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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Juptier had noticed it, as she barely managed to catch a look of concern that came over her face. She quickly tried to move along the subject, as she didn't want to touch a sore spot this early. Out of respect she didn't want to pry. "I believe that too, Marcus, Helze being my sister of sorts." She laughed a little. " I feel some souls are meant to meet, like when you guys got to Passtrough, I think it was meant to happen."
  2. "Sometimes our teachers are the smartest and wisest people, even if at the time they seem to be trumpeting the same thing at us over and over again." She said with a playful giggle. "It was Brass who taught me to stand up for myself you know. I am glad he will be fine, he is kinda like a brother to me." she said staring off a bit, she caught herself and looked back at Marcus. "You have anyone like that back home?"
  3. COnisdering I am always on, I doubt any of you are on more than me.....I lurk at all times.....None can avoid my gaze. (I am a bit like Sauron.....but for RP.....not looking for any rings.....)
  4. "Glicks needs to learn that everything isn't about him, kinda a problem he has, he acts a bit like a spoiled child sometimes." Abraham said. "I am glad you aren't angry at him though, there has been too many a time he has been chucked across the room." Abraham said with a little chuckle. "Though if you would like a seat, feel free to take one. You know you look familiar...." Abraham let slip without realizing it. "But....um....it is nothing I think. Have a good day sir." he said as he turned rather abruptly.
  5. Jupiter blushed a little at Marcus's complement. For the first time he would have seen a softness in her her emerald green eyes. "I only did what needed to be done. However, I hear your a Cinder Knight. What is it like? I have always wondered, they sound like such free spirits compared to the other Templars."
  6. Mega Tropuis, LORD OF THE BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLOWED IS YOUR SACRED FRUIT!!!!!!!
  7. No, I don't play Yugioh, but it is the same thing with Magic. so I know what you mean. (I personally find Yugioh boring, it isn't my kind of game.)
  8. Oh boy.....They are going to have fun with Yojimbo, that is for sure. (yes, I have named him already.)
  9. Hearthstone that is all.......I could go into the myraid of decks etc.....but I am pretty sure I would bore everyone here to death. I also like MTG, but it is way to expensive to get into it or even have a competitive deck so I kinda avoid it.
  10. Jupiter "Yea, why don't you have a seat sis? You don't want to be standing on your feet too long." Jupiter said, she wandered over to the table and promptly sat down right next to Marcus. ((who I assume is sitting next to Abraham.)), she was curious about the Cinder Knight, and a lot of the others in the group since she didn't get much time to talk with them after leaving Passtrough. "Nice to meet you, by the way and sorry I haven't really talked to any of you guys much." She said fiddling with her, looking rather nervous. "My name is Jupiter." she said extending her hand towards Marcus for a friendly handshake. Her hand was shaking enough the Marcus could see she was indeed nervous, it wasn't too much that is was plain as day to anybody else. Only Marcus was able to see it. Glicks Nero all of a sudden felt a sharp rap to his knee, as if he was being scolded. Upon further investigation ((I.E. looking down.)) he saw the cause of the blow. A small Rat-like man in a purple hand-knitted robe was there, and he looked slightly mad. He was holding a small oaken walking stick, with a rather nasty knot on the end. "Ooooh, why are yousa in Glicks spot? That spot best spot for thinking, meesa want you to leave." said the little Rat-like man, in a somewhat funny rage. At this point Abraham realized what was going on and walked over. "Glicks, what did I tell you about bothering customers?." "That issa rude, and Glicks should be the better Kobold and go to different spot." The little Kobold said, rolling his eyes. "Good, now, why don't you take a seat at the Bar today? It is empty for now, and I am sure you can work on whatever crazy gadget or silly concoction that you are researching there." Abraham said, in a fatherly tone. "Fine, meesa go now." Glicks said, resigning to his fate and sulking off towards the Bar seats. "I am very sorry about that, Sir, I hope Glicks didn't disturb you. He can be rude sometimes. He isn't the best around people." Abraham said to Nero, hoping the man wasn't too angry at the Kobold.
  11. it is, it only works if you are in contact with the Crimson King's Simulacrum (since Sigurd is carrying the book, he is in contact with it.)
  12. ((please indicate in a similar manner, this cannot be heard by the others as it is taking place directly in your mind.)) Crimson King "Hmm, down in the dumps there Tough Guy? Anyway, I am sure you don't want to talk right now, but you always got me. Since you are in contact with me, even in the form of a mundane object I can telepathically communicate with you. You can do the same, just will it, and it will be. But I think your companions are just a little on edge you brought me along, I am sure they will think differently once they see how charming I am." The Crimson King said to Sigurd. ((not sure on the colour it will be yet, since I got to find something easy enough to read, but it will ultimately be the one I choose up above, for now just Bold and Italicize to indicate. you are talking to The Crimson King through the Telepathy rather than actual speech.))
  13. Thanks for reminding me, he was totally supposed to talk to you, in your mind!!!!! Basically, being in contact with his Simulacrum allows him to directly contact you through a special form of telepathy, you can also use the reverse. (I am will work it in, since it is hard for him to talk otherwise without scaring the hell out of the townsfolk. and don't worry, he can't take over your mind or read it, or any of that stuff. and just so you are aware Flux, though I think you amy have figured it out already, this is a very advanced Simulacrum, it has researched features that don't exist in normal ones, like the form change, direct projection [means he can directly project himself through it, like when he talks, it says what he said etc...], and this special telepathy. He basically created this as a vessel so he could see the world is the gist of it.)
  14. If it was Sensei it would have to be me, and it wasn't me, just like it still isn't me. Want another chance PWB?
  15. Glicks was going to show up soon anyway.....Akuma just so happened to bump into the little fellow as he was about to get to the Nightingale. (( and he probably won't be a permanent NPC even if you guys end up liking him, because I have a feeling he would get really annoying.))
  16. "Not at all, go ahead." Abraham said. Outside as Akuma marched outside in a hurry, he heard a small voice. "Mestir, Mestir watch out!!!" and with that he collided with something he couldn't see. Now sprawled out on the ground in front of him was a curious looking creature. It was small and rat-like, and he was wearing a funny purple knit robe. He jumped up and brushed himself off. "Yousa need to be more careful, you could have hurt Glicks." he said. The little creature whatever he was looked extremely ridiculous angry, as his fur stood slightly on end. He rapped his walking stick on the ground, and then he realized something, he had dropped his bag. All over the ground was strange mechanical parts, various bugs and other small critters, and some strange unidentifiable objects. "Oh noes, Glicks need that stuff for research!!" he said as he scrambled to pick up everything he could. His hands were going lightning fast picking up mostly the bugs first seeing as they were alive and were trying to get away..
  17. YOU SUMMON THE GREAT HUKUNA LIGHTLY? No? Okay, carry on. Zeph, you still there?
  18. Nope, Archmage of the entire freaking universe here! So Rose....you coming back next?
  19. I don't know....I personally would avoid most of those chicks.....they are all crazy. Hukuna wouldn't do well with crazy.
  20. nope. I just like seeing how characters react to things, and if players can have their characters behave in a way that is in fact their character. I'm weird....I know lol.
  21. Have I mentioned I have actually seen Kill la Kill? I have seen 9 animes total, and that is one of them. It is amazing.....I love it so much....XD
  22. Got a new one....was playing Payday 2 earlier with my friends, got bored of the stealth run so I ran into the Bank and started firing at everyone in the building. Basically, was my way of blowing off steam as they blew stealth for the 7th time on Death Wish. We actually had a good run after that, but man, we were laughing so hard lol.
  23. "Aye, it is the draw of the Nightingale." Abraham said. "Oarloff has always been skilled with harp. I am sure many look at him, and think him a daft creature, not capable of making beautiful music, or doing anything for himself. But he can, it is surprises most that come here. You would be baffled by the number of people that come in since they hear the music from the street, only to find out a Half-ogre was playing it. Music isn't made by the person, but is made by their soul. Their ability to manipulate that song from the instrument they play, or the music they sing is when the skill comes in."
  24. Hot Pizza, Hot Pizza, Hot Pizzzaaaa.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Pizzaaaaaaaa! >__<

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      funniest thing, is that is a reference to one of my favourite youtubers, where he though one songs lyrics were hot pizza. just though it was an apt reference lol. (Jesse Cox and Crendor by the way, in their Saint's Row 3 play-through lol.)

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hot Pizza everybody....HOT PIIIIZZA HOT PIIIZZZZAAA
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