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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. The normal Kamina glasses would look weird on him due to them being the same color or at least really similar, Blue at least gives some contrast lol.
  2. May post up some of the rest of the avatars after the dreams are all wrapped up. The avatars so far, if it wasn't obvious Shard,Avatar to Tectaniteus, The first known Sentient life, was the backfire of the attempt to create self-aware life. He is a shell of Earth having no other elements be able to attach to his shell. As such he is an ancestor to all sentient life on Graterras. Shard is known to be endlessly wise and is the longest living thing in the universe created by the gods. The Clockwork Gentleman, Avatar to Pyron, An automaton created by Pyron to be his lawkeeper. He is the Being that handles all Cinder Knights that break their oaths or commit blasphemy to their lord Pyron. He represents the Lawful side of Pyron. The Crimson Knight, Avatar to Pyron, A suit of Armour fueled by an eternal fire. It is said he is the soul of the Greatest Cinder Knight to ever live given eternal form. He is the greatest Strategist the world has ever known, and as such he is Pyron's Chief Adviser of the Prime Material Plane. He represents Pyron's Neutral Side, as he has no concerns for Good or Evil, or Law and Chaos. All of the Crimson Knight's decision are based on pure strategy, and what makes the most logical sense at the time. Snow. avatar to Aelia, A Suit of Armour infused with a powerful Northern Wind. Much like the Crimson Knight, Snow is rumored to be the soul of the Strongest Dervish to ever live. She is a rough and tumble Warrior, that was known for a no nonsense approach to everything. She firmly believes only the strongest deserve to live and those that cannot survive on their own deserve to met their ends. She represents Aelia's more WIld Side, and is quite strange entity from a Goddess of the mind. It is said she more represents the harsh spirit of the Land of Aurora more so than her own goddess's traits. Blue. avatar to Seeker, Blue is a by product of the deal between the pact of the Elder God and Seeker. He was the First Mind Flayer, and is therefore more powerful than the others. He is one of the Keeper's of Seekers Eternal Library, or The Library of Alexandria. Blue is bothered by the off hands of the approach of the Gods to the wolrd of Graterras, and as such is willing to break those rules to help or save the People of Graterras, as he has been found helping the mortals before he is one of the weakest avatars. Blue represents the urge to act on the knowledge one has, he tries to help people with it, rather than horde it too himself. There are other avatars but I won't be going over them now, might do a few every now and again though as a kind of look into the lore of my world. ((both Tectaniteus and Seeker also have a Knight, that is the strongest of their Templar order to ever Live, just as a side note.))
  3. Windswept Fields "I have no need to prey to an entity I am a part of. Anyway, I am Snow, and i am here to remind you that LAdy Aelia wishes you luck in your battle with the Gentleman. She sees potential in you, for some reason, though I am not sure why." Snow remarked in a rather harsh tone. Mistless Peaks "Must be a powerful friend of yours if he can manipulate the Astral Ley Lines of the world to force your wandering mind here. No, you were brought here by Tectaniteus, and I am but his humble servant. I will tell you one last thing, Dru'thok. The Gentleman, may not be what you seem." said the Stone Man, Shard. The Crimson Keep "I am have been instructed to tell you that you will be important in the upcoming battles. Pyron believes in your power and knows you will not let us or your world down. That is all, you may go now child." said the Crimson Knight. Forest of Nightmares "I wish to keep those that know of my true essence as small a number as possible. The more that know of my true form the faster it gets back to the gods what I am doing, and the less time I have to help you in your quest." An Old Friend "And why is that? This Stone has brought much prosperity to our people, it would be foolish to dispose of it." The Elder said. "Akuma says the Ogres are looking to get their stone back, and they are headed here. We cannot hold onto the stone or they will attack our village." Thorne replied. "You Fledglings need to know your place, we, the council have weighed these consequences already, and we know we could fend them off with the use of the Stone." The Elder said, rapping his staff on the ground "I will hear no more of this! Out at once!"
  4. Here are some resources for those looking to start playing. http://www.liquidhearth.com/forum/hearthstone/456785-a-beginners-guide-to-hs-terms Learning the Jargon, explains what certain terms mean. ((important, as many guides will use these, along with any I make for this forum if I do.)) http://www.liquidhearth.com/forum/hearthstone/456798-a-beginners-guide-to-hearthstone-mechanics Basic Mechanics. One is missing for some reason. SO I will add it here. Deathrattle: triggers when the minon with the Deathrattle dies. Deathrattles trigger in the order cards are played in the case multiple Creatures with Deathrattles die at the same time. Technical Guides, small improvements to play. ((not necessary, but good to keep in mind.)) Read in Order Starter Guides, cover how to efficiently work towards your first ultimate deck and which Free Cards are good. Read in Order.
  5. That is probably one of the only decks that will ever really be running Kel'thuzad, as Kel usually requires too much from you. ((in that he demands you have a board turn 8.)) so that is actually very interesting. Due to Redemption and the stickier minions in the deck you are bound to have something ready for Kel to be able to revive. I personally would probably remove him for a Cairne, or some other good top of the curve filler. Kel is just too slow for me personally. I was fearing it would go overboard secret-wise at first, as Paladin has a lot of low-quality secrets ((like Eye for an Eye.....)), but I like that it has a splash of secrets and is not chock full of them. His point of Mad Scientist being weaker in Paladin has some valid points to it, however as he said, Mad Scientist is basically a loot hoarder with a limited card pool to draw from. ((not to mention he plays our card for us as well, causing us to not have to develop it the next turn.)) I am still not a fan of Loatheb........Loatheb is a tempo card, as it makes them spend a turn doing something else rather than casting spells. Basically, if you play him at the wrong time he doesn't do much other than be a 5/5 for 5. Basically, I am the Loatheb disbeliever in that I think people over value him a bit too much. ((just like Spectral Knight.)), if you noticed Spell heavy decks have all but disappeared ((though miracle still sees play every now and again.)) with Freeze Mage falling out of meta for the most part. All in all, I like this deck, it is a rather cool idea and it uses very underused cards to surprise your opponents. It is a lot like Crusher Shaman in a way that it uses surprise in that fact it isn't your average Pally deck with cards that aren't run often. It probably loses a bit of potentance in the Legend Rank where you are more likely to go against people more often that will know your deck, but Laddering with it should be pretty awesome until then. Also my username for Hearthstone is Hukuna#1659
  6. Windswept Fields "Then get off the ground, you are a Warrior, not a beggar," the lady Knight said, crossing her arms.
  7. Sigurd is so lucky his new "friend" can't kill him.........I can already tell these 2 are going to be like oil and water....
  8. Windswept Fields The Lady Knight sighed as she placed her hand on her forehead. A real piece of work this one. She thought to herself. "Get up you blithering Oaf! You do you think this is, a joke?' She said as she stood over him now.
  9. Forest of Nightmares "No, it is not he." Blue said. "But is connected to him. I am sure you know of a place called the Raven's Spiral, It would be more appropriate for us to talk in person there then it would be here. Tell, no one who I am, and pretend you do not know me. It would be best. You will know it is me, I am for one the only Illithid, and secondly, I am the Scholar Knight who is visiting. I will try to meet you in private, but with as big a group of yours that you have, I doubt that would be possible."
  10. An Old Friend As they entered the hut they were greeting with a circle of Elders sitting around a fire. On a Big ornate chair sat the Head Elder, an old, but hard looking Kenku. "And what is it you want? We are holding council, this better be important Fledgling." he said in a harsh tone. ((just for point of reference for everybody else, this would all be in the Kenku tongue, just not making an entire language cause uh....that would be a pain in my behind. ))
  11. The Crimson Keep "That?" he said turning to point at the window. "Nay, it is a nameless man. There is only one thing important in that picture. That somebody is standing there fighting. Cause if no one was there, it wouldn't be much of a picture then huh?" he chuckled, and it rung hollowly in his armour. Marcus had now took notice to something he didn't see before. The Crimson Knight's armour had no one inside of it, but instead a mighty flame burned inside. It was strange because it didn't feel like any heat was coming off of him. "Hmmm, there was something I was supposed to talk to you about....but I got so caught up in our little game, I have up and forgot....You are Marcus are you not?" Mistless Peaks "Dru'thok, you already know the answer to that question, you need only to look inside yourself to know it." Shard said.
  12. The Crimson Keep "A fascinating move!" The Crimson Knight exclaimed. The game in total took what seemed to be 30 minutes. It was close, both of the players being down to small bits of their armies. "Hmm, a rather interesting game, not many can match my skill you know." He said. ((I would play the whole game through with you.....but in the interest of time, we won't be XD. The Crimson Knight is very adept at chess, if that wasn't clear.))
  13. Windswept Fields The lady knight did not seem impressed. "Your the one Lady Aelia sent me to see? You are naught but a bumbling fool. This must be some sort of cruel joke."
  14. Forest of Nightmares "It isn't a creature, but something....I can't....I don't know what it is. Whatever it was was struck from Seeker's records, but vague references remain." He said rubbing his head. "Whatever that thing is, it is important for the coming days, but even I know not what it is. And so I came here, to Nevermore, just like you to a place known to store information of the arcane. I can see the ley lines of information, but there are dark spots, I hoped you could help me, I guess it was wrong of me to try, or at least the way I did it. I brought you only grief, only pain, dug up something I shouldn't have and for that I cannot be forgiven. I thought his image would help you to remember, but even you don't know." Blue rose from the chair, slowly. "I....I need you Helzebeth, I need you to help me unlock these secrets. It only happens that they involve your father and for that I am sorry, vastly sorry. I don't want anymore mortals to be hurt, I want to stop the rising darkness from this world. It pains me to know something is coming and yet.....not know entirely. It pains me to not be allowed to do anything, but I must I cannot sit idly by anymore." Windswept Fields As if in response, the Snow Owl hooted. It began to glow with a soft silver light. In the chair in front of him now sat a women-clad in beautiful Silver Armour. It tinkled when she moved, making a melody of unearthly chords and heavenly notes. "Are you Sigurd Olafsson?" she said in a rough matter of fact voice.
  15. Forest of Nightmares "Because I need information, and I thought if you saw my true form you wouldn't be willing to help me. Most do not like my kind, well, the kind my form is based from." her "father" said. "I realize I transgressed where I shouldn't have....I... I...I am sorry....I am not used to people greeting me with warm welcomes and open arms. I will reveal who I am. It was wrong of me to hide myself in your memories....you are person I have to treat you as such." and with that the form of her father flashed blue, and then molded shape. Now something that resembled a Mind Flayer stood before her, except it was different, it had 2 sapphire blue dragon wings on it's back. It was dressed in robes of a deep royal Purple. It didn't have a sense of hostility and it looked rather pitiful look on it's face. "I am Blue, a form of an avatar born from his form and given life. Seeker turns his back on the world, but I cannot.....I used his vast store of intellect to try and find a way to stop something dangerous from getting out. However, that thing could still get out.....and it involves your father at least, I think it does, I need to know if he is alive. This probably all sounds insane........."he placed his hand on his forehead, and sunk down into the chair, looking defeated.
  16. Heh, those dungeons aren't that hard.....but then again I have beaten Zero Island a few times so.....
  17. not a half bad version if I say myself.....
  18. Forest of Nightmares "In a sense it is me. I am what you remember of me, your sub-conscious so to speak." Her father said to her. "I am only taking a form that you would recognize, and one that is the subject of your plight. Do you remember what happened to me, your father Helzebeth?" Mister Buttons "I will give you the power to use magic, but only magic to make your performances the best any man or women has ever seen, you really do play lovlies tunes on that harp of yours." Mr Buttons said. He touched Oarloff's open palm with his hoof. And all of a sudden a strange thing happened. There was a white light and then a silver tree appeared on his palm. "As long as you want the magic I give you, this mark will stay here. I hope you bring joy to those around you." He said as he smiled. ((well as much as a goat can.))
  19. Mistless Peaks "Who said it was I who brought you here?" Shard said in response. An Old Friend "That is a strange thing to see, are you sure? Either way it doesn't matter, perhaps it is something we can change." Thorne said, as he and Akuma soon approached the elders hut. ((I will control the Elders to make the back and forth a bit more shall we say, believable)). Clockwork Tower "So, you have learned? I see, Pyron was misguided, he misplaced his trust in you. It was he who asked me to talk to you, he had feared you lost your way." Clockwork said. "However, It is those like you who are also necessary to the world. For if it weren't for you, the forces of Darkness would have won long ago. With that one question Xavier, you know what it means to truly be a Cinder Knight." Clockwork placed his hand on Xavier's shoulder. Xavier felt a warm feeling come over him, a dim heat. "Go forth child, I have nothing more to debate with you about. and remember, Dare to do what no others would." ((Dare to do what no others would is the Cinder Knight Motto.))
  20. "Aye, but is Evil that keeps good in check, and the world, in balance. Without Evil, there is no good, without good there is no evil. It is a selfish and foolish thing to say you can purge evil from the world, and that, is your crime above all else." Clockwork had said, though his voice sounded ever so slightly different.
  21. The Clockwork Tower "I am here on behalf of Pyron, to remind you of your blasphemy to the order of the Cinder Knights, and also to tell you one thing. As Passion is the domain of Lord Pyron, you shall not lose your Powers over flame." Clockwork said. "However, you shall not receive the blessing of Pryon of the power over the Inflamio Cortadum until you coem to terms with what you have done. I am sure you are aware of your crimes? Or were you not under control of your own body and mind when doing so?"
  22. "Call me Clockwork, cause if you called me the Clockwork Gentleman that would take forever, not to mention I am not sure how you feel about that term currently." The Automaton said. On closer inspection Xavier could see a port where his heart would be. A gyroscope turned within it, with a flame in it's center. "Do you know why I have brought you here?" he said.
  23. The Clockwork Tower "A Cinder Knight? Is your name by chance Xavier?" said a voice, that sounded rather robotic. A door at the end of the hall burst open. Xavier could't see it before since it was flush with the wall. Pipes on the outside of it were spewing steam out the front, until it was closed once more, the circuit of the pipes once more whole. Now a strange form stood before him. A man stood before him, but it was no ordainary man. His face was made of the same metals as the room around them, and while it vaguely resembled a humans, he certainly was not one. He had no mouth heck, not even a nose, most of the front of his face was a sheet of Brass, that was angled in the iddle to give it the appearance of having too sides to his face. there were 2 holes one on each side, placed as if they were his eyes. Set in the recess of the hole were 2 orbs, with telescoping shutters made of brass. They attempted to open and close like eyelids. A Harsh blue light emanated were they were open. It could be assumed these give the automaton the ability to see. He wore gentlemanly clothes of a strange Black fiber, he had a trench coat over top a simple waistcoat of crimson red. he wore a Top Hat of the same material of his trench coat, that he constantly kept pushing back up onto the crown of his head as it had a tendency to slide forward.
  24. The Clockwork Tower Inside Xavier was met with machinations galore. Gears turned and steam poured from pipes all around. There was the constant barrage of sound, mostly of machinery, in the room. The hall continued, lined with copper pipes, Brass gear and cogs, Sprockets and all sorts of other machine parts. It felt like the place was alive in a sense. It was also unnaturally hot due to the amount of steam pouring out everywhere.Then Xavier heard a tapping of what sounding like a wooden staff on metal, coming from the hall in front of him. Something was coming towards him, as if it knew he was there. Was it hostile? What did it want?
  25. "Follow Panik, I know of more safe place." he said, though no place was truly safe from the giants. But anywhere was safer then here at the moment. He moved to the end of the hall being careful that the Little ones didn't lose sight of him. He took the left corridor at the junction, hoping no other Giants happened to come this way.
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