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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. < needs to clear out his inbox more regularly......

  2. Is that like Sportsball? ((In all honesty, I am not a Sports person, I don't watch it and I most certainly am not going to play games on it lol. The only sport I have ever cared about is American Football, but that is because I have played it myself in High School.))
  3. Interesting, I like the idea, and it should be a more long term sort of thing. I would probably contribute every now and again lol. ((Also, Acquie I can get them to get the Sub-Forum up, as not only this I may try and use it for other writing stuff, that is more in general Creative Writing. It would be nice to have a Sub-forum for it, and to keep it to that forum if possible this way people aren't too confused with it being an RP or not.)) Hopefully, we see some interest in this as I really want to have something like it for the those of the RP Forum for us to all improve in our writing skills and to have something to do when the updates on the RPs get slow, since they do every once and awhile. ((I may host some competitive stuff as well, all for good fun of course.)). I believe this a good first step to gettin ghtis stuff into the forums, and I would love to see it.
  4. Nozdormu.....oh how useless you are......

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      To be fair he's not nearly as powerful as he was before the Cataclysm.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      XD, I don't really know much about the in-game lore, talking Hearthstone here, were he is probably one of the worst Legends in the game.

  5. Arky.....those puns.....they hurt....me ....so....
  6. Since the OOC is up I am going to be locking this thread, Further discussion should be had there.
  7. Heyo and welcome to Reborn! I am Hukuna Sensei, and I run the RP sub-forums on Reborn. If you are ever interested feel free to drop on by, we would be happy to have you even if you are just reading along. You can shoot me a PM if you have any questions. Enjoy your stay here at Reborn, Hukuna Sensei out~
  8. Alrighy, good to know that. and Typh I am working on your dream still, just trying to figure how I am going to do it.
  9. < is Hukuna Sensei, wow really nice Having Sheep advertise my Forum for me XD. But yea, feel free to pm me if you have any questions about the RP forum I am available most of the time. We would be happy to have you, even if you only read along with what we create. Enjoy your stay at Reborn. Anyway, Hukuna Sensei out~
  10. This is the part where Hukuna realizes he has been calling the Earth Templar order the wrong thing.....welp I look dumb as all get out right now lol.
  11. Mistless Peaks "I am afraid, I have nothing to offer you that you do not already know Dru'thok. Maybe one day you will be able to grasp the powers the Strongest of Watchers do, however, that is not something that can be taught, it is something that must be earned." Shard said. "I bid thee farewell mortal, The Earth is always watching." ((The Earth is always Watching is the Eternal Sentinels motto. Not sure if Dru would know it or not, that is up to you.))
  12. Considering lots of Zoo are doing that now, it isn't exactly a bad strat. ((In fact some go as far as to include big stompy demons and Void Caller, and pop Void with it to get free Pit lords or Dread Infernals since if pulled onto the board their horrid battlecries don't activate.)) ((then again, I am assuming you are using Zoo.....since most Locks are Zoo if they aren't Handlock....)) In fact I am testing out what I call the Demon Petting Zoo, which is Mid-Range Zoo variant. ((though it doesn't run Void Terror.)) Funnily enough Cho actually used to be a staple in Zoo, because of the Zoo turn 1 double Flame Imp play, they had to burn spells sometimes to get your minions off the board, and Cho could yoink them out of the air for you. ((and Zoo only really runs Soulfire as a spell so you didn't risk giving much back.)) Also I am playing pretty much F2P, but I get lucky on my Legend drops, I currently have Tirion, Slyvanas, Cenuirus, Golden Rag ((makes my yolo Rags even more stylish....)), BloodMage Thalnos, and Cairne. ((DEed a Lord Jaraxxas, Al'akir, Tinkmaster and a Beast or 3.)) I am looking to add Grommash to my list as I want to play Control Warrior, ((or as called by many Wallet Warrior, as it is the most expensive deck in the entire game, requiring at least 4 Legends, though these days usually around 8 or 9.)) I have to say Tirion is an amazing card, love him in my Guymaker Paladin. ((or as I call it, The Raining Men deck.)).
  13. Mistless Peaks "Aye it is only natural, for one of flesh to question. They are the Keepers of the Stone, and the ones that represent the will of Tectaniteus. However, you need not join their ranks officially, they are a warrior faction mostly. One does not need to be part of the order to be an Eternal Watcher, Tectaniteus's blessing is enough for you child. Though, if you meet the Order, I am sure they can tell you more of their order. I am utterly surprised you had not met them in your travels of the Shattered Hills." ((basically, Dru'thok is recognized as an Eternal Watcher by Tectaniteus, However, he doesn't not need to join the order. The Orders of the Templars are indeed their champions, but the Gods can select Champions that aren't part of those orders either. Dru effects the Earth much like a Templar does, but Tectaniteus does not require of him to become a Templar to serve his cause. ))
  14. Wow, now even Sheep is advertising for me? ANyway, hello and Welcome to Reborn, as such I am the bumbling Sensei you can direct your Questions to if you have any about the RP forum, We would be glad to have you, even if just to read along with our stories. Hukuna Sensei out~ ((also, just a sidenote Strat, it was actually deconfirmed by Gamefreak themselves that Cubone Line has any relation to the Kangaskhan line, every thing is just a coincidence.))
  15. If I was a trainer all I would have is a lvl 100 Farfetch'd I mean....what?
  16. "It is just hole in wall, place Panik goes when Panik rests, it should be much safer than out in the corridorssss for Funny onesss." Panik said to Ellaria. "We can make plan there, for getting out of thisss place."
  17. An Old Friend "I am the Elder here! And I am much more sure of what our People can handle then you!" The Elder shouted. "So Get out of my hall! You are not welcome here!!!" Mistless Peaks "Dru'thok, you maybe a Sorcerer, but it is not being a part of the order that makes one an Eternal Watcher. It is Tectaniteus himself who truly decides who is worthy of being his champion." Shard said "Ye, have control over the Earth like Any Templar, whats to say you aren't one? You are to receive his blessing Dru'thok, even if you are not a Templar in name, you are one in spirit, in resolve, and most importantly, in Body. You are an Eternal Watcher, by the count of the Lord Tectaniteus, it is so. This is why I was sent to you, for I am but his humble vassal. Praise be onto the Mighty Tectaniteus, for he sees the Truth in all." Windswept Fields "You are a simple one it seems, she already knows, I have no need to tell her. Anyway, until you prove me otherwise, you are just a wandering whelp, so I suggest you shape up. She is counting on you, you let her down, and you will have hell to pay." Snow said "Now, off to your world I have things to attend to."
  18. You would remember them yes, it be weird if you didn't lol. And sadly, no Typh, your dream is kinda a nightmare of Akuma reliving what happened in the past. ((I figured him seeing Oarloff, just dug up the old memories from his past and it just triggered a dream about it. But is mostly an excuse because I want to know what happened in his past lol.))
  19. So long as I never appear it is fine, I don't really need something like that XD
  20. The Crimson Keep "And may you dare to do what no other would." The Crimson Knight said, mirroring Marcus's movements. "Now, don't let me keep you, I am sure you have many things to be doing, and I don't want to be keeping you from it." Forest of Nightmares "Hopefully there is a good time." Blue said. "Now, without further ado, I will end this dream so you can get your rest." Blue then snapped his fingers twice, and vanished. Helze was for now, left in her mind all alone.
  21. Oh yea Murdoc yours is over since you walked away from Clockwork. ((you could talk to him more if you want, but that is up to you.)). @Zeph, Yes, the Gods basically are reaching out, normally this wouldn't happen at this point in a heros career however, due to Lumabella reviving you, the Gods got curios as to who you were. On the second part, it depends highly, but usually avatars represent 1 aspect of their respective God. Like the Crimson Knight is a Strategist and is the more War-like side of Pyron, were as The Clockwork Gentleman is the more Lawkeeper type. This is also why the Avatars have simple names or things that are concepts or Ideas, moreso than real names. Most Gods have 2 Avatars representing one side of their Philosophies in regard to Good vs. Evil and Law vs. Chaos. (( Crimson Knight represents Pyron's philosophy towards Good and Evil, he is Neutral and will do anything necessary to get ahead. Where as Clockwork represents his stance on Law and Chaos. In Pyron's case, this is Lawfulness, and it shows how he follows a code. [and the strictness of the CInder Knight's Code reflects this, Clockwork enforcing it.])) However some break this rule, Like Mortimo, though Mortimo is a special case having 5 avatars. ((they are all angels of death and they Shepard the lost souls to the underworld. It should also be noted here, while Mortimo is Evil, the world thinks he is not, as Mortimo tries to hide the fact that he is.))
  22. Forest of Nightmares "A Ranger's Bond can never get to that level, at least there is no documented case. It is an Empathetic Link, or one that can only really transfer emotion, rather than true data. I assume Hunter will know of my form by the unique sense animals have for the arcane, however he will not truly understand what I am." Blue said. "so in a sense, he will know, but he won't be able to tell people what I am so it matters not. Anyway, I should let you go now, I don't want to stay here unwelcome any longer than I have too."
  23. PSN((have both 3 and 4)): Bigdog294 Steam: Hukuna League: Hukuna I don't have a lot of gmaes I play as of late, as I am trying to get into Legend Rank in Hearthstone Currently, and most other gaming is with my really close friends.
  24. Actually Grass, let Tacos have my spot, I am getting too busy to add this to my list of RPs lol.
  25. tfw you forget what episode of an anime you were on because you binge watch, and therefore they all blur together.......

    1. nevs


      the weird thing is i know what episode i forget the name of the anime

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