Hello, Hukuna Sensai here! Welcome to the first thred of ProJect Brainstorm
Today's Topic: World Building Basics
Requirements to participate: I ask that you at least be in 1 RP here on the forums. I would highly prefer you also be hosting a RP here as well, but I am not requireing this time as these are the basics. (further World Building topics will require that you have at least hosted one here at some point.)
Topics of Discussion:
We are starting with absolute basics here today, so yes I may nto have a few things listed for today, don't worry we will cover them at a later date. There is no point now about talking about how to make a realistic culture with customs, traditions, etc, if you don't have the absolute fundamentals down pat.
Topic 1: The World.
Basic Questions:
Does your world follow rules of nature, gravity, etc like in our own world? If, so what ones and how do they differ?
Is this world Earth-like? Can it be considered an Alternate Earth? (an alternate Earth is a alt history type dealio for those that don't know.)
Are there many types of Human races, disregarding any nonhuman races? How does the Cultural and Ethnic diversity compare to the actual Earth? (this is a 2 part question.)
Are there other races? If so, which are civilized which are not? (no details yet.)
Alternate Earth Basics:
How similar or different is the culture and history to the actual history and culture of Earth? Why so similar/different?
Is there a specific point in history when it split form our own? If so, what event was it? How long ago was it? How much did it change and will it keep effecting future events? What caused this change, was it magic, a crazy discovery of new tech before it time, was it just a branch of a different timeline?
If there is no specific point of divergence, what are the differences between this world and the one we live in? Do these changes effect everyday life, or are they less pronounced and hidden from view? If Magic exists, who has it not effected the world history (assuming it is Earth's normal history)? If any of these phenomenons exist in the world but most people aren't aware of it, how was it kept a secret for so long?
If Magic is known to exist,what has historically changed, and what has remained the same? How have religions/government/everyday people reacted? What new laws are there, and what old ones have changed? Are there any new professions, or old ones that have been effected?
Earth-Like Worlds Basics:
What differs in this world's make-up from Earth's? Is it the same size (same Density, and Gravity.), does it have the same ratio of Land Mass to Water, same atmosphere make-up, etc? Does it have multiple celestial bodies? (Moons and Suns.). Does it have rings? Are there any constellations of note?
Are there any non-human inhabitants? If so, how many? How Open are they to outsiders? What areas of the world do they live in?
How much Land is there? How much is habitable? How hospitable to life is it?
Are the seasons the same as Earth? Are they the same Length, or are they longer?
What is my part, as a participant, in this?
You are here to discuss which of these issues are important, which you think deserve extra attention etc. The Questions above that I provided are some of the most basic questions that must be answered to start creating a rich, well thought out world. In the comments. I , Hukuna, will act as a mediary and a Moderator of the discussion Things to discuss include whether you thik some other questions should be added to the list, if things should be removed to mention that as well. Also offer you own insights into the how you world build or how others you know have done it. Discuss among each other what ou all think is important to World Building. And most importantly. Always question why. You may ask why this is important, but it really is. You should ask this to yourself as you post know why you believe what you do, that way if someone asks you why you think a certain way you are prepared for it. Always questions others with why as well. Don't do it to spite or to flame someone, but do it to discern what others think. If you don't understand why they think a certain way, ask them why they do.
Anyway, I hope to see you guys get a good convo going, I am looking forward to working with every single one of you guys and hope we can get something good going here
For now, Hukuna Sensai, Over and Out~