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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Of course, a Lich is a wretched form of Undead, one that extends their life into immorality....." he paused, though he had no facial features, Marcus could still pain on his face. It was even in his voice, it was strange and not like him. "But it isn't worth it."
  2. "Psssh, as long as part of the Simulacrum remains It can be repaired. All I need is fresh snow, which I is probably the limit of the magic I have with this projection. So no need to worry about the old Crimson King, though I am touched, I feel like my heart would melt at such a warm gesture, If I had one still." he said, taking a grand bow towards Dru. Nero felt a new presence near him however. perhaps scared by the Crimson King, Abraham appeared near him. However, clearly he had some intent other than getting away form the Crimson King, Nero could see it in the man's eyes. They typically looked completely lifeless since the Burning of his inn, but right now a small spark of resolve could be seen, enough that his eyes had some feeling in them again. "I meant to talk to you back at the inn, but I couldn't bring myself too. You are a Darkwinter, aren't you?" He said.
  3. What is this....an anime? But yea, I imagine you wouldn't have anything to dampen the blow of landing, so I would suggest it only as a I might die otherwise type of thing.
  4. Though Vixen couldn't hear Garen from the distance she was at, her gunshot would have sounded like an answer. One that said she was staying to fight. She fired a slug at the creature that had just taken the rocket before. Any damage at all would be useful. She didn't know what the others would do, but she was going to perform her job.
  5. Well butts........I think my brain has him pegged as an Elf for some reason, since those Dark Broody Elf characters are a thing. ((and they tend to be a bit more popular than the human versions of those characters.))
  6. Yea, our squad has a decent dash of different personalities and outlooks, and they clash pretty interestingly. I imagine most of the squad isn't overly fond of Vixen, but she doesn't like taking gambles when it comes to her survival and isn't used to having to deal with others in that situation. But she has similar knowledge to Garen, but in a more survival orientated fashion.
  7. So, uh new League Champ. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/champion-reveal/kalista-spear-vengeance-revealed ((and no, Kalista deosn;t have control over the person in her ult. THe person in the ult controls when they are fired.))

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well yea, I meant somebody who tries things without caring if they are going to 100% work. Kalista has quite a bit of a chance to work more so than Gnar for sure. ((and Azir...like kinda works? Not really, his utility is better suited for a top laner imo.))

    3. Flynn


      Main point being, I just want to try it out because it looks fun. But yeah, I think you're the first person who agrees that Azir is a Top moreover a Mid. To be honest, I'm really interested in the Lore they're giving her. She's the first Champion to be revealed past Riot's whole "change the entire lore concept" idea.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, I am interested as well.

  8. Are you sure though Dobbs? They might not even know each other exist....I mean most people can't even find the Search Bar.
  9. "If I deemed she posed a threat to you Miss Nivia, that woman would not be standing that close to you right now." Theo said. He lumbered up beside the Dewgong, planting his butt firmly on the ground. He lowered Blaze down as well, since he didn't need to carry the little fella anymore.
  10. You didn't have to say yes to the one with me, I only confirmed it because you did. ((as you might remember ships don;t mean all that much to me, I don't need some silly ship to know your a good friend Miss Rose lol.))
  11. Ah, I see.....not sure for mine exactly. Edit: Now looking at it, Nadia would have a similar build to Saber, most specifically in Fate/Zero. ((Naida tends to wear suits, similar to the one Saber would wear in Fate/Zero when not in her armour.)). That is a good ball parky idea, as she doesn't otherwise look like her. ((Nadia's hair is a jet black, and she has deep emerald green eyes.)). Macbeth I have no idea though.
  12. Rose.....you have like a full blown Harem at this point....the only thing keeping it from being a harem is that all of us were also strongarmed into it XD. ((and Hilda would kill all of us....I would rather like to still be alive.))
  13. Oh and p.s., when Helze says not to touch Knifeweed she is deadly serious, don't touch that shit if you come across it. It is quite literally one of the deadliest poisons in all of Graterras, not to mention the symptoms are not very pleasant. Bleeding from the Eyes, headsplitting Migranes, excruciating stomach pain, are just a few of the things it causes before death. And that is the unrefined stuff just from the plant. Pure Knifeweed Poison is 5000x more potent.
  14. Same Zeph..........guess we are both just as clueless with how to react to these people lol.
  15. Aye of course, not to mention possible Master Switching shenanigans. ((since that is possible too, mostly only with Archer, but you get what I mean lol.)). None of our masters seem to be huge pushovers either as well, them all seem pretty capable. and that is not to mention what is truly going on with this War in the first place. Oh, I am so giddy....I want this to all get started already.
  16. Yea, really Miss Rose XD. Don't worry though, I got your back.
  17. It was readily apparent this road was the one less traveled. Unlike the somewhat well trodden roads from before, this one felt a bit more rough. It was also slightly overgrown. The group realized the further inland they went, the more foliage started to appear. It was a clear sign they were getting ever the more close to their goal, Farreach, and after that, The Forest of Knives. FOr now the Bandit's Path seemed, empty, abandoned like the road was said to be. However, that made it all the more unsettling, because something could happen at anytime....but what? Nemesis and Hunter didn't seem to notice any danger, at least at current, as neither had returned for the time being. It was at the point a red light flashed in the middle of the group. "Wow. I really need to stretch these bones....being a book for a few months really takes it's toll." said the Crimson King. The Book had turned back into the Red Skeleton they had met back in the Shadowed Isles. He wore the same Violet Robe. Not surprisingly, Bjorn, Chauff and Abraham all looked stunned, they hadn't seen him in this form before. Jupiter, while also not having seen him before must have realized he was no threat, as she didn;t even react to is appearance.
  18. You know.....I only keep coming into this thread for my daily dose of Facepalm....
  19. I see. Oh and not sure if Berserker can easily be ranked either Sheep, as he has a lot of strange variables. ((like he is much more powerful the first fight where you figure out his identity, and the complete randomness of Banquo Rage, like when it goes off can't be accounted for. [it will quite literally be random at least to an extent, I will be doing something to make it random, just not sure what I can do for that yet.)) The only thing for certain is your Archer is super powerful, however, you have the problem that you are indeed working entirely alone against a team of 3, and 3 other lone wolves who could possibly team up. So you have 6 opponents, 3 of which are a coordinated team. Going to say though this will be super interesting.
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