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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "I don't know I haven't met him, he could be just as crazy as some of the other Scholar Knights, especially considering he is an Illithid" Abraham said. Bjorn laughed a bit "We are going to see a friend of mine first, by the name of Duncan. It has been awhile since I have been here, and I have heard he started a school in the Raven's Spiral. Hopefully he has the information we seek, however there are no guarantees."
  2. To say the least......Glicks isn't very sociable if that wasn't already clear. Scratching his head Social Tick number one. Hitting People with his walking stick, social tick number two. ((He is also more of the Mouse look, so he would look pretty cute or more innocent than some other of the Grumman's Kobold variety.)) ((and nope, I am not allowing multiple PCs, already got a lot of you guys to keep track of, don't want anymore lol.))
  3. ((Except, he is a Ratman, Glicks is what is called a Grumman's Kobold or a subterranean version that are closer to Rats and Mice then Lizards and Dragons. Probably should have cleared that up, as I realize it isn't in the OP under the Kobold section as I didn't decide there were 2 types of Kobold until more recently, though as Grumman's Kobold are extremely rare I may not give them as a PC option.)) "Well watch somebody elsaa, Meesa have work to do." He said, plopping down in his chair. He immediately started to begin work on the small device again, ignoring the 2 men as if they didn't exist.
  4. Glicks "Meesa knows of Invisibility magic yes." He said as he picked up the device. He pointed at the little gem inside the machine "Thissa gem was made through affixing a spell to it's core, but that will not help yousaa learn Magic. Also further mores, Magic cannot not simply be explained. It is a process, a science. I cannot simply say, magic works thissa way, now go use spells." The Kobold said rubbing his head furiously. It was obvious he didn't talk to others much and this was a social tick of his, rather than him being angry. "You should meet meesa at the Raven's Spiral tomorrow, Glicks teach many class, but should be able to squeeze in time for yousaa." At this point Glicks realized somebody else had walked up. Turning around while still standing on the stool, He rapped Xavier over the head with his oaken walking staff. "Can't Yousaa see Glicks talking to somebody? Don't interrupt Rude Man!!!!" he shouted loudly. Abraham "I don't know Marcus, but I reckon your best bet would be at the Raven's Spiral, it is a large tower in the arcane district, and they have a Scholar Knight in, so even if the Wizard's don't have any records I am sure he will know something." Abraham replied. "Aye we are headed that way anyhow." said a familiar jolly voice. It was Bjorn. He and Chauff had arrived. "Sorry, folks, there is just a place I like to get fish everytime I come to Nevermore, it is kinda a tradition for me" The jolly man said explaining his absence.
  5. Still trying to figure out wihere Azir is going to go. I am actually suprised Riot didn't try to force the Meta on him, and left it up ot the palyers to actually figure out where he will go. EIther way, playing him somewhere, I love his fabulousness.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Gnars did in the teaser, but yea true.....I have a feeling it will be Mid.....but I dunno, I am not sure yet to be honest.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It is AP scaling, so I am pretty sure they will.....

    4. Shanco


      He's mainly played mid so far on the PBE. However I've also seen games where he's successfully used as a support.

  6. "Perhaps it is meant to be, if fate wills it to be, it shall. I have cheated it once, and it was a horrible mistake." The Crimson King said, probably letting go more than he intended about himself. "Now, if you don't mind, I am going to get some rest for my mind, it best I not burden thee more than I need." and with that the eyes sunk back into the book for awhile. Odin A solemn look came over the Dwarf's face, one of a man who didn't like the words he was about to say. It visibly weighed on his mind as he fidgeted for awhile before speaking. However, it wasn't him that spoke in that instant, it was Abraham. "It is your son isn't it? He was supposed to return by now, and I remember you said I would finally get to meet him, and see the man he had become." "Aye, it is, but is is more than that. Brinestar was destroyed, by a devil creature, known only as the Gentleman." The Dwarf, almost choked on the words, they felt almost as nasty as the aura from the Gentleman himself. He fished out of a vial, one of the one ones with Magni's ashes. Just a simple vial stoppered with cork, on a red lace. He handed it to Abraham "Don't forget Magni, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here." he said, redness present in those Firey Coals of eyes. Abraham looked at it in the palm of his hand, He stared at it, a tear rolling down his cheek, a soul he never got to meet. "I will remember him, even if I never met him. I know what is like to lose one so dear." he said, wore the vial as a necklace around his slender neck, as he had nowhere else to put it. The room felt a bit more somber, two Fathers, stared at each other, feeling each others loss.
  7. Sinbad grabbed onto Boho quickly, it didn't even take him a second to register it was time to save his own hide. "Zoliver! Gideon! Grab a hold quickly! Boho will get us out of here!"
  8. "You getting along with them Oarloff?" Abraham said, as he came back to sit at the table. "So, what brings you lot here anyway?"
  9. "It will be destroyed at that point, and it would only be inconveniencing. Trust me, One of Stone, even though it may not seem so to the common eye. I have nothing to gain from harming any of you even if I could at this point in time." The Book said, still slightly under his breathe as not to be heard by those that didn't know of his presence. "There will be a day I shall be your foe, but until that day I am not."
  10. ALrighty up to you, please do talk with Equ, if he doesn't see the pm perchance I will remind him. However, it is up to you to get your match done. Glad I could get that solved, I wish you luck with your battles good sir.
  11. I'm sorry Gaunt, but Ruin usually decides the day the Roster goes up and we pick who is on the server, that way we know for sure they will be there. If you want to get in on a fight just get on the server or at least PM Equ or something. If you at least do that I am sure He will consider you ((and I am pretty sure you will get picked, we can't be too overly choosy, we have a small pool of people.)). Otherwise how are we to know you are still actually going to participate? ((also, if you come on the server just hang in the Ruin Room and close the Grand Hall a.k.a main. we don't get trolls in the back channel, that shouldn't be an issue.)) It isn't so much that you need to tell your Leader you are ready or what not, we just need to know you are going to be there, or are still interested. Somebody we haven't seen hide nor hair of on the server doesn't exactly scream "I want to play guys.". I will make sure you don't get looked over next week, so I got your back man, but promise that you will at least make an effort to get on the server ((or at a minimum, talk with Equ our leader.)), that way the other Ruin members know you want to be a part of this and that you are interested in what is going on. Nations isn't only a battling thing, Nations are kinda groups of Friends, and we in Ruin ((or at least me)), believe that we should hang on the servers and get to know each other at least a little that way we know who we fight alongside. We have times were we just hang and discuss strategy and just chill, you miss out on part of the Nations Experience if you don't at least come on a bit.
  12. Don't worry.....even if I did participate this week......I don't know if I could even produce on Acquie level XD
  13. Glicks The Kobold worked for about a minute or 2 more. During this time, in the middle of the device Nero could see a purple gem, most likely an amethyst of some type. The Kobold was startled for a second when he someone watching him, it wasn't everyday somebody cared what he was working on. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and squinted really hard to see who was standing at the end of the counter. Luckily for Nero, the little guy completely forgot about the earlier incident and didn't recognize him at all. "Yes?" he said, in a rather neutral tone. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, as he had a pretty blank expression on his face.
  14. I dunno, whatever it was you just flipped a switch in my brain that made me be like.....wait is Jupiter basically me, but In a different way? and I stepped back and looked at it all, and all the pieces fell together, the puzzle was lain before me the entire time, but not until you opened my eyes was I able to put it together. ((basically this means either I am a genius and I didn't realize it , or I am subconsciously an egomaniac because I accidentally inserted myself [kinda] into the world. Lets' go with the first thank you very much.....))
  15. I know you aren't Hilda, I see you intent in this, and it must be very important to you to go to such lengths to do so. I am going to piece out for now, as I have said my piece and I don't want to harp on about it.
  16. I think this is kinda aimed at Ruin to be honest, but we actually have the least amount of people who actually show up, and then I am busy all the time so I can't participate even though I want to. ((I could if I scummed a team from somebody in the nation, but I don't like taking others teams in a competition as it feels like cheating t me in a way. Also I would rather use something I crafted with my own two hands.)) we have a pretty similar roster most weeks. Hopefully Equ gets in here to back my butt up, since I am a bit of a derp when it comes to this stuff. But we would love to let others get a chance from our rosters, but I haven't seen a lot of them on the servers EVER and it has been 5 weeks, if you don't have time in 5 weeks to even show once, you basically tell me you don't want to be a part of what is going on. ((and while I haven't battled I contribute to teambuilding and spitballing strategies when I can, so I am anything but inactive.))
  17. Welp, I am totally flabbergasted right now....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na, ti isn't a bad thing, as it isn't over the top in anyway. She is different enough that isn't 100% me.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I said the most me, that doesn't mean that she is literally me XD.

  18. I am trying, but prying what i have already attached to that song is very very hard to get off.....
  19. A special treat for you guys, End of Chapter 2 Questions......Hukuna Addition. (( some questions have been changed.)) 1. Which Island Nation would you like to visit most in-game? Honestly, the Crystal Archipelago. It is rather strange and is one place in Graterras I haven't worked on too much. (it has been a bit, but it would give me an excuse to do more.) 2. Which Nation would you like to visit most if you were in the world of Graterras? Shifting Sands, give me some Steampunk tech any day and I will go nuts, not to mention it is pretty Western inspired, and Westerns are my jam. 3. Favourite NPC and why. So I messaged Zeph about this because she happened to be on at the time....but I had an epiphany. I remember saying at one point that Odin was the most like me in this RP. I have never been so wrong and so blind to my own creations. It turns out, Jupiter is actually the most like me. The one character I thought wasn't like me at all, turns out to be the most like me. Odin I have worked on for literally most of the inception of Graterras. Jupiter was a character I threw in sorta like Bjorn and Chauff to see how another character would react. She was never in the draft of Graterras until the very moment were she appeared in Chapter 2 (( I literally made her up on the spot.)), I realized this with the most recent convo between her and Marcus ((so kinda thanks too you Notus, you made me realize how much a moron I am lol.)), realizing she is very much me in that she is a person that holds of front of being a strong individual but is actually very shy on the inside. THings even of the name choice which up and too this point even I didn't realize....I inadvertently used the name of a Lightning God (Jupiter being the Roman counter-part of Zeus. keep in mind I identify with the element of Lightning, it being very common in my characters etc.), because Jupiter sounded Feminine enough but also displayed strength. She has literally become my favorite character I have ever created in the span of a single conversation with Zeph. 4. Least Favourite NPC and Why. Orpheaus, and not because I don't like him, but more cause I felt I kinda handled him poorly. He has a very strange characterization and it is my first time bringing him to life, so I am working out the bugs. ((he is the first character I created for Graterras, and therefore he is very old and he has a pretty weird attitude for me to play off of.)) I hope you guys get to see him again, I really want to show those that don't like him that he is a good character XD. 5. Significance of the Chapter 3 Name? Can't tell you guys yet, but I will say, some of you are pretty warm on those guesses. 6. Which PC fascinates me the most? ((this is not which PC is my favourite kind of question. I do not pick favourites among PCs as it leads to me not being impartial as a host.)) Nero, undoubtly. I want to break that man out of his shell of lonely darkness so badly!!!!! 7. Which PC do you think you need to be better at including? Those of the quiet variety other than Helze. I feel I kinda neglect Dru and Nero alot and I want to try and get them in the story more. ((though it is hard when you guys kinda refuse to interact sometimes XD.)). Helze has 2 NPCs that are attached to her, and I kinda took away Dru's. ((Brass will be back sometime by the way. OMG HUKUNA SPOILED HIS OWN RP!!!!!!!!)). Sigurd is kinda included, but in that weird he is the little brother nobody gets along with kind of way. ((not that it is a bad thing, I love Sigurd as a character, but he does not paly well with this group as they are slow and methodical, and he is a Firebrand.....honestly sometimes I wonder why he isn't the Cinder Knight in the group......)) also I think Bjorn will be a good friend of his, but I got to start getting the jolly old bum into gear. ((yes he has been missing in the bar scene for a bit, I am working him and Chauff in, but I wanted to see PC reactions moreso first, and Odin and Jupiter are more like PCs to be honest, why they are included in that list.)) 8. Do you prefer Action or Character development sections? I prefer Character Development over fighting. Interpersonal relationships between characters are interesting and I love to see them grow and mature. I love a good fight scene, but the content of a character's soul, what they stand for, what they would do for what they stand for, and who they are as a person is more important to me at the end of the day then what they do in a battle. I must humbly apologize for those of you that feel left out during these sessions. I try my best as a host, but even I can drop the ball. I try to engage every character in meaningful development very time there is downtime. Sometimes I screw up and miss a few. I hope those of you I do miss by accident can forgive me for it. 9. Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend is in Nevermore? [REDACTED] (these lips are sealed.....YOU SHALL NOT BREAK MY WILL!!! I will not spoil anymore!!!), *coughs* I mean...um what? I do this for you guys, and I hope you all continue along with me on this journey. It has been a joy so far and I am glad to have shared it with all of you, you have each become a treasured friend of mine, and I am glad to call Reborn, one of my homes.
  20. "Oi, don't you even think about that." the Crimson King said aloud, though quietly so the others couldn't hear him around the Inn.
  21. Heyo! and welcome to Reborn, I am Hukuna Sensei, a pleasure to meet you. I run the RP forums around here and am the resident Sensei of RP. I don't know if you are interested in it at all, but if you are ever curious do feel free to drop on by. Even if only to read the stories we work to craft. And if you wish to join up you are free to at anytime. PM me if you have any questions about it. Enjoy your stay at Reborn, I am sure you will fit in around here. Hukuna Sensei out~
  22. Have such a soft spot in my heart for cheesy 80's ((and around then)) love songs, more like cheesy love songs in general.....and I have no idea why.

  23. THis song is tied to a character in Graterras for me, and it would be racked with spoilers so I can't participate this week lol. ((mostly because I will end up spoiling a lot and when I attach songs to characters I am usually very gung-ho about it so it is hard to not think of them etc.))
  24. It depends how Impulsive he is. Will seeing this strange Kobold messing with something that is his school of magic make him jump? It may also help him get his mind off the weird thing that just happened between him and Abraham. ((also Glicks is much more sociable when he is excited. Not to mention he would love meeting another Practitioner of his field. This isn't set up by the way, it just so happened to be, a lot of this part of the story was drafted up by me prior to actually starting this RP on the forums, other than fitting in Oarloff most of this was intended to be this way. A lot of it I just tied together with the elemnets of the story that have happened. Like Bjorn wasn't originally a character, but not only was he to give someone that had a similar mindset to SIgurd, he also was a hook to get you guys to Nevermore. Funny how all this works, huh?))
  25. Nero Only Glicks was quickly scribbling on a pad, as he stared at strange piece of machinery. He seemed serene as if he didn't notice anyone else in the room, or that Nero was watching him work. Nero noticed though as Glicks placed his hand over the device that it disappeared. He wrote down a lot more notes, it seemed like he was working on something related to Illusion magic at the time. Glicks got an excited look on his face, as he started to crank bolts and mess with strange dials. He looked around the room quickly, though he didn't notice Nero. He placed the strange device on his little purple robe, and he pushed down on a little lever, Nero couldn't see that the first time, due to it being in front of the little Rat-man. This time Glicks disappeared with a soft silver flash. Everything except for his little feet which were hanging off the bar stool still at this point. Nero heard him audibly groan, then place the device on the table, and the little Kobold appeared again. He placed a small pair of glasses on his nose and began furiously going over his notes.
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