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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Anemone "Some are beyond saving Charity. As cliche as it is... you can't save everyone. Ansuz is beyond that. To be corrupted to that level, one must be in part willing. But more importantly, if there was a better way Merlin would've found it a long time ago." Anemone wasn't really sure this was any effective. Why she didn't like religious types... They always blamed themselves for everything and further held themselves so high that that can never live up to their own expectations. A dangerous combination. "Further, Gypsy's blood isn't on your hands. l don't really care about the whole "indirectly my actions caused it..." horseshit. You did not kill him. Ansuz did. Gypsy is dead because of Ansuz. Ansuz CHOOSE to kill them in choosing to take another life. l'll only say this once. l'm not your enemy Charity. However, l cannot abide someone who cannot trust us in times of need. Nor can l afford to, nor can any of us. lf you cannot do that which you set out to do, if you cannot in that moment put your faith in your allies... you aren't our ally. Unwavering faith without question is terrible. That is just as bad if not worse. So don't misunderstand me. But you now understand what we are dealing with. Someone willing to kill over a sick twisted revenge fantasy. Someone so utterly consumed by darkness they are barely have humanity left. The very thing l'm sure whatever faith you believe in holds in utter contempt. Ansuz stopped being a child. You can no longer treat them as such. They are beyond redemption. Redemption doesn't not exist for those that consort with demons of the mind. You should understand that better than anyone else. That there is nothing you can fix. There is nothing you can save. The longer Ansuz exists in this world, the more pain they will cause. People will die. People will suffer... until Ansuz no longer walks this world. l don't fully understand the extent of this but... the longer they exist, the more it'll hurt for Merlin too. The longer this goes on, it'll fester and rot in her soul. The longer this goes on the more this will hurt her. Whoever Ansuz was before... That's not who he is anymore, and whoever that was isn't coming back. Merlin l'm sure understands this. You must as well, you must for your own sake. But, l can't make you. Understand, the others may see you as a traitor. Frankly, l cannot say they are wrong. But l cannot condemn you, in good faith, for doing what you had believed was right. However, l can and l will if you refuse to learn from your mistake. Now... l'm finished." Anemone quickly shut her eyes after she finished speaking to indeed indicate she was finished. "Dying would've been so much easier... alas, l've still much to do in this world. Prefer it that way. Easy never was my style." she thought to herself.
  2. and seeing as Anemone is missing an arm... she probably will as well lol. recovery and all. Want to make sure her arm heals before she gets another blasted into smithereens hmmm. @Twinwolf, l mean guess it'd depend on what she thought Anemone meant by her wanting her to stay with her ((so to what extent. She only meant for the moment but she could just stick around until she recovers fully as well XD.))
  3. Anemone "Yes. l know that. lf you knew what would've come of that action l am sure you'd not take it again. Why l won't be after your head. You're still a good person Charity, you're still who you were before. You can't change what happened but you can continue to live your life. You didn't know what would happen." Anemone tried to pick herself up, but found it difficult with only a single arm and further, felt like the world was about to fall away underneath her once she moved. She decided against it then and sunk back into Forge's lap. "l know this doesn't make this any easier or any better. But Gypsy just as well with what he did. That was a calculated risk. l just wish he'd have let me die instead. No one would be upset if l were gone. No one would have to cry."
  4. Anemone "Hmmm, l know your lying. Your face tells me as much. That and l know you probably blame yourself for Gypsy's death. Many would see it that way, your actions leading to it. However, what happened you could not have known the outcome of." Anemone shifted herself looking over the girl. She didn't really know much about her, she was dressed as a nun, Anemone presuming she was much the religious type. lf she knew anything, she knew she'd blame herself before anyone else. Her reddened eyes, and tear soaked cheeks, they gave it all away. "Ansuz... is manipulative. He played at something in you. Your humanity. l can't ever say those events for good but l can say they prove you aren't soulless... and l can say you probably aren't the only one that would've succumb to such. l felt the urge myself. That's Ansuz's game. l doubt any of this is helping... cause l'm terrible at this. But, understand that what happened was because your human. We make mistakes, we pass judgement incorrectly sometimes. And sometimes we aren't the ones that pay the price for it. That's life. Anyway, l don't know how the others will respond to you once they have the time to think on it. To process what has happened. But, l know that l don't think your a bad person. Your still here to learn from this, so do so." Anemone paused for a moment, she seemed to be thinking about something rather hard. "Not for Gypsy's sake though, not for anyone else's. For your own."
  5. Anemone Anemone had closed her eyes for the meantime as Feardorka, or whatever his name was again, worked. Pretending to be asleep she awaited when he finally left. As he announced his departure, she shifted her head a little so that she could see Charity. "Hey, Charity. You've been awfully quiet, you doing alright?"
  6. Ahhhh, new avvie to celebrate pull of one of me fav characters.~

    1. Commander


      Tana my actually be the best lance peg in heroes right now. Well, her competition isn't even that fierce because a certain lovable Peg got screwed of her Win(d) Spear.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Caeda actually has a niche over Palla now which is Ploy usage. Sadly Ploys are so frustrating limited still lol. lt's at least something, because Defense Ploy would really help her low damage output. ~~lt's jsut only on a time limited unit causeofcourse it is...~~

  7. Anemone Anemone didn't really have the time to pay attention to the madwoman as Forge helped to lower her to ground level. She didn't really protest much given her knees were screaming at her already. So, she was happy to go along with it. Forge probably intended her to sit, however Anemone sunk lower, laying on her back. She nestled her head into the ultimate place for resting on somebody else, Forge's lap. She really was in heaven. She looked up at Forge with her soft golden yellow eyes, a little smirk on her face. "l think this arrangement might be more comfortable for the both of us.~" She crossed the one arm she could move across her chest and giggled.
  8. Anemone Feardocha would find himself suddenly with a purple hoodie thrown at him. how Anemone got out of it that fast with but one arm... the world may never know. Underneath was a white tee, with the same flower symbol that they often saw within her magic. The image of an Anemone flower."You can use that, l've got more of them anyway and it's missing an arm. Should be clean enough for you to tear apart and use. The fabric should be sturdy enough." She settled her head back into the crook of Forge's shoulder before continuing. "As for the splints... not much l can do there. l probably shouldn't be casting right now unless it's an utter emergency so ya'll will have to find something suitable to use. Take care of her though, those injuries to her legs are bad... l just hope she's okay." She paused for a moment. She easily took the most punishment out of those still here. Some self-inflicted even. Anemone was genuinely concerned, though if her arm was fixable, this should be too. She pushed through the feelings though and continued speaking. "Feardachshund or whatever you go by... once you get lce's legs set though, go. There's nothing you can really do for my arm, as l told Forge it's beyond anything first aid can do. l know cause l can't feel it at all. Nerves are gone. That means extensive damage. Forge, Charity and myself, if things get desperate enough, can hold down the fort here."
  9. Anemone Anemone spoke under her breath, however her being that close to Forge it was probably perfectly audible. "Oh good. Nothin' against muscles over there but l'd rather him not pop me like a bad zit in those arms of his..." Anemone however then went back to her passive observing for now. She assessed the current crew with relative speed in her mind. Only really her and lce sustained major damage in that battle. lce moreso than her, and probably being the one that committed the most firepower. However, her own efforts managed to allow lce that room. She still wasn't sure who had nudged her though. She wasn't familiar enough with the casting styles of all of them yet to discern who had done so. She could've had more burns to her name if it weren't for that. She wished she could thank someone for it but... she couldn't. Past that everyone looked quite healthy. Bartek despite taking a hit was holding up remarkably well. He seemed to be quite the hardy one. Wasn't all talk then it'd seem. After assessing the big guy though, her eyes came to Charity. She was sure this would be a topic that may explode sooner or later. For now... no one was losing their cool at the least, probably since there was yet things to do. Anemone herself wasn't really sure what to think. On one hand Charity would be a traitor. She turned on all of them in that action of hers. Further, she showed that she didn't trust Merlin in that moment and was capable of that mistrust. However, Anemone to some degree could empathize. That situation was not an easy one. She had a feeling Ansuz preyed on such things. lt felt as if that's what his goal was. Charity couldn't have known the true danger in her action, but Anemone was sure she'd know now. Her actions resulted in Gypsy's death. She'd be the one that had to live with that. Perhaps penance enough. However, she wasn't sure the others would quite see it that way. Anemone endeavored to make that known to her as soon as the others filed out. When it was just the two of them and Forge. She figured she shouldn't be bereft of the situation. Though she had an inkling that she understood already. She hoped she did, otherwise she'd not be long for this world if she couldn't assess something that plain.
  10. Anemone Anemone nodded in reply. "Medicine can fix this as... far gone as it may seem. l'm not worried about losing my arm. lf it was an issue, l'd probably have amputated it already. There's no feeling in it so it'd not hurt." She'd got her mind back under her control and with the current situation she wasn't really even thinking herself. Anemone's ponytail drooped showing just how low on energy she was. She felt weak at the knees so as if she could topple at any moment. She didn't really register Forge's invitation for a moment. "Also yes... that'd be heavenly right now." she said promptly placing her head into the nook of Forge's shoulder. Forge would feel her ponytail ever so slightly swaying, maybe meaning nothing to her, but it portrayed Anemone's sub-conscience happiness. While she was snuggling into Forge's nice and comfy shoulder she listened to Merlin's game plan. Luckily someone had one. lt must've been hard shoving down all of those emotions to lead right now. But, any leader knew they had to appear together for those that followed them. As flighty and strange a person Merlin was... she had a good head on her shoulders. Anemone respected that. Anemone couldn't help but be a bit selfish though, she wanted one particular person to stay at the moment mostly so that she didn't risk collapsing during a transfer and end up injuring herself more. So practical selfishness! That's how she'll justify it~ "Merlin, leave Forge here. Mostly because l kinda need help to stand right now and l'd raaaaaather her not let go of me right now. l might... collapse. So that'd be the most sensible person to leave here by my assessment."
  11. Anemone Anemone sorta spaced out just watching what was unfolding... "Damnit Gypsy... you idiot. You made her cry. Didn't anyone tell you that is the last thing you're supposed to do to the one you love? And you have twice... You should've let me die instead. She'd not have anything to cry about that way." she thought to herself as she watched what was unfolding. She was snapped out of herself by Forge talking to her again. Though that caused the end of her relatively short span of sobriety. "Well, unless you've suddenly cracked the case of healing magic noooot much. A kiss would make me feel better though~ That's a kind of healing magic pretty sure." she let slip completely by accident. Her usual composure was failing her and she was speaking her thoughts out loud. Damn arm exploding... making her loopy. She took a deep breath, before continuing. "Sorry... l'm a bit out of it at the moment. But l'm fine, or will be fine. l don't really think there's much you can do though. My arm is definitely beyond any means of repair that we'd have access to for now. l can't even actually move it myself my nerves are that badly damaged. Just uh... stay with me in case l collapse or something. l'm not exactly in the best of states. Better off then the other girl. l'm surprised she's still awake. l can't feel my arm at all, nerves are all dead. But... she definitely can feel that in her legs."
  12. TFW first card you get in the expansion for Hearthstone is a legendary... ((and one of the Death Knghts. Sadly... it's Garrosh a.k.a Warrior a.k.a expensive the deck.))

  13. Anemone "Ooooo, that hurts!!!" Anemone shouted as a mage she wasn't as familiar came to assist her. And damn did it ever. An immense amount of pain shot up into her arm as the woman firmly jammed her shoulder back into it's rightful place. Decently tall, least in comparison to her... whitish silvery hair, p...purple eyes? Was she dreaming? She was a bit out of it from the pain and just everything happening so quickly that she almost believed for a moment a silver haired, purple eyed Valkyrie had come to whisk her away. However, Anemone knew she was still alive so that clearly couldn't be the case. ln this moment of getting lost she realized that suddenly they were moving. The woman pulling her along against her will. Not that Anemone minded a pretty lady doing so. Her inhabitions weren't exactly holding her back at the moment so she just started talking. "Oh, whisk me away to safety pretty angel.~ And touch me with some more of that healing magic of yours.... does that even exist? l thought it didn't. You've got... really nice hands...though. Maybe you can." she said giggling a bit to herself.
  14. Anemone Anemone managed to land on her feet and not crash into anything from the unexpected boost of speed. She figured one of her allies nudged her with some form of magic but she wasn't really sure of who as she'd not seen the force that did so. Now that the immediate fighting was over, her body started to ache all over. Other than her arm. She couldn't feel it at all. All she felt was a weight at the end of her shoulder. Her nerves in her arm were entirely shot to the point she couldn't even move it lower than the elbow. She knew this was the case because she tried. No response. She could move it at the shoulder but she knew it was definitely dislocated. She didn't feel the pain of it earlier due to the adrenaline she imagined, but it was the only pain she felt from her arm. The rest of it, no sensation at all. lt just hung at her side, dead. lt'd not really interfere with her casting if she had to for now. She'd casted through worse pain before. Her concentration was her strong point. A bit of pain wasn't about to stop her. However she was going to need help getting her arm back into socket... so it'd stop hurting. She poked around looking for someone free, "Hey! Can somebody help me push my shoulder back into socket? Be muuuch appreciated~" she said pointing to the smouldering pile of slag that was now her arm. Rather chipper for one that more or less had their arm blasted off.
  15. No not really. Castlevania is pretty easy to sum up. Belmont or someone related to them somehow goes to Castle, kicks Dracula's ass. All there's really to it. ((for the most part.)) And l'll be around to help with other stuff. ((and much faster on Discord.))
  16. Anemone Her left arm was more than useless now, in such a state of damage that she couldn't even feel the pain from it. Her nerves were dead up most of her "arm" if it could really be called that anymore. lt wasn't much more than a useless lump of charred flesh and bone. She reached out for her focus, she'd let go of it in the blast and she was going to need it. She stood still just staring down the cannon and Ansuz, with her smoldering purple eyes. She'd not lost her grip on her power despite the barrier failing... she began to store her magic for another purpose. She concentrated all her efforts, and she bode her time before the cannon fired. She should use what time she had to begin working on magic. She made an effort to access the scene as it went on, something she was used to doing. Bartek running forward scared her, she wasn't sure if any of the others would continue attacking and he may be in the line of fire if such was the case. lce was... well quite beyond her help. With but one arm she'd not be able to help her much under this threat of fire. Her mind calmy telling her "Getting out of here would probably be a good idea." lt seemed the cannon wouldn't be able to readjust it's fire while it was doing so... however, the previous attempts were to block it. The Lens were gone, perhaps making the next blasts weaker but Anemone felt with how easily two barriers fell, it'd still be too much firepower for her to be able to block. She'd not be able to muster a defense quickly enough so... she had to do what no mage ever expected another to do. Use their body rather than their magic. She was relatively certain she could duck out of the way fast enough to avoid the shot given the range. She'd dodge off to the side hopefully avoiding any shrapnel from the blast. She knew this fight probably wasn't one they could outright win, so staying alive to figure a way out of it was of the utmost importance at the moment. She'd already lost an arm... probably for good. She didn't want to lose more.
  17. You know... kinda enjoy that covers are really easy to use gifs for~ ((also was about time for a change))

  18. Alrightly then~ The first RP l've made in a clean forever. lt's one inspired by a series l've really come to enjoy in the past year or two. Further l've combined it with Darkest Dungeon a game l also love for some extra fun~

    Hope you enjoy this little mashup of Darkest and Castlevania, stop on by the thread and if ya feel up to it make a character! ((might be a tad advanced of an RP as a warning but l'm willing to help out anybody who signs up if they need it.))




  19. Forward: "Valtoria... a simple town once she was. Just yer ol' run of the mill fishin' village. She sat nestled in the bosom of mother nature, a natural valley. To the north, the great Weatherly Hill, a natural barrier that helped defend the town from horrid weather. South lay a great mountain range. Ol' Weatherly Bay had sustained this town for centuries. The main source of our liveli'ood. it lay to the east of town. All these borders made it easy to defend ourselves the first time it 'appened. The first time the legions of 'ell came knockin' on our doors. The first time those... damnable beasts took flight and tried their best to wipe humanity from the world. We had but one border to defend and further... a noble house full of those that fought against the tide of darkness for a livin'. We weren't sure of their worth until those days... but we saw very well they new 'ow to keep the beasts at bay. The Lockharts. With their help we drove back the legions summoned by the devil himself. Some called him... Dracula. Vlad the Impaler. He had many names, each painting a more gruesome picture. We never caught 'air nor 'ide of 'im though. The Lockhart lad said that his castle lay in a far off land. And he took off to slay ‘im. Apparently something their family was destined to do. To put down Dracula each and every time he arose. We never saw the lad again, but to his credit... the beasts eventually stopped coming. We figured he sacrificed 'imself to put down the villain... a shame as he was the last of his line. The year, 1241. Things returned to normal for a time. Three centuries in fact. lt is now, the year 1541 of our Lord. Valtoria faces a dire fate. ln the distance on Weatherly Hill... arose a dark castle. We didn't know what to think at first, but the thing had seemed to come out of nowhere. As if it was built over night while all the townsfolk were asleep. For a few days... nothing. The castle loomed in the distance menacingly, it's macabre design leavin' most folks scared. They were right to be alarmed. It wasn't long before those same beasts flooded out of the gates in the night like they once had before. Our worst fears finally confirmed... it was Dracula's Castle come to roost on our doorstep. It took over one of our natural borders, ol' Weatherly Hill lost to the castle. However, no Lockhart ever returned. We are on our own this time. I try to rally the efforts to defend this little town but I'm afraid the efforts aren't as easy to rise this time as they were long ago. It's more bleak than we could ever imagine. There's no end to the demons and monsters that pile out of that castle... and no saviour that will take down Dracula. With no Heroes... I'll have to raise whatever force I can get my 'ands on and face the Prince of Night. It's the only way we can save Valtoria. If someone's readin' this... in some ruin of Valtoria someday, know that I, William Hewlit, tried." A gruff old man, grey beyond his years tucked a piece of parchment away into a parcel. He sighed as he sealed it with wax, and then put it into his dresser. He smoothed the old worn vest on his chest and patted himself to cause the dust to fly away from his clothes. He coughed a bit, as he'd accumulated quite a bit more than he'd anticipated. He grabbed a crossbow that was leaned against his nightstand. He inspected the piece in his hands despite knowing it like the back of his hand. Old beat up thing, but it never once let him down. "Come on Betsy... let's see if we cannae find some brave souls for our suicide mission. For our crazed assault on Dracula's Castle. Mayhaps someone won't call me crazy tonight... and know what needs to be done." introduction: Howdy folks! Hukuna Sensei here and... dang. It's been awhile huh? Back in the day l was throwing all kinds of crazy projects at y'all. Probably much too much that l tried myself out. But, think it's about time l try and break out of this little hosting hiatus I'm on and try my hand at this thing once more. And of course, lt'd not be a Hukuna RP if it weren't a little ambitious. Anyway, i've always been fascinated by the Castlevania series, lt always captured the classic vampire hunter vibe while still including some amazing things from history, mythology, and classic movie monsters! l think this RP is a bit more inspired by Castlevania, but it's got a few bits and pieces from Darkest Dungeon to make the idea pan out and flow better. You'll understand what I mean later. So, let's get into the meat shall we? Rules: Keep Calm! Things may not always go your way, do not panic. In addendum, there may be times in this RP you do not have full control of your character. This will never be in the hands of another player only the GM ((me)), so Bunnying still a no-go. No godmodding, powerplaying, etc. These are general RP taboos and they shouldn’t be done here. I won’t be going over them here, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t still a problem. Keep Suism in check. Mary Sues aren’t truly a binary, off/on kind of deal. They are more fluid a concept. So please use your better discretion. I will let you know if you’re going too far in that direction. ((remember while there’ll be some magical elements etc in this game, your characters are very much nobodies and way in over their heads. It’s goin’ to be a bit ugly~)) Most importantly, Have fun! System and Sheet: Extra Mechanics and Additional information: Differences Between Faith and Magecraft: Camping: Save Rooms: Stress: Death’s Door: On Equipment: Blank Sheet: Example Sheet: Backstories are optional, however taking the time to do one will be quite a bit of a boon for you. Do not submit them with your sheet however. Please pm them to me either here on Reborn on on Discord. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Kdfcnf4 This is the link to the Discord l'll be using for RPs and stuff related to my writing content probably for a long time. lt will be a place to have better contact with me if you need character help etc. Please remember, you are a guest. l don't have to provide this and l'd ask y'all refrain from being disruptive etc. Especially for those that join later and are not a part of the game. So, be on your best behavior please~ There will be a limited amount of players in this RP as a heads up as well. 4 is the most likely number l will pick with 6 being the absolute maximum. l suggest getting your sheets in. Don't be too put off if you aren't picked first time around though. Dracula's Castle is pretty deadly. We might find need of new Hunters as time goes on~ Anyway, without further ado... l present to you my newest RP. Hukuna-Sensei, out~ Accepted Characters and Current Hunters: Groove Filcher- Click Here Oleander Aylward- Click Here Bedelia Burke- Click Here Jess- Click Here
  20. Anyway, silliness from earlier aside, l will be releasing the new semi-secret RP, my return to hosting, Tomorrow~

    So whether you're old blood of the RP sub-forum or maybe you've never set foot there, swing on by and check it out~ 


    As a heads up, slots will be SUPER limited for this RP. So if you want in, you're going to have to fight for it. Good Luck, muhuhu~

    1. Shamitako


      ...Technically I shouldn't pick up another rp... Huk Y U du dis *stabs*

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ooooooooooooow. <3 But uh... cause l caaaaaaaaaaan. That... and l need to host something l'm going stir crazy over here not doing it.

  21. l mean it looks pretty much exactly like Midday. lt's so barely different that clever concept doesn't come across at all. Like l get what Dusk is and l get they are combining the two just doesn't look like it really one iota. The concept is suuuuuper poorly executed. Visually it's a super lazy design, as it's really just a shiny that's apparently a whole other form. l know it apparently has the hair from Midnight but it really doesn't look like it does cause it doesn't read like that at all, it just reads the same as Midday. And if the Dawn form is a similar just recolour with very minimal changes... that's be extremely disappointing as well. The idea/concept isn't what's lazy. lt's the implementation of said idea. This was the laziest way possible to visualize this. lt's 98.9% Midday form who's a different colour, 1.1% Midnight. lt should be more pronounced if it's truly a combo of the two. As is... midnight form barely even readable... lt's just barely present in the design at all.
  22. Wait... that's a new form? l thought it was jsut like... a colour-swap on the shiny. lt's jsut... orange Midday... l'm not really sure why l should care. lt's like...lt's so barely different how is it a new form? Guess they'll change some aspect of it but like design-wise this is suuuuuuuuuuch a huge miss for me. This is so laaaaaaaaazy. l expect better tbh.
  23. Hmmm, weird an avvie change. Wonder what it could mean? Mayhaps it's a hint for my upcoming RP...? Naaaa couldn't be.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah, an example to that is the Up animation for Jonathan Morris, where if you hold the Up button long enough he will take a JoJo pose

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      muhuhu, that's great. l've yet to actually play Portrait of Ruin. Probably will at some point though. Meaning to get to all the Cvania's ((least the lgavania period ones.))

    4. Wolfox


      Portraid of Ruin is a great game, be sure to keep all items you pick up that aren't enemy drops tho, since they could be one offs

  24. Anemone Anemone was a bit overwhelmed with the circumstance and further now due to sensory overload. The 6 runes for the lens were blinding due to her true vision. They burned bright with powerful magic. She wasn't really sure what type of magic it was however, she figured it had something to do with the giant fuck off cannon that was going to fire. Unfortunately she didn't think to prepare a barrier or some spell in advance. Probably a mistake given her style of casting. She knew they'd be entering a dicey situation, but now wasn't the time to lament what she forgot. lt was the time for action. She stepped forward quickly touching her hand to Merlin's shoulder. lt helped to touch what she was meaning to cast around and this shield wasn't just for herself. She tapped her staff on the ground, the sound of plastic tapping on the floor it's result. A soft glow of purple came up from the floor quickly forming a bubble around Anemone and Merlin as the small mage put her arm around the woman much larger than herself. The signature symbol of the Anemone flower bloomed on the front of the barrier ever so faintly. lt started to glow brighter as Anemone funneled her concentration into it. She tried to focus everything she had. lt just to be enough to stop the blast from killing Merlin... She didn't really care if she died in the process so long as it saved her. Anemone's eyes glowed with a faint soft purple. More than her usual colour, clear she was focusing all her magic possible, that she'd entered her casting trance. "Ansuz, You're not killing anyone today. Not while l'm here."
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