find just so much less space to explore, express myself etc... in the game. lt honestly might be why HS and similar games with factions and classes are so easily netdeckable cause the viable decks etc are just found so quickly as there's nowhere for them to hide.
K, rant done~- Show previous comments 3 more
lt's less about there being a lot of archetypes and more that l like to tinker and doctor stuff. l like experimenting and trying to do more interesting things to some extent.
Note, the deck l played for the most part in HS... was Evolve Shaman which for the longest time was just janky silliness l cobbled together cause l thought Evolve was a super fun silly card. ((befoer it was wrapped into jsut general mid-rangey shamans.))
There just feels like so much less room to express yourself in those kinds of games cause classes so so... beholden to their "class indenties" and the combos and synergies the game designers say we're allowed to use. One can't jam any card into any deck lol.
Like... l don't like that kind of enforcing. lt just feels lame and like we don't get to find cool things within the game. Things feel so much more surface level and a lot of mystery just doesn't exist or that it's not as deep in any case. Hmmm, l dunno. lt just strikes me so much cause it does sorta actively diminish my enjoyment of something. -
As far as I'm concerned I don't really mind playstyles and archetypes being the trademarks of a specific class each. But I do agree that there's at least one problem with classes as they currently are in HS: balancing. It's excessively difficult to make all classes worth playing to the same extent. At some point Shaman used to be so powerful, recently it has been Druid, Paladin and Priest have powerful options as well... and on the other hand Warlock is not particularly strong. Don't get me wrong, it's ofc still possible to do well with Warlock. Heck my best friend is a lot better than me and her fav class is Warlock. But there are some balance issues that I don't remember seeing between colors in MTG (that said I haven't touched anything MTG related in years).
Ye in a sense, lt helps in magic that you can make up for your colours weaknesses by dragging in other colours that make up for them. Say you need removal, get Black.
Being able to mix and match cards for different core factions or themes l feel is what can make balancing less of a chore by allowing such things because those factions can still have their identities, but you can compliment them with cards from another.Anyway, l don't mean to say that it's something conceptually l'm at odds with, l'm cool with it there. l get boiling things down to such things and that some players enjoy being able to more closely identify like that. Hell it still happens in Magic even. People will still find their fav colour and even if they play decks with colour pairs they will still probably refer to themselves as "a Blue Player" etc... Though Ravnica and ones that have named colour pairs have made people identify with those as well. Just from game design it feels... problematic.
((also as a note, l'm just like your friend to some degree. l was the dude playing Shaman in HS when it was utter trash garbage. Before the Tunnel Troggening and aggro shaman was runnin' amok.))
l'm just an adorable cinnamon bun that needs cuddles to survive ;~;
and definitely not a cuddle demon or something. -
Hmmm, guess l'll have little Halloween spirit. Halfway through the month but better late than never l suppose~
*types loudly about how his eyes constantly watering is getting super annoying cause he can't see ANYTHlNG AHHHHHHHHHHHH*