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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Yea, Nadia got an entire rework since then, so she is quite literally a entirely different character personality and mentality wise.
  2. Stories. The Life Blood of the World. Some of us deal in words and tales. We write them to teach the world and to entertain the masses. We care not how much they are read so long as somebody does, that is all that is important. I am the Storyteller, a nameless force, one who doesn't write for fame or glory, one who writes because it is the thing I enjoy most.

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    2. GotWala


      And could it be said, that this is what makes us differ from other animals? That humanity will indeed create these stories when other creatures simply can't? If nothing else, than this absolute is what makes it mankind's destiny to weave tale after tale. If not us, then who?

    3. Flux


      The bears.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hey, Bears tell a mean tale.

  3. Cleo could possibly have a second NP. ((the number of NPs is unlimited however, it is super rare for Servants to have more than 3. As you will notice a lot of ours have around 2, while Sheep's Archer has 10.)) Keep in mind Assassin tends to be the weakest in one on one combat and presence concealment instantly drops when you are attacking, so no you can't just kill a master instantly. ((keep in mind a lot of master's are trained to fight, so they aren't going to be pushovers or easy to kill, easier than servants yes, but they could defend themselves.)) Also I should note, Nadia is a Melee Mage with a tinge of mid range attacks, so even she isn't really ranged lol. ((she actually is trained in Sword fighting and tends to harden darkness into Swords for fighting.)) so even Berserker's Master isn't Ranged lol. The MA team gets even easier to kite. ((and I am going to note here, that Chim if you really want to be in the MA you can have my spot or Murdoc's, since I am not attached it and I don't think he is either. Hell, Assassin will be sups scary in the MA team and will make them super dangerous.))
  4. "Is something the matter, why have we stopped?" asked Bjorn. "Looks like the lady with the wolf and The Half-Orc are having a bit of a kerfuffle." Chauff said in his sly voice. "I am sure everything is fine you old coots." Odin said. He walked over to the two. He tried to seem serene so the others didn't get concerned, but they most likely would due to the group stopping. "Oi, what's the hold up?" Odin said under his breathe. His expression then changed, like something dawned on him. "Don't tell me, is Wounded Knee still a shithole full of bigots? I was a wee lad the last time I was there, I would have hoped the years changed their outlook. You would think after 100 years, a town would change. I guess not."
  5. Interesting, might play, though Farfetch'd would have to the mon I pick.......nothing else would be 100% for good ol' Hukuna!!!!
  6. Vixen isn't here to be people's friend. Remember what she used to do pre-Eden. She was a survivalist, so she doesn't take chances, so she is going to be super blunt about injured people not fighting because she doesn't want to waste time protecting them in a battle since it lowers their chance of surviving if they have to babysit. ((why she said what she said earlier on, about leaving him behind since they were still close to the shuttle.))
  7. We also really don't have time to stop right now until we get somewhere defendable. Zero is just going to have to huff it for now. Can't risk stopping again.
  8. "Yes, Zero, We can't save your ass every fight." Vixen said over the comms. "And Garen keep your eyes peeled it is better we have at least 2 sets of eyes rather than just one. Everyone else, keep your eyes peeled ahead and make sure we are on target."
  9. Why do I always sleep until super late the next day after a headache? ((woke up at 2 in the afternoon.)

    1. Felicity


      Because your body decides it needs rest

    2. GotWala


      I love sleeping for extended periods of time! Last time I felt terrible, I slept for 38 hours, haha.

  10. ((we don;t know how awesome your Lancer is yet lol.))
  11. Or Archer could end up stumbling across you....any matter of things could happen. So many what-ifs lol.
  12. Yea, Assassin's ability to get info makes them super good in a team. ((since they are definitely the best at that.)) really Assassin and Caster are super scary when they have team since the other servants can keep people away form them, letting them do the things they do.
  13. Yea, it is, but that means all the squishies have no big meat shields guarding them.
  14. ^ and that is a fun, fun thing to have. Trust me, if any of you guys start hosting you will know why we all become twisted.
  15. There is kinda only Umbra right now in the MA currently. ((I think....not 100% sure.)) and it was changed Murdoc since it would be hard to find 14 people who had enough of a grasp on the Fate Universe that would be interested. So Bfrogs knocked the number down to 7.
  16. Because Evil is always fun Flux.....it is always fun to watch your players squirm at how much they hate that guy lol.
  17. Lots of crazy insane bollocks....I can assure that 100%.
  18. Yea, not really. Grail Wars typically aren't a grand affair and only those that need to know are involved. Not to mention any outsiders ((non-mages)) are pretty much instantly killed to keep the magic world secret.
  19. Na, it is totally fine Wala, it is just pretty much every servant has been claimed already. If you want a bit more stuff to see on the Fate Universe, definitely go find Fate/Zero. It is an anime that is in this universe, and explains it decently enough. ((it is an anime that really doesn't feel really anime, as I typically hate anime and I love it XD.))
  20. Well yea, but so is Umbra's in the scheme of things. We just have a big amount of super independent people lol.
  21. ^ you should hold that one for a sec, until we know what everyone else wants to do. ((I don't actually want to be in the MA either, but I figure somebody has to be.))
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