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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. It is weird enough that I am playing a human.....but I rarely pay attention to my character's ethnicity so I just picked something really general cause I don't actually care. ((Also, Vixen was a dude first draft [different nickname though, was Wolf originally.].....but ended up a chick somehow.....don't remember how exactly.))
  2. It would most likely be a totem or an item that while it looks pretty etc, it doesn't have much other use. Dwarves tend to really love gems, so it would probably be an exquisite/exotic gem of some sort. ((not any gem that comes from the sea though, Dwarves hate Pearls and water in general XD.)), This would totally work with the none nomadic types of Gruul. ((since I really think some should be nomads, since it fits them well they would care less about this competition.)). Basically, the reason I would like the Nomad thing, is that way they are different enough from dwarves or have a piece of culture that is vastly different. Dwarves are already a very Warrior-centric race, as they mistrust magic ((that isn't divine.)) however they tend to fixate more on smithing/brewing then full War culture. I want the Gruul to have their own identity in places, that make them very interesting. Is it safe to say though that Gruul and Dwarves probably aren't on either side of the main conflict that we are building up? I imagine nether care for magic, and while engineering stuff isn't out of their grasps, I imagine they wouldn't have a big call for it in their culture. They would more likely side with the Artificers though ((at least Dwarves)), as they don't trust magic very much. ((should note, even if they don't side with them, I would imagine the artificers would have a great deal of respect for them since they would need the metals and ores they mine.)) ((I don't like that I post a lot....I don't want this to be the Hukuna show, basically as I already have a well fleshed out world that exists here, I don't need 2. XD.))
  3. "Oh really, is it Nero?" The little Kobold called after him before he left the room. "Yousaa should look in this mirror, maybe yousaa will learn it isn't so impossible after all." Glicks being a powerful illusionist knew exactly where Nero was, even though he was currently invisible. He knew the signs of an early user of invisibility. There was a sort of slight flickering. As they used it more and more, they tended to refine their skills with it and get closer to perfecting it every time. "Right now, it is much rough, but it will be betterer and betterer the more yousaa uses it. Yousaa learns quickly, most students take long time to make small parts of their body invisible, must be the power of being a Sorcerer, with magic coming naturally to yousaa."
  4. what people think of the new Avi by the way? Didn't ask yet. Literally though finding agood pic of Lal Mirch is Suuuupper hard for whatever reason. She is definitely one of, if not my favourite Character of all time.

    1. Flux


      Don't know who she is, but it's not bad. I like it.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Character for Hitman Reborn, she is rather late in the series though ((well, not really, but it is a long time before you really get know her a lot more.))

  5. Apparently the RP sub-forum mod doesn't get even an honourable mention anymore. Anyways, hello I am Hukuna Sensei, the guy who runs the RP forum around here on Reborn. We would love to have you join the family and RP with us, or just read along with the stories we create. Please pm me if you have any questions about getting started, or just about RPing in general. Anyways, Hukuna Sensei out~
  6. and the alleriges come back in full swing.....oh how I hate fall.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Etesian


      B-but...Mr. Hat :'(

    3. Bearadactyl


      Don't let Tumblr hear you.

    4. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      Allergies every time I lie down here lol cause dust. The world hates my nose.

  7. Better hope I don't adopt Lal's teaching methods......((I have a feeling Sigurd wouldn't actually mind...)) ((also sidenote.....she is my favourite character of like.....all time, so figured I owed it to her to have an avatar of her at least once.))
  8. I maybe making a character, hopefully nobody took Sniper yet, cause I want to make a rather mysterious Stranger type character. (( I am also waiting until the everything is all settled probably, unless I get bored one day and just pop out a character in about 5 minutes for fun.)) Eh, Screw it. I will do it now Name: Catrin "Vixen" Costanza Age: 24 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian (British) Class: Sniper Support Skill: Camouflage. Personality: Vixen is primarily a Loner, having gone off to live in the backwoods for most her adult life. She has a strong will and will do most anything to survive if necessary. She doesn't usually look to make friends, but she can get close to people at times. She won't ever abandon a friend unless she knows they are done for. ((so basically.....she would abandon somebody she doesn't like in a heartbeat to save herself. However if you are a good friend, she will at least try to help you out. But we are talking dire situations here.)) She will almost always give people her nickname Vixen, over her real name. She rarely even tells friends her actual name. Backstory: At the age of 18 Vixen went off to make a life of her own. But not in any city or deskjob. No, Vixen was a survivalist. She went out into Wilderness, with only a Sturdy Long Rifle, and a revolver. She went out to test her resolve in all aspects and to live off the land and her own wits. She quickly learned, that to get a meal, it was best one not be seen at all, rather then sneaking up on prey. She would lie in wait for hours sometimes to get meals. She did anything to survive day to day. She would come back to the city every now and again, to get some news, or check up on old friends she hadn't talked to in a while. This is how she ended up hearing about the expedition force force headed into Eden. All Vixen could think about was trying to survive in a whole new place, one she didn't know like the back of her hand. Helping the people effected by the virus was only a sidenote to her as it wasn't what she cared about. In fact she normally wouldn't help, survival of the fittest and all, but she really wanted to get into Eden. She Joined up immediately. Appearence: Electric Blue Hair, is typically wild and messy, she takes care of it, but it has no particular style. Left eye is Brown, while the right is a similar blue to her hair. However, she tends to wear a black face mask, with a black hood and rarely shows her face. She also wears a fitted black suit((not exactly sure how to describe. Hope you get an idea of what I mean.)), as it is a good basis for camouflage in all environments, rather than just one or 2. Carries an old beaten and worn Long Rifle. It is a rather old model, more for Hunting than a military model, however it is modified heavily, having a custom fitted scope. ((Military level scope, she modified the scope rack to accept it.)). She also carries a Six-Shot revolver that is also battered and worn. Additional: Is almost always covered in something head to toe, though will take off her mask during down time or to eat. Can speak a little of all common languages, but isn't a master, knows just enough to get by, but couldn't hold a conversation.
  9. My favourtie characters are always a pain in the behind to get good avies of.....I dunno why lol.

  10. ((it is with a U, as I pretty much always spell it that way.....but somebody....not sure who, keeps confusing me by spelling it with an i. So remember folks, Bartimus, not Bartimis. It is spelled that way in the OOC's main post as well.)) "No harm done Helzebeth. There are those that are not worthy of my gift, so I do not take your words to spite it. I also know your circumstances, and from your point of view I understand." Bartimus said. He walked back and forth for a bit as he looked at Oarloff after he spoke. "And there is some truth to what you say as well child, however, there are those with hearts as dark as obsidian. No light lives in them, and they are beings that know only suffering and pain. They are blasphemers of the highest degree, as they unrightfully take the lives of others in their mad quest to feel whole. They also commit blasphemy against the Mistress of Light Lumabella as well. They know not their true selves, and therefore are not enlightened. The Death Knight you fought was one of these people in life. He lived a farce as a Knight to the King in Crimson. He tried to uphold his honor as one, until he realized it wasn't what he was, and he then walked his path to evil and became the being of Darkness you fought, in that grove with the Cherry Blossom."
  11. "Are all of you in agreement with Marcus on this issue?" Bartimus said. "I would assume you would be after what he did to you, so I don't blame you, but know this.....nothing in this world is so cut and dried. Nothing is black and white when it comes to morality. The world is a big stinking pot of Grey, and you will find yourself questioning your values more than you would ever think. Now, you lot have 1 more question, I suggest you ask wisely."
  12. By the way, if it wasn't obvious Bartimus ((or any god for that matter)) probably won't ever give you a straight answer, most because if he just told you.....what would be the point? No fun in the gods just pointing you exactly there. Better they point you in the right direction, makes for a better story that way. ((also, don't just pan over his questions, they are more important then you think.))
  13. Glad you have found that clarity. Good luck to you man. You know more about that in yourself than I do. Then again, love isn't something I am interested in right now, so I am not worrying about it.
  14. "I am a phantom of war, a man who leaves everything in his wake in destruction. Why I am here, not sure. I guess just because I don't want to step on any toes. New to these parts, and they invited me, and I don't want to be that guy. But government people and I don't mix. I am a solider, and war is all I know. All I am good for is killing. Guess they feel safer with me around though, don't need a security detail when you invite a monster to your party. You can call me Viktor Grimes, or just Viktor. Those boys will call me Ares." Viktor said, pointing towards Zeus and Poseidon when he found them in the crowd. "And others will call me the Crimson Tide. But you just call me Viktor. I am just a normal guy like you, got a family to protect, and this is the only way I know how." He took a deep swig of his whiskey, as he put out his cigarette.
  15. "No Shard is easy to get Marcus, all are guarded by a challenge that will very well put everything you know to the to the test. They will push the boundaries of what you know, and the strength you have, and the limits you think are there. However, a good place to start can be answered. A certain Red Faced Demon knows of some of the shards. And while he may be a demon, he means you no harm. He is a demon that for now wishes to repent his sins, and he will lead you them. While he doesn't know exactly where they are, he knows where to start looking." Bartimus said. "Now, another question for you. Do any of you wonder if the Gentleman is right? What if he is right, that all Human and Demi-Human life is not worth saving? Answer me truthfully."
  16. I watch a lot of TB, but Rogue-lite is a good term for describing those type of games since they take elements of Rogue-likes, but they aren't really like them. Rogue-lites are rarely truely turn-based and are usually more action orientated than a true Rogue-like. ((a True Rogue-like is like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series.)) I could possibly do one on Dishonored, the others ones I haven't really played myself and while I could muddle through it, it wouldn't be right to do it. ((and which Bioshock? Cause I have played the first, not so much the others.))
  17. Hmmm, will think about it, going to have to catch up. though they would have to send somebody with a mon with teleport to get you guys out that way. ((also, I would need to refresh myself of the chapter, since it has been a long while.))
  18. I foresee many choice items in the future.......
  19. 1. If the name is changed, it should be something that invokes power or sounds like something a very heavy Warrior society should be called. Metals are usually a good launching point. Or things that just sound tough, like short words with u's or o as vowels, or sound very guttural in nature. 2. Ex it is a range of mountains, not a single one. This should also sound strong or like a tough place to live, it is a Mountain after all. Off the top of my head, Ironback Range, Crackbone Ridge, Bronze Steppes. 3. I figure some would live inside and others would live on the outside. More nomadic ones, definitely outside. But I Imagine some would have mining villages so they would probably live in the caves they mined or at least close by. Materials depend on the mountain range. Ones with a lot of trees and growth will have wooden homes kinda like huts or wigwams that style of home. If it is a rather barren one, they will probably carve into the mountain range with adobe style homes, or be nomadic and have tents of materials they could gather for them. 4.I think certain groups should have different ones. Like Nomads, the Chief definitely would be in charge, but in more permanent villages they would probably have a council of Elders, even if it is just a figurehead. ((have no real power, but are respected.)) I should note here, for what ever reason I get like a Native American vibe from them, I feel like they would have a similar life style. I am sure they revere nature, as it beasts are deadly, just like them. ((especially mountain beasts.))
  20. It should be noted that RP threads that are over a few months or older are almost always not good to revive since the interest is most likely all gone, and the person probably doesn't have time for it anymore, or moved on already. Also interest Checks for RPs are automatically locked by me if they get to a point where people are not interested, or if they have an OOC already I do as well. IC threads are also supposed to be locked after the chapter completes. So luckily, I can keep most necroposting from ever happening.
  21. I recommend adding Civ 5 if you got the friends and the cash, it is a pretty fun kinda like a boardgame that you can play over the internet basically. I will also recommend Payday 2, with the caveat of needing friends and being a tad bit paywally, but otherwise good. The Banner Saga, good SRPG, while it is a bit more simple than things like Fire Emblem, it is still a very good system, that is simple to learn but is a bit complicated. Your units health is also how much damage they do, and if they had lower strength than a monsters current armor they can't damage it...or something like that. It makes the combat pretty interesting as you have to find a way to damage guys without taking too much yourself. ((archers can be a bit op, especially if you level their armour breaking, as it makes tanks easily blast through guys.)) Risk of Rain. A very good Rogue-lite. It has Rogue-like elements in that there is perma-death and random drops, and it combines them with an action platformer. The longer the time runs, the harder the enemies become. Unlike some other Rogue-lites it is a bit harder to be totally screwed by the rng on most characters. It is very skill based and if you are good it can be played in a way that the items don't matter as much. You also learn what items to look for on certain characters as some scale super well with some, and others they don't do good with. ((like getting a knock-back chance on a melee character, as it hurts your ability to keep them near you and makes it harder to "juggle" them.)) also, the multi-player is a pain in the ass to get working, as you have to create your own server to play on, as it has no dedicated ones. Another Black-mark is the keyboard controls are a tad touchy. It is best played with a controller. ((though almost all action platformers are.)) Awesomenauts: Starstorm, or as I refer to it sometimes as casual League/DoTA. That isn't a blackmark against it, as that is what makes it good. games are quick as rather than a full blown MOBA((still hate that acronym...it is so bad...thanks Riot...)) it is mixed with an action platformer. Items are also done away with, and characters have loadouts of upgrades that boost their stats and make their abilities more potent, or have cool effects. There are not a huge roster of characters to learn, only around 14-15 I think, so it is a lot less overwhelming at first. Luckily one of the terrible maps was removed from matchmaking recently as well, since it was so bad it literally brought the game down a bit. ((it had a single lane at first, and it lead to an all out push fest....and who ever won it, pretty much won the game right there and then.)). This game however does have a community on the smaller side however, so games can be hard to get sometimes. It is improving of late due to the expansion adding a lot of good features, and rebalancing the game in a way that it is easier to tell what is going on. However, it is still best in a 3 stack. ((max number of players on a side)), as you can communicate with your pals and pull off much better maneuvers. That is all for now, might drop by with some more some time.
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