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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Vixen dug in somewhere farther from the group. She still had a visual on them so she knew where they were, but she doubted they knew where she was. She got her rifle ready. Then she took a small mirror out of her pack. Since she had been living out in the wilderness even back at home, she still had old school survival gear. Mirrors were typically used to signal for help in various ways, or to communicate over short distances to a partner without the need of speaking. Vixen angled it to get light and flash it into Garen's eyes to get his attention, that way he knew where she was in case they needed to flee or if they needed to protect her position.
  2. The amount of stuff hunting us all at the same time is getting a tad insane at this point.....but eh.....guess it makes it more interesting.
  3. "Those two, just as inseparable as us it would seem." said Jupiter chuckling. She also smiled warmly. "Two Spirits as wild as the lands around them look after us, we are in good hands." Bjorn said as he watched the two Beasts dash off into the distance. "One in the Sky, the other on land....now all we need is some Ranger that befriended a Dolphin and we will have all terrain covered!" "Really Fishhead, you mean you haven't yet?" said Chauff, snickering. "At least I would have a chance in hell of befriending an animal, most would run at the sight of your ugly gob." mocked Bjorn, crossing his burly arms. "Really? You aren't all that pretty yourself Fishhead." Chauff rebuttled, that sinister grin of his plastered on his face. Bjorn was visibly fuming, but he clenched his fist, and then beamed a big smile.....these 2, it was hard to tell if they were actually friends or hated each other's guts. "Says you Chief Saggyass, now got off your old butt and let's get going, can't let these youngsters show us up." Chauff grumbled, but did as Bjorn said, falling in line next to the big burly Man. I don't get those two, are they really friends?" Abraham asked Odin. He looked puzzled. "Apparently. Listen Abe, I have been traveling with them longer than you and I still don't get them. I think is safe to say, some friendships are not meant to be understood." The Dwarf father remarked, with a big guffaw.
  4. "Nemesis, could you go ahead please? Make sure it is safeish if you can." Jupiter said, smiling at the Giant Bird. Nemesis cawed in reply, and started to run. The Big Bird would need some momentum to get airborne. She spread her giants wings as she flew off. The air current suddenly generated caught a few passersby off-guard, and their butts promptly greeted the ground beneath them. "If there is any apparent danger, Nemesis will let us know." "Good to know." said Abraham.
  5. To be fair, he is one of like.....2 humans in this group, the other being Marcus. ((not counting NPCs.)), so I am not surprised if he doesn't fully realize the gravity of what is going on at least form that point of view.
  6. Also, is it safe for me to assume you guys will be taking the Bandit's Road, rather than the path to Wounded Knee? I got the stuff planned for either path, but it totes looks like you guys would prefer the Bandit's Road, a place where conflict is not guaranteed.
  7. I really want to play through Reborn.......but I want to wait for it to be finished at the same time.......ugh it is so hard XD. I just want to expereince it as the full package and how it is meant to be rather than when only a prt of the vision behind it is realized. ((I did start a bit....but eh...))

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It feels like reading a story that is half finished. It just feels like I am not meant to lay eyes on it yet, and while what is here is very good I feel like I should wait. I want all the gyms to have their fields etc, and that stuff for when I play, I want to truly experience the leaders at their full power, it is like fighting someone who isn't at full strength, it feels cheap. I dunno, it made sound weird to many people, but it is how I feel.

    3. Saber12


      I'm sort of with you on this but I'm also not fully into waiting for it. Mainly because Ame's already put it out there. Finished or not, I see it as her showing us something she hopes to improve upon, which is why I still have a reason to play through it twice or three times even. Although, you do need to have the time for it too because of well....life.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh don't think I look down on it because it isn't finished, I jsut want to see everything at it;s best and what they are meant to be. I apprecate the work of Ame, and all the people who work on the coding of this game. It is a passion project, one not done for the money, but for the love of Pokemon, and Gaming in general. That is why I want to play through it when it is complete, becasue then I can experience the final product of that labour.

  8. Yea, Nero is a super quiet one.....makes me want to use the NPCs to bother him....like you don't know how badly I want to mess with him at the moment, getting that itch.
  9. Wow......things have gone pretty far from where I broke off lol. Really sorry about kinda just dropping this twice now Notus lol. ((thought the second time was due to being ill....so not really of my choosing.))
  10. I should note, Graterras: Dark Destinies is canceled as of now. I just don't have the passion to write the project, like I did, back when I got super sick it kiled my momentum and I haven't felt the motivation or the passion to finish it. I don't write things my heart isn't in becuase the quality drops, and I want you guys to see my work at its best. So sorry for prolonging it this long.

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    2. Rosesong


      It's all good Kuna, we still love you and this isn't gonna change that

    3. Felicity


      This times ten

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Makes me feel better to have you guys say that lol.

  11. Hukuna Mutata would be my OTP name, so not going to use that one until it comes up. ((ah the misspelled glory....))
  12. Shame my name is probably the worst thing to make a ship name with lol. Hukuna, sounds great on it's own....not so good otherwise XD.
  13. Yea, Nadia uses basic thaumaturgy, along with Material Alteration, mostly with Darkness. She can basically change Darkness into a solid object ((most commonly a sword, but can create walls and other things as well.)) Her powers are similar to the Gentleman's, or the main villain of Graterras. ((though they don't destroy their victim's soul like his Shadow Lance did in Chapter 1.))
  14. oh whoops, must have missed it. Is everyone using runes but Nadia lol?
  15. I figured that was what the resistance was for, lets say that normal fire doesn't do much, but Magical Fire is a different story. ((such with his Lance, while he may be able to bare it at first eventually he will lose out. And I assume anybody using FIre magic on him iwll have it be pretty effective, though nobody is using Fire magic in this RP to my knowledge.))
  16. "Aye, but a town of sure enemies versus a path where we aren't guaranteed enemies. I would personally take the latter." said Bjorn "Same, for once I agree with that old coot." said Chauff a silly smirk on his face. "You ever going to cut me some slack you old codger?" "Nope, you will always be Fishbrain Bjorn to me." Chauff said, laughing triumphantly Jupiter also spoke up. "I agree with them besides, Nemesis can watch for danger, even though she can't see her sense of smell is super powerful, it is rather strange for a bird, but she does have it."
  17. Keep in mind, Servants are much much more powerful then you average joe. Hell, most masters couldn't even harm a Servant if they tried. ((some could, but they would be at such a disadvantage it wouldn't even be funny.)).
  18. Well ti depends, because love has many many different forms. ((you don't love family, the same way as your wife etc...)) Love is one of those things, I believe, that while it exists, it is something that can never truly be put into words. It is something that can't be expressed through the means of words, or talking, it is something that can only be felt. It is not something that can be told to someone. As with many emotions imo, you have to feel them to truly understand them, no amount of words can convey just what they are to people that don;t know about them. Now, other emotions come up much more frequently, so surely most know how they feel, love seems to be something that doesn't. It isn't something that automatically happens, and it can't be experienced all the time, so clearly, it would be harder to understand something as complex as love. It is something I don;t really have a lot of experience in o be honest. I am not one to really care. I don't actively seek love because it is not important to me. And this is my issue with Tacos statement earlier, not that you are wrong, but that is a pretty bad way to look at it. The way you say it means that without that person you are broken and not a full being, if that is the case it isn't not truly love. You shouldn't be so dependent on that person that without them you are nothing or lesser as a person. If you lose that person, because if that is the case, you then lose everything. And that is not true love, that is obsession over a person. I am not sure you mean it that way, but the puzzle analogy is one that does not sit well with me. It means without that other, you are not whole. Love should be between 2 people who are whole, not two beings who are broken and the only thing holding each other up. That is not a good ground for love. It is not a problem to be solved, it isn't a puzzle, that is a short-sighted and misinformed way to look at the big picture. ((and my definition of broken person is someone who can't accept that their flaws are a part of them, they try to think they can solve their flaws. Flaws aren't a problem either, and the cannot be fixed they are a part of you and your very being, if you do not love the whole of yourself, you cannot truly love another, it just doesn't work.)) this idea plays into the Romanticized version of love, the not wanting to live another day without that person, that they complete you. This is love in the story books, undying passion etc. It is quite literally love to the point of obsession. There is a reason it is used in media, because it is more interesting to see somebody who is that "in love" with someone try to get that person to show them that love back, or to use it to cause drama in some other way. But love doesn't really work that way. Just my 2 cents, and I don;t mean to sound like I am snapping at you Tacp, I am not. I just don't like the whole puzzle analogy to love, it is a very very incorrect way to describe it imo.
  19. Archer is a very special case, and his attributes don't really reflect his true power. He is powerful in ways those stats cannot show. I am trying not to spoil much, but lets just say Rin's Archer isn't the norm so he should never be used as a benchmark for anything, because he is an outlier. ((why are there so many weird spirits summoned in the Fifth Grail War?)). ((I could go into this, however it would be massive spoilers, so we should drop any convo on Archer after mentioning that, since he is one of those characters you can't really talk about without spoiling a hell of a lot of plot.)) Keep in mind, that Flynn also said that he would be better summoned as a Rider ((at least with the one personal skill, the one that made him have kinship with animals.)), this could explain his strange affinity for other stats as that he hasn't been summoned in the optimal class. ((think Herc, Herc is pretty held back by being summoned as berserker in terms of his NP power since he loses the ones he most likely would have had as Archer, or another class. Bluebeard also was summoned under an inoptimal class, being Caster. [though he is another anomaly, another spirit who shouldn't have been summoned at all, but due to his master's ineptitude, and his masters outlook, ended up being summoned anyway.])) And keep in mind guys, the reason Grail Wars are so dangerous is quite literally every servant is god damn op. Like literally, in anything else, Servants would be considered broken as hell. But since 7 broken as hell guys are fighting each other, it balances out sorta. ((Assassin typically gets the super short end of the stick, but eh....)). Watch any fight scene in the Ufotable Adaption.....literally things are blowing up in like episode 2.....not to mention the craters being left everywhere. ((makes me wonder how the bloody hell nobody notices.....apparently in the world of anime, people can't see or hear explosions if they are not involved in any way, UNTIL, said recognizing them becomes plot relevant.....))
  20. Risk of Rain sucked me back in.........with having to reunlock all my characters along with the 2 new ones......more mad I have unlock all the items again. Least I have friends to play with.

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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh and all artifact runs are stupid.... http://www.twitch.tv/raigenku/c/5410153 game with me and my friends....I am the guy complaining about the slimes at the beginning....who instantly get murdered.

  21. It was about time for the group to reach their decision. They had reached the town of Forkroad, a rather quiet little town. It was a pretty unremarkable place, and it was rather small even though it was right in the middle of the paths connecting the other cities. It seemed like a small rest stop, meant for travelers to rest their weary bones for a night. However, it was still early morning when they reached it, so plenty of daylight was left to burn, it would be a waste to stop now. The group had one choice to make, take the safe road to the City full of bigots, or take the abandoned road to a safe city.
  22. yea after checking Battle Continuation on the Wiki......A is way too high, C is probably more appropriate if he has it at all.
  23. Yea, that is why I can understand getting confused. ((though he could possibly have it, I am not familiar with the legends.))
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