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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. There will not be levels. This is more of a story Focused RP, there will be some combat, but most things are the interactions with characters and the Seedy underbelly of Nevermore. Therefore, levels aren't very necessary, and imo would hold it back if I put them in place. Classes also aren't going to be strictly enforced, but rather they are packages to let people get an idea for what kind of character you are. (I will even allow some mixing and matching, so long as you don't go overboard.).
  2. A seedy dock, it smells of fish, sweat and grease. The Ships sway in the habour blown by the winds created by the fair Goddess Aelia. Sailors mingle and bustle, doing their jobs and making entertainment for themselves while they toil away. Some of the sailors aren't payed so well, and they find other means to work a wage. We see a man, his name unimportant, what he looks like much the same. It could be anyone, anything in his place. A Shadowed figure greets him, a sack of gold in his hand. He hands it to him and congratulates him for a job well done. "Thanks for doing the dirty work, as you see I like to keep my hands clean." the shadow whispered, a sinister smile on his lips. "Aye, if you need me fer anythin', ye know where you can find me." the man said. He turned his gold now in hand. The Shadow snickered, picking a wicked blade out from under his waistcoat. He looked at his pocket watch. "Sadly, you won't be leaving friend, your time is up. And lucky you, it is just the time for me to get my hands bloody too!" "Has the target been eliminated without bringing suspicion?" asked a man, sitting a regal library. There were rows and rows of books. They rested in bookcases embellished with gold and black velvet. The Shadowed Figure from before bows his head. "Yes, Lord Rivenholt, I had that Pesky politian handled quite handily. Luckily the Dockhands are easy to trick since they make little money. Even if he had botched the job I never gave him a name, or showed my face. But now he lies in a puddle of his own blood in a backalley. and lucky us......dead men tell no tales." the Shadowed snickered at his last remark. "Good, Nevermore comes closer to my grasp, one day I shall rule this city and all of the Shadowed Isles." Hello and welcome everyone, My name is Hukuna, and I would like to welcome you to something new I cooked up. This is what I will be calling an In-City Fantasy RP. This will be an RP centered around a single place, that being Nevermore in my world of Graterras. This won't be your typical RP however. There won't be Adventurers, but instead there will be agents of intrigue and makers of chaos. Politicians, Assassins, Corrupt Lords and many more foes of a seemingly mundune nature await in this RP. Your foe could be any person at anytime, your greatest foes could always be lurking around you, pretending to be your friend, or a contact. This RP will be focused around the Noble Families of Nevermore, and their struggle for Power in the world. Set, 200 Years in the past in accordance to The Shadowed Isles Campaign, this RP will not have much effect on that Campaign. Players will take the role of servants and people in the employ of the Royal Families. Are you a Guard, who protects your Liege with your life? Are you Someone of a shady type, removing targets from your employers hitlist? Or are you a court Wizard, hired to teach your Lord of the Magics of the world, so he may better understand them? Needless to say there will not be many traditional classes here for the PCs, they will be more of offshoots, or specialists instead of the adventuring types. Some of them Include: (not finished.) Court Wizard Hitman/Assassin Silvertongue(Swindler) Manor Guard Thief Politician(Corrupt or pure of heart your choice.) Diviner (Information Mage.) Smuggler (anything else you guys would like to play? What would you think is too mundune?) Some of the Families. Rivenholts: Ravens of the Black Star Head of Family: Lord Baldric Rivenholt Coat of Arms: 2 Black Ravens in flight from a Background of a Starry Sky. The Rivenholts are one of the most powerful and influential families in Nevermore, having the most wealth and readily available cash. They can hire the utmost of experts for tasks, lobby in politics to win the court to their favor. This power however leads them to being enemies with all but their most loyal allies, they are frequently targets of the other families trying to climb the social ladder. The Rivenholts largely made their Fortune in the Fishing Markets have the most successful Fishery In Nevermore, the Raven's Catch. They have private rights too a special fish that lives only in the Nevermore Bay, named the Raven's Cod. It has a similar black coloring to a Raven. Other noteworthy things is the Persistence of the Rivenholts. They will not rest until they have what they want, and won't let anything get in their way. Their Head Lord Baldric is known for his Aloofness and Stand-offishness. He is a cold, cruel and harsh man. He doesn't care much for conversation and isn't much off one for politics. He is commonly thought an ambitious and callous man. He holds little love of anything other than his goals, and what he seeks to do. He has Jet-Black Hair he always slicks back. His eyes are a deep Purple in color almost seeming as if they were fully black. It is said the Rivenholts are so wealthy Baldric had his iris's encrusted in Jetstone and his hair replaced with it too. Some even say he is so rich his shits are encrusted in them too. Though don't let him hear that, for he is surely an enemy you don't want to make. Family Motto: There isn't anything in this world money can't buy. The Rockwells: The Stone Canaries Head of Family:Lord Leonardo Rockwell the 5th Coat of Arms: A Brown Castle on a field of Silver. In front of the Castle is a yellow Canary. The Rockwells are one of the oldest families still in Nevermore, being just as old as the Rivenholts. They however are one of the Poorer families not having as much money to their name. They are seen as a flighty bunch, that go where the wind takes them, but are rock solid in their traditions. It is not surprising they are a tad strange, since they are mainly comprised of Painters, Writers and Artists of some kind. They generally keep to themselves so they have few enemies in the City. However, they still have high favor in the Courts of Nevermore, due to the many People that still recognize them as the Founders of the City. It was their money that originally started this place, and they won't soon let you forget it. As a result, they are always in the favor of the court, sometimes even the officials other Families have bribed. Leonardo Rockwell the 5th is a quiet man. He doesn't speak when he doesn't have to and likes to keep to himself. He is an avid painter, and commonly takes breaks in his study to paint during the day. He is an ancient old man, having lived to 103 it is soon his time to depart. The family is in a lof of unrest as tou who will take over the household, and siblings rivalries are bound to explode. Leonardo has Kind Blue Eyes, a distinct trait of the Rockwells, and a full head of Silver hair. He typically Dresses in Yellow as opposed to the Silvers or Browns most of the rest of his family will wear. Family Motto: Fly from your coop, but don't forget your Roots. The Ironclads: The Iron Knights Head of Family: General Bernard Ironclad Coat of Arms: An Armoured Arm on a Field of Maroon. It holds in its hand a Grey Knight (the Chess-piece.) The Ironclads are a military Family through and through. They pay their allegiance to the Home Island, Pandora in service of the King of all Humankind. They are more recent to the City of Nevermore, but always have the support of those that share their allegiance to the Grand King's royal military. They are known for their patience and their ability to plan ahead. Many of their heads have been general's in the Grand King's Armies and are very well known war heros. Bernard Ironclad is a grizzled War Veteran. Sometimes known as the Bear of the East, he was one of the top General's in the King's army. He was known for his Bold strategy, and seemingly inabilty to ever make a mistake. It seemed he was always one step ahead of his foes, and he led them to glory many a time in the wars with the enemies of the Kingdom. Now in a time of peace he has retired. He commonly wears fancy Maroon waistcoats and a giant wrought Iron Pocket watch. It was a symbol of his station in the military and was specially made for him. (good like trying to steal it by the way......it weighs A LOT for a watch, not the easiest thing to slip out of a pocket without him noticing XD.). Family Motto: Always be 3 steps ahead. The Wickwickets : The Lily Badgers Head of Family: Lord Bartholomew Jachobim (Yak-co-bim) Wickwicket the 3rd Coat of Arms: A Badger on a field of yellow. There are 2 purple Lilies either side of it. The Wickwickets are an odd family to say the least. They will have you know they aren't a joke, they mean serious business. They acquired their fortune through Wickwicket Winery, an establishment that sells inly the finest Wines brewed by the Wickwicket Family. They also own the the orphanage The Purple Lily in Nevermore, giving a place for the abandoned children to sleep and live. It is run entirely on their own money and makes no profit for them. This makes them enemies with the Rivenholts, as they don't take them serouisly. They are have a Feud with the Ironclads, since they don't agree with them, commonly referring to the lot as blood mongering barbarians. They are Great friends with the Rockwells,the two of the families being closer than any other. As if cut from the same chord of wood, they have gotten along ever since the Wickwickets arrived in Nevermore. The Wickwickets are well know for their tenacity, their lively spirits, and not knowing when to shut up. Never get into an argument with one, as they will either talk your ear off, or keep yapping until they win, which ever comes first. Bartolomew Jachobim Wickwicket the 3rd........that name is a mouth full. And that should set the tone for the rest of this description.....Bartolomew is a strange fellow, and a rather silly man. He insists you always use his full name when referring to him by name. "No point in using my name if you don't use the whole thing." he has been quoting saying on occasion. He is very short, around 4'9". He is a lively fellow, and seems to be every at once. He is never not doing something, whether he is interrupting Congress for the 3rd time this week, or shouting at children for stepping on his beloved Lilies, he is always somewhere making somebodies day a heck of a lot more interesting. Family Motto: When the going gets tough, the Wickwickets get going! (More families coming, I had to get to sleep, but trust me there are more.)
  3. Like really not trying to be a jerk here or anything, but every nation has Leaders and stuff for a reason, like we can handle a vote on our own. Thanks, but we got it.
  4. Sonic, not trying to be rude, but I think we as a nation can kinda handle our vote for stuff.
  5. Finding a good pic of Graves is hard, or at least one that I like XD.

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  6. Sigurd felt a wind wash over him, it was warmer than the ones before. He realized it was Aelia accepting his prayer, she had heard it, and approved of what he said. "We can lead you to the site he mentioned, but you will need to go in alone." Brass said. "So, how about we go along since everyone is in agreement?"
  7. Dru can, the battle is starting to die down quite a bit. The rocks from the explosion did more damage to the Evil army since they were much bigger. Jupiter can effectively run the walls herself at this point, she is capable enough to do so.
  8. Yea, if you meant Spellblade as his last name that isn't his last name. The Death Knight even if he heard his name doesn't care about it so he would use it for somebody he sees as beneath him. He is referring to Nero as Spellblade because it is basically what he is. He is a Sorcerer who was trained to use a Sword. There for he is a Spellblade. It isn't an official class, but it is what they would be referred to just as a general thing. so TL;DR The Death Knight will never properly address someone by their name, since he perceives you as lower than him. ((oh, hey look, a TL;DR by Hukuna that is actually shorter than the original post....))
  9. totally wasn't referring to Viktor in anyway.....if that is what you mean Ark XD.
  10. Alrighty, good good. Just making sure. (you're new don't exactly know your level of RP experience.), if you think you can handle it go for it. I am a bit overly cautious whenever new people show up. (only because I have dealt with people that are completely new to all this.) Really though, glad to have you man, hope you enjoy your stay around here and really looking forward to RPing with you. I like seeing how others RP stuff, since obviously it is different from my own methods. (Also really think I jumped the gun on this, so I will admit I derped a bit hard. I guess I should reasonably have though PCs would be a bit more powerful, where other Players are straight up playing Dragons.....sometimes your sense of scope gets lost on you. This is kinda early on, if you didn't notice so some things are a bit blurry, so you will have to excuse me for earlier.) Just to be clear, the immortality thing is just a don't die of old age thing right? (cause I can overlook that for this.)
  11. Ah, that is fine then, I wasn't aware he would be powering up the Player characters that were non-dragons. If he is fine with it, then I am as well. (sorry about that then XD, I think I will leave it up as a thing since has got important points in it, just not for this RP then I guess.)
  12. Well, just hold onto it a bit. I am not sure if Flux is taking anyone else right now for Awakened. I can't answer for him, I do not having Modding permission for this RP, and am not willing to say it is or it isn't. (because I don't know.). If he is, I will look forward to you participating, always nice to see new blood around this place.
  13. Both of these characters are pretty Sue-ish, @Sith, First of all, imbuing your your character with a dragon soul is definitely just a power grab and highly Sue-ish in Nature. Every single thing you list as a nasty or bad side effect is actually a benefit to your character and is giving you access to ludicrous powers that no PC should have. The fact you flat out say this poison can almost never be healed, is especially dangerous to dragons, and never fully heal is blatantly over-powered no ifs, ands, or buts. No character should be both a Mage and a Fighter of utmost skill, if you are both you should be weaker in both areas as there is no way you could be equally skilled in both as a Master. (I don't even think Murdoc is even allowing multiclasses to begin with but we do need some guidelines on that stuff.). No character should ever be Immortal. That is a huge no-no, and should never be done. It is never RPed well, and just shouldn't be something that a PC ever has. Also, what is Deathsight? You mention it but never explain what it is at all, just saying it is something a Necromancer would have. @Jon, similar things are up with you character as well. You claim he is an accomplished Blacksmith, Fighter, and Mage. THis is simply way to many things he is skilled in with absolutely nothing to balance it out. He seems like he is good at everything he ever does and that nothing actually challenges him in anyway. Also, Smithing has nothing to do with fighting or would help you in using magic, that line makes no sense. SO what if you can forge a sword? That doesn't mean you know how to use one. It also doesn't make you any more adept at using Flames as magic then anybody else. I will say, I think if you just removed that Line, I would be a bit more fine with your character, though some stuff still doesn't sit all that well with me. All in all, and after what seem might be a bit of railing, welcome to the Reborn RP forums I really hope you guys enjoy your stay if you decide to stick around. I really wish I could find something positive to bring out of this and praise something about your characters, but it is hard with the state they are in. Them being both Mages and Fighters more matters on whether or not Murdoc is allowing Dual-Classing, so I don't know how to remedy that. However, you guys are going to need some serious tweaks to make you characters not be Mary Sues. Basically, don't try and add strange supernatural abilities that normal characters wouldn't have for starters. This really is for your benefits, as Sues are rather disruptive to the RP and ruin the experience for others and often times the owner of the Sue as well. It is no fun to play a character who is perfect in every way and cannot fail. All it does is kill any tension of a situation as you just butcher everything in your path, or make the other players feel like there is no point in them even being there. Hopefully, we get more eyes on this soon, see what some others assessments are.
  14. Oh hey again, Sith XD. WE are going to have to wait for Flux to answer you again. Not sure when he will be on, just hold on til then if you can. (funnily enough....this is also an RP of Flux's.).
  15. I think you have to wait til the current chapter ends. Aervana has been a bit slow of late though. Flux should be around to give you a definitive answer sometime soon however. (Flux is the owner of this RP, if you didn't already know.)
  16. Naxx so far. The Arachnid Bosses were pretty easy on normal, thier Heroic versions also were if you built your deck around their gimmicks. So far the cards are a bit interesting, but are very catered to certain decks imo.

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Neurbian Egg is weird too, mostly being an aggro deck card, as it keeps them from being able to board clear you effectively. and in aggro Rogue/tempo rouge it could be used for tempo plays. It may thrie in decks based on buffs too, but that is an ineffective combo. Maexxna seems really weird as well, maybe running well in Priest or Hunter. However it is very weak to certain cards.

    3. Cepheus


      well I haven't played in months, and I don't have so many cards (since I restrain from buying packs with real money) and normal Fearlina just wrecked my mage within in 5 turns... all I drew in the beginning was high-costs and she just spammed deathrattle-minions and rain of fire -.-

    4. Cepheus


      and now she just cheats!

      How can she have 5 Worshippers in her deck when only 2 of the same kind ar allowed?

  17. Oh yea and Super, could you send me that full background again? 1. It is good for me to ahve it on hand and 2. I actually want to run a theme by you for one of the NPCs in the background. Since you sorta helped me create them, I wanted to let you have a little feedback in the theme for the NPC.
  18. "Good, I will look forward to your death mortal. You will make a good addition to my army." The Death Knight said in reply. "Meet me by what the locals around here call Blossom Hill. You can't miss it, straight on from here, adorned with a Single Cherry Blossom. It is in the middle of the forest clearing up ahead." "Blossom Hill, eh?" Brass said. raising his eyebrow inquisitively. "I know that place it is close to here. It is a pretty open area, so we can't get too close to make an ambush, perhaps why he picked the location. However, we can hide in the treeline and pop out if we avoid being spotted." "The place with the Crystal Isles's gift to this land? It seems he did plan ahead at least a little." Orpheaus added. "Strange he would pick his fight there, though I guess it is a statement as well. That marks the influence of Nevermore, and that spot is directly where it ends as of now. Perhaps, he is going to challenge them next by taking their precious Landmark from them." "Hmmm, not to answer for the lads, but honor is sometimes important. It shows that you need no tricks or underhanded tactics to defeat your foe." Odin mused. "It also is a symbol of order, that a Knight will not stoop to the tactics of Bandits or Highwayman. Perhaps honor doesn't make sense to us simpler folk, since we have no need for it. Or perhaps it is because it is something only a Knight would consider a worthy thing to aspire too. However, it is not up to me to decide it's worth. I am just a Former Father, and a Former Merchant, really I am just a lost soul in the maelstrom that is life." Odin sighed out of a bit of frustration. He then composed himself, his eyes newly heated forge embers. They flamed like cinders of fire, newly birthed from the forge. "However, I do know one thing that keeps me going. I must fight to keep Magni's legacy alive. His life shall not be meaningless, and I will make sure that the Gentleman falls. And honor, or no honor, I am glad you lot are the ones with me." He reached into his coat pocket, and produced the small vial of ashes he still had. He placed it to his heart in his clenched fist, being very careful not to crush it. "You are all family to me, and no matter what, we can get through this. The First Thunderbrews survived the First Dragon War, not losing a damned soul. Then they brewed the first Thunderbrew Ale with the very Blood of the bastards. If they could do that, I reckon we can do this." He raised the ashes in the air high above his head. "FOR MAGNI! FOR THE THUNDERBREWS!! FOR ALL THE RACES OF THE WORLD!!! FOR GRATERRAS!!!!" ((just so you are aware Flux, Nero would totally recognize the Ventriloquism spell the Death Knight was using as it is a low level Illusion spell. However, he wouldn't be able to tell where he is, since he could be anywhere within 200ft[rough guesstimate] due to how powerful his magic is. He would't know that exact number either, he would just know he has to roughly be in the area since they can feel his presence due to what Darkness or powerful Evil in Graterras does to the surrounding.))
  19. Golurk fits very well since he is literally stated to be an ancient automaton. So he would be very likely to be found in Ruins no matter where they were. So he would definitely be an apt Mascot etc...
  20. "Aye, protecting the village is a little more important than honor right now. This Creature, however doesn't intentionally set a unfair fight, he doesn't seek to cheat...he however does know that Nero probably doesn't stand a chance on his own." Brass said, placing his hands on the top of his Hammer. He leaned forward a bit, placing his head on his heads, a ponderous look on his face. "It will still be a tough fight even with all of us here to fight him." "Indeed Brass, I too must say we need to use this plan. I am not sure I can even take on this threat alone, even if it weren't for the state I am in." he said, holding his hand to where the hole was in his chest. It was healed now, but it still thrummed with a dull pain. "Death Knights aren't normal undead, they are more sinister, created by a Knight horribly butchering his oath on his own volition. They are cursed, and most of my abilities don't affect them. I can't turn them like other Undead as they are created by a curse. So, I don't have any extra tools we can use. Also, we are not sure where he is, he was using some kind of spell to project his voice here, so we are going to have to wait until he tells us where he wants to fight you." "So, Spellsword, what is you answer?" the voice came again, seemingly from right in front of them. Though nobody was standing there. The Death Knight laughed to himself after cutting off the spell, he cared not for the answer, now that he heard their plans. Having used the Ventriloquism spell he issued the challenge, but he also weaved a Clairaudience spell in the same area, that could receive sound from the area as if he were hearing it himself. "So they are afraid of me? Or at least some of them are....good. I like when my prey fears me, it makes them all the more fun to kill. ((just to be clear, after the Death Knight asks for the answer, he cuts off the ventriloquism spell, therefore afterwards he is no longer projecting his voice, so you wouldn't be able to hear him after that point.))
  21. "What do you have in mind?" Orpheaus said, putting his chin in his hand. He rubbed it in a inquisitive manner, wondering what the Illusionist had up his sleeves. "What ever your planning it best be good. I think we only got one shot at this lad." Brass aid, his gravelly voice crackling. "But I am up for it." Nemesis landed on his Shoulder again, seeming to be in agreement, though it was hard to tell without her master here. "Aye, I will follow you Nero." Odin said, a grin on his face. "Besides, I have got a few bones to pick with these guys." He spun one of his hatchets around his index finger. It must have took considerable skill. He placed it back into his waistcoat, along with the other one he held. They joined their 3rd Brother for now.
  22. You can never listen to too much Power Metal.......However, you can listen to so much every other song sounds like a wet cat fart in comparison

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na, it is because I have been listening to too much. I just have to readjust lol. I actually like all types of music other than Rap and Death Metal. I just miss having strong percussion after listening to so much Metal. I really like the drums etc, so when listening to stuff that has weaker Drumlines for a bit it feels a bit like there is no bottom.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I tend to get into binges of listening to 1 kind of music for awhile, even though I love most types. Basically, got back into metal recently so listening to a lot of it XD.

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      I'll stick to Bob Marley, kthxbai

  23. I am still figuring out, but I feel like even though he is somewhat of a Cold individual, I think it is partiality a facade. I think he does care about some in the group. (quite possibly only Odin.). But, I can definitely tell he has respect for at least Odin and Steele. That is all I really got right now. (also will be writing up something for the IC soonish.). I Definitely feel like he is discovering who he himself actually is though, I get the feeling that he seems to be lost and how this feelings are erupting from him only now (like in your latest post.), that he is finding out what he was truly put on Graterras to do.
  24. I like to create pressure on certain PCs. Why? Because I want to see what they do. Nero has a personality I especially like to poke at. I like to see just how cold and calculating they really are, if they truly are what they project. And it isn't that I hate it, it is just something that becomes very interesting when they are pressed in such a way. I had set this up back at the bridge over the Mouth of the Abyss. I had already planned to make this little encouter, sine I wanted to see just who Nero was, if he really was such a doom and gloom guy. I did I similar thing with Sigurd as well, once I saw he really disliked Orpheaus. I pushed at him to see what he would do. I figure every character will have such moments as this goes along, because they help me understand your characters and who they are. It lets me know just how true what they show to the world really is. (like with Dru, I wanted to see how he reacted to another Earth User, back at the abyss. Him and Brass didn't see eye to eye before, but once they figured out what the other was about, they became pretty close. This are the types of interactions I like to see. It helps me and the player themselves to find what their character values are, and what they respect most in life.)
  25. Yea, I think I deleted it by accident, but I know what is going on with him for the most part. Actually feel free to post it here in the OOC since I have already worked through his intro with you.
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