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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Heck no, trust me, he would annoy me after a lot of time lol. ((not being a jerk here, but our personalities would hella clash.))
  2. Why I keep doing it, XD. I basically keep daring people to try and they can't lol. So I win, I guess. ((until I am on the server long enough that they figure out what I am like, that is the main reason they can't lol.))
  3. Vixen wasn't interested in any of the other members of her unit, she was there for one thing, and one thing alone, to see Eden. She got done with her gear check, making sure all of her weaponry was in working order. She walked past the man that just introduced himself, as if she didn't even notice, but she did. It was time to get ready and off this hunk of metal, not time to sit about and talk.
  4. I kinda want to make more with Archangel, he is interesting to me, even if he explores the themes that are heavily associted with AIs in Sci-fi.
  5. "You further damn yourself by trying to insult me. The order in which you get the shards doesn't matter. So you will still save everyone, but if you miss the opportunity to save this man now, it will never come back. Also, it should be noted, there is the most infomation on the Titan's Skin's location. Which is still vague at best, but it is something." Blue said. He pulled out an old looking sheet of paper it looked ancient. It read on it "In a bed of Green Knives lies a great Beast of Earth. It's tail holds the entrance to a secret made long ago. Shapes of Clay and Stone guard the tomb of an lesser beast that slumbers within, a terror that awakens only after the passing of a blood moon. It slumbers deeply atop the path to the Skin of a God." "That is our clue, and where we should begin our search." Blue said tucking it back into his robe.
  6. It is on-going, I will probably actually write a few more pieces, but when I want to lol.
  7. "I gave her that information, and I hope you respect that she didn't know this until now." said a voice into all of their minds. Blue had arrived, apparently deciding against waiting for them. "The best shard to go after first is the Titan's Skin as it has the most information on it then any others. Also, don't be heartless, I thought you were a hero." he said, Blue most likely saying this to annoy Sigurd a bit and play towards his sense of being a true hero. "If really are a hero, if there is a chance to save this man's life now, shouldn't you take it? What could be more important to you then a life that you can save?"
  8. "If that is the case we definitely should, we have the best chance of lead in this, even if the circumstances are unfortunate" Jupiter said. "I say we need to help Helze if we can, but it is up to us all to decide." "I say we go too, family is important." Odin said, now coming into the conversation. "Remember, I am doing all of this for mine, it would be wrong to turn a blind eye on this when there is even a chance we can help." That fresh Ember fire was back in those Orange eyes, he looked very serious. If anything could be said of the Dwarf, it was that he wasn't willing to leave people in their time of needs.
  9. Never said there was anything wrong with it, XD
  10. It wasn't all you Notus, I pretty much made an ass out of my self by over generalizing again. ((For the record, I do know about it, I kinda went off what people assumed it to be though, because well, that is what people typically do in an RP setting, they use what is the generalization of something. Why I typically don't allow those things, not because I am trying to limit characters, but because rarely will they ever be handled properly or in a way that is correct. They usually are terribly misinformed and a character suffers from it rather than gain any real meaningful depth,))
  11. Mega Pidgeot and Mega Beedrill, now that is awesome, some love for lesser used pokemon. Also....Pidgeot has super high special Attack and No Guard......Hurricane Season anybody?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sephiroth1


      Hmm I'm in for these 2 I say out pidgeot bee drill too

  12. Geez, not even allowed to make jokes no more.
  13. What lol? THat is the only time I said anything lol
  14. Just so you know, I think i said the same thing to Ruby, and she still couldn't ship me XD. And shhh, you can totally have a dude in your harem so long as he wears a dress.....((getting horrible horrible flashbacks to Battlestar Galactica right now....))
  15. The Official Heros are in high spirits song of Graterras, when it is time to get pumped, or during one of those like peptalk scenes, this would be the song. It just feels right to me lol. You know what I am talking about, like in an anime or an RPG when the party is in low spirits, but they start to work themselves up, and will it builds, this song would build behind them. ((Metal kinda just fits Graterras well, due to it high energy and explosiveness, and it ability to also have sadder themes as well. [which haven't come up yet as there have been no major character deaths or anything of the sort.].))
  16. Keep in mind, Bipolar is more of just mood swings in general, so it is definitely the wrong thing to describe her personality.
  17. Yea, I would prefer that not be the case, and even if the military needed everyone they could get, they would never get someone like that and put them in charge of something that could literally destroy the entire squad. That is beyond unsafe and plain irresponsible with their team members lives. While I don't mind people trying something new, I do mind when it is something that is super unpredictable. Because 1, these characters are super hard to role-play, and usually end up being boring to play because the extremeness of their personality feels like in has no grounds in reality. 2 They are super frustating to play alongside, as you never know what on earth they are going to do. Basically, I don't mind if they are hot-headed, or that rebel who doesn't listen to orders. Those archetypes have a place. As I always say, mental disorders and the sort are usually used to make a character interesting, and if you need that crutch to make a character interesting, they are a weak character. ((keep in mind, where I come from with my background in Dungeons and Dragons, stuff like this was inflicted on characters and made them near worthless to your party, you couldn't choose to have it be a part of your character. Bipolarness or however you would say that, wasn't one of them, but it has similar implications of what insanity did in D and D.))
  18. Cold Pizza, the breakfast of champions, and Bards.

    1. Deleted User
    2. Arkhi


      A meal of oats trumps all.

    3. Tacos


      Don't talk to me about pizza right now, being tempted all over the place with that shit

  19. I am Hukuna Sensei, the head of the aforementioned Roleplaying Sub-forum. If you want to start RPing or hosting RPs of your own, just pm me and flap your gums for awhile. I am sure I will be able to end up getting ya started and on the right track. If you don't want to RP, also feel free to jsut drop by and read the stories we create, as we got some interesting stuff here. We are always looking for new blood and new eyes, so I don't mind which you do, it would be nice to have you in any form. Anyways, enough of my drivel. Enjoy your stay here at Reborn, Hukuna Sensei out~
  20. Well I just found the most awesome thing for a guy who loves Boardgames and Tabletop stuff. Vassel is a an open source prgram that basically allows you to play boardgames over the internet....pretty sweet and I might have to use it lol.

  21. Oh lord, PBG, that would be weird lol. Though I don't remember him being much of a Pokemon guy.
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