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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Yep, Grammer never was my strong suit, and I only spam !'s when necessary, so no need to worry about that one.
  2. the HHQDA is more my device or method of poking holes into Other peoples worlds or setting. There isn't much to talk about as it is more of a personal thing that I do, and it is not set in stone what questions need to be asked. Basically though, I test to see how detailed things are. FIrst starting by poking apart major world things, like lore, ask them about their Deities if it is fantasy setting, and how their deities interact and their histories with each other. Also knowing the personalities and how the gods act towards their loyal subjects and others who do not follow them is important. That is some of what you must ask, I guess I could write a thread on it, but it would take a bit of time. World Building is more important from a Fantasy Setting, but it is important in all RP worlds. I will try working on a Host Basics guide, and put some world building into there. (was going to work on one with Murdoc, but kept getting sidetracked.) (sorry if that got a bit ranty, tends to happen with me. would be worse if I go into full detail lol.)
  3. I think I am going to say you can do whatever unless I deem it too powerful for you. Things you couldn't do as of now would include Invisibility, Simulacrums (will explain what those are soon enough, but it is an illusion type of magic.), Haunts (Most powerful illusion, can actually kill a person by taking the form of their greatest fear.) and Demi-Illusions and the Phantasmal Killer(similar to the Haunt, but nowhere near as powerful.). I think once you beat this battle I will say you have gotten significant power as to use invisibility. (will try and work into something though, not just like ticking off a checkbox.) This has been something I am trying to figure out as it is hard to RP it without setting actual spell rules. You will gain more power, but at what interval is hard to say. SInce you are a Sorcerer your magic is more natural, like as if it was it is something you can just learn, there isn't science to it like there is for Wizards. Wizards are easier to say as they go to a fellow Wizard and learn form them, or perform magical experiments. Sorcerer's could possibly do the latter, but it would be more of a discovering they have a new power sort of thing.
  4. I think it is cause I am only a local mod so I don't really get one Flux lol. I don't really care though, isn't important for me to get some silly title.
  5. THe hail of arrows flew into the undead horde, felling many of the foes, however new undead quickly took their place. THe Flames for now warded off some of the area, tunneling the Skeletons into a bottleneck. A volley of rocks flew from Brass's side felling the Undead nearby the 2 Cinder Knights ((totaling 27.)). Orpheaus had a small chuckle to himself as he began to run in behind the Cinder Knights. "Good to see they are as reckless as ever, so eager to get into the fray Cinder Knights are." He charged forward, drawing his blade. It didn't shine nearly as bright as it did in the day time, but it could still be easily seen. Orpheaus kept his eyes open for now. He diced one Skeleton clean in half as he caught up to the others charging in the fray. A Skeleton's blade nearly came down on Xavier's head, when a hatchet buried itself in it's skull. It crumpled to the ground a pathetic pile of bones. Odin Rushed in, picking up his hatchet. "You guys miss me?"
  6. "I haven't, need to get to the armory though, need some new gear." Viktor said. "And glad to hear you aren't in a Combat area, I wouldn't let them put a kid like you on the frontlines." he added, placing a new cigar in his mouth.
  7. Hmmm, I like it. One for Graterras might be hard since it is a very in-depth world, and a lot of it's backstory is still hidden, but I love the idea Ark. Anyway, on topic, really looking forward to this RP getting back up, really enjoy playing Viktor.
  8. Heyo everybody! Those of you who are active around the time I am posting probably know me pretty well, but this is for all of the newcomers now and in the future. I am Hukuna,(sometimes better know as Hukuna Sensai, or Just Sensai.) and I will be running the RP forum here on Reborn. I would like to personally welcome everybody to the Reborn RP Forum Family, to anyone here now or in the future!!! Now what does this mean about for old Hukuna Sensai? This doesn't mean I am any better than you guys for starters. While yes I can pin topics and other mod stuff, I am not any better than you guys. We are all a family here so don't expect me to try and butt my way into places were I am not wanted. I will not be a Host or co-host for many of the RPs here, and Hosts still maintain power over their own RPs. Basically, just think of me as some Wise RP guru, here to guide you in the ways of RP. Whether you take my advice is ultimately up to you. I am looking forward to seeing this forum grow while I am here, Hukuna Sensai, over and out~
  9. Oh wow, didn't know I would end up in charge of the RP forum this soon. Thanks for all the Congratlations by the way guys really appericate it, Hukuna Sensai, over and out~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bluewolf


      Knew you'd be in charge of em. Way to go and keep up the awesome work :D

    3. anethia


      when you die of overwork i'll have your back. Congrats <3

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Eh, I should be fine.....hopefully.

  10. Ah, the Hearthstone Arena curse has been lifted.......finally won more than 3 in one one run. though have yet to beat my personal best of 7 wins.

  11. "I suppose your interview went well then?" VIktor said, as he noticed that the kid was beaming at him.
  12. Ah, i understand. Your slowness (no offense), is excusable to me though. You put out some good content in that time. Your writing is impeccable even if it takes a bit of time to pull off.
  13. oh great, just needed to make sure you were still kicking lad. sorry If I seem over-concerned.
  14. It was dead Silent in the Night, all stood still. The Militia stood restlessly in front of the gate to town, cluthing their mismatched, and shoddy weaponry in their hands. All that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the man next to you. It was unsettling. The only solace the men found was the Golden Figure and the heros standing at their head. Orpheaus placed the palm of his hand on the pommel of his sword. He didn't seem as unnerved as the soldiers. he was probably used to the undead as he was a paladin. The Archers stood on the wall, all ready to fire at the first thing they could see. Brass stood on the West wall, where as Dru was on the Eastern wall. Helze found herself with Dru, leading the archer battery. Jupiter was on the West with Brass. They all kept their eyes peeled, watching the trees for any movement. Odin shifted nervously. He was down in the ranks of the men. He still didn't have any armour, so he couldn't help but feel a bit naked. He stood next to Nero, who stood near the lead with Orpheaus and the Frontliners Team. He placed his hand on the man's shoulder, a wordless way to say, make it back. *Crash*, a nasty sound came from the woods, as all of a sudden skeletons flooded out of the woods. They knocked down trees on their way giving them so faux cover from the waves of arrows.It was a horrible noise, like nature itself screamed at the loss of her tress. It felt like the world repulse form these vile creatures, and the feeling of despair and evil in the air was almost enough to make one sick. The battle of Passtrough had begun the Hordes of the undead barreling towards them at top speed. ((Feel free to get a bit creative. AS of Now, the Skeletons are Trash mobs. Though, any other kind of undead will be my discretion. Remeber, feel free to let lose, however don't be reckless or I will kill you off. This is a very dangerous battle, don't take the numbers of the skeletons lightly. They can quickly overwhelm you if be too reckless.))
  15. Well i am writing Graterras's next battle currently, so she will be getting revived a bit. Otherwise yea, it is a bit slow currently.
  16. Possibly, haven't seen him in a bit though, thought he was supposed to be back by now.
  17. Happy B-day, hope to see ya back in the RP forum if you ever get the time, you showed some promise lol.
  18. Why Hearthstone......why you got to troll me by giving me The Beast? That guy is probably one of the wosrt legend cards in the game. Least the Gold Epic I disenchanted made up for it so got 800 dust from 1 pack.

    1. Nyrias


      just DE him, that's a decent chunk of dust there [: generally DE legends you don't like for better ones

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I did lol, why I got 800 dust. trying to get Alex for my Handlock deck lol

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Worst part every legend I got I ended up DEing, including TInkmaster after he got nerfed. Turned him into a Cairne though lol. Cairne is the only good Legend/only one I have as of now. (ALex is in every deck I want to use which is the saddest part lol. But not going to be able to get a Control Warrior running anytime soon as it needs at least 3 Legends to run well.)

  19. Writing up the first post of the Battle for Graterras. SO don't worry, it is on the way.

  20. WE 100% structuring this like the Percy Jackson Series or what? (if I should be asking this in pm, I think you can add me to the PM with Stratos, would make talking about it much simpler, than having to relay info to 2 people. I think I will help to the concept off the ground rather than run it myself.) Looking forward to working with you if you will have me though.
  21. Yea, do come on the server. I probably won't be there often, I only dip in on occasion. But, it is definitely a blast everytime I do lol. @Ark, actually really like that song, nice and mellow, really feels me. Also I think my Intro was about a year ago now, or it was at least a couple of months at this point.
  22. Ark never gave me a theme.......guess I am wasn't special enough, huh? But yea it is late as heck, so not many will be on, you will get a few more though I am sure.
  23. Well let me be the first to welcome you then. They call me Hukuna Sensai, or the RP Sensai. I typically only lurk in the depths of the RP forum I call home. COme check it out if you at all interested and even if you don't personally RP, come and read out stories here, we greatly appreciate it lol. Hukuna Sensai, Out!~
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