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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. The F2P grind in Hearthstone.....so freaking real..........NEED ALEXSTRAZA........Why you got to be in every deck I want to play?

  2. Jupiter-Wall Team "Aye, I guess we will." She said as she burped loudly. "Whoops sorry." she said with a giggle. "Haven't pigged out like that in awhile. We best get back into our gear, and get to the town square I am sure Orpheaus is waiting for us. He is patient though, but I am not worried about him, it is Brass who will chew us out." Brass-Wall Team 2 Brass tried to hide his displeasure with being interrupted in his Meditation, but Brass wasn't very good at hiding things. "Alright Marcus, we will head over right away." He said, probably looking extremely goofy trying to fake smile. The Giant Stood up, and grabbed his Walking Stick. "It comes time Earth Brother, remember, even though the Earth may reel back from you, you are the one that has to calm it. Treat it as if that Black Tar feeling isn't there and it will heed your call. Just remember what happened at the bridge and you will be fine." Orpheaus-Town Square, Briefing. The heros had gathered. Along with many of the militia and villagers. Orpheaus stood in the middle of the group of them, in his Golden Armour, Brass next to him. Orpheaus had a much different air about him this time. One could feel the passion welling up from him. The energy didn't feel hostile, but more like a positive energy. His eyes seemed to glow with the passion to fight, so that others didn't have to. It was clear now why Brass had utmost confidence in the Victonari. "Lend me your ears everyone! This will be a bloody struggle. Especially, now that we know of a Death Knight heading this army of the Undead. However, that doesn't matter, even if we hadn't known we would still fight with our all to protect these homes of yours. Undead don't have the things we do. We have Courage, we have Spirit, and most importantly, we have the power to overcome any odds. We cannot lose to this soulless creatures." He drew his sword and held it high above his head. He then planted it into the ground. "We all fight as one today. There is no time for the squabbles of the past. Nothing can divide us if we all fight with our spirits as one." Militia and Villagers started to cheer, and for once Brass didn't stop them. The cheering and whopping wasn't a celebration this time, it was hundreds of unified souls showing they were ready. Though many of the faces in the crowd were forgotten, no one would even forget what happened that day, during the battle of Passtrough. "To the Heros who entered town this day to help us fight, May I ask you a favor? We still must come up with a plan of attack. I would like you to all meet me in the Boar's Head Inn." and with that his speech ended. He bowed to the people around him. and trudged off in the direction of the Inn he had mentioned. Most of the Heros had already gathered in the same area. "I guess we should follow him" said Odin. The Dwarf Father had a somewhat grave look on his face, but he wasn't one to quit the others knew this. He had fought hard in the battle of Brinestar (more like slaughter of Brinestar.), even taking down the disgusting General. "Aye, I do believe so." said a familiar rocky voice. Brass had come to join the heros. "This meeting is a little more in depth than the run-down I gave you guys earlier, now that we know of the Death Knight."
  3. He was rounding up the people for me basically, that didn't happen in a second. WOuld ahve been easy to spot you guys though, you were on the roof.
  4. Playing Awesomenauts again with a friend of mine. Left CLick Skree is bloody good lol. Auto-Hit auto-attacks in a game where everybody else has to aim their's? Yes please!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Simon


      Yea, I played all of them. I suck with Skree cause I haven't played with him alot, but I love Sentry.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Skree is pretty easy other than knowing when to totem. (p.s. you can hold it down to throw it further.), other wise build auot-upgrades first, then go into saw. Hitting the first hit of saw can be hard, but if you don't need the burst of it to kill someone, you can leave it on a wave to push a lane really hard. (also if you right click while the blade is flying sideways, you can stop it mid-air instead of finishing it's flight path and then hanging in mid air.) Hitting Towers/not havi...

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      also, I don't go boots on him. He is already fast enough. I go Medi-i-can, Starstorm Staue, and I forget the other.....not power pills though. If you want to be less weak to burst definitely get Pills, but I can dodge most abilites so I opt to not use it.

  5. Yea if only you got to choose your nation. I might participate to brush up my skills since I need a lot of that lol. Luckily my schedule for now is flexible, so I shouldn't have to much trouble lol. Looking forward to it! (Anything but Fairy for the love of stuff........)
  6. Yea I get the jist, but now I am changing my mind. I don't know if the gaps will make interaction better necessarily. Some things may get lost in it, and just feeling it would be hard for a Dragon/RIder team to work together without being able to directly talk to a partner. Battles would take longer since you would need to rely info from places so we could fight each other. I just see it getting a little out of hand.
  7. oh interesting, but it is going to get weird, let the others have input in that first, not just me.
  8. Um, sure so long as they know what is going on around here etc. I hope they can get along with other people around here. (also direct them towards any other RP's they may like too.) having a bit of new blood in this RP forum wouldn't be too bad, seeing as our numbers are thinning.
  9. Jupiter-Wall Team "I have lived alone for a little while now, since my brother passed. He was deadly ill and I took care of him for the most part. Shame his life was cut so short. Never had a mom, well I did, but she died during child birth, my dad was the only one I had for awhile. All the other girls used to make fun of me saying I was too much like a boy." She sighed. "It was in my nature I guess, but I didn't care. Others thought I was strange for other reasons, mostly that I don't wear shoes. I don't tell people this often, but I hate wearing shoes. It feels unnatural to me. I like to feel the dirt and the grass in-between my toes. Hell, I don't even like the trappings of clothing, but got to be decent in public." She giggled. "You know Helze, you are pretty without all that armour on, I don't know why you would wear such bulky stuff. I would feel like I am being suffocated for sure." Orpheaus-Frontliners Orpheaus strolled over to the others trying not to alert them to much to his presence, as not to set of Sigurd again. He had regained his composure for the most part. "Marcus, the final preparations are underway, could I ask you to gather all you companions? I will be changing into my armour. All of a sudden Odin appeared, with Jeneve and Nero in tow. He looked ragged like he had been running for some time, Jeneve also looked tired. Nero on the other hand looked a bit dusty, but was otherwise fine. "Oi, we need to talk to all of ya, there is bad trouble coming." Odin said, panting between words. "There is a Death Knight in the Forest. Steele was fighting him, but there is no way he lasted, he saved us and somehow Nero got away." "A Death Knight? Here? This isn't good." Orpheaus said, a serious look coming over his face. "This is grave news. Luckily, all you heros are here, without all of you.....we wouldn't be able to even combat this. A Death Knight is a powerful undead, all of you would be wise to not underestimate it." "Anyway, Marcus, most definitly gather the others, we need to plan for war, meet me at the the town center where we talked before." With that Orpheaus turned, he walked with a renewed passion. Fighting Spirit could be felt flowing from him, as he strode away to get his armour and his sword, Sunglimmer.
  10. Yea I would say just cut his age down a bit, he sounds like it wold be better for him to be younger anyway, that way he is more brash (and more likely to have gotten himself into his situation lol. I will look over it in a sec.)
  11. Yes, I assumed it was Present Day. It is at least far enough that Rose had a cellphone and no one batted an eye, like it was a common thing.
  12. Happy B-Day Stratos, From Hukuna Sensai~

  13. Yea they don't need much, it is other stages that need it to be a lot of stuff.
  14. It is hard for me to say 4 is enough, like really hard lol. But then again I don't want you guys to go insane lol. Trust me though the more the better, there would be a lot of important crap in their lives seeing as they were thousands of years.
  15. Reminder for those in Graterras, cut off for character intractions etc before the battle is sometime Tuesday. When exactly not sure, but make sure you got everything wrapped up if you can.

  16. I know man, why I am not going to get bent up about it lol, I just need it for ease of reading. Dragons can easily become Sues if we aren't careful so I need to have as much understanding as possible, I wouldn't be cracking down this hard if it wasn't an RP where you are playing a Dragon lol.
  17. I would like to see a bit more to his backstory (Like, I am saying a minimum of 4 paragraphs at least for an Elder you need a wide breathe of time for such a character.), remember he was alive for 100's of year if he is close to being an elder. Only other thing, is if you can try and touch up your grammar if you can, this back-story is going to be decently long so It needs to be clear and precise on what you are trying to tell us.
  18. No need to worry man, I have pretty much kept the fort for the most part while you were away. We haven't really had any significant problems we haven't solved without being able to talk it out. Thanks for popping in though lol, I appreciate knowing we got somebody out there looking out for us. If anything comes up I will let you know though. Humble Regards, ~Hukuna RP Sensai signing out.
  19. I did in the second post, but I will say it again H.ukuna H.ole D.etector Q.uestion A.rtillery. It is a potent tool for weeding out the finer points, making sure World Building, Lore and plot are good to go. And I guess you can call me that, just don't know if I will answer it lol Already too much crap people call me, it might not register on the list in my brain lol.
  20. Jupiter-Wall Team Jupiter ravaged her way through her food, quickly finishing before laying back. She her left leg over her right, showing the pads of her feet, they were rather rough looking, as if she walked around bare-foot all the time, and Helze figured she did seeing as she did it all during training. "It is a beautiful day, huh?" she said, a faint smile on her face. "A shame those bastards are going to ruin it." a green flame burned in those emerald eyes once again. Her face suddenly softened though, the flames disappearing quickly as they came. "Anything you want to ask me about while we are lazing about? I couldn't really think of anything to ask you myself." her voice returning to that almost sickly sweet tone.
  21. Oh and Sups (that is what I am calling you from now on Supernovae, cause I feel like it.) this is definitely well though out. The HHQDA was deployed, there is no running from it. It will make sure you have your plot, lore and world building top notch.
  22. Yea it is interesting to say the least. Kinda makes people feel very Bardy to me, but I am a D and D person, only reason I feel that way lol. (and no I don't actually like the Memorizing shit in D and D, it is such a bad system imo....it makes like no sense. Just in-case somebody asks lol.)
  23. I don't think Apoths can as they are not listed as having skill in magic. I think they are more of a light warrior type class, mixed with a posioncraft Rogue. (with a bit of healing in there as well.), Stratos has to tell you the rest though as he didn't clue me in on 100% everything so that I personally don't know off the top of my head.
  24. Looks like I got a new pupil under my wing guys. (going to avoid names as of now, don't want them to get scared lol.) You guys will find out in time.

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