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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Hmm, I think I was a bit too hasty, going to withdraw my vote for now, want to see how this further plays out, and gather info. (I highly doubt my opinion will change, but I never know.)
  2. Need to remove my many layers of Pokemon Battling Rust. Ugh, this will be a long arduous process.

    1. Notus


      hey, if you want any help to practice just give me a call in the server, it'll be a pleasure/

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Indeed. It seems I have become the Grasshopper.

    3. Bearadactyl


      You sound about like me if I were to play a game of Halo any time soon.

  3. Going to make some based on the Shovel Knight armor sets cause bored. Dynamo Plate: After 2 hits, next attack is a guaranteed Critical Hit (doesn't work with Multi-hit moves.) Final Guard: If under 30% life Defense and Special Defense are increased by 1.5x . When above this threshold bonuses are lost. Momentum Mail: If you make an attack this turn, increase your speed one stage. If hit by ANY damage revert back to base speed. Ornate Plate: reduces enemy accuracy by 20% Stalwart Plate: Physical version of Assault Vest. Conjurer's Coat: At the end of the turn, increase your Special Attack by 1 stage, but lower your Defense by 1.
  4. I say yes to this, I don't mind whether it is optional or not. (therefore I voted for the optional version that way people can play which ever way they want.). I understand it both sides, I honestly prefer team-preview, but I understand somewhat why others do not.
  5. "I don't really know you, but I assume we should stick together. Things are starting to look crazy out here." Sinbad said. "Anyway, you lads better not hold me back, for I am a a god among men. Lead the way sir Knight or whatever you are, but remember Sinbad Firebrand take orders from no man."
  6. Panik saw the little harpoon flying towards his eye. In response he closed it quickly. The thick skin managed to protect it from the harpoon as it stuck into his eyelid only a little. "Ow, that hurt." Panik said as he plucked the little harpoon from his eyelid. He opened his eye again as he looked in at Ix. "Why funny man hurt Panik? Panik only do job he wassss told to do. Why funny man protect bad souls? Why funny man even here? You no look like the others funny man." ((he is talking directly to Ix here, as he noticed he looks quite a bit different that is why he is calling him that.))
  7. "Why Puny onessss always have to hide in holessss?" Panik grumbled. He shook the ground once one by walking over to the rat hole. He tried to peer into the little hole Ix and his followers went into by lying down on the ground. A Big Reptilian eye stared in at them. A vertical black slit made up the pupil. The pupil was surrounded by a storm of colours, mostly golds and yellows, but many blacks and blues were present as well. "I seesss you little ones, there are very many of you. Panik very hungry. He will get youssss soon."
  8. Kinda the issue I was having when playing Quincy......accept he was a Ratman....so pretty dang obvious he wasn't a nice guy from the get-go.
  9. The lumbering gait of the beast got closer and closer to Ix. He could now see what was chasing him at the end of the long hall. A Giant man-like beast padded slowly, and loudly towards the crowd of lost souls. The giant had long black hair, and his skin was mostly covered in thick motley green scales. He had an old scar above his right eye that looked old as sin itself. Long Black nails protruded from the ends of his fingers, and looked as if they were made of shining Obsidian. The Man-beast piked one of Ix's followers who happened to still be fighting for food on his long talons. The pathehic man screamed in horror as he was impaled through his chest. The screaming ended as quickly as it started, for the Giant Man-Beast threw the follower down his gullet and swallowed him mostly whole. "Foodssss......" he rumbled. "Panik, SAYSSS RUN PLAYTHINGS!!!" he roared loudly.
  10. "I HEARSSSSssssss you!" came a frighteningly reptilian voice. "I smellsssssss you too, tasty morsels, come to Papa Panik....." it continued as it stomped down the hall towards Ix and his new friends. This so called "Panik" whatever it was, was still not in sight.
  11. Nope, but we have been talking about this for a little while. It is a way for me to be involved in the RP without making a full blown character lol. I am running a temp character (takes much less time and effort etc.) so don't worry, Notus knows about it lol.
  12. ((Hello guys, it's me........Hukuna, here to ruin your day curiosity of Notus.)) Ix then heard a huge rumbling sound and the hall began to shake.But it was not from the crowd. Something bigger was headed his way.
  13. and my family adds another tale of ridiculous forgetfulness to its lexicon.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Felicity


      You can get an arrest warrant for Overdue Books? Noted

    3. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      ^^ Jesus. At least things worked out though xD

    4. Arkhi


      That doesn't even... Make... Sense.

  14. Aye, don't be too hasty. That you recognize this means you are at least willing to learn from your mistakes and acknowledge that you make them and are in fact human. We all have incidents, especially with hax in pokemon, because it only take a bit of bad luck to make somebody snap. I am sure not everyone here hates you, in fact I have some respect for you for doing this, it takes a bit of courage do this in front of an entire community of people.
  15. Keep in mind, Sorcery is very much a strange natural type of magic, so when receiving a new power it would make sense if it kinda came in on a burst randomly. It could just to decide and manifest now for any number of reasons, but it is relatively safe to say it would not be under their control the first time it was used.
  16. Quincy is pretty insane, the only reason he would need to kill someone is if you looked at him for a second to long, or if you looked at him funny.
  17. Yep, just make it logical in how it appears. (please no, oh, yea it saved me when nothing else could, type dealios. Hell, you could even have it manifest unexpectedly, like as they are walking up to town and just scare the heck out of everybody lol.)
  18. So an Arrest Warrant just showed up at my home for one of my parents, and we have absolutely zero idea what is going on. So I am freaking out a bit today, please excuse me, but I might be a bit on edge or alittle off-kilter for a bit......I hope you guys understand.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Arkhi


      With rather hard honesty, if you don't know if your parents have done anything, that would be the cause for your worrying. As long as no big-name laws have been broken, it's likely fallacy. Keep an open mind and take care.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Aye I know, it is just the person I am, cn't help it sometimes. Needed to get it off my chest and I feel a hell of a lot better.

    4. Neo


      Could be for an unpaid traffic ticket. Probably offering the chance to turn themselves in for a day to get it scrubbed from their record.

  19. Yea, not sure how the Gamemaster is the least necessary part considering since they are kinda creating the story the players are RPing in.... But remember this, no one however is more important or less important. Players and the Hosts are equal, without one another, neither can exist, there for there is no such thing as a least important role in RPing. The Host is just as important to the RP as his players are. The Host creates the World and keeps all running smoothly for his players to enjoy themselves and have some entertainment. The Players are our life's blood, make our worlds worth creating and making for them. For Players this is the same of the host. He gives them a place to actualize their characters, a playground to explore from a different point of view. To say Hosts are less important than the Players, or that the Players are less important then the host cheapens what RPing really means and stands for. RPing is about the community and the Comradery, not about who is more important to a story or an RP. We all have our roles, and they work together in harmony to create beautiful stories and Epics we couldn't dream on doing ourselves. To say any of us are unimportant cheapens us all. One does not say a Worker Bee is less important to the hive than a Queen, they both thrive together and without the other, neither would have any reason to exist. And even if that was a joke, I take this very seriously. It is not a joke to me. That calls out the very essence of RPing when it was never about that, and it is a disservice to us all. I strive to have anyone in this community believe and understand that we are all important and all equals no matter what, and saying such undermines my work.
  20. XD, I am not much of a Father figure, while it true Odin is the most me, it is more due to his unabashed kindness. (A quality I try to extend to every person I meet.). I mean.....at the end of the day I am 19 and don't plan on being a Father anytime soon, so it will be a long time til I truly know what it is like. ((also....keep in mind how weird the NPCs you have met so far are. Orpheaus and Brass are vastly different to me, Orpheaus moreso. They are very much the Warrior types, and I am anything but a fighter [though I do rather enjoy playing that archtype for some reason]. The Crimson King, while he definitely has a note of my humor in him, isn't much like me either, definitely fun to have interact with you guys since he has vastly different views on things.))
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