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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Would ya kindly... just shut up and die already?" The warrior woman sighed. All that was standing between her and a nice bath was this terrible cliche spouting whatever it was, because she'd not accepted that she had lost. Meredith sighed at the annoyance elemental in front of her before reeling back to unleash another javelin. "lt's time to sleep little Cloudbreaker, The Undying has come to tuck you into bed. However, brats like you don't get a good night kiss." Move to A10, hold hands with Serene... *ahem* uh... l mean uh... throw Javelin of Doom at the spoiled brat Louise.
  2. l am the darkest most vile evil to ever fall out of the depths of hell. An evil so great, even demons recoil in fear at the slightest mention. The shadows whisper of my dark power.

    l am The Cuddle Demon and l've come to steal all of this world's cuddles!~ Tremble in fear mortals~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. infex


      well I'm freezing so I'm not that scared


      all of this world's cuddles!



      Image result for cuddle spider

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Jokes on you, l like spoders.

    4. infex


      I'm prepared for anyting


      and so is heimage.jpeg.1ff9d9d60bf398bd3f2252b00844b11f.jpeg

  3. Rayne caught the key, one might surprised at this with how often she seemed to be spaced out. She smiled at Cass and frowned at... who was he again? as he spoke up. She figured it was some attempt at humour, but she didn't think it hit the mark. She quickly followed after, key in hand hoping to find her gear, but more importantly her vast amounts of sewing goods. She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her gear in one of the chest one of their allies had just cracked open. "Quickly! Give that stuff here! And please... don't drop or lose any of the needles. They were my mother's." a concerned look came over her face, clearly the implements she mentioned much more valuable to her than the weaponry. Move to Q-25, Trade Chest Key to ldei in exchange for many spears and a comical amount of tailoring supplies.
  4. Angel catch me, l'm a falling sparrow. After all, don't let my soul wings diiiiiiiiiiie!~

  5. The dual class HS arena thing going on at the moment really highlights kinda why l'm not a big fan of factions/classes in CCGs.

    Having a bunch of cards that are only ever allowed to interact with a certain subset of cards really limits the game especially when it comes to deckbuilding.

    lf you go with one faction your just entirely lock out of some playstyles arbitrarily by the whim of what's printed in those factions or classes in the name of "class identity."

    Yet... Magic has no problem with the colours each having their own distinct identities and their own feel. But As there is nothing in the game that says "you must play blue and only blue" you can just find some many new combos and ways to contrust a deck cause there isn't that kind of a limiter.

    Dunno, l guess l understand why people like having things like but but lt honestly feels rather limiting to me from a gameplay standpoint and l find just so much less space to explore, express myself etc... in the game. lt honestly might be why HS and similar games with factions and classes are so easily netdeckable cause the viable decks etc are just found so quickly as there's nowhere for them to hide.

    K, rant done~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lt's less about there being a lot of archetypes and more that l like to tinker and doctor stuff. l like experimenting and trying to do more interesting things to some extent.

      Note, the deck l played for the most part in HS... was Evolve Shaman which for the longest time was just janky silliness l cobbled together cause l thought Evolve was a super fun silly card. ((befoer it was wrapped into jsut general mid-rangey shamans.))

      There just feels like so much less room to express yourself in those kinds of games cause classes so so... beholden to their "class indenties" and the combos and synergies the game designers say we're allowed to use. One can't jam any card into any deck lol. 

      Like... l don't like that kind of enforcing. lt just feels lame and like we don't get to find cool things within the game. Things feel so much more surface level and a lot of mystery just doesn't exist or that it's not as deep in any case. Hmmm, l dunno. lt just strikes me so much cause it does sorta actively diminish my enjoyment of something.

    3. Alistair


      As far as I'm concerned I don't really mind playstyles and archetypes being the trademarks of a specific class each. But I do agree that there's at least one problem with classes as they currently are in HS: balancing. It's excessively difficult to make all classes worth playing to the same extent. At some point Shaman used to be so powerful, recently it has been Druid, Paladin and Priest have powerful options as well... and on the other hand Warlock is not particularly strong. Don't get me wrong, it's ofc still possible to do well with Warlock. Heck my best friend is a lot better than me and her fav class is Warlock. But there are some balance issues that I don't remember seeing between colors in MTG (that said I haven't touched anything MTG related in years).

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ye in a sense, lt helps in magic that you can make up for your colours weaknesses by dragging in other colours that make up for them. Say you need removal, get Black.

      Being able to mix and match cards for different core factions or themes l feel is what can make balancing less of a chore by allowing such things because those factions can still have their identities, but you can compliment them with cards from another.


      Anyway, l don't mean to say that it's something conceptually l'm at odds with, l'm cool with it there. l get boiling things down to such things and that some players enjoy being able to more closely identify like that. Hell it still happens in Magic even. People will still find their fav colour and even if they play decks with colour pairs they will still probably refer to themselves as "a Blue Player" etc... Though Ravnica and ones that have named colour pairs have made people identify with those as well. Just from game design it feels... problematic. 

      ((also as a note, l'm just like your friend to some degree. l was the dude playing Shaman in HS when it was utter trash garbage. Before the Tunnel Troggening and aggro shaman was runnin' amok.))

  6. "Oooh, my hero~" followed with the melodramatic swooning expected after such a statement, Chance smiled. One wasn't sure if she was being serious or messing around. "Such a romantic thing, protecting a helpless lady. You're not exactly a knight in shining armour... but l'll take it~ l'm just a simple maid after all." she noticed that he was still looking rather rough from his tumble earlier. Her magic mustn't have worked quite as well as she thought. Maybe it was due to her hesitation. She would have to make it right, though he'd probably catch on to her little secret this time. She was still going to try and hide it. "Wow, you're still dusty from your little tumble. Let me get that for you~" She ran the featherduster over his chest willing magic into it to patch up his remaining wounds. She continued, pretending as if she was truly only tidying the dirt from his person. She patted some off his chest, before her hand lingered there for a moment. "There good as new. Feeling better?" Heal Doran.
  7. l'm just an adorable cinnamon bun that needs cuddles to survive ;~; 






    and definitely not a cuddle demon or something.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alistair


      Nah, I'd rather devour you and recover 22hp. :]

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      No devouring me. Leeeeewd.~

      and yay lssy~ <3 

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Hold on.... 22 hp gain?

  8. Chance let out an exasperated sigh, one that came from her gut. lt was going to be difficult maintaining her cover if they kept fighting this recklessly. So many of them were injured and they kept dropping out of consciousness. They were going to get more than a few inches at this rate. So many more miles lay ahead of them on the road to freedom. She grit her teeth in nervousness, she had to continue aiding them or they'd never get out of here. She hurried over to the man she had spoken to... the most? ln the prior encounter. She still wasn't sure how to think of this Doran, but she knew he was her ticket out of her. She placed her feather duster in much the same position as she did when she healed Viola. She continued the routine as before. "Hey, Doran. Your pervert friends need you! You gotta get up and keep fighting!" Move to G12, and Heal Doran! ((stealthily))
  9. "BEAU!!!" Rayne shouted upon seeing that stubborn bum of a horse. She ran towards him, full tilt, probably threatening to flatten anybody that stood in the way between her and her reunion with her friend. Beau snorted at the the sight. Though he was also looking about the crowd of people near by. Seemed most of the gang was still here. That was good. He noticed a new face amoungst them though. He snorted as if to say "Where on the bloody earth do you keep findin' all these people?" He walked past them slowly, stopping to give an icy glare to Belros. Rayne finally met him and collided with him arms as wide as they could go. They wrapped around his neck in a loving embrace, though, one that threatened his ability to breath ever so slightly. She was rather strong despite her tiny frame, and no one knew it better than Beau. "l'm so glad you're safe." she said running her fingers through that flowing mane. Beau just lightly snorted, blowing the her hair out of her face. He laid his head on her gently. "Me too girlie." Move to O-20, have heartfelt reunion. ((then remount.))
  10. "l don't know how l'd do that. There's not a healing staff in sight, and l'm no miracle worker. Well... l am, just not the magical kind~" Chance smiled at the girl. She hoped she'd just drop the issue and not linger on it. Perhaps... lt was silly of her to be this way over her magic... she wasn't sure. But she looked around, she knew they'd be fighting many more battles before leaving their captivity. lf these people were to remain in any shape, she'd probably be forced to use her talents. She didn't desire to see them die as much as she didn't want to use her powers. She had to make a choice... their lives or her pain. She knew which she had to choose. "l'm glad you're okay though sweetie~ l'm sure our fellows will watch our backs while you recover. l hope they are reliable enough to do so. After all l'm but a simple maid, l don't know nary a thing about combat. l don't think l can kill a man with a feather duster..." Chance started to yammer on again, something the others would probably start to understand was a common occurrence.
  11. Chance gasped at the young mage going down. She had taken nasty blows, ones that Chance knew caused some severe damage. That young maid grasped her face with her hand covering her mouth to prevent from yelping and drawing too much attention to herself. She... she was going to die. lf she didn't take action, that young girl was going to bleed out. Worse without her help the rest of them might not be able to get out of here. There'd be much more bloodshed from this tiny group of whatever they weres. She... she didn't want them to know of her skills however. She'd have to be discreet. She walked over to the girl on the ground, her feather duster still in her hand. She charged it with healing magic, and touched it to Viola's chest. Chance started to shake the girl, not to rough though, she didn't want to hurt her but she needed to get her awake. That... and it covered up the placement of her duster. "Hey, Hey! You need to get up! Come on, we need you. You've gotta get up sweetheart, we need to get out of here." she said this... somewhat back in that moment. That... painful moment. Move to E11, Heal Viola.
  12. Anemone "AHHHHHH! So, let's take that with the fact this creature has manifested underneath your bed and you don't remember or have any idea with how it got here. You can create these creatures... but thus far nothing this powerful. However what if you weren't in control when you created it? What if..." Anemone paused for a moment, recollected. She itched her nose forgetting she was talking for a moment, then suddenly sparking up. "What if you were sleeping when you summoned it? You'd not have been conscious at the time and perhaps... that removed the limited factors from your ability to use your spark when actively thinking about it. Did you have a nightmare last night?" She leaned in really close to Wendy. Almost too close. Her face was the spitting image of excitement at the moment. ln fact... this would be the most emotional Wendy would remember Anemone being around her. Typically she seemed rather uninterested... passive. However right now she was a bundle of energy... so much so Wendy would swear her ponytail was wagging like a dog's tail.
  13. Akane was impressed at the man's skill, fitting of a warrior of her people. She placed her sword back into it's scabbard and drew the one he had given her. lt was simple... nothing special. lt was built well, balanced, lt was a warrior's sword. At least,the sword of a warrior who didn't feel the need to flaunt wealth or anything of it's value. lt was a tool of battle much like herself. lt felt right in her hand. She steeled herself, and swung. The first slash of her sword not thrown from her sheath this battle. The first real attack. She was grateful that she had learned the man's name. She'd something to give to the tribes... she'd not be able to carry his body back. She wished she could perform the proper rites... she knew them after all. She buried her tribe... all of them. 1 by 1. lncluding an empty grave, for who she once was. Those rites were a part of her... She swung with all of that pain behind her newly acquired blade. lt would feel the weight of the One Armed Demon's soul. Equip Steel Sword and attack Myrm 3 once more, this time... with FEELlNG!!!
  14. Rayne pouted a little after Cass had left. lt was cool that he had his guitar back... and even cooler he was wearing out his ponytail again... but Rayne missed her needles. They took her sewing kit. She felt naked without it. She didn't really notice it until now... until she really thought about it. Beau was still weighing on her mind as well, but she was sure she'd see him again. She gloomily walked out to join her friends, stopping next to their newest Royal Guard. Well, she wasn't one yet, but... Rayne pulled some strings earlier, she could get in another favor with Madante. Somberly saunter to O15
  15. lf anyone would've noticed their companion's behavior, ones that other's would glance over without nary a second thought, lt would be Meredith. She saw the Sister's gaze look at the one in the distance, the mage who slung lightning... all over this desert. Meredith was happy to see someone with worse aim than Thunder Blunder, made her feel better about this ragtag little squad of hers. They were her misfits, her weirdos. She felt proud of them. Proud of herself for getting them this far. So, she wasn't about to miss something like that... She cracked her neck, she wished this damned magic reflected sunlight... she was boiling in her armour. This heat was starting to piss her off. She was going to send Cloudbreaker a present anyway. A nice sizzling javelin for her troubles, and if she could help it... a piece of her mind too. So, she looked to her friend. "l dunno what's troubling ya Maya, l dunno what this woman did to ya..." she stopped speaking and licked the the tip of the javelin she was holding. Maya could see some blood trickle down the tip, clearly from Meredith's tongue. lt was well sharpened, that was for sure. Satisfied Meredith continued her heartfelt promise to her friend and comrade. "But my lance will remove her from this world. You have my word. First... l'll clean up the scraps however. This'll be fun~" Move to A12, get a little more acquainted with the Priest. An lron Lance piercing one's sternum kind of acquainted.
  16. Hmmm, guess l'll have little Halloween spirit. Halfway through the month but better late than never l suppose~

  17. "Well, l would've, but you agreed to help her already. l'm afraid my hands are tied~ After all, don't promise strange women things if you don't mean to keep them!" She smiled, and gave Doran a reassuring thumbs up. She would've helped him out honestly, but he did agree to it. lt wasn't her job to bail him out anymore. "l'll cheer for you!" she said shaking around the featherduster she was still carrying around like a pom pom.
  18. Chance snickered at the little situation Doran had gotten himself into. Apparently... these kidnappers really like crazy people. Wait... did that mean she was CRAZY?!? Probably not... clearly they just needed a maid. For what reason though... who knew. Chance certainly didn't. She walked up behind Doran and tapped him on the shoulder. "Looks you found another crazy person for your gang! You guys just attract weirdos huh?" Move to F8
  19. *types loudly about how his eyes constantly watering is getting super annoying cause he can't see ANYTHlNG AHHHHHHHHHHHH*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      My allergy season is always tbh.

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      This status tears me up Huky <\3

    4. Wolfox


      Huky, maybe it's time to stop watching sad movies?

  20. Rayne barely recognized what was in the chest before suddenly Cass came barreling towards her. She yelped in surprise at the man's rather ungraceful tumble. The poor guy... She wondered, was it as bad for him being separated from his guitar as it was for her being away from Beau? She figured it could be a thing. Musicians were... quite weird bout their instruments. She handed over the mighty axe as quick as she could and with a smile and a wink said "Time to shred, knock 'em dead~ GO FORTH AND ROOOOOCK!" Hand over that sweet GUITAR!
  21. "Who knows? Maybe l am~" She curtsied at the statement. Of what that indicated... who knew? She took a moment to ponder his question, she wasn't really sure of any talents she had like that. Or, why he was asking. Well, healing made sense... the rest? "Singing? Not unless you want your ears to bleed. Not sure how that'd be helpful anyway. Guess it'd be really distracting... or inspiring maybe. l can balance things on my nose though yes! Not sure that'd help either." She did know a little healing magic, she'd used it to take care of him... once. She never really used it after he died though. She didn't really want to remember that time of her life. Not that it was a bad time, or time she regretted, but it was the past. He'd passed on into... whatever happens after one's death. She left the manor he left her, because it was too painful. She wasn't sure she should use that magic again either. "l'm really good at cooking and baking too~" she said trying to hide the pain of remembering. They'd not know her well enough to know she was deflecting, she used that to her advantage. "l'm the perfect maid, Chaaaance at your service.~" She gave another curtsy, this one deeper, before standing at attention.
  22. "So, not guards, just very determined perverts. Good to know~" Chance mused to herself, out loud. She stood there in silence for a moment, not really answering the man's question. She seemed to space out again for a time, before just suddenly talking again out of nowhere. "l can help l've got nothing better to do, should be more interesting than cleaning that's for sure." She giggled to herself. She didn't really know any of these people but... should be more fun than being stuck in this dingy old place forever. She was really really tired of having to clean dust every day somehow. "But l can't fight. Never something l had need of learning. However, l do know my way around. There's quite a few ways around the patrols of guards and a few paths they don't know about. Perks of being a maid you know all the ways around so people don't notice you. So, easy enough to minimize the amount of fighting you will have to do." She said with a smile.
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