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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Yep, it is lets see.....3500 gold for all the wings with Gold. ((2800, if you got the first for free.))
  2. should I lock this? I dunno really know, kinda hard to make judgement calls on such stuff.
  3. Glad to know you got Ol' Sensei's back, however, I am already mad, well slightly....so that is not the thing you need to be protecting me from.
  4. Why did I only now realize that.......wow....I am oblivious....
  5. This is the day Hukuna treads new ground......and is now in a sub-forum he has never ventured into before.......I'm Scared......
  6. Welcome to the Reborn RP Sub-forum, where one day you will get 0 responses and the next there is at least 2 new pages. Much flux ((not you....Flux...)), very inconsistent, wow.
  7. I may have to join your guys band just to come up with a good name for you guys........sadly, no instruments do I play.
  8. ^@Godot, good luck with that guys. I am literally the most oblivious person ever... ((honestly, I have a feeling I would miss myself if I was an easter egg in it lol, unless it was SUPER obvious lol.))
  9. I mean I haven't played it yet, so it would be hard for me to find them, no? But yea I figured most of the staff had one. ((and the Ame one is a bit obvious......probably why it wasn't mentioned lol.)). Somebody should try and find Godot now though lol.
  10. < Not part of the band, therefore I cannot come up with the name. It gotta be something fro the heart of the members, for it to truly mean something.
  11. Gotta be better than that. Not near cheesy enough. Like I gotta have a good reason to be there, and if it is a band with a cheesy name.....oh I would be there lickity split.
  12. New Banner OP.

    1. Arkhi


      Pulse Clawitzer OP.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      We have installed a Cannon inside of Clawitzer's cannon claw, now....you all die.

  13. You guys need a Band Name now, and it better be cheesy as all get out, or Imma be Disappoint.
  14. An Old Friend "Shit, we aren't prepared for this Akuma, we have no guards, no one to protect our people! This is a full scale war force they are mounting!" Thorne said, worry in his eyes. "We need to warn everyone get them to safety, quickly, we need to get there!" The two ran into the village. ((I am assuming they would both go, if I ma wrong tell me.)), shouting and yelling at everyone to get away. Most started to listen to them, and started to pack their meager belongings. Then they met the Elder that had scolded them before. Elder Stonebeak was his name. "Fledglings, it is time for you to go, lead our people away from this place, I will hold them off as long as I can. This mess is my fault, my responsibility, I will not have you die for me." It was at this point Akuma noticed he had the stone in his hand, his large staff in the other. It was the first time Akuma remembered seeing the Stonebeak in his battle attire, and he Looked as if he was ready to fight this entire Ogre army himself.
  15. "Panik need to protect you, you to weak right now." Panik said. He placed his big hand down next to Rose, trying to keep his rending claws away from her, as he did not want to hurt her. "Get onto Panik's hand, Panik help you, by carrying you. Then Panik can help get Enya you speak of if you want."
  16. Shaman decks are all cheesy these days.....getting real tired of the Baron Rivendare, Ancestral Spirit, Leeroy cheese..... And yea the Meta can be over-centralized at times, that is very true, and it doesn't help that Zoo is cheap as all get out. ((like really, anybody can make a zoo deck lickity split. The only rares you need being the Doomguards.)) Also Naxx is the only thing I have ever bought, because grinding that gold is insanely tedious lol. And imagine how much worse it will be for people when they don't even get the Arachnid Quarter for free. Not sure if you can buy the Quarters out of order, but Contruct definitly has the best cards in it, as Undertaker and ZOmbie chow are really good. ((Chow being amazing in Control decks, any of them, not just Zoo [Zombie Chow is hilarious in Priest as when you kill it off while you have a Soul Priest on the board as it does 5 damage to your enemy XD.]. and Undertaker being awesome in Deathrattle heavy decks, which are becoming very common these days. Like the Deathrattle Hunter.))
  17. Token Druid is like completely dead at this point other than like a few people who are clinging to it. Zoo will probably never die, simply due to the fact that is the cheapest possible deck in the game. ((same with hunter, but as you have said already, Hunter is a little less annoying.)). Zoo and Hunter both use 2 to 4 rares max most times, the rest are commons or free cards. Also, the higher in the ranks you get, the less Zoo you see, because it has the most painfully average match-ups in that it isn't favored to win any match-up, but it isn't Unfavored either. COntrol Warrior ((a.k.a Wallet Warrior)) is hella rare, mostly due to it's sky high cost, but I agree it can be a super frustrating deck to paly against. ((mostly since Zoo and most aggro decks have about a zero chance of winning.)) The meta is so in flux right now though, it changes like over night most times, because people are still figuring stuff out with the Naxx cards. EDIT: forgot to mention my most hated deck, Miracle Rogue.....the literal coin flip deck. Conditions of Miracle Rogue winning: Did you get Gadgetzan Auctioneer? Yes, you win. No, you will most likely lose.
  18. Mister Buttons "I am just very fond of trees, they are pretty indeed, not only are they beautiful pieces of life, they after they die can be made into various beautiful things, like Harps." The Goat mused. "However, good Oarloff, it is time I awayed. I have many things to do. Thank you for saving me, you are a kind soul. May that kindness be ever helpful in your journey of life, and may it bring happiness to those around you." and with that the Goat shimmered a Silvery color, as he disappeared.
  19. No idea, maybe after Chapter 1, however Flux needs to answer, this is his RP not mine.
  20. I think you missed mine, as I updated it at one point. Mr Buttons has given Oarloff the power of Magic. more so non-combat stuff. ((if you need some details on stuff pm me, but most of your spells don't directly hurt people. Oh and who or what Mr. Buttons is is staying secret for now.)) You may have missed it since it was when I missed yours once, and then I went back and edited a previous post as I didn't have a current update I could do at the time.
  21. and just so you know Chim, Snow is being harsh to Sigurd, because she is a lot like him. She sees herself in him and she was once what she considered weak ((and similar to Sigurd is now, she matured in a sense and became what she is now. Though she doesn't exactly remember her life when she was Human.)). All the Knights ((4 avatars in total of the Elemental Gods.)) have back-stories, but they aren't something I will be sharing right now.
  22. I mean Hilda is a hell of a lot cooler sounding then Hilbert by a longshot.......
  23. The Dragon Quests I ahve played are 8 and 4. ((yea....weird numbers shhhh......)). I really like 8 though I never finished it. Yangus was probably the best fighting Party Member, and King Trode was my fav party member. ((he didn't fight, but dang he was hilarious lol. Not to mention him and Yangus really didn't get along and hilarity ensued.))
  24. my favourite song of all time.....so goooooood.......
  25. An Old Friend For the next few days the village was tense. They argued over who was right, Akuma and Thorne, or the Elders. and it was on the dawn of that day, the day with a Red Sun, that the Ogres came. ((alrighty, now this will get interesting, up to you to start it up Typh, and I will follow through.))
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