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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Hopefully it is nowhere near messed up as it is in the Game based on it.....like that fight is so gross lol.
  2. Yea, she has a sister and a sort of Father Figure in Odin. (if you haven't noticed Odin kinda attached to her, probably to help him with his grief of losing his son.)
  3. P.S. never tempt a host guys, it is like asking us to kill your character. (and we won't feel too bad about it lol, espicially if they are evil/can't die permanently. )
  4. Cool Cool, and Nova kinda just disappeared out of nowhere, so don't know where the heck she went.
  5. Yep, I agree, Jory and Nova haven't really replied in a long time, we need to get this moving.
  6. I guess it is obvious the last god is a god of Balance, However, I cannot talk about him at all at this time. Just no there is a reason you can't be a priest of his, that is all I am saying right now. You can join but I need to see the character and try and work with you to fit it into the world, especially if it is a priest of a Minorish God, since I assume you mean one that doesn't exist yet, rather than the Major Gods Pantheons. (considering 2 of them aren't available for players.), I would have to approve it/tell you if it exists in my world or not. and just something fun. There used to be 10 Gods in the main pantheon, but something happened. I wonder what it was?
  7. I could be just saying that Flux, But you will have to play through the battle to find out everything that happens won't you?
  8. Aye thank you Miss Zephyr, oh and Grammer and spelling have never been my strong suits lol. Spelling more so, because I can't help but try and spell Phonetically, trust me, without Spell check here It would be so much worse lol. Grammer I think I just don't care enough to be 100% exact, if you get what I am saying that is all that really matters imo. Also, I am debating sending Hawke with the party actually, he is a very naive man (if that wasn't clear) and has room to grow. I just don't want to add another combat based NPC. After Brass and Orpheaus spilt from you guys I am going to try and limit combat NPCs to Odin and Jupiter. (And Odin is technically an NPC, but he is the closet thing to my PC during this story.)
  9. Name: Phobos Species: Emerald Dragon Age: Close to Elder Age. Ancestry: Almost all other Emerald Dragons, but has a tinge of Amethyst, probably a Grandparent. Appearance: Long Slender build, Has a sort of vulture like appearance with a long gaunt face. Wings are light and well attuned for flying. He has long slender horns. Typical Dragon Body with 4 legs and Bat-like wings. Has Brilliant Emerald Green Scales, that luminescence slightly in bright light. He has a light Lavender spot above his eyes right in his brows. Due to his seemingly small frame he is typically underestimated by others, assuming he is weaker or a younger dragon. He however is adept with weaving magic and planning traps etc. He has Long Frightening Talons. Backstory: Aye, a bloody tale is that of the Dragon Phobos. Not much is known of his early whelp life, other than his father and Mother were both Emerald's like he, he had a sister in his litter as well. Years passed, Phobos a new Juvenile preparing to leave the nest as he crawled towards young adulthood. However it was not to be that peaceful. Men had found their lair. They wore many types of armour, but bore a rather significant gold Pin on their traveling clocks. The Ornate Symbol of a Gold Lance being driven into the Skull of a Dragon. Some of them also had it emblazoned on their Shields and Armour as well. There were many of them, so many they overwhelmed Phobos's Father before the Alarm spells he had set on the cave entrance could even go off. His Mother Held off the men while He and his sister escaped. Phobos was never the same, he became paranoid, sometimes almost attacking his sister when she entered the cave they lived into together. She saw as he fell further into his paranoia, though there wasn't much she could do about it. There was came a time he even started to fear Gold, thinking if it was in the cave it would be easier for the Golden Ones (as he called them) to find them again. He didn't have much interest in treasure like his sister did after that, and would always throw the gold in a nearby river. It Became Known as the Golden River as a nearby town always would find gold washing up on the shore. They had now reached adulthood, but Phobos's sister didn't want to leave him to create her own nest, she felt like she was the only thing keeping him sane at this point. He obsessed over Protecting the cave and got lost in his trap making so much so one day he didn't even notice his sister went out to hunt. He would usually accompany her to make sure she was fine. However, the One night he didn't go, was the last night she ever lived. A strange man and another dragon this one Gold in color attacked her. She had never seen a man riding a Dragon before. The Dragon Rider attacked due to thinking she was a Green Dragon, the light being low. Phobos had arrived, however he could't move from the treeline, the Gold Dragon scared him. He ran living his sister too die. He now descended into madness, angry at the world for taking everything from him, He now planned his revenge on the Golden ones, and those who rode Dragons. He spent years fuming in his caves, growing his territory and hunting grounds all the while. He only collected Silver Coins, still dumping any Gold he found in the river, more out of ritual now, then actual fear. He spent 400 years planning, wondering if he could get some less savory races on his side by intimidating them into submission. But he also turned to powerful magic artifacts. He hunted them, listening to local legends and happenstance somehow remaining hidden. He hadn't heard of anything of note yet.
  10. Yea, there will be a few more posts before we jump to night. I want to have everybody meet up, and we will get down to business.
  11. Yep, definitely will co-write this. and yea, maybe it is best we lose those lol. It would make it a bit complicated lol.
  12. For each one? Sure I can handle it lol. I think I will read up on Mithril Dragons, just to make sure they don't ever become a problem. I think we should opt for the backstory option, this way people understand why we can't always just willy nilly hand you the reins to roleplaying a dragon. Dragons are tough beings to Roleplay in a meaningful way, without just being something that destroys everything in it's path. They have weaknesses just like every other creature, they just seem to have none. P.S. if this does end up starting I am going to have to crack the whip a bit, what this means is i am going to be extra on edge for this RP. This is a tough thing to roleplay and I am going to be a little less inclined to let things slide on this one. Don't worry, I will still be the Hukuna Sensai you guys remember, just need to make sure nobody goes full Sue on us, because it is very easy to cross that line as a Dragon. (How we handling Naturally learned spells from Dragons? that might be only a 2nd edition thing, but if it isn't we using that or no?)
  13. Na, aren't any dragons in the area. They tend to stay far away from the Shadowed Isles. The Shadow Dragons in my world are actually much more powerful (but no their breathe weapon is not that stupid life stealing thing.....that is ridiculous.). Why they are, can't tell you quite yet, But most Dragons are of the mind of why bother putting up with them when they can take more normal lands for their own.
  14. I am going to post this here quickly, I got Gemstone Dragons covered, if you want to know more about them just ask me, a PM would be best or ask in the other thread, for Murdoc's Sake I want avoid any questions being asked here to avoid cluttering this thread. (But Hukuna you are doing that right now. ) On the other hand, since for now I am assuming I am assisting you in this RP, do you wish for me to submit my main character here, or should I send it directly to you?
  15. Yea it is pretty sad, wanted him to play a bigger role, but he doesn't really fit into the story as a character that can stick around. Really sucks for me lol.
  16. Coatls I think are a bit too ambiguously good, like that is their defining feature, I think they wouldn't make strong enough characters. The other 2, I don't know very much about, since they are new to me, so I can't really say lol.
  17. It is really weird. But sharing Graterras with the people who venture into the RP Forum, it feels like sharing a piece of my very soul with you. SO much of my TIme, Effort, Blood, Tears, Sweat, and the very fiber of my being went into making it. ANd it is great to see people interact with the characters I created and learn of a strange new world. THis is why I got into RPing, this is why I teach those of you who decide to stick around. THere is nothing like creating something with people, eve...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      *glomps Hukuna*

    3. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      And a new ship sailed-- nah jk I'm not into that kind of thing lol

      Group glomp

      *glomps Hukuna-sensei too*

    4. K_H


      *Glomps Murdoc and Zephyr with a Giant Hammer*

  18. Na, he would have done it anyway, to save you guys before you choose to stay, though you would have never known he was a dragon in disguise.
  19. I intended for him to land outside a ways, I mean Steele is strong, but not that strong to throw him all the way. Steele sadly had to die at that point in time (and reveal he was a dragon), otherwise Nero would surely have died to the Death Knight. (do remember the Death Knight has a name, I just don't refer to him as it because Death Knights rarely will be, their names are removed from history. However you can't erase memories easily in the world of Graterras, and that is why Steele knew who he was. He was alive [though a very young Dragon], when the tales of our Death Knight Friend spread across the lands.)
  20. I actually kinda don't want any of the undead dragons, I feel they should't be in it. For me Dracoliches are the only Dragons that really work, but I don't think players would actually want to be a Dracolich (as they are actually weaker than their living forms.), should have read some of those more thoroughly Murdoc lol. The basic Dragons plus the Gem Dragons are what we should go with. (sorry I really want to have a crazy paranoid Emerald Dragon, cause I love how they are characterized, I don't like how in 3rd Edition Gem Dragons became Elemental Beings though always thought it was weird.) Should we decide on a list of what Dragons will exist in this world?
  21. Oh and be prepared for the very forces of hell to descend upon you, The Battle of Passtrough Draws near. I will give you guys a chance to group up and talk to each other if you want but otherwise, I will soon be skipping up to the battle. It is going to be rough, crazy and full of action. (and maybe a few more surprise reveals.) Steele is a Steel Dragon by the way, and also is the dragon Orpheaus "Slew". So Orpheaus is not actually powerful enough to kill a Dragon, just persuasive enough to pull one out of a murderous rage. (Steel Dragons actually enjoy being around Humans and Demi-Human Races, and Steele's story isn't an important one, I won't go into too much detail. Sadly, he is going to die horribly.).
  22. Scout Team "So you both aren't terrible warriors, either way, you will both die here." The Death Knight Laughed, a picture of pure horror. "My Army is here now, the endless tides of Bones and despair will destroy you." An ominous rattling came from the forest, bones clinked and rattled all around. A Fire could be seen, as a Giant Skeletal Beast Arrived. It was made of a slew of assorted creature bones, and looked as if every one was from a separate creature. A grotesque Fire Burned it what could be considered it's belly, and as such the bones around it seemed to be covered in soot. However, the bones otherwise didn't seem to be damaged. This must have been one of those Infernal Bone Golems Brass mentioned. Steele looked straight at Nero. "You will be important in the upcoming battle, get to your friends, I am not going to let you stay here and die for nothing." and with that Steele started to glow. His clothes started tearing as his form started to grow. Wings started to sprout back from his back. and all of a sudden before Nero stood a Dragon. His Scales were the color of Burnished Steel. He stood on 2 legs, and had too Mighty Wings. He spoke in a voice that sounded as if a sword clanged against another. "It is time for you to fly Nero." He drew back both his wings and started took to the sky grabbing Nero in one of his claws. "Don't worry about me, I am going to take out as many as I can." with that he threw Nero from his talons, and Nero felt himself speeding towards the town. and then he felt his body slow down. It wasn't an impact though. He started to fall softly to the ground as if he was a feather. He heard the sounds of a mad dragon fighting in the forest. Maybe he could defeat the Death Knight. However he looked like he was a very young Dragon, even he might not be powerful enough.
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