I actually feel that they shouldn't be that way at all Jory, and here's why. As it said Moonfolk are similar to Elves in many ways, but they are closer to their Wood Elf Cousins in my opinion then they are to the High Elves. Moonfolk actually remind me a lot of Night Elves from WoW, or Warcraft lore, in that they live secluded in the wilderness for the most part. I feel the Moonfolk are more of an aloof, seemingly cold race people don't understand, moreso than being haughty.
Here's what I think, due to their preference to be isolated, Moonfolk are more seen as unapproachable, or strange. People have rarely seen them, so they don't really know what they are like However there has to be a reason they seclude themselves. This is where I feel that aren't just attached to the Moon, they more or less probably worship the Moon as some sort of god. ((Lunari for lyfe!!!!)) The Moon probably is the center of the their culture, and I imagine that they are a bit over-zealous about it, but they aren't some kind of cult. Though I also imagine they like to be in tune with Nature as well, which pairs well with the moon motif. They to me, feel like an ethereal kind of race, they seem other-worldly to most, almost like they don't belong, but is because people really don't know much about them. It doesn't help that they seem unapproachable, or aloof, and that only will add to them being misunderstood. However, I see them to be a very wise people. They care not for mortal trappings, social constructs, etc. So, to me they wouldn't care if some one was an Elf, a human, a gnome etc.....Everything has it's place in the world, and that is part of their culture. ((I imagine they are along the lines of those elves that only are vegetarians for the most part since they don't want to kill etc...)).
They could be your version though Jory, but the way they were already described, leads me to think what I am describing is what was trying to emerge.
also, in their race description of them, you mention they are invisible at night.....that is more or less insane to give to a player, but also kinda a weird thing for a race to have in general. I propose that instead of it being an actual ability, that be a perceived ability, or one of the many legends races that don't understand them came up with. Moonfolk should be exceptional at blending in with nature, especially at night due to the colours and clothing typical to their people. ((which I imagine with be typical Moon associated colours.)), but also do to just how in touch with nature they are. I also, propose they have a name in their language that they use themselves[[and no, I am not making a full language.....hell no that would take forever.)), because them calling themselves Moonfolk sounds really weird lol.