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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. a Yandere ...new territory for me....but going to be honest...kinda fun as hell to RP. Super weird for me though, love her to death though, one of my fav characters to date.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shamitako


      *Is kind of a yandere IRL* Yandere's are very fun owo

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      Gasai Yuno.

      "Choose me [to continue living]; choose her [and die]~"

      Also I would like to see a Yandere!Hukuna xD

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      the Fate RP here on Reborn, Nadia is my character lol. Love her so much.

  2. "Call me what ever you wish, love. I prefer you call me your Queen though, Shehehe." Nadia said. "and of course, if they wish to touch my prince they have to go through me first, only I am allowed to harm him if I want to, Shehehe." "Come Berserker. To my side!!!" Nadia yelled as Berserker materialized. He grunted "Fight?" "No, not them silly, we have another foe to go find. So, let's go." Nadia leapt into Berserker's hand, as he lifted her up to his giant shoulder. She sat down with Berserker holding her in place so she wouldn't fall. "Oh, and Caster....." Nadia said, turning back towards Josh's Servant. "Josh belongs to me. His heart, soul, and body. Just remember that." she said with a smile. She tilted her head in that innocent way girls usually did. It was super unnerving. Berserker began to leave, walking to met the new threat that they were to fight. hopefully, it would be fun.
  3. Yea, she can and already has. ((in fact she basically could find Nadia if you were paying attention. Since she sent a familiar to go get her.))
  4. and my avi doesn't at all by the by. ((cause even when I had Berserker, he was much different kind of Berserker than mine is.)) And Gilgamesh is definitely Evil, ((it has nothing to do with him killing Rider, if you remember he ends up respecting him in his own way, deeming him the only servant worth using Ea against. He respects Rider enough that he doesn't kill Waver even though he easily could have, so that he can fulfill his King's last wish.)) I am sorry but the crap Gil does in Zero at least I can't say he is a good guy. Good People don't manipulate people for their enjoyment. Not sure how one can think a guy that tells people that they should literally do anything they enjoy ((EVEN IF IT IS MUDERERING PEOPLE.......)) is not at least partially evil. And it you guys make it sound like me saying he is evil means I hate the character.....that is not the case at all. ((Now, he is no where near as Evil as Caster was, cause uh...well I don't even need to explain that.))
  5. "You wound me Josh, Shehehe. Maybe this will jog your memory." She said. "Dunkelheit nehmen Gestalt an." A pitch Black Blade appeared in her hand. She then within a split second expertly threw it past Josh's head, probably only harming a few hairs on his head if anything at all. It landed in the metal of a derelict crane nearby, and embedded itself. It then suddenly disappeared just as fast as it had appeared. "But yes, I am part of this grail war and I have come to help my prince win. At your service, mister Elders. Shehehe." She said with a bow.
  6. Real Gilgamesh was ((or at least in the tales.)). The One in Fate? Hell no. But this is my point XD.
  7. He probably is, since you say he actively rebels against order, however, since he has his own code it could be argued he is Lawful Good, just he follows his own subset of rules. ((codes are very very much the territory of Lawful charaters, so if he has a personal one, it is the law of his society. [even if it is just him that belives it.])) He is most definitely a good character overall, more of one of those I must become powerful so I can bear the weight of everything type of guys. ((which is very very bad for a character's health and tends to end in a short life span XD.)) and this shows you why the alignment system is broken in the end when it comes to in-depth characters. It cannot fully apply to them otherwise they don't seem as real. It is best to keep in mind what I call their Tendencies. Nadia tends towards Chaotic Neutral actions. This I keep in my head to help me make decisions as her, but in certain situations she may have entirely different outlooks. Same with any character. ((also I should point out Gilgamesh is apparently listed as Chaotic Good by the way.....this is definitely not true in the slightest at least in the case of the Fate Series. XD Just find that funny.))
  8. so True Neutral then? ((jk, but really though every character has this, when I say Nadia is Chaotic Neutral I mean she has a high alignment with this, however as a true character she has inklings of them all within her. She most easily aligns with Chaotic Neutral because she likes to rail against established order, and doesn't like to adhere to it so she ACTIVELY rebels against it. However, she doesn't do it to further the needs of others, and doesn't do it to further herself. She does it because she just likes it. She gets no benefit out of it, and just does it for the kicks.))
  9. It isn't D and D related persay, D and D is just the most common example and place it is most seen. And he may be considered Lawful Neutral, with the Church being the law he follows to the letter. I could post a little video on alignments is you would like me too. ((it is in the Graterras thread already, but you might have to dig for it...not sure how buried it is off the top of me 'ead.)) Basically, Good = biased towards helping Others, Evil = Biased towards helping one's self. Neutral = Indifference or for an Organization ((like a church.)).
  10. ((it would take at least 5 days actually, since you are a day out from Hawk's Roost, but it takes 2 more to get to Farreach from there, and then 2 more to get to the edge of the Forest of Knives from Farreach. The more you know. ))
  11. Nadia would technically be Chaotic Neutral, it most closely aligns with her character. Though I understand she probably seems evil lol. Like she doesn't randomly kill people, she wouldn't do that. However, she doesn't mind killing mages because of now she isn't very fond of the MA, so she kills them off. Basically, she rails against the organization, because she can. So, she isn't evil. ((at least in my head....she is twisted, but not evil lol.))
  12. Of course, that part is right lol. But, if you remember, Command Spells are like Wishes in D and D, if you don't word them right they are super useless.
  13. Berserker from Fate/Zero case is not that. He can't use For Someone's Glory to appear as another Servant as Berserker. He has to be forced to use it with a command spell. Basically, if summoned under another Class, Berserker could have easily used the ability, but Under Mad Enhancement it is degraded. ((only being the fog that obscures his identity.)) So the command spell was used to force him to use the other function of the ability. ((basically under Mad Enhancement his thinking is not clear enough to use it on his own, so he has to be forced to with a command spell. It has nothing to do with giving him prana.))
  14. Just going to say Nadia is probably just as dangerous to Josh as she is good for him lol.
  15. I am Hukuna!!! Hukuna needs Love too ya know!!! ((he gets lonely every now and again.....people think Dragon-Squid thing Hukuna is ugly so they no love him. It makea Hukuna Sensei much sad....*single manly tear*))
  16. ALLERGIES!!! *shakes fist at the Heavens.*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      You might not want to stand too close, I have been to known to have projectile snot.

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      I don't have allergies. I think.

      My body-- respiratory system in particular-- just really, really, REALLY hates the cold and dust.

  17. This is discrimination against Cthulhuian Horror Beasts!!! WE ARE PETS TOO!!!!!! ((just because I have been known to cause Insanity doesn't mean I am not cuddly!!! Dragon-Squid things = Best Pets..)) Why won't you love me? I just want da cuddles.
  18. Shinto around 9:18 ((figure the familiar would get there quick, it knows where Nadia is.)) Nadia had still been wandering, when she saw a small white creature. It didn't seem natural, was it a signal from her Prince? It had to be. She charged off after it, as it seemed to be telling her to follow it. Nadia got that feeling anyway, since as she moved towards it, it tried to stay an equal distance away from her so she couldn't catch up. It had to be leading her to him. In the distance she could see an old construction site. It seemed pretty abandoned. A clearly good place to hide out. Nadia wondered if he was here the whole time, she had briefly checked over, but felt it was a little too obvious a place to hide. "I feel we are getting closer Berserker." she said to him. He grunted in response. 9:24 She had arrived at the site now. The air felt still. It didn't feel like a place many people visited. It felt this way to her even the first time. That was when she saw him, along with the form of a woman. Nadia probably would have been jealous....however she firmly believed Josh only had eyes for her, and that no other woman could possibly win his heart while she was around. She quickly approached, her heart soaring as she went to greet her long lost Prince. "Hello, my Sweet Prince!" she shouted as she came towards him and his servant. "Do, you remember me? Shehehe."
  19. I don;t think anything of that nature will be occurring this fight, I doubt highly that anyone will be that loose with NPs etc in the first fight of the War, even if there are 3 of the MA guys, they have a bunch of shit they don't have a plan for, so the fight may not even go down. ((remember they only think Caster is there, do they risk the fight when a Berserker they know nothing about is also in the area?))
  20. He would possibly know him, probably not overly well since Magni was busy doing his paladin things, but probably would have net him once or twice. I will leave it up to you though lol.
  21. "A Hammer may be the tool of simple man, but it is just as honorable as a sword." Odin said, coming into the conversation. "You see this Hammer Oarloff? This is the hammer my son used. He was a mighty Paladin. A Hammer is the weapon of a Warrior, one who needs not glory or fame, but one who fights for his friends. Though the hammer maybe a simple weapon and not as fancy as a sword, it is still beautiful and elegant. Even if you use a Hammer Oarloff, we will not think you are simple, and it doesn't matter what weapon you use, we know that you will fight alongside us." Odin said his flaming eyes ablaze. "Here. Take this." Odin said. He handed Oarloff a small vial on a chain, it was full of ash. "This ash is from my son, and I give it to those friends of mine that are special to me. He died so that I could still be here standing next to you now, and I want you to have this to remind you that we are in this together. I trust you to take good care of it." Odin said with a smile.
  22. Since he isn't affected by the barrier, I assume you guys are going to get misinformation on it. ((since he isn't affected by it I assume he doesn't know what it does.)), so maybe you guys will get over-confident, or something, A lot of stuff we can do for the sake of the story being interesting. Also, not sure you guys going to be happy about Berserker being there lol.
  23. I think we should assume time-wise the assault is going to happen after Nadia and Josh's meeting right? I just figure it would be happening while they are talking now in time, so Berserker and Caster should be on the same side before any of you lot show up. ((basically, let me and Rusty get that finished before you guys attack for sake of flow of the story, it is going to get very confusing if we are doing something that happened in the past and responding to the attack at the same time.))
  24. Oh it might be, I only quickly checked so I might have messed up the letter or something. EDIT: it totally is Vero. This kids is why you don't skim, take it from Hukuna.
  25. Nero and Alice are the light-skined protags. ((a.k.a the original 2.)) Nero being the guy, and Alice bieng the Lady. and Kuro and Lucia are the Darker Skinned Protags. Kuro is the dude and Lucia is the Lady.
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