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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Since I realize I didn't assign stuff to his NPs, or give him any personal skills. A little bit more Macbeth, this probably won't effect anything, but here you go. ((check the spoilers for a description of the Personal skills.)) Personal Skill Charisma: C ((lost during Mad enhancement.)) Insecurity: A ((lost during Mad Enhancement.)) Paranoia: A ((only active after Mad Enhancement.)) "Weird Sister's Prophecy": B ((D under Mad Enhancement.)) "The Curse of the Scottish King.": B
  2. Dru led the group along a simple dirt pathway. It was nothing fancy, just like the building of the towns around here. Everything felt simple, down to earth. These were rural people carving out whatever life they could from the lands here. It was now spring, or at least close to it, but the Wilderness here didn't seem to match it. Spring usually felt lively with the flowers blooming and the Trees regaining their leaves. The Shattered Hills however, was still craggy and rocky. Not much foliage grew in the dirt because the rocks crushed the life out of them. Would be sparse patches of grass or other weeds, but not much else. It was like a stubborn old man, stuck in his ways. "It was just Winter not to Long ago....I will get around to changing when I please." it seemed to say. Even the air felt defiant, though it probably had more to do with Air and Earth being opposite container elements. However, it made the place feel off, like a fight could break out any minute. It set most people on edge, a rather nasty quality to the Shattered Hills. Sigurd however could feel the Air had something else it was fixating on, something else it threw it's hatred at. But he didn't know what it was. For Dru, he wouldn't feel it, it was as if the Earth didn't know, or didn't care. Sadly, the Cinder Knights, they didn't get much either. Fire wasn't an easy element to come by in it's pure form, and as it was still spring it wasn't hot enough for them to be able to read the heat. Only really in the lands of Shifting Sands was there enough latent heat for a Cinder Knight to read his element like other templars anytime of the year. Otherwise, they would have to wait until Summer, and even then it was hit or miss. Dru knew they would they come across a fork soon in the path at a small town named Forkroad. Form there he would have to choose which path they would travel. The shorter path, led to a town named Wounded Knee. Dru knew form past experiences, this was not a friendly town. With as many non-humans as they had in their group it would be surprising if they didn't attack them as they came up the road, thinking them a raiding party of some sort. They were surely even more on edge due to the Orc attacks of late. However, the other path was just as dangerous. It was long, and unguarded. Not only was it a prime target for Highwaymen and other undesirable, it also was frequently attacked by a group of Scaleborn Kobolds ((Draconian kind of Kobolds, look like little Lizardmen.)). And if that wasn't enough, it was near the plains, were it made it easy for a mighty beast to wander into your path, whether by accident, or if the beast were looking for an easy meal. It led to the town of Hawk's Roost. The road was mostly abandoned due to the dangers, but it was still there for merchants brave enough to travel it. Merchants carts would not fit on the narrow and craggy path to Wounded Knee, so they still had to go the other route. The decision could be made once the party reached Forkroad.
  3. Vixen's voice came over the comms. "Leave them go, they don't want to fight anymore. Look at how their tactics have changed, they went from a full-on assault to taking a hostage. These Beasts aren't stupid, and I reckon they have at least base reasoning skills if they changed tactics that drastically. You lot are going to have to trust me on this one, because even I can't get a clear shot of the one holding him."
  4. It really isn't harsh typh.....it is common sense. Because your Officer is getting his throat torn out, not like he has time to be ordering you do anything, let alone does it seem smart to ask a question in the middle of a fight....just attack, I am pretty sure that is the only order you will be getting when the enemy is already upon you.
  5. Vixen, as per the Sniper's job immediately whipped around to check on the main force. She saw them being set upon by the Mossy, Wolf-Beasts, she took steps be concealed as possible, so they wouldn't charge her position. She readied her long rifle, first setting her sights on Wolf assaulting Garren. She released another shot form her Long Rifle straight for the thing's Head.
  6. Vixen loosed her Revolver from her hip belt. It still happened to be loaded with 4 shots, after only firing 2 earlier. She rattled off 2 at the Wolf-Beast as it was charging, luckily her Knife didn't go skirting off when she fell, if it closed the distance, she still had it for a back-up weapon.
  7. I really don't mind too much Sheep lol. I mean I kinda picked Berserker to just do crazier stuff rather actually try and win. ((though this Berserker seems pretty cray for a Berserker in terms of power, while it may not be raw power, he seems a lot easier to control than other berserkers until he goes "Banquo Rage" mode. )) Oh and Rusty got his Caster it would seem. Have fun with that one guys, his Caster is bloody cool lol. ((I wouldn't say OP, but definitely interesting.)) and yea, Murdoc, Homonculi are immune, they aren't really "born" they are made, therefore they could harm Macbeth as if he didn't have his Prophecy NP, though I didn't expect it to come up that is why I didn't specify it.
  8. So, have the Prophecy resist higher level attacks and I agree with the curse thing for sure, so it is basically a bounded field that centers around him that triggers upon someone figuring out his Identity by either saying his name, or the first time just thinking it. The further from him you get, the less effect it has until broken. Can be activated anytime his name, Macbeth, is said by that person afterwards, but will not trigger upon just a thought on that victim again. Can safely be referred to as "The Scottish King" or just Berserker. Been really interesting figuring this guy out lol, maybe I should try making some other servants sometimes since it is actually a super interesting challenge. Macbeth Revision ((this will be spoilered from now on, just to prevent some clutter. Revisions are in Red.)) And to your concern there Sheep, if they are born of Woman or the Mother is a mortal being they are not exempt from the rule I would imagine. I only say this since Demi-Gods are just Mortals given Immortality, so they would still be Man ((human.)) therefore if their Mother was also mortal I think He would still resist them, however if their Mother was a Goddess or a divine being then they do full damage to Macbeth.
  9. True, true, it is a hard thing to figure out since it is a curse lol. Will definitely change it to that then. I actually only left that as a placeholder since I wasn't sure what the heck to change the parameter for breaking it to be. ((guess I would need to figure out how big the area of influence would be.))
  10. Macbeth, First Draft. Strength: C ((C+)) {C++} Agility: D ((D+)) Endurance: C ((C+)) Mana: D ((D+)) Luck: E ((E+)) Key (( Stat )): Stat under Mad Enhancement. { Stat }: Stat under special circumstances. Mad Enhancement: Possible EX, Macbath's Insanity was his most powerful attribute. Increases all of his statistics while under Mad Enhancement, but robs him of most sanity and weakens his "Weird Sisters Prophecy" NP. He can talk in very simple words but can't form full sentences,((most typically the Shout of "BANQUO!!!!!")) but rarely does as his mind is completely preoccupied with his paranoia that somebody is after his power. He also is haunted by the "ghost" Banquo. When he sees the "ghost" he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he can quell the ghost and make it disappear. This rage state vastly increases the prana drain on his Master, while increasing his Strength one more level. ((what I mean here is that his paranoia is so great it causes him to perceive objects or people as the "ghost" of Banquo, he goes into an uncontrollable rage until he destroys the object he is perceiving as Banquo.)) ((I kinda wanted to include Banquo somehow, as Banquo's ghost, even if it isn't really him, it is what accelerates Macbeth's Insanity. It is the manifestation of his paranoia and causes him to spiral even faster down into insanity. I can change this bit if it seems super OP, but I think it isn't really all that bad. )) "Weird Sister's Prophecy": Physically represented by a Bloodied Crown. Works regardless if Macbeth has the Crown or not. Macbeth resists all attacks of B Rank or lower. The Mad Enchantment reduces the Power of this significantly causing Macbeth to resist only Attacks of D Rank or lower. Anyone fulfilling the prophecy attacks Macbeth as if he didn't have this NP. ((reasoning for the the Letter assigned for now. I feel B is pretty high, but that is due to the Prophecy being more powerful before his decent into madness, and inevitably of said Madness setting Macduff into action. However he still cannot be defeated by just anyone which is why I choose to have it stick around even if just in a degraded state.)). "Curse of the Scottish King": Upon the revelation of Macbeth's Identity, usually by saying his name aloud, the victim's Luck stat temporarily becomes E-- ((or as I will be defining it, negative Luck.)). The very world will conspire against this person or servant, with it doing everything in it's power to bring harm and ultimately death to the victim. To remove the curse, the victim must do 1 action 3 times, spit over their Left shoulder, and then utter a single curse. So, that is the first draft of Macbeth, what you guys think?
  11. Some themes for our good friends the Death Angels, some of which I enlisted the help of Arky to find. Ishmael ((found by Arky.)) Echo Hollow ((found by Arky.)) Vazhul ((also found by Arky.)) Looking for the others still, but in the mean time, do you think this songs fit the characters? What do the themes tell you about them?
  12. "Already on it, no enemies in Visuals. Move People! I have you covered, if I see anything you will know." Vixen said, maintaining her position at the back.
  13. What I was thinking along the lines of stats. Nothing would be super high, until Mad Enhancement kicked in.
  14. I kinda get the feeling Macbeth was pretty average, and it was his madness that made him powerful. I so I would justify it that his stats were probably middling. But I dunno. He might have a high stat in his strength, but I reckon he wouldn't have much higher than a B in anything, at least I personally feel that way.
  15. Theo reached down, picking up the little Cyndaquil as he slide up big old bear. He held him in his paw after seeing the sight of him spinning down the path the ice path. Theo didn't want him to have to spin like that if he didn't have to. "Maybe I should have grabbed you from the start. Hold tight Master Blaze." Theo said as he tried to pick up speed again.
  16. Should note, Vixen is only going to be the Ice Queen early on, she should start warming up a bit lol. ((she won't be buddy buddy with people, but she would won't be so cold.))
  17. I will be, if I can get my Berserker up to par. Trying to figure this out made me genuinely interested lol.
  18. Pegasus originally came to Bellerophon, because Athena gave him the Bridle. So even in Myth, Pegasus is summoned via the bridle, but isn't tamed. I assume Medusa has it due to her connection to Pegasus in Myth, as he was born when Perseus cut off her head. ((so it is said at least in some myths that Pegasus is the child of Poseidon and Medusa.)) Other question, should I assume Macbeth's personal Statistics are lower due to the Mad Enhancement? ((Like trying to read up on it, to make sense of it, still not sure though lol.))
  19. Well I kinda want to use both aspects of His thing to make a sort of variable NP. Since the Witch;s Prophecy is what made him go mad it feels like something that should be in there, but the Super Bad Luck is also super compelling.
  20. Have to get Macbeth up to snuff, cause kinda want to use him now....hmmm.
  21. Still trying to refine that NP for Macbeth.....cause even if I don't end up using him as a Servant.....I am curios now. [[p.s. it is weird having a character who is a general, but is super bad at being a leader and in effect has made it so he has no one to lead lol.]]
  22. "If you insist Lady Nivia" said Theo as the big bear jumped onto the ice Path. He held tight onto Umbra to make sure she didn't slip form the harness. He skated to gain speed and then glided behind Lady Nivia.
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