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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. oh and title-wise, Macbeth would be probably the "King of Madness.", or "The Scottish King". ((the second in reference to what actor's call him to avoid bringing the curse back.)) ((and Sheep Battle Continuation is listed under their class skills on the wiki due to something with one of the Fate things. [forget which] listing it as such, so it would be easy to assume that it was.))
  2. To be fair though Rusty, a lot fo other Fate stuff would have been pretty dude heavy if they didn't genderbend a few of them lol. ((honestly makes me wonder if I should genderbend Macbeth lol, for the reason that his wife was the one that spurred him to action. I don;t really think it is a thing I want to do though lol.))
  3. Yea, I like you Lancer, he seems pretty interesting, enough so that I want to look it up and find out more about the legend associated with him.
  4. I think it is meant as like an offshoot of his magic resistance, like his magic resistance is lower because he resists specialized forms of it. In the end I think it is fine in either category. EDIT: and ninja'd Should note, Macbeth is totally immune to the Poison since it ranks the same as his Weakened Weird Sister's Prophecy.((even if it is super potent, it's actually rank he is still immune to.)) otherwise, the Lance is super decent against him. The Resistance/Immunity feels so broken lol.
  5. Yea we aren't going to metagame you on it, as our characters still won;t know what it is. ANd looks interesting, I now have some more legends to look into lol.
  6. You should so we are aware of what they are. That way we don;t have to on the fly rule how they work. ((it will make the game smoother while it is afoot.))
  7. Yea, sometimes it does that. But that is when I sue ti to try and figure out how it is spelled and try to remember it for next time.
  8. Oh tell me about it, I know the feeling exactly my friend lol. Trust me, if spell check didn't exist I wouldn't be anywhere near this articulate in text. And I know it isn't going to change overnight, the fact that you are working on it is all that matters. ((it most certainly hasn't for me lol, I still struggle sometimes. Wish my brain didn't try to spell phonetically XD. Heck....I still switch words that sound similar sometimes. [like who and you, I switch them a lot without thinking about it.]))
  9. One more question. If they are passive NPs, do they also deactivate? Since Macbeth doesn't really activate either of his, they are just sort of on all the time. Just going to say it would be a little more than bull if they shut off just cause he "used" them. ((I just don't think it makes sense to activate on more innate stuff even is she does know about them, since they can't really be triggered off.)) And you really need to work on being clear and concise Rusty. It can be hard to muddle through your posts at times because you add a lot of words that shouldn't be there. ((You are a heck of a lot better then you used to be, so I don't mean to sound mean here. Heck, I have my own problems sometimes XD.))
  10. That really has nothing to do with it, I could care less what it looks like if the story is good and it works well enough that it looks passable. ((but I am that way with everything, content is the most important thing to me, above all else. Graphics are just something nice on top, but they need only be serviceable in my opinion. I am sure others disagree, but eh.))
  11. Jeneve, a smart one she was, a shame Acquie couldn't really participate. But yes that is a very true statement in Graterras, and one reason I think Sigurd might get you guys in deep shit someday. ((though it would be interesting from a story stand point. Peril is what makes the narrative interesting, if your characters weren't in danger, this wouldn't be fun.)) This isn't a land where Rash decisions are very wise.
  12. Basically, most choices from here on out are going to be like this. You have 2 poisons to choose from. A, causes you to bleed profusely from the eyes until death. B. Causes Gut-Wrenching pain, and then ruptures internal organs, leading to an untimely death. Basically, both choices suck.....so you got to choose which sucky thing you will go with. ((and it won't always be just 2 options.)) Also, just want me to bump? I might have left an NPC out, or I could use Odin. ((since he knows some of the area from when he was a wee lad.))
  13. Uh....what? It doesn't look all that different to me....... Anyway, still waiting for Flynn to post his Lancer in the thread......I am so curious as to who it is lol. ((might of missed it...but that is cause my attention span is super bad sometimes.))
  14. There is your answer Chim. And as I should have said earlier.....I think the Hanzo Sheep put up is pretty much fine. Ninja's power were very much likened to magic as the things they did seemed impossible. ((it didn't help outsiders that ninjas hide their bodies, so that their secrets could never be found out.)) Basically, I think the teleport NP he has is fine. I doubt it is super far ranged, it is probably only a few feet, and it probably saps a buttload of prana, therefore if he constantly is using it it is going to drain his master super quickly. It is most likely a last resort to either escape, or to reposition if he otherwise could not. As Sheep mentioned, he most likely couldn't go up against the big Melee Fighters 1v1 without a big advantage of some sort.
  15. This is quite literally the last time I am going to say this. If this doesn't speed up in the next few days, I am retaking control. ((also probably never letting any other group member lead the party ever again, since I have been burned this time.)) I want this to get moving and not stall out, and it only seems to do that under my guidance. This is the last time I am saying something before moving ahead of my own accord.
  16. It is up to Acquie if I canonize it. I am not just going to snatch up something she made lol. ((and it is is more because Lumabella is the goddess of Individuality as well as the Goddess of Light, and as such she can read people's [and gods for that matter] very souls. Though It is pretty apt, to say as such. Scholar's excerpt. "Of Gods and Goddesses, Volume Lumabella, Lady of Light and Individuality." "For she has reached true enlightenment, she knows her own soul so thoroughly that she can see the souls of others. She can read the fine lines and cracks in those souls and trace them, and compare them to her own. This is how Lumabella knows the soul and the very being of every living creature. She Possesses the infinite knowledge of her own soul, and through that knowledge knows of every other soul in existence."))
  17. She would more or less be both. Shepherding those that were victimized and tortured, and punishing those that committed said acts against other people.. ((and Mortimo would totally put her in charge of punishing those people even if she was biased, because Mortimo is playing his sick game with peoples lives, so the more that get condemned...the happier he is. And just to be frank.....none of the avatars know Mortimo is evil. He is really good at hiding it, only Lumabella knows how dark he truly is.))
  18. I typically a patient man.....but I am really starting to get just a bit peeved at how slow Graterras is going right now.....probably the last time somebody ever gets to lead if this is the way it is going to be.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Why I never do it, Commander. because I know I'll likely get very pissed very fast and feelings will get damaged and vendettas and tension will start. I still don't know why the hell I decided to make an Exception in Exodus.

  19. I could put parts of her legend into Graterras for sure. I don;t think she would appear, unless I made her turn into one of Mortimo's avatars of Death. She would judge those scorned and wrecked by vengeance. So tha their crimes are not punished as would a normal person's would have been. Mortimo ((god of Death by the way.)) has at least 5 Death Angels. ((thinking of bumping it up to 9, as it is what the Death Angels named themselves after. The Name was picked by Hollow and Ashnard. To say the least Echo is not fond of the name....though she finds it funny that she is using an organization with the same name of one of his creations, to rip him from the very skies.)). Avatars of Death that currently exist. Fiddler on the Green: A Male Figure, in the deathscape((the transition point, where one enters the afterlife. This deathscape reflects the demeanor of the avatar that takes you to the afterlife.)) he is met on a field of Green grass that spreads for miles and seems to go on forever. He shepherds Children, the elderly and those that died of terrible illness. He has sometimes appears before the pure of heart, or those that have lived their lives to the fullest. ((and most typically, Bards out of that second group.)) The One who Stares: A Skeletal Figure, much like the traditional Grim Reaper. It((of unknown gender, though it is a male, however that is only found out after death, so it is safe to say no "living" person would be able to know.)) has eyes that glow strange colours and seem to pierce the very soul. It is met on a plane of pure grey, with no features for its deathscape. He visits the mundane, those that just lived an average life. He stares into their souls to see who they could have been...and what they could have been capable of. She who holds the Book: A female figure, that has no face. She holds in her hand a black book inscribed with runes and dark magic. She is clad in a black dress. Her deathscape is that of eternal darkness. She condemns those that desecrated their oaths, by stripping them of their very humanity. The punishment depends on the crime and the severity. Typically she banishes them to endless torture in various forms. SOme get thrown into Mortimo's Game, while others go to a kind of hellscape that they are forced to relive their mistakes for eternity etc. He who holds the Iron Sword: A Winged Demon of a skeleton. It wears a bloody blindfold, representing the crime of the victims he judges. His deathscape is that of a cold abyss, representing the cold void souls of the ones he judges. He damns those that betray their fellows, in whatever way it they do so. His bloody blindfold represents the blindside that the one he Judges used to deceive the one he betrayed. Once again, the punishment correlates with how vile the offense is. For Example, Paladins breaking their oaths in ways such as murdering their own wives, children, or the murder of a person who trusted them are turned into vile undead which are sent back into the world. ((Check Graterras for the Death Knight, that is one example.)) Their very souls are damned and forced to remember their horrible misdeeds. They are forced to become the very image of what they were to protect the world from. Less serious offenses are mostly treated with hellscapes, which aren't pleasant, but are no where near as vile and unbecoming as being transformed into the very monster you swore to purge from the world. Maiden in Silver: A young woman, she wears a long silver dress, and covers her face. Her Deathscape is a grove of Cherry blossoms. She is said to appear only before those who were destined to become heros, or those that were heros at their death. ((sorry for the long amounts of drivel......couldn't help myself.))
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