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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. All of a sudden the flames from the arrows fired earlier, swept up into the sky. It danced for a second, spreading shadows among the participants of the battle. Then it flowed towards a Central point. A disgusting abomination of Bones towered over the rest of the undead, a Dragon's skull for a head. It had a great black flame in it's gut, licking at the mismatched bones creating the chest cavity of the beast. It shook the ground with every step it took. It's charred and blackened bones made it a visage of terror. Black Flames leaking from its skull made what could be considered eyes. It seemed to train its sight on the wall, it trudged slowly towards it goal. Odin fought despartly, hacking and ripping skeletons apart. He was glad he managed to hold onto all his hatchets, and kept throwing them and retrieving them form the fallen bodies quickly. He was pretty nimble for a Dwarf, though the others could tell he was tiring quickly in his old age. He kept up his assault. Orpheaus, charged through the way, now it front of the others. He placed his hand to his head, and then quickly turned his sword upside down holding out the Pommel. He shouted "BEGONE!!!!!" Some of the skeletons crumpled into dust rapidly, the others had white flames light inside their skulls. They fled quickly, screaming in agony. "Quickly friends, we must get to that Infernal Golem." he said pointing at the Behemoth of mismatched bones. "Under no circumstances can we let it near the wall! besides I think we will find our little Death Knight frined in that direction anyway."
  2. Probably going to start contacting, those I will call, the Reborn Guide Team. I will be asking certain people to co-write the Guides with me, just to take off the edge of the work from myself. It will probably all be in one PM, as it will only be 1-3 people I pick.

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  3. This is one big point of this project, to help everyone improve. I will probably be pinning a list of all of them once they are completed and the guides and stuff as well. (I will most likely mark guides from Project Brainstorm with PBS {jsut realized......the acronym is PBS lol.} so people know that we all had worked on it a little.) I am glad it is showing you this though Strat, it means my goal was at least accomplished. I have helped one person, hopefully I can help more.
  4. Linearity is a bit better served in a more Hosting orientated kind of topic. (probably the next Brainstorm to be frank.) It has a lot more to do with what the host and players expect more so than the world-building aspect. There is a little bit of overlap but not much. I would save it for the Hosting basics as we will be able to give it the attention it needs there since it will be drowned out by more World Building related topics as of now. Mostly cause in most cases, building a linear world isn't really possible, but building a linear story is. Story stuff is more related to Hosting, but it isn't entirely inappropriate to talk about it now. As for Flux's post, creating a world from characters that are outlined can be very tough. It forces you to make choices based on them. It is a totally valid way of doing it, but I prefer not to if I can help it. I prefer to paint the landscape, before I paint the things that adorn it. Another thing i should note here is History, it is actually important in World building. My rule, which I will probably add somewhere to the top and will definitely be in the guide that comes out of this is If an Event has a name, or is important in anyway, it most be fleshed out and all the details of it must be known to you the host. Players will definitely ask you about such events if they hear of them, so they must be planned out. If it is named, it is important enough to take the time to write out the event and have answers for the questions that will be coming from players. In Graterras, I will never mention an event, even in passing that doesn't have something written about it. However, in game you don't have to divulge everything about said event right away, it should be just enough to hook players into wanting to find out more. This is a core tenant to World Building. Make the world compelling, make it so that your Players want to learn about it. IMO that is the mark that you ahve created a good World and succeeded in your world building.
  5. Ah, indeed. With Graterras my dividing was done pretty quickly, though I don't have a map yet (I am thinking a world map only, with major settlements.) but Graterras is a very watery world. Most of the Major places (like the Shattered Hills, Shifting Sands, etc.) are they own islands. This also explains why them seem very modular, it's that every culture for the islands is vastly different. I rather to myself as an artist rather than someone analytic, painting a story with words, rather than logically running through it the first time (I do make some logic touch-ups later on though.). I am sure this is very evident by my haphazard style, but it is me. My method is actually very ahrd to pull off success fully simply due to the fact that is is very spur of the moment, like painting or drawing. Anything can change quickly, like a brush stroke or a mark with a pencil. This is a very tough style to use as it leads the world being a bit more volatile, Graterras actually is a volatile world, on the verge of literally being destroyed, This can be seen in the conflicts in the gods, but God history and relations is a bit too specialized for me to go into in this thread.
  6. It is stuff like that we will be discussing. Not only what other things can we add to the list of questions, but what are your own personal methods. Like is there a certain step you like to start on. Like me personally, I like to first create the regions and the places of the world, before I actually work on the cultures and the way they fit into their geological areas. Others prefer to make the cultures then create the places they live. I prefer to start the way I do, because it defines the scope of my world from the get go, I know where all the landmasses are and how much room I have to put in societies of people and cultures etc. I like your contribution as it isn't something I have covered yet it is a very valid concern. I typicially like old D and D style where the players don't know the exact layout of areas, or the world, it adds more of a sense of grandeur and exploration.It adds a sense of mystery as to what could come next, but I also understand the mapped out version to. I feel that metohd takes away a bit too much from the mystery of exploring a new world, which is why I personally don't like it. But any other thoughts, why do you that use it think it really brings to the table?
  7. First Project Brainstorm is up, go to town guys!!!! ;)

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  8. Hello, Hukuna Sensai here! Welcome to the first thred of ProJect Brainstorm Today's Topic: World Building Basics Requirements to participate: I ask that you at least be in 1 RP here on the forums. I would highly prefer you also be hosting a RP here as well, but I am not requireing this time as these are the basics. (further World Building topics will require that you have at least hosted one here at some point.) Topics of Discussion: We are starting with absolute basics here today, so yes I may nto have a few things listed for today, don't worry we will cover them at a later date. There is no point now about talking about how to make a realistic culture with customs, traditions, etc, if you don't have the absolute fundamentals down pat. Topic 1: The World. Basic Questions: Does your world follow rules of nature, gravity, etc like in our own world? If, so what ones and how do they differ? Is this world Earth-like? Can it be considered an Alternate Earth? (an alternate Earth is a alt history type dealio for those that don't know.) Are there many types of Human races, disregarding any nonhuman races? How does the Cultural and Ethnic diversity compare to the actual Earth? (this is a 2 part question.) Are there other races? If so, which are civilized which are not? (no details yet.) Alternate Earth Basics: How similar or different is the culture and history to the actual history and culture of Earth? Why so similar/different? Is there a specific point in history when it split form our own? If so, what event was it? How long ago was it? How much did it change and will it keep effecting future events? What caused this change, was it magic, a crazy discovery of new tech before it time, was it just a branch of a different timeline? If there is no specific point of divergence, what are the differences between this world and the one we live in? Do these changes effect everyday life, or are they less pronounced and hidden from view? If Magic exists, who has it not effected the world history (assuming it is Earth's normal history)? If any of these phenomenons exist in the world but most people aren't aware of it, how was it kept a secret for so long? If Magic is known to exist,what has historically changed, and what has remained the same? How have religions/government/everyday people reacted? What new laws are there, and what old ones have changed? Are there any new professions, or old ones that have been effected? Earth-Like Worlds Basics: What differs in this world's make-up from Earth's? Is it the same size (same Density, and Gravity.), does it have the same ratio of Land Mass to Water, same atmosphere make-up, etc? Does it have multiple celestial bodies? (Moons and Suns.). Does it have rings? Are there any constellations of note? Are there any non-human inhabitants? If so, how many? How Open are they to outsiders? What areas of the world do they live in? How much Land is there? How much is habitable? How hospitable to life is it? Are the seasons the same as Earth? Are they the same Length, or are they longer? What is my part, as a participant, in this? You are here to discuss which of these issues are important, which you think deserve extra attention etc. The Questions above that I provided are some of the most basic questions that must be answered to start creating a rich, well thought out world. In the comments. I , Hukuna, will act as a mediary and a Moderator of the discussion Things to discuss include whether you thik some other questions should be added to the list, if things should be removed to mention that as well. Also offer you own insights into the how you world build or how others you know have done it. Discuss among each other what ou all think is important to World Building. And most importantly. Always question why. You may ask why this is important, but it really is. You should ask this to yourself as you post know why you believe what you do, that way if someone asks you why you think a certain way you are prepared for it. Always questions others with why as well. Don't do it to spite or to flame someone, but do it to discern what others think. If you don't understand why they think a certain way, ask them why they do. Anyway, I hope to see you guys get a good convo going, I am looking forward to working with every single one of you guys and hope we can get something good going here For now, Hukuna Sensai, Over and Out~
  9. Posted the announcement for Project Brainstorm, fell free to stop by even if you aren't a current RPer. Really would like to see what people think of the idea for the project.

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  10. So many guns, so little time. Which to choose? Most definitely a Sniper Rifle, I was one of the Sniper's in the Swat team I led. Now other weaponry, definitely a sidearm, most likely a six shooter, mostly for style points. Viktor though to himself as he eyed over the selection of weaponry. He had picked a rather heavy Sniper Rifle for the shelf, anti-material, more for disabling tanks, but also could fire through walls. A Rather useful feature for a tactician such as himself. He also took a rather promising Six-shooter, Black Gun Metal. He also took 2 newer Uzi models, replacing his old beat up antiques. Next he worked his way over to the other types of gear. He took 3 combat knives, a grenade, and a few trip mines. "Ah, can never have enough gear." he said, reveling in all the new kit he just acquired.
  11. Thinking of starting a thread on the RP forum to field some things, maybe get some input on guides etc from everybody. First one would probably be for the world building guide. That way I can make the RP community as a whole feel like they are contributing to the guides we put up.

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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Probably going to dub it Project Brainstorm, or something similarly cheesy. I really want to involve you guys if I can though. This RP forum is for you guys and i would like to make sure you all know that.

  12. "Ah, a troublesome one I see, well he is crazy if he thinks he can be more Famous than the Mighty Sinbad!" Sinbad exclaimed, taking a dramatic pose. "Perhaps I will make it my mission to find this man, as I don't have red tape binding my actions. But it depends where I find the most glory, and of course, the most coin."
  13. Like Digimon is beyond me at this point lol, so I don't really have much interest in this, however wish you luck Rusty, hopefully you can get this one started. (really sorry about Fate, but I really just couldn't keep up with it. I didn't feel like I could half ass those posts so I never really ended up getting time to sit down and write them out.)
  14. Yea, it is supposed to be, the character it is for ,who hasn't been revealed yet, only hinted at, is a very dark character. He isn't going to be pleasant I will say that much.
  15. Yea, it is nothing to envy. But, I already try and keep things running smoothly around here so it isn't like it is adding to much to my work load, I can just do mod stuff as well now.
  16. "Oi, Boho, still looking as great as ever mate." he said, returning a smile. "Thought I was going to miss the party there for a bit, shame the bastard got away though."
  17. Fnatic and Supa HotCrew......doing so much work for me in Fantasy this week.

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    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ISn't he like 60? (not bad, but doesn't beat Selfie at 111.)

    3. Shanco


      Better than he was. My three mids (him link and cowtard) were failing me miserably at the start

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hell yea, Overpow screwed me 2 weeks ago. Instantly got dropped lol.

  18. Well, Elemental would work that way since hte elements themself are alive in the world of Graterras. Other forms of magic however are formed by Arcane energy or Generic Force. So while I can let Dru get away with that, Nero bing an Illusionist first makes him not able to commune with the spirits of the elements. (though he can still tap into their power if he so chooses, though he would be more inclined to stick to the area of magic he is most familiar with.)
  19. Remember to many cooks spoil the stew, so I can't have too many people. I will probably write up some rough drafts and pick people I trust most.
  20. A wild bolt flung towards Freyal, right between him and Deric, barely missing both of the men. If Boho saw it he would have recognized that gaudy bolt anywhere. "Looks like I finally caught up to you boys!" Sinbad exclaimed "Mind If I ask ye a favor there criminal man? Could you hold still just a second so I can plant a blot in yer 'ead, would make this a hell of a lot faster."
  21. I have been working on not using it as much, because some people might find it annoying, and I am a mod now, I should at least try and cut it down a bit. And PM me anytime Acquie, I am up to it. It would be good to work with a few people on it to get a breadth of styles and opinions. I worldbuild in my own way, but others may have different ways of doing it and valid alternatives to my style. (My style is very haphazard and very free flow, however it has some structure, it may not be the way everyone can do it however lol.)
  22. Pretty obvious, I love the Lion King especially Timon and Pumbaa. It should be spelled Hakuna, however I ended up spelling it wrong because I am terrible at spelling. Took me forever to notice and actually it was somebody in the The Yordles chatroom (a public chat on League of Legends I used to hang out in.), that first let me know. I am actually rather fond of the misspelling though, and keep on purpose (mostly because it makes it easier to keep my name lol.). My other nickname Lupo di Fulmine is another story. I have a group of friends and we are all hella close. I found them about a year ago on the League of Legends forum where I made a post looking for some help learning the game. Either way we slowly became friends, me being the shy person I am lol. They had a pretty big fondness for an anime by the name of Hitman Reborn, even having a Maplestory guild based around it. (I didn't play maple though.). For the longest time I was so confused, as I firmly didn't watch anime at the time. I hated it for the most part. However they changed my mind. After asking what it was one day, they said it would be better if I watched Hitman Reborn, than if they explained it to me. Basically, we are close, almost like a family itself, and as such I was named the Guardian of Lightning, due to my love of playing tanks in League and my somewhat protective nature. (also like they had to teach Lampi [the first guardian of Lightning], not to be a coward in battle, they had to do the same with me in League lol.). Lupo (or Wolf in Italian.) is because WOlves are the animal I identify most with. More the concept of the Lone WOlf though, I was a drifter from place to place friend-wise, never really stayed friends with people long before moving on. It was these same friends that made me feel like I had a place to belong. (a so-called pack if you will.). ((Lupo di Fulmine means Wolf of Lightning for those of you who don't already know.))
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