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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Oh trust me, he won't like Nadia much, she is not persay evil, but her world view is a bit skewed. She would probably also find him super boring, and therefore not pay any attention to him. ((unless she had to.)). Like her sole goal in this War, is really just to win, she actually doesn't really care about that either though. She kinda just wants to watch some people squirm as she wrecks their dreams, and in the MA's case, as she messes with their plans. ((also 3000 Posts hype.))
  2. I see lol, but yea, it also makes the most logical sense...since they probably have the biggest leads to go on for her. ((since Maria was supposed to be helping them, but absconded with a Catalyst.)) so I imagine they would go after a target they know something about, rather than ones they don't know anything about.
  3. I figured just making sure. Mostly with Chim......since he is trying to go after Masters....who while not useless, are easier to kill than servants. Besides, if you guys offed Nadia you won't get to see her torture Josh. *winks, or hell other intersting interactions between the other characters, I have a feeling he MA guys are going to be interesting to watch, along with whatever Maria and Rider are planning. And I expect Archer to be more of a loner, but I am curious as to what he and his master are going to be doing lol. ((it is actually bloody horrifying how qualified all these masters are lol, there aren't any people in this war who are flat out novices, or weak mages))
  4. It would be grand if you posted the Map on the OP, it would make it easy to find. Also, I have edited the posts to reflect when they happened. Also, I imagine a lot of the beginning stuff will jsut be flexing around seeing what is up etc. rather than full blown power. Also, Battles don't have to end in death right out the gate. ((keep in mind it took like until halfway through Fate/Zero for any one to Servant/Master to die. Plenty Died, just no Masters or Servants lol.))
  5. Oi...people forget me too... Hukuna Sensei just too bloody mysterious.... ((I mean now I actually have to introduce myself....so much work.)) Welcome to Reborn though, I am the RP Guru 'round these parts. I am sure you will get along just fine around these parts all things considering. You should try hosting an RP though....it is fun toying with people's emotions and messing up their characters. Maybe, I enjoy crushing souls a bit too much? Na....can't be that.
  6. This isn't really a needed thread. Double posting is kinda easy to avoid bad cases of, since a Mod will likely take care of it and inform the person about not doing it again. Also.....your OP doesn't really say anything other than don't do it, which means this thread is kinda useless clutter as it doesn't help solve a problem it just points it it exists. ((and it really wasn't a big deal to begin with.)). Pointless threads are more cluttery than Double Posting is.
  7. Yea, i am going to put these times and dates on my opening posts once we do.
  8. Yea, sounds about right. Keep in mind that scene was probably super early morning. So, we are going to assume that scene took place at around 7 AM for sake of convenience. (( I reckon she wasn't super far out of town during the summoning.)), she is probably going to sit on her heels for the time being and hide in a hotel or something until Night falls. As somebody who uses darkness, night is preferable. ((she can still use her powers during the day by the way, it just takes more power to manifest the same result. She can do it with next to no effort in pitch black darkness, and pretty easily on most nights.))
  9. Yea, I did XD. Not sure yet. ((and when did the MA guys summon their Servants, I meant for Nadia to summon hers a little early, since she is planning to look for her boy toy in the midst of things lol.)) I will say me and Rusty are working on it, so it is more up to me when she arrives I think. ((since Josh probably has no diea she is even there...he might not even remember her all that well XD.)). I would say soonish, but stuff may happen in-between her getting things in order.
  10. I think if we have a general idea it is good. It think it is more important that Caster's Master know their location more so than anybody else, since it is the most location based one. ((and in turn...the others know when they stray across the barrier of others can afford to be a bit vaguish...((we should still have a bit of an idea.))
  11. Somewhere in Fuyuki City, Top of a Tall Building. Approximately 7:00 A.M. 14th of June, 2030. "Shehehehe. I love good prior planning, you are lucky I am your Master Berserker." Nadia laughed to herself, full of delight. "This war will be so much fun, killing other mages is always the best. Didn't get to do it much in the Mage's Association, they didn't really look all that kindly on it, well without good reason anyway. Luckily, I found out all about this little Grail War before I left. Now, they say safety is in numbers, so that alliance will be troubling. No idea which Servants they have, but I figure they picked ones that were suited to working in a team, it would only make sense." Berserker grunted in response. "He understood? I thought Berserkers reasoning skills were lost in madness.....maybe this Berserker is somewhat different, interesting. There is definitely some drawback to this if that is the case though....I wonder what it could be?" Nadia thought to herself. "Anyway, Berserker, this is why I have devised a plan you see. Cause we have an ally right here in Fuyuki City, I met him a few times in my work for the Mage's Association. He seemed rather talented, and it just so happens he came to be in this war as well. Shehehe. He is cute too, so that is a bonus." Nadia said laughing to herself. "Anyway, we need to find him. Josh Elders...I am coming my prince, so don't worry your pretty little head. Your Queen of Darkness will be there for you soon." ((shehehe is her laugh by the way, just going to make sure that is clear lol.))
  12. tfw your friend wants to draw you for practice. But, do to their art-style you are absolutely horrified you will end up looking like Krillin. #BaldGuyProbs.

    1. GotWala


      Dang, that's rough man. That reminds me of the half credit of Multimedia Art I took in High School a little bit. Basically, this girl named Rider had drawn me and the four other guys in the class as a Boy Band without telling us. I only found out because she left her sketchbook out in the open when we went to lunch and I spotted an alarmingly familiar face drawn in Bishonen style, haha!

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      < too uggo to be a Bishonen lol. Na, but really I don't mind it too much. ((and this is just a friend of mine, she just wants stuff to practice on lol. So I was like what the hell? I actually don;t mind being drawn, it is just in an animeish style....I totally will look like Krillin lol.))

    3. GotWala


      Haha, at least they asked you first. Though I didn't mind that much, haha.

  13. Just assume the group is on the move here, I will let you know when we hit either more encouters, or Hawk's Roost, but assume you guys are walking for the most part. I am going to allow some character development on this little trek, since we usually skip their traillife, it will be nice to see some since the character can interact with each other...or the NPCs. ((so Nero...get talking to Abe lol. Well if ya want to. I will definitely try and restart that convo if you don't though.))
  14. "Yea, it would. I will the fighting if there is any to these strong handsome devils you got with you." he said jokingly. "Oh and those 2 are pretty ladies, they good friends of yours?" he whispered to Dru, so Jupiter and Helzebeth couldn't hear him. He raised his eyebrow a little while saying this. Lucky for the Crimson King, Flint was too absorbed in talking to Dru to notice him right away. Quickly, he changed the form of the Simulacrum again, turning back into the small book. He flashed his eyes on and off, hoping Sigurd would see him signaling him, or at least somebody would and pick him up off the ground.
  15. Besides, Nadia isn't fighting quite yet unless she has to. That girl got plans and things to do first lol.
  16. 5. Make sure Commander Hukuna's Earl Grey Tea is made in the morning at precisely 10:00. Otherwise the old coot gets ornery. *whistles*
  17. I figure Bfrogs has something in mind, at the way he is hinting at it. ((just host intuition. Like, if you were meant to make up the Handler yourself, I doubt he would have brought attention back to the phone. I would do it that way anyhow...XD))
  18. Is it just me, or is Jontron actually a really good singer lol? Like I know he does it as a joke, but if he actually tried it could be amazing lol.
  19. If it is a reserve they were most likely bred.....it is pokemon....lets not look into it too hard. considering anything can breed with the purple blob known as Ditto.
  20. Oh that doesn't matter, I am a world builder, I could care less if that question would actually even affect the RP. I would be asking questions to make the world richer, more interesting rather than direct RP related stuff. It off-shoots into the RP, because if something works a certain way, the players can be affected by it. EDIT: think about this, if Machines use magic to run....rather than just being plain old tech....there is potential for things to get interesting. Like what if people are harvesting Magic in nasty ways? ((like capturing souls and using those to power machines...)). Not only can players personally have a stand against this, the Factions they join would to. And if their Faction has a stance they don't agree with, it adds a layer of doubt and other things to that character. Has their life been a lie? Or do they try and change their faction. Even the small stuff can make interesting interactions happen in an RP, and this is what I strive for.
  21. Yea definitely move it up to either the First/Second post. People in Graterras yell at me all the time to move important info up there and I always forget lol.
  22. Well, World Building is something I am super good at, so uh.....I am sure I can ask the important questions. Also Wala the questions you asked so far, pretty good, probably would have been early questions I asked. ((though I would grill him further on the tech stuff, I want to know if the tech operates on Magic, or if it is legit tech. Like in my World, Graterras, Technology exists because Magic advances tech faster than in the real world, however they have Steampunk level tech, mostly in one area of the world. It has spread to others, but isn't easily replicated there, they keep the secrets behind that tech secret. there is Bio-tech [highly similar to auto-mail in the Full-Metal Alchemist series, however it mech limbs infused with a artifical nervous system, magic is used to connect the severed nerves in the user's arm to the machine. It is a tough magic to use, since it ties the fibers of the nerves to something different, and must do it in a way that isn't harmful to the user.)) Basically, I would try to figure out the basis of tech, and many other things in this world, that way we have an idea of how it functions and flows.
  23. You want Hukuna-Sensei to pick at stuff? Cause I can poke at your world a bit see if it seems solid enough. ((though I am going to need to read through the original stuff first so I get in the headspace to ask questions.)).
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