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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Oh trust me, that kind of character is not fun to play at all. Kiritsugu is an interesting character to watch in something, but not one to play. That archetype is best left for more rigid storytelling. It is just uber demanding and making the slightest misstep breaks the entire character. If he does have this kind of personality, tone it down a bit..... Otherwise, you will go insane trying to keep it up lol. Honestly....in the context of an RP....Kiritsugu would probably be a Marty Sue, or at least super flipping close....
  2. Not sure how one accidentally makes Kiritsugu. ((unless you mean Skillwise, since his Magecraft is all time-based. But the backstory related stuff I don't see randomly being replicated... especially the Origin shot, that thing is pretty out of left field. and personality wise he doesn't seem like Kiri to me at all Murdoc, honestly....))
  3. It means that if she was a regular Human...she would have most likely died from the summoning doing it that early.
  4. Going to be temporarily locking this thread, I don't need any more things breaking out while I am working on this issue, hope you guys understand. I will be unlocking this thread when I get around to it tomorrow, or whenever I remember. ((sorry I am absent-minded sometimes, I will try to remember.)), however, there will be no further discussion on the things that have happened earlier today, period. If Dan wasn't clear enough earlier, we are moving past this issue here and now. If things with Antares need to be settled via PM, so be it, but I won't have anymore of this discussion here. We have talked it to death now. Now, Antares, it is not up to me if you can stay in this RP or not that is 100% up to Chim, and if he says no, it means no. His word, as I have told you, is equal to mine here in his own thread, and it means it mine as well. ((I do not personally interfere in Hosts Player based desicions, governing them is up to them, not me, unless the person does something grave enough that they are no longer welcome in the RP Forum as a whole. You haven't done anything to that magnitude yet.)) Now, I personally will give you another chance here in this forum, but do NOT make me regret it. I don't take kindly to people who scorn me for giving them a second chance, and for you bub, this is your Third. I am willing to do it one more time, because I feel that you weren't 100% aware of what you were doing as I feel you are newer to RP. However, this doesn't excuse what happened before. No one should reply to this message here in this thread. If you have got something to say about it, pm me personally. I will be deleting anything that does if it starts getting out of hand. That is all. (( and I mean it, this has put this Thread off-topic long enough now, I don't want to see it A-N-Y-M-O-R-E.))
  5. Yea, I am not trusting a Mawile anywhere near me if they did exist.....nor any pokemon really....I don't want a pet that could easily kill me if it wanted to. But heyo and Welcome to Reborn! I am Hukuna Sensei head of the RP Forum here on Reborn. I will save you the spiel, but if you have any questions about the forums, or want to try your hand at it, just pm me, I will be sure to help you out if I can! Also I don't bite! ((cause Crunch has more base power.))
  6. *sticks head in doorway, peers around a little.* Oh hiyas! I am Hukuna Sensei, head of the RP forums here at Reborn! If you have any questions about the RP Forum, just feel free to ask me, I don't bite! ((because Crunch has better Base Power.)) I typically help out people who are new to RP, but I am also willing to help you learn how to host if you want to try running your own RP. Either way, just come check out the forum and see what is going on if you would like. I would be happy if you even just came down to read a few of the stories we have put together down there. Sadly, I don't think there are a lot of RPs that are open as of right now, so it might be hard to find somewhere for ya to squeeze in. Anyway, nice to met you, Hukuna Sensei out!~
  7. "Aye, I am sure am glad. Might have been Dwarf Casserole right about now if you guys hadn't have shown up." Flint said, chuckling to himself. He seemed to switch emotions super quickly, and seemed like a rather flighty individual. He seemed to be one of good character at least, even if his judgement seemed a bit lacking. After all he did venture onto an abandoned road all by himself not at full strength. "We should get moving, they might bring friends soon." Flint said as he picked up a few burlap sacks sitting on the side of the road. They were full of flint, so it was clear he had already gotten some of the flint he needed to repair his other golems. He carefully slung the bags around Anchor Flint, and carried one himself.
  8. Wilderness around Fuyuki, 2:00 A.M. June 14th, 2030 "This place, it feels right." said a young Woman, with hair as black as night. She had searched for a place in the wilderness to summon forth a servant for the Grail War, a place well connected with the world. She sat crossing her legs to try and get a feel for her surroundings. "Gebilde" she said, pouring mana into the word. In her hand formed a small trowel, made of a pure black energy. She began to create a Summoning Circle, one with which to summon forth a Servant. Nearly an hour passed while she laboured away. She placed a log in the field behind it. "Dunkelheit nehmen Gestalt" The women said, this time, forming the pure jet black energy into a longsword. It was plain and unadorned, the shadow of a sword meant to do but one thing, kill. It had perfect balance and weight, like the one she used long ago, a simple tool, but a deadly one. She turned it over in her hand, as she realized it had a bit of am imperfection. She was getting sloppy, probably since it wasn't needed for combat. This sword would be used to affix something, and even more base job then killing. She produced an Old page, written in an Old English tongue, an artifact of rare quality. It was a page to the original writings of Shakespeare, the play known as only "The Scottish Play" in Theater. The Play "Macbeth" siad to be cursed with dark Witchcraft. She placed it onto the wooden post, stabbing the Blade through the center of it to attach it to the side of the post, being careful not to damage the old document to much. She took in her hand a glass jar, filled with a silver liquid, a large amount of Mercury. She entered the center of the circle as she began to pour the Mercury into the hole she had dug. She began to recite the words of the ritual. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, and may each filling be crushed in darkness as it is made. For the essence, silver and steel. For the foundation, stone and the archduke of contracts. Close the gates of the four cardinal directions. Come forth from the crown, and follow the three forked road leading to the kingdom. Let it be declared now. My will creates your body. Your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me. I hereby swear. That I shall be all the good in the world. That I shall defeat all evil in the world. But let chaos cloud your eyes. You, that is trapped in a cage of madness. I would hold your chains. From the seventh heaven, clad in the three great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of the scales! A Single Stroke of Lightning struck the Wooden pole, causing it and the page to light aflame, and as it quickly burned down to cinders, in the after math was left something more than Ashes. There stood a Huge Man, with a well trimmed beard of Red and short hair of the same colour. Upon his brow sat a bloodied crown. He wore typical Scottish dress, a simple tunic with a kilt. The Women smiled wickedly, and she laughed. "Hehehe, wonderful." She said with a spin. The Man looked at her, his eyes full of paranoia. Bags under his eyes indicted he never slept well, pretty predictable of the man believed to have murdered sleep itself. He said but one shaky word. "M...master?" "Yes, I am your Master. Great Scottish King, I, Nadia "Umbra" Darke, shall led you into battle." she said, with a quick bow. "Now, we must make haste, I have plans to attend to Berserker. I don't have all day." and with that, Berserker disappeared, taking an incorporeal form.
  9. Well, killing will take awhile yet, we all got to get established. ((also should be a ground rule that if we can't just auto find people without giving a heads up to the person in question, otherwise we are going to have, oh lol oops totes just found you by accident lol now you dead. We want the story to be interesting guys, not over in like 3 posts.))
  10. Sorry fro double post.....but uh yea. Anyway Bfrogs, not that it matters too much, but the last paragraph in the IC should be in double parentheses to indicate it is Out of Character, just to avoid any confusion for anybody reading along. (( example. ))
  11. Cause I know how to push Sigurd buttons, and I am totally doing it on purpose lol. ((though it is in character for Flint to do that, Dru is like a son to him, and that his his special nickname for him.)) Hukuna Golden Rule: If Hukuna finds out about something that annoys a character, he will try to have it come up at inopportune moments. Because it makes the character have to react and reacting is what is interesting.
  12. All of a sudden Flint started to glare daggers at Sigurd. "Only I, Flint Rockshatter may call him that, and you best remember that."
  13. Sorry for the double post, but I kinda need to share the expansion news. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/16515629/goblins-vs-gnomes%E2%84%A2-explosive-new-cards-to-debut-this-december-11-7-2014 that there link explains it. This Expansion is Goblins vs. Gnomes, so a lot of Golbin/Gnome related cards will be in it. As these are the tinkering races of WoW and they like making fancy machines ((that tend to backfire....A LOT)) the New Minion type Mech is being added. Also, due to the inventions backfiring a lot, this expasions theme is Randomness, so a lot of the card add super randomness with things like the Madder Bomber who throws Six Bombs, to the Piloted Sky Golem, who drops a random 4 drop ((not from your deck, it can literally be any 4 drop in the game.)) upon his untimely demise. New Class Cards are being added as well, such as the Unstable Portal, a mage spell thatfor 2 mana puts a random creature from your deck into your hand and you can play it for 3 less mana. ((this effect should be permanent like Farsight.)). These cards are purchased via buying expansion packs, rather than the expert pack in the store. So, what do you lot think about these new cards? ((some more examples can be found on on the Hearthstone Facebook page.)) What do you think of the theme of the Expansion? In my opinion I think the randomness is a bit annoying since it brings a lot more luck into the game, but by the same token it will make a lot of interesting plans come out of people, whether they throw an unexpected monkey wrench in your plans, or they throw one in their own because it totally backfires. I like the addition of Mechs, as it makes a new gimmick to build around, and most mechs are available to all classes, making it so any class could have a possible mech deck. ((though priests get the Advanced Healer Bot, a super version of the Gelbin invention. Since it heals Mechs for 4 health, it might make Priest the go to Mech deck.))120 cards with definitely make the game get a boost of flavour, and certainly will make new decks crop up.
  14. Handmage is like my fav Hearthstone deck right now lol. It is fun, and a different take and pace to Handlock entirely. Nothing like tricking a Hunter into giving you 2 extra Mountian giants for free, and playing them both righ tback onto the field. Dem overwhelming 8/8s.

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  15. It is really bad for them, like you could but it would not be entirely effective. As this is Fantasy though...you can do it, just don't do it like every shot, otherwise your bow totally will break. ((basically, if I think you are going to overboard I take matters into my own hands, but you would have to be super abusing it for me to do so.))
  16. Great, the next Expansion to Hearthstone is all cards themed around being random....things are going to get weird.....

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  17. "Not much, I was just out here gathering flint to repair the other Golems. These Orcs probably thought they could easily take me, which they could have if you didn't arrive." Flint said, with his hand on the back of his head. His cheeks got all rosy, a clear sign that he was embarrassed. "Spindal wanted to come along, but I didn't want inconvenience the little guy." Flint added, seemingly only for Dru as he turned his gaze towards the Half-Orc as he said it. ((Spindal Tinkerbottom is another of Dru's Teachers, Spindal taught him how to use Earth as projectiles. He tends to be a bit of a prankster but can also be cold at times. He is the intellectual type at the camp. He is also the only Gnome there. Spindal is fast friends with Flint.))
  18. Eh, don;t worry about it, I prefer it be quality rather than just being rushed out. Heck, i have canceled an RP of mine because I just couldn't get in the spirit to write it. ((I super hope that deosn;t happen here lol.)). So take your time Bfrogs, I am sure we can wait a little bit longer. ((though some of us may die of hype...))
  19. I honestly don't know much about Rocs, they are sort of weird creatures that aren't in a crap load of legends. Also, writer's block goes away, maybe you are just burnt out, try resting a bit, it tends to help me if I step back from writing for a bit when I get super burnt out.
  20. So, uh wasn't expecting Overwatch, like at all........Blizzard....you guys are genius.....

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  21. Bows really can't either, but the have a much faster refire rate as knocking an arrow doesn't require resetting the firing mechanism. Crossbows take an awfully lot of time to rearm because of the mech needing to be rearmed usually being longer and longer depending on the size of the crossbow. Basically Crossbows are meant to be used by People on the castle walls defending, and are pretty shit in the field. They are meant o punch through the heavy Armour of assaulting knights etc. So, a Helze having a bow makes a lot more sense due to where she grew up, considering there are not many castles to be defended in the Shattered Hills there aren't many. ((the reason Dwarves are depicted using Crossbows is their mechanical nature and dwarves tend to be resourceful and are very advanced in the arts of war. When paired with Gnomes, who live with dwarves in quite a bit of fantasy, it shows the Gnome genius when it comes to mechanics, and the Dwarves utilize this as part of keeping the less combat able gnomes safe.))
  22. Um, without serious damage being done to the crossbow, or it being rigged to do so ((which still wouldn't be good for the thing.)) no. Not to mention they wouldn't be all that effective. Basically your answer is yes, but just as with a bow it isn't all that effective, so it is not worth bothering.
  23. Ah, feels refreshing writing new NPCs after I haven't for awhile. ((those being our good friend Flint and the rest of the Dwarves that tutored Dru)). I haven't really finished the other ones though. They maybe another encounter on The Bandit's Path after we finish up here, but I am still deciding if there will be or not. It isn't too far until Farreach now, that is where things are going to get dicey and we will be entering the more dangerous parts of the Shattered Hills.
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