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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Good to see Shen back in the LCS, I love that Ninja man, no matter how weird a Face-tanking ninja is.

  2. Indeed. I think I am just going to leave his legend alone for the most part. Like he will definitely be somewhat of a known name. It is mainly a convenient tie to get the connection between the Rivenholts and you however. I may flesh it out at some point though, and I will definitely at least run anything by you first.
  3. Alrighty, Strat your character is accepted, look forward to seeing him in action. (and I will actually spin that Step-father angle into it since he was connected to the Rivenholts already.)
  4. DOn't take this the wrong way Super, Jude is awesome character......but oh my god I hate him so much XD. He is the kind of person my entire being tells me is horrible. I don't like those that blindly follow something. He is just one of those characters that gets under my skin. (by the way that is proof he is well written since he gets this much of a rise out of me, good work man lol.) Basically, his philosophies are entirely different from mine, so I get that itchy feeling.
  5. Yea i think it could be a little too powerful, it is definitely a combo I didn't think of lol. Alright though Snap, I think Aby will be accepted once you get your backstory up. (unless it is like bat shit crazy.), remember, if she was born in Nevermore, certain parts of this city are a shit hole and she could have been abandoned as a child due to being albino. SHe could have learned how to survive and do whatever is necessary to do so. This is just a launching point and I am spitballing a bit here for you. Feel free to do what you want with her background, as she is your character after all.
  6. (pssstt.......Strat, your Faction is Ravens of the Black Star, that is their Coat of Arms.) @ Snap Also, if you don't take a role as an actual Diviner as well, I think I will be okay with it. Basically, if you only use it to bolster your Assassin stuff and aren't also an informant for the Family too as you might be a bit too op. Being an albino is fine, but don't expect to be treated too well though. Also I decided against other races from the Interest thread. This is a Human city so I think other races would be much to rare to allow people to play them, so sorry if you guys don't like that too much, but Human only it is. The story is more or less based on Human Families etc, and it makes a little less work for me.
  7. Just going to say The Wickwickets are going to be hard for him to get along with, they are highly good people, and they will drive him to insanity faster than any person on Graterras. Just letting you know ahead of time, your personality isn't very compatible with them as a family. If you up for the challenge I will accept him, but if not I suggest changing to the Rivenholts, they are the most like your character. I will wiat for your response before accepting our friend here.
  8. Graterras: Dark Destinies is now live. Will be a bit til the IC pops up. GO check it out here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9246#entry171017

  9. as an aside, please keep Graterras Original stuff in it's OOC, and Graterras: DD here. please don't bleed either into the others OOC.
  10. Intro Hello and welcome to the OOC for Dark Destinies, I will be your host Hukuna. This RP is what I call an In-city RP. Rather than be adventurers traveling the world it is set in a central location, that being the City of Nevermore in the Land of the Shadowed Isles. This RP is more about the interaction of Player characters and their employers. They will play a side role to a conflict of Families duking it out for control of the City. Your foes are the People, rather than monsters. At anytime you could fall prey to an assassin, politics or somebody claiming to be your best friend. It isn't safe in the walls of Nevermore, some say it is even more dangerous than the outside world. Rules Families and Related Mechanics ​The families are the main shakers and movers of the City, they will be the ones mostly employing the PCs and other NPCs. They are the main focal point of the story and are important to what is going on. Players will help move along the actions, however, it is mostly the Families that will do so. Feuds and Allegiances Feuds and allegiances are things that apply to Families and anyone under their banners. Feuds are when 2 Families currently don't get along and will absolutely refuse to work together. Feuding Families target each other First out of any others, typically even over Families who threaten them more currently. There will be some Feuds in place at the beginning of the RP. Feuds can be repaired or started as well. It takes a long time to create a Feud or repair it, and even after a Feud is repaired those families will still be on edge with each other. Allegiances are the opposite of Feuds. It is when 2 Families work together, or promise to come to each other's aid. They work towards each other's goals and try not to step on each other's toes if they can help it. These Families will never attack each other intentionally or of their own violation. Similar to Feuds these take a long time to kindle. However, they are more easily broken as any attack could strain relations to the point where they break instantly. Players can influence these, but it is pretty limited to guiding the Families in the direction of ridding their Feuds or kindling new Alliances etc... Basically, it is still up to me whether or not the NPCs in the Family are ready to make a change, and it is not entirely in the Players hands. Family Descriptions The Rivenholts The Rockwells The Ironclads The Wickwickets The Runeborns The Tazmilies. Classes Classes in G:DD aren't Traditional Adventuring classes in a Fantasy Setting. They are more of Specialists and tuned to be more suited to the City rather than out in the field. Classes won't have long descriptions as they are more of guidelines for characters rather than actual classes. At most a character can have 2 Class Descriptors, and no more. These should be used sparingly, and by a case by case basis. Not every PC should have 2 Class descriptors. There should be a only One of each Class descriptor under employ for each family as there isn't need for more than one in most cases. It is a first come first served basis. Court Wizard These individuals serve as advisers of magic to the Lord or Lady they are employed by. They can also serve as financial advisers and just counsel in general for they Lords and Ladies as well. They aren't very well suited to combat in any means, typically employing spells that help their Research or assist in Daily tasks. They may keep some Offesive spells in times of tension between 2 families however. Assassin Assassins are contracted Killers. they tend to be hired to eliminate certain targets of interest to Families at the time, but keep it on the downlow. They use all manner of poisons, tricks, and underhanded tactics to take down their targets for the Family they are currently Employed by. Assassins aren't in the constant Employ of Families, but they will have ones they prefer to work with. Hitmen Hitman are like assassins, but kill their targets to make a statement. They are always in the employ in a certain family, and only work for one. Hitman also function as bodyguards and somewhat as advisers for families on their downtime as well. Hitmen cannot take another Class Descriptor, if playing a Hitman it can be your only one. Silvertongue (Swindler) Silvertongues are the Snake Oil salesmen of the world. They trick people with words and lure them into false security. Whether it is too get someone of your back, too buy something at an inflated price or flat out sell them junk, these are the SIlvertongues specialties. Silvertongues are also good spies, and are commonly sent into Enemy Families to scout out their secrets. Though A SIlvertongue can only go undercover once in an enemy family. SIlvertongue pairs well with the Politician Class descriptor as well if playing a corrupt Politician. Politician Politicians are members of the Nevermore COngress under the Leadership of the Raven's Council. politicians pull for bills and laws for Families they are in the pocket of and try to get whatever small advantages for them that they can. Politcian PCs can choose to be Neutral Parties, or they can choose a family they are in the pocket of, through bribes, mutual goals etc it is up to the player to make up why they are in this relationship with the Family. Diviner (Information Mage.) Diviners are Mages who employ magic to get info no one else could easily. They can use magic to spy on conversations, See into rooms they normally couldn't and many other tricks. They are invaluable to families looking to stay one step ahead of the game. Diviners can also be Court Mages, and can pair with many other descriptors. Smuggler Smugglers carry contraband and move slaves through the City. They also can have outside adventures unlike other classes. These adventures take place outside of the city, and possibly in other regions than the Shadowed Isle. They are small set pieces to give the Smugglers some peril when acquiring their ill-gotten goods. Manor Guard The head of the guards in the manner the player can manage the guards of the household, and even sometimes be an advisers to the Lord of the Household. If paired with any other Class descriptor however, the Guard thing is a front and used to hide their true identity. Thief Thieves thrive in the big city having no shortage of things to steal. They are often deployed by Families to steal important trinkets or secret documents. Thieves can choose to be aligned with the Thieves Guild, or be a Thief of a Family. They will typically be hired under some other title if such is the case. Create a Class Is there a Class descriptor here Good 'ole Hukuna forgot about? Maybe you want to break the mold and choose something a little different. All Classes must however be approved by me. Give a description of your class, tell em what it does and why it does it. Since you can tailor these to be more to your liking you may only take a CAC and no other descriptors Current Feuds and Allegiances Current Feuds Wickwickets and the Ironclads Wickwickets and the Rivenholts Tazmilies and the Rivenholts Current Allegiances Wickwickets and the Rockwells Rivenholts and the Runeborns Sign-up Template Looking forward to this RP guys, it is like nothing I ever did before, so please note I may derp it up at some points as this is new territory for me. Hukuna Sensei out~. Accepted PCs and their Sign-up Forms. Celestine Taugerroth(Rosesong's PC) Runeborn's Court Wizard/Diviner Gilwyn Belachi (Stratos's PC) Hitman for the Rivenholts Magnus Darkbrand(Flux's PC) Diviner/SIlvertongue for the Wickwickets Firo Baldur (Typh's PC), Manor Guard for the Ironclads. Also, a smuggler. Slade (Exlink's PC) Shadow (Assassin with minor access to Illusions.) for the Runeborns. Relos Tedosian (Murdoc's PC) Artificer (check character description.) for the Ironclads Ryger (Chimchain's PC), Potential recruit for Thieves Guild. Apprentice to Relos.
  11. Yea, why I said I won't move it, since there might be somebody hanging around here that may want to help. Just carry on what you are doing, I don't want to take up anymore of your time.
  12. Wasteland is one of the SUb-Forums on here, that is what I was referring too.
  13. Yea Players can play all the same races as in regular Graterras. It is just all the families are all Human. As this is a primarliy Human city as well, races that aren't considered normal. (So basically if you aren't a Dwarf, Elf [other than Drows, they are hated.] Halfing, or Gnome, you won't be treated all that well, unless you are SUPER good at your trade and nobody is starting as a well known person, in like any job.) Should note, some families won't hire certain races, but a lot of this will be under the Extra Family information in the OOC. As I will be tracking Feuds (which Families hate each other and are currently Feuding) and which are in Alliances. And those will actually matter in the overall RP.
  14. I would kinda prefer this too be in the Wasteland, but I guess Fanfics kinda fit under the banner. Basically, If I move it don't be surprised, but I am not going to currently. (Also I personally have no interest in this project of yours just so you know. I know nothing of Dragonball or any of it's source material. Also, my talents are more suited towards World Building, which isn't needed for an established universe.)
  15. Working on the OOC for G:DD currently. Looking forward to seeing what kind of characters people come up with. There will probably be 3 more families. There won't be too many more classes though. CLasses are more free-form, and the ones that exist currently are just for reference or examples of what you can do.

  16. Just so you guys know, no discussing G:DD here please, it will have it's own OOC. Now that that is out of the way, we just want to skip up to the Groove? If so, Flux it is basically up to you to start the encounter once I set up the scene. This will be the boss fight for this Chapter, so exercise caution or your character will definitely die. The Death Knight is no joke, and won't have any mercy to spare. There won't be any one shot kills, but if you aren't careful he can definitely take you out pretty quick. So steel thyselves, you are in for a challenge.
  17. Added 2 more families, the Ironclads and the Wickwickets. I have a feeling you guys will either love the Wickwickets, or be endlessly annoyed by them. I don't think there is much in-between with them to be honest XD. And that ends the preview Families etc. I am going to get to work on the OOC now. Hope to see you guys then!
  18. Ugh......Zoolock feels so dirty to play in Hearthstone........and with the new Naxx cards it got even more gross.....hopefully Zoo gets a bit weaker with the other new cards from Naxx....

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Though I am still not sure Unstable Ghoul is good enough.... especially since it will trigger armani Berserkers possibly pop Nerubain eggs and all sorts of other nightmares. Deathlord might quell some of the bleeding, but I can't think of a deck he would fit into, and be good enough against other against other match-ups, since he gives mid-range decks a hell of a lot of tempo if they kill him. (and they must likely lose no creatures in the process.)

  19. Creating Royal Families is intersting buniness if not a bit tedious, and I haven't even got to the ancestry stuff yet. Progress is being made though guys. I will say now, G:DD is going to be awhile out, but I hope to get it up as soon as I can. No current ETA, just keep your eyes peeled.

    1. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      It's not enough to just make royal families. You gotta make timelines and family trees for hundreds of noble lineages. Like GRRM!

  20. I am glad you guys seemed pretty stoked about this. I wasn't sure if this Would just bomb cause people thought it might be a bit dry or maybe would be a bit boring. So glad to see people are digging the idea. AM totally trying to get to up the rest of the Families in a good amount of time. They are going to range a few archetypes. There will also be a Thieves Guild some Neutral Parties in the conflict, but they won't be going up now.
  21. I would also say this is probably more Game of Thrones, Song of Fire and Ice then it will be Hitman Reborn-esque. Though there is a bit of Hitman Reborn in there for good measure. It will be more clear as I get some of the stuff rolling. Now that I know there is interest there it is definitely worth putting some time into this to get it rolling. Keep in mind this project is always second to Graterras: A World in Peril.
  22. Just released the Interest Check for Graterras: Dark Destinies, so check it out. It is a sort of GoT type of RP, where Familes battle for COtrol of a city. The players play the Assassins, guards, sevants etc...hired by these families and play the part of the doers in this RP. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9228#entry170689

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Be ready for grudges, Political intrigue, and espionage. Always be watching your back, otherwise you may find a new shiny shiv in your side.

  23. Added another Family and the Diviner Class, putting together the blurbs for the other Families now. Probably won't release to many of the other families until I get them all prepped. Classes are also definitely more free form in G:DD, so even if a class is not listed ask me it about it, I may consider it. There won't be very many Combat oriented classes however, so don't get your hopes up for that. (even assassins aren't, since they will usually take out a target without much hassle. If the job goes bad than maybe they would be.)
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